In the Storm

The Arizona thunderstorms are magnificent but can be frightening. The last week we had some powerful thunderstorms in the Valley- flashes of lightning, cracks of thunder, wind and hard rains. They all seem to travel around us so we weren’t in the eye of the storm, but we could see the effects driving in to town with flooded parks, carports that had been mangled and the reports of lightning caused fires in the desert.

I remember a few years ago when we lived in Rio Rico. The storms would come from Mexico and seemed to arrive in our community about 2 a.m. The lightning would light up our bedroom and the thunder would rattle the windows. Our little dog, Glory, would hide in the walk-in closet. I would count the seconds between the flashes and the thunderclap. It was epic and unnerving.

Have you noticed how there are times in life that the storms come and rob us of our peace and rest? It leaves us anxious and frightened. Sometimes wondering if we will survive such an event.

It’s important to know God’s word and His promises during those times so that we can continue to have peace in the midst of the storm.

“They were in trouble, so they called to the Lord for help, and he saved them from their troubles. 29 He stopped the storm and calmed the waves. 30 The sailors were happy that the sea became calm, and he led them safely to where they wanted to go.” Psalm 107:28-30 ERV

The Lord calmed the waves and stopped the storm and got them to where they were safe. Jesus was in the midst of a storm once and He slept through it. That is until the disciples woke him up during their panic.

“While they were sailing, Jesus slept. A big storm blew across the lake, and the boat began to fill with water. They were in danger. 24 The followers went to Jesus and woke him. They said, “Master! Master! We will drown!” Jesus got up. He gave a command to the wind and the waves. The wind stopped, and the lake became calm. 25 He said to his followers, ‘Where is your faith?’ They were afraid and amazed. They said to each other, ‘What kind of man is this? He commands the wind and the water, and they obey him.’” Matthew 8:23-25 ERV

Our goal is to be like Jesus and to be able to “sleep” in the midst of the storm – knowing that the Lord has this handled. That’s what Peter did when he was beaten and thrown into prison – he slept. The angel that came to rescue him had to bump him to wake him. Peter was resting in the Lord. (Acts 12:7-16)

Paul and Silas were singing in the midst of their storm. Singing at midnight in prison after having been beaten and in the midst of an earthquake, they were singing. (Acts 16:16-31)

Sometimes the Lord speaks to our storm and it ceases. At other times, He has us stand and face it and He sends our deliverance.

“‘Whoever hears these teachings of mine and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. 25 It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house. But it did not fall because it was built on rock.26 Whoever hears these teachings of mine and does not obey them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.'” Matthew 7:24-26 ERV

When we stand on God’s word we can face the storm and be at peace!

In The Storm

The wind decided to blow, ALL NIGHT! When you live in an RV you hear the wind, at times it sounded like a freight train moving rapidly alongside the 5th wheel. I’m so glad for the shelter of my home.

Peter and the disciples were in a storm on the sea. Jesus was exhausted and fell asleep “in the back of the boat”. The waves grew larger and as they crashed against the bow, the boat began to fill with water. Jesus still slept.

Finally, in desperation the disciples woke Him with a startling cry.

“A very bad wind came up on the lake. The waves were coming over the sides and into the boat, and it was almost full of water. 38 Jesus was inside the boat, sleeping with his head on a pillow. The followers went and woke him. They said, “Teacher, don’t you care about us? We are going to drown!” Mark 4:37-38 ERV

Don’t you care – aren’t you worried, don’t you love us?

Here’s the answer: Jesus didn’t have a care about the situation; no, He wasn’t worried but yes, He loved them dearly. So He stood, and said:

 Jesus stood up and gave a command to the wind and the water. He said, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind stopped, and the lake became calm.” vs 39

Have you ever had the same reaction as the disciples? Lord, don’t you care? I can’t pay my rent this month, the doctor said cancer, my child has left home and I don’t know where they are, my loved one is dying. Don’t you care?

“God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.” I Peter 5:7 CEV

God isn’t weighted down with worry but He definitely cares for you!

