Enjoy the Journey

Right now Dave and I are getting ready to head out on another adventure. We’ve spent the last couple of days getting everything ready.

The camp site is reserved and the 5th-wheel is packed. I have double checked the list making sure I have all the food and clothing items we think we’ll need. Dave has completed his outside checklist; tires, generators, wood, extra fuel, vehicle maintenance, etc. We’ll be heading out this morning.

There’s an excitement that comes with preparation and even more once we arrive but to be honest I sometimes forget to enjoy the journey. Many times I am still working (on my computer or phone), making sure I have a everything done so that I can enjoy myself once we get there. Dave, on the other hand, takes it all in. “Look at this…did you see that”?

What a wake up call I got this morning when I heard the Lord whisper in my ear “Enjoy the journey, Kristi”.

And then…my thoughts went to Mary.

Did she enjoy the journey? She couldn’t have been all that comfortable; riding a donkey, camping along the way. Were her thoughts so consumed with the arrival at their destination and the arrival of her child that she lost sight of the wonder of the trip? None of us would have blamed her if she did.

“So Joseph left Nazareth, a town in Galilee, and went to the town of Bethlehem in Judea. It was known as the town of David. Joseph went there because he was from the family of David. Joseph registered with Mary because she was engaged to marry him. (She was now pregnant.)” Luke 2:4-5 ERV

As a first-time mother, I imagine she kept all that was happening in her heart. I know I can still recall the last few days of my pregnancies. I remember going to Dairy Queen, grocery shopping, vacuuming the floors and watching Monday night football. It was all part of the journey, part of my childrens’ stories.

Mary had so much to take in. A road trip, a crowded city, searching for a place to stay, labor, the stable surrounding her, the support of Joseph, the birth, the Child and the words of the shepherds. Mary didn’t receive any special treatment; no one other than Mary and Joseph knew that her baby was the Messiah.

“So they went running and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the feeding box. 17 When they saw the baby, they told what the angels said about this child. 18 Everyone was surprised when they heard what the shepherds told them. 19 Mary continued to think about these things, trying to understand them.” Luke 2:16-19 ERV

Her journey wasn’t easy. The way was rough. Friends and family didn’t understand she was the virgin who would give birth to the Saviour. But she had started this journey by being obedient to the Lord and she would finish it with the same resolve.

Are we enjoying our journey or are we only focused on the final destination?

Each day the Lord lays a path before us. We can look at the beauty and opportunity in each day or we can complain about the distractions, interruptions and hardships. The choice is ours!

“My brothers and sisters, think of the various tests you encounter as occasions for joy. After all, you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. Let this endurance complete its work so that you may be fully mature, complete, and lacking in nothing.” James 1:2-4 CEB

Let’s make sure we take time to enjoy our journey!

Committed to the Cause

My children enjoy running; this is something I have never said about myself. Yesterday our son-in-law ran his first full marathon. Amazing!

What’s even more admirable is he ran a race that had been cancelled. It takes months to train for a marathon. Little conditioning runs, followed by rest days build to longer days of training until training runs exceed the twenty-mile length. He had trained for this and he was committed to the cause.

Our youngest daughter just had her first half-marathon cancelled but she is also still training and will run her race regardless.


“You know that many runners enter a race, and only one of them wins the prize. So run to win! 25 Athletes work hard to win a crown that cannot last, but we do it for a crown that will last forever. ” I Corinthians 9:24-25 CEV

Because their races have been cancelled the only prize they won or will win is the prize of achievement, of knowing they worked hard and didn’t give up. They have competed against their own physical pain and exhaustion and won.

What an example! An example for daily life.

When Jesus came to earth he came with one purpose; He came to restore the relationship between God, the Father, and mankind. He came on a mission of love. I’m sure He must have felt like giving up and quitting multiple times but He kept the goal forefront in His heart.

He was asked once what was the most important law to live by and His answer was quick and simple. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself.

He told the disciples that they were to keep one commandment when He was gone; love one another and then the world would know that they were His disciples. What kept Jesus on track the whole time He was here was His goal to love the world and to give His life for them, and for us.

