A Shield of Love

I couldn’t sleep last night so I found a movie to watch, Mountain Top. The main character is played by Barry Corbin who is falsely accused of embezzling $100,000. It wouldn’t be top-rated in any genre but the acting was good and the plot was refreshing.

The lead character had an unwavering faith in God’s provision even when those around him doubted. It was that kind of faith that comes from walking with the Lord for years and depending on Him in all situations.

“The Lord is truthful; he can be trusted. He loves justice and fairness, and he is kind to everyone everywhere on earth.” Psalm 33:4-5 CEV

It gave me pause. I’m not always good when people falsely accuse me of wrongdoing. In fact, I’ve been known to jump in and make things worse. This is one area that the Lord is still helping me with – keeping my mouth shut and letting Him defend me.

“Dear friends, don’t try to get even. Let God take revenge. In the Scriptures the Lord says, ‘I am the one to take revenge and pay them back.’” Romans 12:19 CEV

Jesus knew what it was like to be unjustly accused. It seems every time He taught someone was there to malign Him. Jesus would redirect the conversation and point His accusers back to the Father. Even at His trial, He stood silent.

I’m really not sure why the Lord put this subject on my heart this morning, but I know I had to be faithful to write it. Maybe some of you are dealing with false accusations; it could be that you are being threatened with losing your job or a relationship because of lies.

“But let those who trust in you be happy forever. Protect and strengthen those who love your name. 12 Lord, when you bless good people, you surround them with your love, like a large shield that protects them.” Psalms 5:11-12 ERV

I want to encourage you to let the Lord fight the battle. Place yourself behind His shield of love!