As We Begin

In the beginning…a New Year, a blank slate, a clean page, a new horizon, a fresh start. How many more clichés can I come up with? You get the point.

Does this year start any differently than those in the past? High expectations are easily replaced by disappointment unless the beginning has a solid foundation.

God is the master of beginnings.

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 KJV

“In the beginning was the one who is called the Word. The Word was with God and was truly God.” John 1:1 CEV

The best way to start this new year is to have God in your beginning! God the Father and His creative power is here to fill your beginning. And God the Son, Jesus, the Word, is here as our example of what life is like when we depend upon the Father.

Oh and one more verse.

“But the Holy Spirit will come and help you, because the Father will send the Spirit to take my place. The Spirit will teach you everything and will remind you of what I said while I was with you.

27 I give you peace, the kind of peace only I can give. It isn’t like the peace this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid.” John 14:26-27 CEV

The Holy Spirit comes to remind us of what the Jesus taught us about our relationship with the Father. That relationship will bring us peace and freedom from worry. Our heavenly Father desires for us to be worry free. The angels who announced the birth of Jesus said, “Fear not”. The angel who came to both Mary and Joseph first said, “don’t be afraid”. When the storm came up on the sea and the disciples thought they would drown Jesus said, “fear not”.

When God works in our lives He brings peace, not fear.

What a great way to begin this year and it’s a great way to walk through each day. In the beginning is God and He promises to bring us peace.

Happy New Year!

Beginning Again

This will be my sixty-eighth new year. For many years I paid no attention to the changing year on the calendar. When I was a young teen it was an opportunity to stay up until midnight to watch the “new year come in”.

In my late 40’s I took on the attitude that the new year would come if I was awake or asleep and I would go to bed whenever but in my 50’s something changed. Not with the time I would go to bed but with my heart.

Some time within the first few days of the year, when family and friends have gone, Dave and I take communion. We dedicate ourselves, our home and the activities of the upcoming year to the Lord.

“In the beginning God”!

I can’t think of a better way to start anything than with the recognition that God, the Father, Jesus, the Son and the Holy Spirit need to be with me at the beginning of whatever it is I’m about to do.

“Before the world began, the Word was there. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was there with God in the beginning. Everything was made through him, and nothing was made without him.” John 1:1-3 ERV

Christ, the Word, was with God, the Father, in the beginning and He desires to be with us in our beginnings. The beginning of life, schooling, careers, marriage, parenthood, a new year, a new day. Whatever has a beginning He desires to be first.

“Instead, desire first and foremost God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 CEB

Maybe this is your fortieth or fiftieth new year but in all those years you have never really committed one to the Lord. This can be your first new year of dedication, seeking the Father’s purpose.

“God’s Son was before all else, and by him everything is held together. 18 He is the head of his body, which is the church. He is the very beginning, the first to be raised from death,
so that he would be above all others. 19 God himself was pleased to live fully in his Son. 20 And God was pleased for him to make peace by sacrificing his blood on the cross” Colossians 1:17-20 CEV

We have a new year before us, we are beginning again. None of us know what 2022 will be like but our Father does, and we can have confidence in Him and His love for us. Let’s begin again making Him our priority.