Good morning all.
I am going to pose a question to you that I have had to ask myself. When you are doing something nice for someone, do you ever hear “they probably won’t appreciate this anyway” going off in your head? If so, you’re not alone. That’s exactly what I dealt with. I had to come face to face with my answer.
Definitely a motive check-up. I Corinthians 13, the love chapter, tells us that if we are martyred and it isn’t motivated by love – then it profits us nothing. Thoughts like “I’m giving all my time to do this or that and no one will really appreciate it anyway – no one is going to know how hard I worked, how I gave up sleep, how much it cost me to do this nice thing” – are all wrong motives!
Years ago I would do things for people just to get them to like or accept me. I tried to buy friendship – wow, what a destructive force that was! I was so insecure in who I was that I needed constant affirmation from others that I was lovable. Then I heard a wonderful, godly woman, Dale Evans Rogers, speak in our college chapel service about God’s love, His unconditional love, and the message got through.
Knowing that God loves me – really loves me – is more than enough acceptance to last a life time. I went from doing things for people to get them to like and accept me to doing the same things because I really loved those people and I wanted them to know they were loved and appreciated. A complete 180 in motivation.
When thoughts spring up “they probably won’t even appreciate this”, and my response back is but I appreciate them and I want them to know that they are special the question of motive was answered.
It seems when we are tired and under stress that our motives come into question. Satan knows when we are weak and tries to kick us when we’re down. He’s such a creep – he did the same to Jesus. After a forty day fast he tempted Jesus with food – he said “IF you are the son of God, turn these stones to bread”. His tactics with us are the same, when we recognize them we can walk in the same strength and victory that Jesus did.
Let’s face the daily challenges and make our motivation one of love without expecting anything in return.
“I may give away everything I have to help others, and I may even give my body as an offering to be burned. But I gain nothing by doing all this if I don’t have love. 4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. 5 Love is not rude, it is not selfish, and it cannot be made angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done against it. 6 Love is never happy when others do wrong, but it is always happy with the truth. 7 Love never gives up on people. It never stops trusting, never loses hope, and never quits. 8 Love will never end.” I Corinthians 13:3-8 ERV
We have the opportunity to be an example of Jesus love today. Our motives matter.