Jesus was right where He needed to be, He was resting in the peace of God.

“You can go to God Most High to hide. You can go to God All-Powerful for protection.
I say to the Lord, “You are my place of safety, my fortress. My God, I trust in you.” Psalm 91:1-2 ERV

The disciples did the right thing. In their worry, they ran for shelter, shelter was found in the presence and protection of the Father.

Is the wind howling and are the waves crashing in around you today? Run to the Father. Be grateful – there is always shelter from the storm!


That’s how you say good morning in Greek. Kalimera.

Today Dave and I are starting our second full day on this beautiful little island. We arrived late afternoon on Saturday and it’s now early morning Monday. There’s a 7 hour time difference with the East coast of North America and a 10 hour difference with our home state of Arizona.

We spent a good portion of yesterday sitting on the balcony watching the waves roll in and enjoying the warm sunshine. At the sea shore the water is a beautiful turquoise and further out it becomes a deep azure. It has held my imagination captive as I wonder how many ancient mariners visited its shores.

“Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing in Your eyes, O Lord, my Rock and the One Who saves me.” Psalm 119:4 NLV

Every place we walk the people seem happy and content. Our taxi driver explained it best when he said they are a people who love what they do, where they live and the slower paced mindset than those in the bigger cities.

Was this what the Apostle Paul was talking about when he said:

“I know how to get along with little and how to live when I have much. I have learned the secret of being happy at all times. If I am full of food and have all I need, I am happy. If I am hungry and need more, I am happy. 13 I can do all things because Christ gives me the strength.” Philippians 4:12-13 NLV

The amazing thing is we don’t need to travel half way across the globe to find contentment. We can find it right where we are!

In our homes or a prison cell, in a doctor’s waiting room or in the midst of a storm (physical, mental or emotional), there we can find peace. It’s there we rest in who Christ is and all He has done.

“The Lord Who bought you and saves you, the Holy One of Israel, says, ‘I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to do well, Who leads you in the way you should go.’” Isaiah 48:17 NLV

Paul was probably the apostle who faced the most physical and mental challenges and obstacles but he was content in Christ and the mission of preaching the Gospel.

The Bible’s promise of peace is universal to all who put their faith and trust in the Lord.

Let’s take a minute to pray. I’ll pray here and you join me there.

“Father, I don’t know what types of challenges my readers are facing today but You do. Surround them with Your peace, the peace that surpasses our natural way of thinking, the peace that goes beyond our intellect and reaches our soul. Teach them to rely on You as You lead them in the way they should go. In Jesus name. Amen.”

Many of you will be enjoying a three day weekend, let it be filled with peace.

As they say hear “efcharisto”, thank you for reading. Go in the blessings of the Lord!

In the Storm

Peace. Simply put: to be at rest. Some see it as the absence of confict but I want to show you that we can be at peace in the midst of a storm.

I’ve been reading in Luke for over a month now but the last few days I have been reading about the final days of Jesus life. He was celebrating the Feast of the Passover with his disciples. He told them that the broken bread and the wine represented what was about to happen to Him. He told them He would be betrayed.

Do you know their reaction? They began arguing about which one of them would do such a thing and then they began to argue about which one of them was the most important to Jesus.

Oh, my goodness!!! If I had been Jesus I would have left them all. But instead, Jesus began telling them that He was praying for them and gave them instruction on how to live once he was gone.

He took them to the garden where He went to pray. He told them they needed to pray so that they could remain strong. Jesus then withdrew, going a little farther and prayed for Himself. He knew what was about to happen.

In His humanity, He didn’t want to face the cross and the horrible death of crucifixion but in His divinity, He knew he was the only one who could be the sinless sacrifice. Only He could be the one to redeem us all and reconcile us to the Father.

“He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins—and not only our sins but the sins of all the world.” I John 2:2 NLT

He went through great conflict and turmoil in battling His mind and emotions but came to peace, He was resolved in His spirit!

