Mightier Than The Sword

Every morning I take time to write two or three things I am grateful for as I start my day. It’s not a lengthy process but I have found that starting my day with gratitude greatly influences how the rest of my day will go. As I was finishing the last word in my journal my favorite pen ran out of ink.

This event is far from a crisis but it was disappointing. Writing is a part of who I am and having a pen that fits my hand is important to me. It’s not an expensive pen, in fact, it’s one I picked up in a doctor’s office a couple years back but I was so comfortable with it and now I will need to find a replacement.

As I was lamenting this situation the Lord quickly reminded me that what’s important is not the pen but the words. So true! I had just written I am grateful for wisdom and strength. Strength to face any circumstance and the wisdom to react properly.

My Bible reading took me to the perfect example of wisdom and strength. John, chapter 8, is where Jesus encounters the woman who was caught in adultery. The Pharisees dragged her through the streets and threw her at Jesus feet. They wanted to know if He was going to keep the Law and have her stoned or would he ignore the Law of Moses and give them an opportunity to arrest Him.

“They were saying this to trick Jesus. They wanted to catch him saying something wrong so that they could have a charge against him. But Jesus stooped down and started writing on the ground with his finger.” John 8:6 ERV

Did you notice what Jesus didn’t do? He didn’t speak at first – instead He wrote. We don’t know what He wrote but it must have been powerful because the woman’s accusers left one by one. He used wisdom and displayed strength in this delicate situation. Yes, I am grateful when I use the strength and wisdom the Lord provides.

“They kept on asking Jesus about the woman. Finally, he stood up and said, “If any of you have never sinned, then go ahead and throw the first stone at her!” Once again he bent over and began writing on the ground. The people left one by one, beginning with the oldest.” John 8:7-9 CEV

It was an English author by the name of Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839 who said “The pen is mightier than the sword”. Words can have more of an impact than physical, brute strength. I like what the writer of the book of Hebrews says:

“God’s Word is living and powerful. It is sharper than a sword that cuts both ways. It cuts straight into where the soul and spirit meet and it divides them. It cuts into the joints and bones. It tells what the heart is thinking about and what it wants to do.” Hebrews 4:12 NLV

As we approach a new day and a new week we would do well to fill our hearts and minds with God’s words – they will equip us with wisdom and strength and we will be prepared for any battle.

Yes, the words penned in Scripture are definitely mightier than the sword!