Keep Doing Right

Do you know how often I stop to pray for you?

Of course, it’s always first thing in the morning when the Lord fills my heart with what He wants to share but it’s also during the day when I am impressed with how blessed I am to be able to share God’s love with you each day.

I can relate with the Apostle Paul and his greeting to the Christians in the church of Philippi. I will probably never meet many of you this side of heaven, but I hold you in my heart and my prayers.

 Every time I think of you, I thank my GodAnd whenever I mention you in my prayers, it makes me happy. This is because you have taken part with me in spreading the good news from the first day you heard about it. God is the one who began this good work in you, and I am certain that he won’t stop before it is complete on the day that Christ Jesus returns.

7 You have a special place in my heart. So it is only natural for me to feel the way I do. All of you have helped in the work God has given me, as I defend the good news and tell about it here in jail. God himself knows how much I want to see you. He knows I care for you in the same way Christ Jesus does.

I pray that your love will keep on growing and you will fully know and understand 10 how to make the right choices. Then you will still be pure and innocent when Christ returns. And until that day, 11 Jesus Christ will keep you busy doing good deeds that bring glory and praise to God.” Philippians 1:3-11 CEV

Growing and making the right choices.

What are the right choices? I’m so glad you asked.

“Each one of you is part of the body of Christ, and you were chosen to live together in peace. So let the peace that comes from Christ control your thoughts. And be grateful…17 Whatever you say or do should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks to God the Father because of him.” Colossians 3:15-17 CEV

Remember a few years ago when people were wearing those bracelets, WWJD? That’s a good way to do right. But this just wasn’t a new concept that Paul was teaching. No, God had put it in place thousands of years before. This is what Moses said:

 You must be sure to obey the commands of the Lord your God. You must follow all the teachings and laws he has given you. 18 You must do what is right and good—what pleases the Lord. Then everything will go well for you, and you can go in and take the good land that the Lord promised your ancestors.” Deuteronomy 6:17-18 ERV

Solomon said this: “Doing what is right and fair pleases the Lord more than an offering.” Proverbs 21:3 CEV

And Isaiah recorded this: “ The Lord said these things, ‘Be fair to all people. Do what is right, because soon my salvation will come to you. My goodness will soon be shown to the whole world.‘” Isaiah 56:1 ERV

“When people live to please the Lord, even their enemies will be at peace with them.” Proverbs 16:7 ERV

Doing what is right is good; we will never go wrong making the right choices. We may be misunderstood by those around us; we may even be judged unfairly. But, when our heart is right before God, we please Him and that’s more than enough!

Promise Made, Promise Kept

When our oldest two children were in kindergarten and first grade we lived in the little community of Arlington, AZ. Arlington is in the middle of farmland and there was only a little store and a post office. So, we would take a break from baling hay when we could and go for a treat at the Dairy Queen which was 30 miles away.

If we told the kids we were taking them on Friday you can be sure that Friday morning they started reminding us of our promise. After all, a promise made is a promise kept.

That’s what I want you to remember about this morning’s verses from Ephesians. God, the Father, is a loving parent and when He makes a promise He keeps it.

“Children, you belong to the Lord, and you do the right thing when you obey your parents. The first commandment with a promise says,  “Obey your father and your mother, and you will have a long and happy life.

 Parents, don’t be hard on your children. Raise them properly. Teach them and instruct them about the Lord.” Ephesians 6:1-4 CEV

Not only does the Bible give instruction to the children it also gives us, as parents, instruction.

“Fathers, do not be too hard on your children so they will become angry. Teach them in their growing years with Christian teaching.” Ephesians 6:4 NLV

We are to teach our children well. Teach them to be honest, loving, kind, understanding, respectful, and obedient. But, our teaching methods should never be harsh or demeaning. We should refrain from ridicule and criticism and instead use the same characteristics and qualities that God uses as He helps us to grow and mature into His image.

Speak the truth in love.

This same instruction follows through in our workplace relationships. Whether we are the employer or the employee, we have a responsibility before God to act in a way that pleases Him.

“Slaves, you must obey your earthly masters. Show them great respect and be as loyal to them as you are to ChristTry to please them at all times, and not just when you think they are watching. You are slaves of Christ, so with your whole heart you must do what God wants you to do. Gladly serve your masters, as though they were the Lord himself, and not simply people. You know that you will be rewarded for any good things you do, whether you are slaves or free.

 Slave owners, you must treat your slaves with this same respect. Don’t threaten them. They have the same Master in heaven that you do, and he doesn’t have favorites.” Ephesians 6:5-9 CEV

If we are in someone’s employ we should be respectful and obedient. If they ask us to do something that goes contrary to God’s word, it’s time to look for a new job. We should work in such a way that God is pleased with what we do. He will reward us for our diligence.

And if we are in a place of authority with others working for us we must also please the Lord in how we lead. Those working for us should be treated with respect and we should never ask them to do something that would go against God’s instruction to us. God doesn’t play favorites.

Isaiah tells us this: “ If you are willing and obey, you will eat the best of the land.” Isaiah 1:19 NLV

Remember, a promise made is a promise kept. And God’s promises are much better than an ice cream.

What Are You Holding?

Yesterday we visited an old church, a very old church. It was constructed in the early 4th century. It was built by Constantine the Great at the request of his mother St. Helena who was returning to Rome from a religious pilgrimage.

I tell you this because I thought the church was built in the mid 1500’s and told that to a few people. I was wrong.