When Judas betrayed Him with a kiss there was no ridicule or retaliation, when the soldiers were placing him under arrest there was no fight. He was at peace!

Jesus was living the words He spoke to the disciples hours earlier.

“I leave you peace. It is my own peace I give you. I give you peace in a different way than the world does. So don’t be troubled. Don’t be afraid.” John 14:27 ERV

The Apostle Paul tells us this:

“Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. 7 Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.” Philippians 4:6-7 CEV

Are you in the middle of a storm today – do you feel like you’re about to be crucified? Perhaps you’ve received an adverse medical report or it could be your company is planning massive layoffs and your future is uncertain. Whatever you are facing rely on the kind of peace that only God can give.

In the midst of the storm, don’t be troubled, don’t be afraid; let the peace of God control the way you think and feel.

Abiding Peace

(The last two days I was experiencing some real technical difficulties and was completely unable to connect to my website. I was able to post to Facebook but that wasn’t the same as connecting here. I’m back and here is what I posted on FB this morning.)

Day 2 of technical difficulties and Day 2 of living in perfect and abiding peace!

What kind of things steal your peace? Computer problems, getting into a baking project and find your missing a key ingredient, a flat tire, a life-style change in the New Year, illness? These things can get to the best of us.

However, the Father doesn’t want anything to take our peace. The Bible is filled with situations where a message of “be not afraid” proceeded any other instruction.

The shepherds heard the angels say don’t be afraid. Mary and Joseph but heard the angel speak to them and the first words they heard were, be not afraid.

Do you remember when Jesus was sleeping in the boat while His disciples were in the midst of a storm at sea? They were bailing water, thinking they were going to sink. As experienced sailors they knew how disastrous this could be. And Jesus slept.

“Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. The disciples woke him up, shouting, “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re going to drown?”

39 When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. 40 Then he asked them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Mark 4:38-40 NLT

If we are in situations and begin to feel fear and anxiety start to build this story should be an example to us. Don’t be afraid.

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” Isaiah 26:3 NLT

Our peace is paramount to the Father. During the rest of the Christmas season let’s keep our focus and trust on the Prince of Peace who came to bring us the gift of perfect peace. 

God’s Got This

I had the strongest impression this morning that some of you have recently received bad news. It’s been unnerving, unsettling and even frightening.

When that happens it’s time to run to the Father.

“Light shines in the darkness for the godly…Such people will not be overcome by evil. Those who are righteous will be long remembered. They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them. They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly.” Psalm 112:4-8 NLT

Do not fear bad news but instead, confidently trust the Lord to care for you!

“This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.
He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day.” Psalm 91:2-5 NLT

A pastor we know used to say, “the first report is not the final report”. When a father heard “your daughter is dead”, the first report, Jesus said, “fear not, she’s only sleeping” and the young girl was restored to life. When Joseph was sent to prison for a crime he didn’t commit, the Father had the final say and Joseph was promoted to 2nd in command of all of Egypt.

“So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” Hebrews 4:16 NLT

Come boldly, bravely, to the Father’s throne. Tell Him your heart and receive the help you need.

 It is true, we live in a body of flesh. But we do not fight like people of the world. We do not use those things to fight with that the world uses. We use the things God gives to fight with and they have power. Those things God gives to fight with destroy the strong-places of the devil. We break down every thought and proud thing that puts itself up against the wisdom of God. We take hold of every thought and make it obey Christ.” II Corinthians 10:3-5 NLV

Take hold of every thought.

All through the Bible we read the phrase “fear not”. Fear has never been a godly trait. It goes counter to all God is. He wants us to trust in His goodness, not fear the unknown. He provides and protects, we are never abandon or deserted.

“Hear my cry, O God. Listen to my prayer. I call to You from the end of the earth when my heart is weak. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a safe place for me, a tower of strength where I am safe from those who fight against me. Let me live in Your tent forever. Let me be safe under the covering of Your wings.” Psalm 61:1-4 NLV

Let me close with this prayer. “Father, I pray for all those who have received a bad report, those whose hearts have been shaken. You are the Father who brings peace, peace that passes all understanding. I say, according to Your word, peace be still. Help comes from You in Jesus name, amen.”

