Scenic Byways

Dave and I love to take the back roads when we travel. The view from the interstate leaves us lacking while the roads less travel share a beauty many don’t ever see.

Months ago I reminded you that ALL Scripture is given by the inspiration of God.

Everything in the Scriptures is God’s Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live. 17 The Scriptures train God’s servants to do all kinds of good deeds.” II Timothy 3:16-17 CEV


We have the word of God, not to confine and restrain us but to free and expand our potential by making us aware of who we are in Christ. I’m going to challenge you to step off the beaten path of your Bible reading. Remember the verse above says ALL Scripture is given. We each have our favorite books of the Bible – mine is Colossians and then of course, the 4Gospels. I love reading and seeing Jesus in action.

But what about the obscure books like Amos and Obadiah, or Nehemiah and Haggai. Then in the New Testament there are books like Philemon, Titus and Jude – little books that seem to be overlooked for the others. God has a lesson for us in each and every one of these books.

I see the Bible as a highway for life. On that highway there are places to rest, great places to eat, and places to refuel.

There are also the scenic by-ways. Less traveled roads can provide beautiful scenery and introduce us to interesting people and new adventures. There are also many historical markers on the byways. As we read the lesser known books of the prophets in the Old Testament we see how God continued to deliver and restore the nation of Israel time and time again.

Israel would turn from God; be taken into captivity; repent and cry out to God for deliverance and deliverance would come. God’s blessing would flow once again.

How many times do we follow the same path to serve self and not God? We place ourselves under the captivity of worry and fear; selfishness and greed; and then we call out to God and He restores. Nehemiah, the prophet, prayed this

“LORD, God of heaven, you are the great and powerful God. You are the God who keeps his agreement of love with people who love you and obey your commands.” Nehemiah 1:5

Today I encourage you to take a side trip – visit one of the books that you don’t know very well . Let the Holy Spirit be your guide and bring you new revelation from God’s word.

The Lord gives me strength. He makes my feet as sure as those of a deer,
and he helps me stand on the mountains.” Habakkuk 3:19 CEV

Happy Trails!