To Die For

When I went looking for an image to go with my blog title this morning I came across this one of carrot cake. My favorite but I’m not willing to die for it.

That’s just “to die for” has been a pretty popular phrase. A colloquialism. col·lo·qui·al·ism. NOUN

  1. a word or phrase that is not formal or literary, typically one used in ordinary or familiar conversation.

Let me ask you, what’s “to die for” in your life? Your family…your faith…your neighbor…your country…a piece of carrot cake?

Christ looked at us and said “You’re to die for”. And He did.

“Christ died for us at a time when we were helpless and sinful. 7 No one is really willing to die for an honest person, though someone might be willing to die for a truly good person. 8 But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were sinful.

9 But there is more! Now that God has accepted us because Christ sacrificed his life’s blood, we will also be kept safe from God’s anger. 10 Even when we were God’s enemies, he made peace with us, because his Son died for us. Yet something even greater than friendship is ours. Now that we are at peace with God, we will be saved by his Son’s life.” Romans 5:6-10 CEV

Now let me ask another question. What do you find worth living for? What gives you purpose each morning? What keeps you going when you want to quit?

” I honestly expect and hope that I will never do anything to be ashamed of. Whether I live or die, I always want to be as brave as I am now and bring honor to Christ. 21 If I live, it will be for Christ, and if I die, I will gain even more. 22 I don’t know what to choose. I could keep on living and doing something useful. 23 It is a hard choice to make. I want to die and be with Christ, because that would be much better. 24-25 But I know that all of you still need me. That’s why I am sure I will stay on to help you grow and be happy in your faith.” Philippians 1:20-24 CEV

Paul said he preferred to die to be with Christ but chose to continue living for the benefit of the Christians that he was ministering too. We were the reason he chose to live.

Since Jesus chose to die for us we should be willing to live for Him!