What Do You Desire Most?

What’s the one thing you desire most? Think about that one.

Some would say a forever home. To others it may be restored health. Still others would like to go on a long leisurely vacation, all expenses paid. Finding the perfect mate. The job at the top of the corporate ladder. I told you a few days back that I would like a Cinderella evening and I’d also like to catch a blue marlin. Wish list items.

But what do you desire the most? What is the one thing you really, really want?

I would have to say that my one thing, is to honor and serve the Lord. I’m not saying this to be pious or religious. It is my true heart’s desire. I have learned through the years that when I am serving the Lord all the other things, the wants and the wishes, pale in comparison.

However, many times my days are so wrapped up in my own pursuits that the Lord is put somewhere further down the line. Just bein honest folks – if we aren’t honest with ourselves we can’t and won’t serve the Lord the way we know we should.

“LORD, teach me your laws, and I will always follow them. 34 Help me understand your teachings, and I will follow them. Obeying them will be my greatest desire. 35 Help me follow your commands, because that makes me happy. 36 Give me the desire to follow your rules, not the desire to get rich. 37 Don’t let me look at worthless things. Help me live your way. 38 Do what you promised me, your servant, so that people will respect you. 39 Take away the shame I fear. Your laws are good. 40 See how much I want to obey your instructions! Be good to me, and let me live.” Psalm 119:33-40 ERV

King David had a “one thing” mentality. The Bible says that David was a man after God’s heart. He wanted to serve God will all his natural ability but that wasn’t enough, he wanted more. He knew he needed God’s help if he was truly going to follow God’s word.

David didn’t just sit by each day and have harps playing in the background, eating grapes and contemplating the greatest and vastness of God. His life was full – he had a kingdom to run, he had wives and children, there were enemies to defeat and battles to be won. Yet his priority was God’s word – he wasn’t seeking wealth or power – but those things came to him. He was “seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things were added to him.”

David was living the very life that Jesus taught about. He was living example hundreds of years before Jesus delivered the message.

I’ve heard people say, “I don’t really study the Old Testament, there isn’t much in there for me.” Well, that’s all that David had! In fact, he had the first five books of the Bible and then the book of Job; the rest of it was being written as he lived it and after his death. He took God’s command to Joshua seriously – meditate in the book of the Law day and night and then you shall be prosperous and have good success.

Jesus said “For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.” John 6:38

Have you ever sat and looked at a single day in the life of Jesus? Talk about a full schedule? From the time He got up until late at night he was busy. His daily life was filled with walking, sailing, healing, teaching, facing his critics and then raising the dead. When he took time to pray and be alone, people would seek him out and interrupt his prayer time. He had learned the Scriptures from his youth and was living them out each and every day.

I’m not saying that all we do is study God’s word all day long. What’s important is that we live what we read. Reading one verse and living it all day will have more of an impact on our lives and the lives of others than reading chapters and walking away and not having it change us.

“Don’t let me look at worthless things. Help me live your way.” vs 37

There was a time that David looked at worthless things and it got him into a lot of trouble. He was up on his roof top and looking down he saw Bathsheba – he committed adultery and murdered her husband all because he was looking at the wrong things. He knew firsthand how destructive it can be to take your eyes off the Lord. It begs the question “what worthless things am I looking at”?

Lord, my heart’s prayer is this – don’t let me look at worthless things but let me focus on You.

Like David, our goal should be to live in a way that people know we are depending on the Lord, trusting Him and making God’s way known to the people around him. He was God-minded and his “one desire” was to know God more.

Let me make David’s words my own – one thing have I desired. I desire you, Lord.

Don’t just read the Word today – live it!