Just Because

What kinds of things do you do, just because? Because you like them, because they are necessary, because they bring you joy?

Brushing your teeth, getting dressed, making meals. Watching sports, going camping, that “every year” Christmas movie. Gardening, playing with the grandkids, going for a walk, spending time with friends.

Most all of these are done just because. No special reason or demand dictates it.

That’s how I feel about my morning quiet time – just because!

When I woke up this morning, my heart was filled with so much love and thanksgiving to the Lord.

Just because…because He’s God, because He loves me, because He knows me and loves me still.

When Jesus was born, wise men from the East saw His star and came to worship Him just because. History tells us they had read of this phenomenon and at its appearing, set out to find the King of the Jews.

For the heavens to provide such a brilliant light truly was a significant thing. Something they could not ignore. Something they must research and discover. This wasn’t a “just because” event. It had required preparation. It was an expensive venture to fund, supplies to purchase, the right camels needed to be selected for the journey, and the right team of associates to aid them in their quest. It was a time-consuming journey.

” Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in the country of Judea. It was the time when Herod was king of that part of the country. Soon after Jesus was born, some wise men who learned things from stars came to Jerusalem from the East. They asked, ‘Where is the King of the Jews Who has been born? We have seen His star in the East. We have come to worship Him.’…After the king had spoken, they went on their way. The star they had seen in the East went before them. It came and stopped over the place where the young Child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were filled with much joy. 11 They went into the house and found the young Child with Mary, His mother. Then they got down before Him and worshiped Him. They opened their bags of riches and gave Him gifts of gold and perfume and spices.” Matthew 2:1-11 NLV

Their journey ended in worship.

I hope you find time to worship Him today – just because!

Over the Top

I spent quite a bit of time thinking about heaven yesterday. It would have been my Mom’s 99th birthday but she left earth for heaven fifteen months ago. At 97 her body was weak but now that she’s in heaven her energy, strength and overall well-being is restored.

As Dave and I took some time to talk about the joys of heaven, we concluded that it really is impossible to comprehend the amazing home the Father has planned for each of us who love him.

The garden of Eden was perfect and wonderful, but heaven is over-the-top. All of this pondering brings me to a place of worship. Not worship because of things that He has done for me, although those are many, but worship just because of Who He is!

One defintion in Merriam-Webster for worship is excessive admiration for someone. Excessive – our God is excessive.

He didn’t just create five colors and quit – He was excessive. He didn’t just create six kinds of fish or seven different fruits or eight varieties of flowers. He created thousands of animals, birds, and trees. He created millions of stars, countless galaxies, hundreds of millions of people with individual fingerprints and unique DNA.


He gave us one Son who willingly paid the price for the sins of the whole world.


“My Lord, there is no God like you. No one can do what you have done. 9 My Lord, you made everyone. I wish they all would come worship you and honor your name. 10 You are great and do amazing things. You and you alone are God. 11 Lord, teach me your ways, and I will live and obey your truths. Help me make worshiping your name the most important thing in my life. 12 My Lord God, I praise you with all my heart. I will honor your name forever! 13 You have such great love for me. You save me from the place of death. 14 Proud people are attacking me, God. A gang of cruel men is trying to kill me. They don’t respect you. 15 My Lord, you are a kind and merciful God. You are patient, loyal, and full of love.” Psalm 86: 8-15 ERV

Will you join me this morning in worship? Let’s show some excessive admiration and love to the One, the Only, Father God, creator of heaven and earth. He is incomparable – His character is over-the-top!

Good, Better, Best

The last few days we have been watching a number of YouTube videos.

First ones were on auto repair because we (Dave) needed to replace an alternator. But then we started watching some just for fun. Looking at RV’s, 5th wheel trailers in general, toy haulers in particular.

We’ve always wanted to have a 5th wheel that we take trips with. We spent several summers living in an RV while we were in Iowa working so we have a pretty good idea of what we want and don’t want as far as design, build and options go.

All seem good, some are better and then there are those we consider the best.

But we do that with everything don’t we? Compare, I mean.

Making choices; which is right, who is better, what is best… The only real comparison that is necessary is the one that puts our decisions and choices in line with the word of God.

If we compare ourselves to others the Bible says we are unwise. And if we compare others to ourselves we generally end up judging.  We’re told that as  man we can only look on the outward appearance but the Lord sees the heart. So that really isn’t an accurate comparison either.

But when we compare ourselves to God’s word it will bring light and life to our situation. It will guide us in truth and that is a solid foundation.

“Our Lord, let the heavens now praise your miracles, and let all of your angels praise your faithfulness. 6 None who live in the heavens
can compare with you. 7 You are the most fearsome of all who live in heaven; all the others fear and greatly honor you. 8 You are Lord God All-Powerful! No one is as loving and faithful as you are. 9 You rule the roaring sea and calm its waves. 10 You crushed the monster Rahab, and with your powerful arm you scattered your enemies. 11The heavens and the earth belong to you. And so does the world
with all its people because you created them 12 and everything else.
Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon gladly praise you. 13 You are strong and mighty! 14 Your kingdom is ruled by justice and fairness
with love and faithfulness leading the way. 15 Our Lord, you bless those who join in the festival and walk in the brightness of your presence. 16 We are happy all day because of you, and your saving power brings honor to us. 17 Your own glorious power makes us strong, and because of your kindness, our strength increases. 18 Our Lord and our King, the Holy One of Israel, you are truly our shield.” Psalm 89:5-18 CEV

We don’t want to settle for anything less than the best.

Lord, nothing I desire compares with You!