Never did He do an unloving thing. Even when He chased the merchants out of the Temple it was done in love; love for the Father, love for the people who were being cheated.

“Very few people will die to save the life of someone else, even if it is for a good person. Someone might be willing to die for an especially good person. But Christ died for us while we were still sinners, and by this God showed how much he loves us.” Romans 5:7-8 ERV

His final act of love on this earth occurred on the cross. He gave his life for us and His final words, like the words of a runner, were “it is finished”. He had crossed love’s finish line and been true to His purpose.

“I mean that while we were God’s enemies, he made friends with us through his Son’s death. And the fact that we are now God’s friends makes it even more certain that he will save us through his Son’s life. 11 And not only will we be saved, but we also rejoice right now in what God has done for us through our Lord Jesus Christ. It is because of Jesus that we are now God’s friends.” Romans 5:10-11 ERV

Because of His love, because He finished the course, we receive the prize. We are the victors. We win love’s greatest gift, eternal life!

We’ve been given the same instruction that the disciples received. Love one another! Let’s be committed to the cause – let’s run our race with the love of God in our hearts.

We win because love never quits!

Good & Healthy

How many of you are already planning your holiday baking and the menus for Thanksgiving and Christmas meals? Does the word “healthy” fit with those culinary delights? Or is your attitude more along the lines of indulgence and it’s only once a year?

I was going to use the “just this once” phrase but realized that has kind of been a pattern of late. Camping and cookies – just this once. Grandchildrens birthday cupcakes – just this once (three months in a row). Yes, I’ve let those just-this-once treats and snacks add some extra pounds that need to be removed.

So, this morning I’m going to talk about exercise for a bit. Not for you but for me. I need to put this out there and be accountable.

When we first realize that we “need” to exercise it’s never pleasant. Accepting that we are out of shape and not as healthy as we should be is the first step. So we decide to exercise.

The first few days we have a real commitment or at least that’s what we tell ourself. But then comes day seven or eight; and it becomes harder to stay committed to the goal. Our muscles hurt, we’re not seeing any results yet, we start making excuses and when we do that we are on your way to failure.

I know, I’ve failed many times.

Now think back to our childhood days – exercise wasn’t a bad word. In fact, it was called play. To be outside with our buddies playing ball, running through the yard playing tag or football. Going hiking to your favorite fishing spot or walking the mile to the swimming pool in the afternoon heat (my personal favorite). It was fun and we were in shape.

Of course you know this is going to have a spiritual correlation.

When we face trials and temptations it is an opportunity to exercise our faith. James tells us to count it joy because we will be developed and end up lacking nothing. Exercising our faith builds spiritual muscle.

“My friends, be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble. 3 You know that you learn to endure by having your faith tested. 4 But you must learn to endure everything, so that you will be completely mature and not lacking in anything.” James 1:2-4 CEV

Facing trials is like building muscle. At first we see little victories but then to continue to develop a muscle we must increase the weight, the repetition or both.

In walking with the Lord, we’re never left to do this on our own. We have a great coach who is with us every step. Under His direction and inspiration we come out the winner.

“You are tempted in the same way that everyone else is tempted. But God can be trusted not to let you be tempted too much, and he will show you how to escape from your temptations.” I Corinthians 10:13 CEV

Jesus knows what this is all about because He went through every temptation we experience while he was here on earth. Who better to coach us than someone whose been there, done that and emerged as the Champion of Champions!

“We have a great high priest who has gone to live with God in heaven. He is Jesus the Son of God. So let us continue to express our faith in him. 15 Jesus, our high priest, is able to understand our weaknesses. When Jesus lived on earth, he was tempted in every way. He was tempted in the same ways we are tempted, but he never sinned. 16 With Jesus as our high priest, we can feel free to come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.” Hebrews 4:14-16 ERV

Thank you Lord for coaching me through life and providing all the help I need to develop and finish as a winner! And thank you for giving me the power to resist that pecan pie and stay on track with my daily exercise!