Most of my days are very ordinary, just like yours. Take yesterday for instance, it started with picking up our grocery order that I had placed the day before. Had to run in to Home Depot and grab a couple things Dave needed to complete his home project.
Back to the house where I put the groceries away, started laundry, and reconciled the bank statement before I headed out again to an appointment at the bank and a couple of other errands before heading home. All this was done following the proper safety guidelines and handing out candy canes at each stop.
I had been listening to a Christmas CD as I went from place to place. When I left the last location and started the car toward home a song came through the sound system speakers, “Love Was Born on Christmas Day” *. My heart had been touched by the apprehension of the people I had met at my different stops and this song brought me to tears.
All those folks were wearing their masks, but obviously bothered by the close proximity of their surroundings. There was no Christmas music playing through the intercom systems, no smiles to be seen, no real Christmas joy. Their faces would brighten as I said Merry Christmas, thanked them for their assistance and handed them a candy cane but for the most part the Christmas spirit was missing.
** “This is the story, the power and the glory
Three wise men knelt to pray
A guiding star had led the way
And there he lay born on Christmas day
Joy did he bring, the king
Let every song rejoice
And every heart did sing, hear it ring
The sound of heaven’s voice
The angels proclaimed his holy name
King of kings”
**partial lyrics of Born on Christmas Day
This is the story – the power and the glory, Christ was born on Christmas day. As the words of this chorus repeated my eyes filled with tears. The world, my small world, was missing the joy and the love that He came to bring. I felt God’s heart ache. I wanted to give them all a hug and tell them things would get better. I wanted them to know that they could give all their fears and disappointments to the Lord. Jesus came so we could have a relationship with the Father.
“But when the time was right, God sent his Son, and a woman gave birth to him. His Son obeyed the Law, 5 so he could set us free from the Law, and we could become God’s children. 6 Now that we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts. And his Spirit tells us that God is our Father.” Galatians 4:4-6 CEV
If each of us touches one person with the love of Jesus this Christmas season it will be life-changing. I pray that we give the most wonderful gift of all, God’s love, to those around us.
* (The underlined song title is an active link to the song on YouTube. I know you will enjoy it.)