Wrapped in Peace

Last night Dave grabbed my phone and captured this beautiful end to a raining afternoon. I didn’t see the shots he took until this morning. They brought a smile to my face and a sense of peace to my heart.

The image made me wonder how many skies like this Peter saw on the Sea of Galilee and many times Jesus looked up at the end of a long day and saw the rays of the sun shining through the clouds?

Peter would see the clouds and think like a fisherman. He would be focused on the natural while Jesus was about His Father’s business and the lives that needed to be changed.

I don’t know Peter’s thoughts or concerns, but I do know that Jesus was always intent on doing what the Father had sent him to do, to serve mankind and tell them (us) of the Father’s love.

He would draw away from his disciples in the evening and then again in the early morning hours to pray. He was always aware of the Father’s presence, and He was wrapped in the peace that only comes from above.

One particular night Jesus had sent his disciples off in a boat and He stayed by himself to pray.

“At once, Jesus made his disciples get into a boat and start back across the lake. But he stayed until he had sent the crowds away. 23 Then he went up on a mountain where he could be alone and pray. Later in the evening, he was still there.

24 By this time the boat was a long way from the shore. It was going against the wind and was being tossed around by the waves. 25 A little while before morning, Jesus came walking on the water toward his disciples. 26 When they saw him, they thought he was a ghost. They were terrified and started screaming.

27 At once, Jesus said to them, “Don’t worry! I am Jesus. Don’t be afraid.” Matthew 14:22-27 CEV

The disciples had seen miracles that day but out in the boat the miracles and power of God had been forgotten. They were focused on their desperate situation and fear had set in. Jesus spoke words of protection and peace.

Don’t be afraid!

Peter was emboldened by Jesus’ presence and said, “Lord if it’s you let me walk on the water too”. Jesus said, “Come on”. Peter stepped out of the boat and started walking toward Jesus but then he looked at the waves and felt the wind. He was no longer trusting in the one who said “Come” and he began to sink.

Jesus took him by the hand and they joined the other disciples in the boat. Peace was restored.

How many times do we start out on a course that God has designed for us and become frightened by the circumstances around us?

“Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.” Philippians 4:6-7 CEV

Take your worries and concerns to the Father in prayer. Our Father who fills the sky with His beauty will wrap you in His peace!

Quiet the Roar

Do you get tired of all the noise? The TV blaring, traffic, the noise at work, the negative conversations. Then there are the noises in our own heads, the unanswered “what if’s”. All of these are trying to steal our peace.

I guess that’s why I love early mornings so much – no sounds except the coffee pot, the refrigerator, and my Father and I talking heart to heart.  I love it! It seems to put everything in perspective.

I’ve been asked why I get up so early – habit, years of habit. Now that I’m retired, I’m glad that rising early was a practice I started when I had small children, was a home-schooling mom, had a business to run and all the daily chores that so many of you do. Rising early gave me time to focus on what’s important, on the One who is most important and who can walk me through each part of my day.

“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 KJV

I know I share a lot on being still. I guess that’s because I need to be reminded to keep focused on God’s peace.

In the first few verses of Psalm 46 the Psalmist talks about all the noise – the mountains rumble, the oceans roar, the earth quakes and wars rage. Sounds like the headlines from today’s news. But he also goes on to say that we don’t have to be afraid because God is our refuge and strength – a help in times of trouble!

“God is our mighty fortress, always ready to help in times of trouble. 2 And so, we won’t be afraid! Let the earth tremble and the mountains tumble into the deepest sea. 3 Let the ocean roar and foam, and its raging waves shake the mountains. 4 A river and its streams bring joy to the city, which is the sacred home of God Most High. 5 God is in that city, and it won’t be shaken. He will help it at dawn. 6 Nations rage! Kingdoms fall! But at the voice of God the earth itself melts. 7 The Lord All-Powerful is with us. The God of Jacob is our fortress. 8 Come! See the fearsome things the Lord has done on earth.9 God brings wars to an end all over the world. He breaks the arrows, shatters the spears, and burns the shields. 10 Our God says, ‘Calm down, and learn that I am God! All nations on earth will honor me.’
11 The Lord All-Powerful is with us. The God of Jacob is our fortress.” Psalm 46 CEV

Stop the noise today – pull aside and be still and know your God!