I had picked up a pamphlet yesterday and hoped to get a more thorough education as to its history. I took the one that was written in English on the cover however, the language inside is not. What I learned about the church was from further research on-line.

The church is called The Monastery of Panagia Ekatontapiliani, literally meaning the church of 100 doors.

Now why am I giving you this brief history lesson? There is a purpose.

Dave, who has done his fair share of construction, looked at things differently than I did when we toured the church. He was intrigued by the rows of chiseled stone that created the great domes inside the church. They are a marvel to modern engineering. How long did it take to possession them, one applying pressure to another to keep them in place, to keep them from falling.

We began to talk about how many years it must have taken, the skill it required and the dedication for not only the workers but their families. I remember the accounts that are given in the Bible of the skilled craftsmen that built the tabernacle in the wilderness and the those who built the Temple in King Solomon’s day.

 I have chosen Bezalel from the Judah tribe to make the sacred tent and its furnishings. 3-5 Not only have I filled him with my Spirit, but I have given him wisdom and made him a skilled craftsman who can create objects of art with gold, silver, bronze, precious stones, and wood.” Exodus 31:2-4 CEV

“Solomon also gave orders to make the following temple furnishings out of gold: the altar, the tables that held the sacred loaves of bread,[b] 20 the lampstands and the lamps that burned in front of the most holy place, 21 flower designs, lamps and tongs, 22 lamp snuffers, small sprinkling bowls, ladles, fire pans, and the doors to the most holy place and the main room of the temple.” II Chronicles 4:19-22 CEV

I believe the Lord gave these skills to those workers who built this church also.

So often those working behind the scenes are overlooked but their calling from God is just as great.

When the Lord called Moses to represent Him and deliver the Israelites from Egypt He didn’t call a man who had great leadership skills. In fact, Moses was a shepherd in the desert. God asked Moses a question:

“The Lord answered, ‘What’s that in your hand?’ ‘A walking stick,’ Moses replied.” Exodus 4:2 CEV

If the Lord asked you the same question what would your reply be?

A teacher’s grade book, a nurses’ blood pressure cuff, a mechanics wrench, a programmer’s code, a mother’s apron, a soldier’s weapon, a scientist’s research, a first responders’ training, a fisherman’s lines?

What’s in your hand? Those skilled workers of the 4th century had a heart to build a church that would be used to honor God, a place filled with worship. Their craftsmanship remains as a testimony to their dedication.

Let the Lord use the very tools that He has placed in your hands to do the same!

What Should I Wear?

I used to stand in my closet picking an outfit for the day. My work attire was business suits and heels, and for a little variety there would be a flowing skirt and tailored blouse. Those days are long past.

I still want to look nice and some days deciding what to wear is more difficult than others.

“That’s too tight, or too short, or oops is has a spot.”

I have fun wearing my “Scripture” t-shirts but I can’t fill my closet with them. Yes, deciding what to wear can be a challenge.

Did you know that the Bible has something to say about our wardrobe? I know what you’re thinking, “Kristi, the Bible doesn’t give fashion advice”. Oh, but it does.

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. 26 When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.” Proverbs 31:25-26 NLT

“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy” Psalm 30:11 NLT

God wants us to look nice, He wants us to have a fitting attire so He clothes us in strength and dignity, with a splash of joy.

 But that isn’t what you learned about Christ. 21 Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, 22 throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. 23 Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.” Ephesians 4:20-24 NLT

If I read this correctly, we should be cleaning out our closets, getting rid of some stuff. Things like deception, anger, bitterness, and jealousy. We should replace them with new thoughts and attitudes, clothed in the Father’s nature which is righteous and holy.

“For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes.” Galatians 3:26-27 NLT

Not everyone will look the same. This wardrobe is versatile. It can be dressy and classic or casual and relaxed. However, it will always glorify the Father and point those around us to Him.

“And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.” Colossians 3:17 NLT

Now, go get dressed and have an amazing day!

Plan Your Day

Monday…a new week is starting, what do you have planned? 

It’s possible that you already have important meetings scheduled. Doctor’s appointments, business meetings, interviews…the list goes on. Or maybe you are getting ready to start your summer vacation and have so many last minute preparations – shopping for the small things, reservations, get the car packed, close up the house.

Does your list seem endless?

“And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:17 TLV

What – do ALL – yes all!

God is so practical and He wants to be involved in every area of our lives. He just makes things better when we partner with Him in every project.  I recently told you how I would pray over my grocery list and I have found that cleaning goes much faster and better when I set my mind on singing songs of praise as I dust and vacuum.

There was a time when doing those things left me in such pain that I would need several days to recover so I have plenty of reason to sing now that I have freedom of movement.

Today, I will be baking in my RV oven for the first time. My experience with other ovens similar to mine was they didn’t bake well. The ends of the pan would be under cooked while what was in the center of the pan would be burnt on the bottom. So I’ve prayed for a good baking experience. I want to share cinnamon rolls with my neighbors.

“Commit whatever you do to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. The Lord works everything out for his own purpose…” Proverbs 16:3-4 TLV

There’s that word again – whatever. Any thing, every thing, whatever we do commit it to the Lord.

Years ago, forty plus years, I sat on a hillside under some live oak trees and heard an old cowboy preacher say that he was thankful that the Lord had planted those trees 30 years before that so we could enjoy ourselves, in the shade, on that very day.  That old preacher saw God’s hand in every good thing. I determined that I wanted to see things in the way he did.

May I encourage you today to look for God’s hand of blessing in everything. Whatever you do, commit it to Him and let the Father cause your plans to succeed.