A Special Gift

Every morning I thank the Lord for the opportunity He has given me to share words of encouragement with you. It’s what I love to do!

This is the 4th anniversary of Kristi’s Morning Devotional and it has been such a joy to lay my fingers on the keyboard and write what the Father has put on my heart. Who knew there was a lesson to be learned from mushrooms?

I appreciate the comments you share through email and on Facebook. Knowing that the Holy Spirit is encouraging you touches my heart. If these brief morning thoughts strengthen you throughout your day, if they remind you that you are never alone and if they help direct you in the decisions you are facing then I am thrilled.

Each day the Lord gives us is a special gift. Each morning is a page waiting to be filled with His goodness and grace. Each evening is an opportunity to reflect on the His love and mercy. Each hour is an opportunity to draw on His strength and direction.

“This day belongs to the Lord! Let’s celebrate and be glad today.” Psalm 118:24 CEV

I am committed to continue writing as long as the Lord gives me the words to pen. I want the Father to be glorified through each posting. He, alone, is worthy of all praise and adoration.

Last night I had a dream that I was teaching at a church gathering. The theme of the message was “A Deeper Relationship”. Never do I want to present religious ideas or manmade doctrines. My goal and desire is for all who read my writings or hear my words to know that our heavenly Father is a father who desires relationship.

One of our children once told Dave and I “I see now how much you guys gave up, how much you sacrificed for us as we were growing up. I want you to know how much I appreciate it all. I love you”.

As I grow in relationship with the Father each day I appreciate His love so much more. I want that for each and everyone of you. And I hope that you desire that as well; for yourselves, your friends and family.

When Jesus sent His disciples out to preach the message of the life changing power of God, He told them this:

“Jesus sent out the twelve apostles with these instructions: …Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!” Matthew 10:5-8 NLT

We have been given the same instruction. Freely give. The life giving message of God’s love is a gift to be freely given. It is my hope that as you receive from this daily blog that you will share it with others.

In the past four years, the blog has been read nearly 50,000 times. That humbles me. But my hope is that many more will read it and come to know the unconditional, amazing love and joy that come from being in relationship with the Father.

Will you help me spread this good news? Please share my blog with your friends and let’s see God’s word reach thousands more. There is no greater gift than the gift of God’s love.