Not Today!

This morning’s blog came with great emphasis in my heart this morning – no fear, not today!

All through the night a song from Sunday’s worship service kept running through my mind. It was published by Bethel Music, just last year, (I must give credit where credit is due), “No Longer Slaves”.

From my mother’s womb
You have chosen me
Love has called my name
I’ve been born again to a family
Your blood flows through my veins

I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God

Fear can be paralyzing; fear can be demoralizing; it robs the richness of life – an abundant life that Christ came to give us.

 A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.” John 10:10 CEV

 God’s Spirit doesn’t make cowards out of us. The Spirit gives us power, love, and self-control.” II Timothy 1:7 CEV

Every day we are bombarded with fearful reports. “There’s a storm coming; the crime rate is up; the newest COVID cases; inflation; shortage on the grocery store shelves…and the list goes on.

NO!! Not today! I will not be a slave to fear, I am God’s child and He is my protector and my provision.

Not today! I am with the Shepherd and He uses His rod to beat back my enemies!

“I may walk through valleys as dark as death, but I won’t be afraid. You are with me, and your shepherd’s rod makes me feel safe.” Psalm 23:4 CEV

Not today! God is with us; He will protect us!

“Don’t be afraid. I am with you. Don’t tremble with fear. I am your God. I will make you strong, as I protect you with my arm and give you victories.” Isaiah 41:10 CEV

Not today! Christ is in control!

“Don’t be afraid! I am the first, the last, 18 and the living one. I died, but now I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys to death and the world of the dead.” Revelation 1:17-18 CEV

Not today, dear friend – you are God’s child and He has promised to never leave you!!

The Trees Are Singing

The other day I received some very sad news. My heart was aching and I told Dave I wanted to go through the campground and look at the aspens. I wanted to see some of the Lord’s beauty.

The trees are just starting to change, some are already yellow but the gold and fire red has yet to come full color. I have been waiting for this brilliant display for a couple of weeks. There was a slight breeze rustling in the tops of the trees and I could almost hear them singing.

“Tell the heavens and the earth to be glad and celebrate! And announce to the nations,  ‘The Lord is King!’ 32 Command the ocean to roar with all of its creatures and the fields to rejoice with all of their crops. 33 Then every tree in the forest will sing joyful songs to the Lord. He is coming to judge  all people on earth. 34 Praise the Lord because he is good to us, and his love never fails.” I Chronicles 16:31-34 CEV

The sound of the wind whistling through the trees was telling me that “The Lord is good, His love never fails”. They were singing their joyful song.

So often we fail to recognize the thing we need most. We get so busy, caught in the search, that we fail to recognize the simple answer that we seek.

“You have shown me the path to life, and you make me glad by being near to me. Sitting at your right side, I will always be joyful.” Psalm 16:11 CEV

The peace and contentment, joy and comfort we seek, can be found sitting in the presence of the Lord. Sitting quietly, telling Him our hearts’ disappointments and sorrows, gives Him time to fill our emptiness with all of who He is.

In the midst of our storm and crisis, Jesus speaks these words, “Peace, be still”!

“Jesus was inside the boat, sleeping with his head on a pillow. The followers went and woke him. They said, “Teacher, don’t you care about us? We are going to drown!”

39 Jesus stood up and gave a command to the wind and the water. He said, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind stopped, and the lake became calm. 40 He said to his followers, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Mark 4:38-40 ERV

He calms our fears and shows us His power is greater than our storm.

Maybe today, you’re like me, and just need to take time to hear the trees singing of His great love!