All for Him

I hope you are enjoying this morning walk through the book of Ephesians. I know I am.

There are so many promises and insights contained in this one book. God’s character, His love, revealed in depth. Being raised in a church that was more concerned about it’s rules than in relationship I had a hard time realizing that I didn’t have to earn God’s love. He gives it freely.

The last three chapters have shown us God’s mercy, grace, forgiveness, power and unconditional love. Now Paul is going to show us how to put what we have received into action.

He was imprisoned because he taught that the message of Christ’s redemption was available to all, including the Gentiles. The Jewish religious elite hated this message and did their best to eliminate it from the very outset. But God had a different plan. Missionaries went around the known world telling them of the incomparable love of God. When Paul could no longer travel because of his imprisonment he wrote letters. Letters for us to read; letters that God has used to bring so many to a saving knowledge of Christ.

“I am being held in prison because of working for the Lord. I ask you from my heart to live and work the way the Lord expected you to live and work. Live and work without pride. Be gentle and kind. Do not be hard on others. Let love keep you from doing that. Work hard to live together as one by the help of the Holy Spirit. Then there will be peaceThere is one body and one Spirit. There is one hope in which you were called. There is one Lord and one faith and one baptismThere is one God. He is the Father of us all. He is over us all. He is the One working through us all. He is the One living in us all. Loving-favor has been given to each one of us. We can see how great it is by the gift of Christ.” Ephesians 4:1-7 NLV

Do you see the theme of these verses? There is One. One way to live, one way to work and that is to follow the example and teachings of Christ.

We have the Holy Spirit living in us and He will help us to live in a way that brings honor to the Father. Since we are called the body of Christ, and Christ is the head that implies unity of thought and passion. Our physical bodies don’t act independently of our head and our spiritual bodies shouldn’t either.

Each one of us have received the loving-favor or the grace of God as a gift. Not one of us is good enough to work our way to heaven. This is a humbling fact. Remember these words from chapter 2?

“But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),” Ephesians 2:4-5 NKJV

Let me repeat. Since Christ is the head and we are His body we should be working together for His honor and glory. It’s all for Him!