Building Relationships

It takes time to build a relationship. Getting to know someone is an act of love; it is a commitment to hear their heart and give them a safe space to be who they are without criticism.

Do you have relationships like that? I hope so.

Think about the relationships you have built over the years. The ones that have stood the test of time and those that have failed. What is the difference between the two? I generally say it is the length of time and our ability to listen more than we talk.

I try to remember little things about my friends. Since one of my ways to build relationships is over food I try to remember the little things. The way they like their coffee (or if they like coffee at all), some friends don’t like green vegetables and others don’t like raw onions. Some are vegetarian and others only like meat and potatoes. That’s all surface stuff but when we listen to those things we prove that we are interested in them and they will open up and we can learn more.

We can learn things in casual conversation but it is in the deeper quality time that they can share their heart. Do they face struggles with self-esteem and worthiness? Are their issues from their past that still hurt today? Why do they pull back in certain situations and seem to withdraw for weeks at a time? Greatest joys and worst fears, when we are trusted with these we know we have reached their heart and we need to protect that confidence that has been placed in us.

At the same time, a good relationship is never one-sided. We have to be able to open up and share our hearts too. When we lived in Montana I had a friend and we did what we called a “walk and talk”. We were neighbors on a country road and we would walk a couple days a week and talk. In Iowa, I had a friend that shared morning prayer time with me; I loved that time. I have another friend that shares “morning coffee” with me even though we live 1400 miles apart; we email each morning and have for over nine years.

That’s why I enjoy my morning quiet times so much. It’s my time to “sit and talk” with my very best, life-long Friend. He and I talk, sometimes for hours, each day. I ask Him questions and He answers from His word. I learn about Him; his joys and his sorrows. He tells me honestly when I need to change or correct things that I’m doing. He’s always there no matter what. I love our times together – any time I want to talk He’s there.

“Nothing is as wonderful as knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have given up everything else and count it all as garbage. All I want is Christ and to know that I belong to him. I could not make myself acceptable to God by obeying the Law of Moses. God accepted me simply because of my faith in Christ. 10 All I want is to know Christ and the power that raised him to life.” Philippians 3:8-10a CEV

I encourage you to develop a “walk and talk” of your own. Deepen your friendship with the Lord and as a result, your other relationships will be strengthen as well.

It’s Who You Know

The Lord reminded me this morning that although I’m not the richest or most educated person, I have value and worth beyond measure. He reminded me of something that I shared with some of you about three years ago. It’s worth sharing again.

If you have been reading these morning posts for very long you know that I sometimes have a different outlook from those around me. I realized that I don’t know the premise of Batman vs Superman, nor do I know the characters and the plot of Star Wars (none of them). I’ve never read one of the Harry Potter books and I don’t know the name of the American Idol winners, nor those from the Academy Awards, the Grammy’s, the ACM or the Emmy’s.

I don’t remember which team won the Super Bowls or the World Series. I don’t understand the rules of soccer or ice hockey. I’m not up on the lastest fashions or trends on Wall Street.

My goodness there is a lot I don’t know!

However, I do know the Creator of the universe. I know the One who sees the sparrows fall and He knows how many hairs I have on my head. I know the One who gave strength to Samson, gave intellect to Adam so he could name all the plants and animals, I know the architect who gave Noah the plans for the ark.

I know the One who gave Solomon his wisdom and the One who took Elijah home to heaven in a chariot. I know the One who cleansed lepers, raised the dead, healed the sick, provided food for the multitudes and the One who turned water into wine.

I don’t need to book an appointment or acheive to a certain status to talk with the One who is CEO of the universe. I call Him daddy and I can run boldly to Him and He never refuses to see me.

I know the Good Shepherd and He knows me by name. He causes me to lie down in green pastures and He leads me through the valley of the shadow of death.

I know the One who loved me enough to leave heaven, take on the form of man, lived a sinless life, died a sacrifical death and then rose triumphantly just for me. He made me new!

And I know that as much as I know Him now, I want to know Him more.

“I want to belong to him. In Christ I am right with God, but my being right does not come from following the law. It comes from God through faith. God uses my faith in Christ to make me right with him. 10 All I want is to know Christ and the power that raised him from death. I want to share in his sufferings and be like him even in his death.” Philippians 3:9-10 ERV

I can introduce you to Him if you don’t already know Him. His arms are open wide to all who would come to Him!

” Everything and everyone that the Father has given me will come to me, and I won’t turn any of them away.

38 I didn’t come from heaven to do what I want! I came to do what the Father wants me to do. He sent me, 39 and he wants to make certain that none of the ones he has given me will be lost. Instead, he wants me to raise them to life on the last day.” John 6:37-39 CEV

So some may think that I’m not very well informed but I can tell you with certainty that I KNOW the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and that is more than enough!

“…nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.” II Timothy 1:12 KJV