Being First

You all know that we just returned from spending the week in Daytona. The big question of the week was “who will be first”.

There were practice races, qualifying races, and then the main event. There were races for the ARCA cars, Trucks, Xfinity cars and the Cup Cars. Each series would have a winner. In fact, the car to cross the finish line first wasn’t always the one who took home the trophy. There were two races where the winners were disqualified, and another car and driver were given credit for the win.

How disappointing that must have been!

Don’t we love being first?

It is such an honor – being the first to get a phone call or text with really important news – getting the first piece of cake on your birthday – the first dance at your wedding – the first lick of an ice cream cone – the first ride on a motorcycle – the first kiss… I could go on and on.

The Lord also desires to be first.

“Jesus answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and most important command.” Matthew 22:37-38 ERV

This isn’t an egotistical desire. No, God wants us to place Him first because He knows the great plan that He has for our lives. His plans are for our good.

He knows that when we lose focus and become distracted by other things we will be like Peter, in yesterday’s verses, looking at the waves and feeling the wind and we will begin to sink.

However, when we seek the Lord first, when we make Him first place in our lives, He fills us with joy, hope, peace, and faith, a true abundant life.

 Don’t worry and ask yourselves, “Will we have anything to eat? Will we have anything to drink? Will we have any clothes to wear?” 32 Only people who don’t know God are always worrying about such things. Your Father in heaven knows you need all of these. 33 But more than anything else, put God’s work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well.” Matthew 6:31-33 CEV

When we make the Lord our first love we will never be disqualified; He always causes us to triumph.

Over the Top

I spent quite a bit of time thinking about heaven yesterday. It would have been my Mom’s 99th birthday but she left earth for heaven fifteen months ago. At 97 her body was weak but now that she’s in heaven her energy, strength and overall well-being is restored.

As Dave and I took some time to talk about the joys of heaven, we concluded that it really is impossible to comprehend the amazing home the Father has planned for each of us who love him.

The garden of Eden was perfect and wonderful, but heaven is over-the-top. All of this pondering brings me to a place of worship. Not worship because of things that He has done for me, although those are many, but worship just because of Who He is!

One defintion in Merriam-Webster for worship is excessive admiration for someone. Excessive – our God is excessive.

He didn’t just create five colors and quit – He was excessive. He didn’t just create six kinds of fish or seven different fruits or eight varieties of flowers. He created thousands of animals, birds, and trees. He created millions of stars, countless galaxies, hundreds of millions of people with individual fingerprints and unique DNA.


He gave us one Son who willingly paid the price for the sins of the whole world.


“My Lord, there is no God like you. No one can do what you have done. 9 My Lord, you made everyone. I wish they all would come worship you and honor your name. 10 You are great and do amazing things. You and you alone are God. 11 Lord, teach me your ways, and I will live and obey your truths. Help me make worshiping your name the most important thing in my life. 12 My Lord God, I praise you with all my heart. I will honor your name forever! 13 You have such great love for me. You save me from the place of death. 14 Proud people are attacking me, God. A gang of cruel men is trying to kill me. They don’t respect you. 15 My Lord, you are a kind and merciful God. You are patient, loyal, and full of love.” Psalm 86: 8-15 ERV

Will you join me this morning in worship? Let’s show some excessive admiration and love to the One, the Only, Father God, creator of heaven and earth. He is incomparable – His character is over-the-top!

The Heart of the Matter

Many years ago my writings often came in the form of poetry. Some of those poems were published in a monthly newsletter but most of them were tucked away in a manilla folder in the filing cabinet drawer.

About ten years back I came across that folder and for the first time in a very long while I shared this poem on Christmas. I’d like to share it with you this morning.

Christmas Warms the Heart

Long ago and far away, a child was brought
to earth.

For many years, men had sought, the coming of
His birth.

On quiet hills in pastures green, the flocks
they did sleep.

When shepherds woke from peaceful rest,
heavens glory they did see.

When I hear this story, and remember all
that’s told,

I’d like to have been a shepherd and lived
those years ago.

The angels in their chorus, proclaiming
Peace on Earth

Brings excitement to my soul and my heart is

To see the heavens shining bright, a glory

Then walk the road to Bethlehem and find the
Christ child fair.

To kneel before His presence and know that
He was King

What more could I expect from life, His
praises I will sing.

Today I see the tinsel, the glitter and the

The stores are filled with shoppers,
laughing girls and boys,

While streets are lined with trees and
Santas’ ringing bells,

Ovens fill with cookies – oh,those wonderful

Now it is time to stop from all the things I

To remember Christmas, and it’s meaning that
is true.

It is God’s Son, brought to earth to give
eternal life,

His glory to shine within my heart, not in
the sky of night.

In each of us, Christ wants to live, in
power and in love

Let us proclaim, to men the same, as angels
from above.

Peace on earth can only come, when before
the Son we bow.

We must kneel and honor Him, our lives to
Him we vow.

This year a special gift we give, not like
the kings of old

For it’s not gold or frankincense but a
heart that He can mold.

Many a gift we have received and have given
with joyful heart

But Jesus now this gift we bring, from You
we’ll never part.

O Lord, this is our honest prayer, our gift
we’ll not forget

But that it is a lasting one to which we
will commit.

My heart is warmed by Your love and the gift
You gave to me,

It is in Christ and Christ alone, I find
what Christmas means.


Let’s take this time to recommit our heart’s devotion to our loving heavenly Father, the one who gives us life. 

He said, ‘Teacher, which command in the law is the most important?’ 37 Jesus answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and most important command.'” Matthew 22:36-38 ERV