Nothing To Brag About

We live in a reputation driven society. Companies spend billions each year on advertising, making sure they have the right image for their product.

Celebrities are given huge endorsements. The best production companies are hired. Constant attention is placed on positioning of those on-line searches. Reputation means everything – drink the right product, wear the right clothes, drive the right car, support the right candidate, play for the right team. The list is endless.

But, what about you and me? I know me and I really have done nothing to brag about, I won’t be asked for my public opinion or endorsement.

I’m kind of like Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tree.

So were the shepherds on that eventful night when the angels filled the sky. Shepherds had a poor reputation in their society at best. They were considered the lowest of the blue collar workers, rogues, and liars but God… God saw them as men who would be faithful to spread the message that His Son had been born!

“The angels went from the shepherds back to heaven. The shepherds said to each other, ‘Let us go now to Bethlehem and see what has happened. The Lord has told us about this.’ 16 They went fast and found Mary and Joseph. They found the Baby lying in a place where cattle are fed. 17 When they saw the Child, they told what the angel said about Him. 18 All who heard it were surprised at what the shepherds told them. 19 But Mary hid all these words in her heart. She thought about them much. 20 The shepherds went back full of joy. They thanked God for all they had heard and seen. It happened as the angel had told them.” Luke 2:15-20 NLV

How do you see yourself today? Are you someone who has struggled most of your life with relationships and careers? Do others look down on you because of your education or lack thereof? Maybe you’ve done some stupid stuff and it has caused people not to trust you or you have wounded and broken relationships. Well, God has a message and a plan for your life. He is willing to use you to touch others.

The Bible is filled with people of low reputation who were used by God. Fishermen, shepherds, slaves, prisoners, prostitutes, tax collectors, children, a divorcee, murderers. People you and I probably wouldn’t invite to dinner but God used them all and not only did He use them, He saw them as valuable.

Jesus gave us His reputation and His place in heaven to reach us with His love.

“Jesus has always been as God is. But He did not hold to His rights as God. He put aside everything that belonged to Him and made Himself the same as a servant who is owned by someone. He became human by being born as a man. After He became a man, He gave up His important place and obeyed by dying on a cross.” Philippians 2:6-8 NLV

He died for you and me. He brought us new life and completely blotted out all the old garbage; our past is gone, never to be remembered.

“God decided to let his people know just how rich and glorious that truth is. That secret truth, which is for all people, is that Christ lives in you, his people. He is our hope for glory.” Colossians 1:27 ERV

The splendor and the glory of Christmas is not in the tinsel, the lights, the trees; it’s not in the messengers (that includes us) but it’s in the message of the manger and the Son of God laid aside His reputation to become Immanuel, God with us.

Now that’s something to brag about!