Hope for Living

Last night Dave and I were visiting and listening to the radio. We’re not big radio listeners – never have been but the last few days, here at the racetrack, it’s something we’ve started. What station? Glad you asked, KLOVE.

What a great way to start and end each day; one song after another filled with the power of God’s promises and the encouragement of praise.

Without Jesus, we really have no hope. I know what that’s like and being on the other side of that now, I can tell you I never want to go back to that prison again.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God has great mercy, and because of his mercy he gave us a new life. This new life brings us a living hope through Jesus Christ’s resurrection from death.” I Peter 1:3 ERV

As Dave and I talked we were reminded of where we’ve been. There have been times that we were desperate – almost hopeless. He was working 100+ hours a week, we had a toddler and a baby on the way. Things were bleak. Another time we had to close the door on our business.

With our heart’s cry of desperation, we said “Lord, we need You. We need You to show us the way out, the way forward. We need Your direction. We need help!”

The Lord gave us two verses back then.

“Christ is the one who gives me the strength I need to do whatever I must do.” Philippians 4:13 ERV

 Jesus, our high priest, is able to understand our weaknesses. When Jesus lived on earth, he was tempted in every way. He was tempted in the same ways we are tempted, but he never sinned. 16 With Jesus as our high priest, we can feel free to come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.” Hebrews 4:15-16 ERV

We’ve had other times when we either forgot to ask the Lord for His leading or have just ventured out to do things on our own and have faced failure and hopelessness, but God has been faithful to pick us up, help us through and bring us to a good place.

“But keep the Lord Christ holy in your hearts. Always be ready to answer everyone who asks you to explain about the hope you have. 16 But answer them in a gentle way with respect…” I Peter 3:15-16 ERV

A song came on the radio right before we were heading to bed. What a powerful message of hope! “In Jesus Name” by Katy Nichole

I speak the name of Jesus over you
In your hurting, in your sorrow
I will ask my God to move
I speak the name ’cause it’s all that I can do
In desperation, I’ll seek Heaven
And pray this for you

I pray for your healing, that circumstances would change
I pray that the fear inside would flee in Jesus name
I pray that a breakthrough would happen today
I pray miracles over your life in Jesus name
In Jesus name

This is my prayer for you – I speak the name of Jesus over you, over every circumstance, over every fear. I pray that you will have a living hope!