Tiny Things Matter

This past weekend our oldest daughter and I flew to San Jose for a baby shower. Our oldest granddaughter is expecting her second child, another girl, who will be born in September.

On Saturday evening we sat in the living room separating baby clothes that had been stored away after her first daughter outgrew them. The clothes need to be freshened before the new baby arrives. We separated them into newborn, 0-3 months, and 3-6 months.

Tiny babies, tiny dreams, tiny faith all grow.

This morning, I was thanking the Lord for the way He had directed the small details for our flight home (that’s another story) and for all the little things He had led me through at work.

The other day I asked you, what do we bring to God that is too big for Him. The answer is nothing. But we get that same answer when we ask, what is too small to bring to our heavenly Father. Nothing!

Our God created everything we see and the things we can’t – atoms, neutrons, protons and even smaller. He is the God of details. The tiniest of things don’t escape His notice. He sees it all.

Jesus own disciples overlooked the small things. They felt Jesus was too important to be bothered with them.

“Late in the afternoon the twelve apostles came to Jesus and said, ‘Send the crowd to the villages and farms around here. They need to find a place to stay and something to eat. There is nothing in this place. It’s like a desert!’

13 Jesus answered, ‘You give them something to eat.’

But they replied, ‘We have only five small loaves of bread and two fish. If we are going to feed all these people, we will have to go and buy food.’” Luke 9:12-14 CEV

Just a little boy’s lunch. What good is that among so many? But God is in the details of multiplication.

He’s also concerned about people who are often overlooked.

“Be careful. Don’t think these little children are not important. I tell you that these children have angels in heaven. And those angels are always with my Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:10 ERV

Little children aren’t overlooked by the Father.

I’ve counselled different ones who were looking for their place in “ministry” to start in a children’s Sunday School class. Our Father has a heart for children, all children. They are a blessing from the Lord and their faith isn’t jaded, it’s innocent. Their hearts are good ground to plant the seeds of God’s word.

Jesus had just given his disciples a teaching on seed being planted in the ground. He said if it was planted in good soil, it would grow and produce a harvest. Even if we don’t know a lot of Scripture, if we just have SMALL mustard seed knowledge it will grow and produce a great harvest.

“Jesus told them another story: The kingdom of heaven is like what happens when a farmer plants a mustard seed in a field. 32 Although it is the smallest of all seeds, it grows larger than any garden plant and becomes a tree. Birds even come and nest on its branches.” Matthew 13:31-32 CEV

From the tiniest of seeds, our faith will grow and our Father will be honored. Give God the tiny things in your life, they do matter!