God Is Bigger

The last few days I have been frustrated by a hatch of small beetle-type insects. This may be a common occurrence this time of year but they are annoying.

They are everywhere and get into everything. They are black with a little bit of red on their sides, they have wings but they don’t fly much. They crawl and of course are drawn to the light. Dave reminded me yesterday, “don’t worry, they’ll be gone just as quickly as they came”. It can’t be soon enough for me!

While I was muttering about these little pests, I almost missed the gorgeous sunrise that was appearing through my window. Isn’t that how it is so often? We make mountains out of molehills and we miss out on the beauty that God provides.

God is bigger than our problems, bigger than our annoyances!

King Solomon made a simple statement that I have learned to rely on in times like these.

“Catch the foxes for us— the little foxes that spoil the vineyard. Our vineyard is now in bloom.” Song of Solomon 2:15 ERV

This verse is right in the middle of a love sonnet. How strange! But I think it’s a reminder, a caution that we should deal with the little things of life, not letting them create stress and go on.

“We have small troubles for a while now, but these troubles are helping us gain an eternal glory. That eternal glory is much greater than our troubles. 18 So we think about what we cannot see, not what we see. What we see lasts only a short time, and what we cannot see will last forever.” II Corinthians 4:17-18 ERV

The “small troubles” in Paul’s life were things like ship wrecks, beatings, imprisonment, stoning, constant harassment. Little foxes — small troubles.

God is bigger!

Just now as I am writing this one of those small annoyances just crawled across my keyboard. So, what do we do when the stress starts to build and the annoyances come?

“I look to the hills! Where will I find help? It will come from the Lord, who created heaven and earth. The Lord is your protector, and he won’t go to sleep or let you stumble.” Psalm 121:1-3 CEV

With that I’m on my way out to enjoy the sunrise and the majesty of the Father. My God is bigger than anything!

Looking Up

I’ve been spending quite a bit of time over the past weeks talking about our focus or having God’s kind of thinking. This morning I want to start a segment on “looking up”. Again, it has to do with our focus – what are we looking at or where do we put our trust?

Have you ever noticed when someone is depressed or insecure that they rarely look up? They don’t want to make eye contact, it’s a defense mechanism. And when a child has done something wrong, they find it hard to look you in the eye. Looking up, looking into someone’s face seems to make us vulnerable.

However, King David knew that in looking up he would find help.

“Many are saying of me, ‘There is no help for him in God.’ But You, O Lord, are a covering around me, my shining-greatness, and the One Who lifts my head. I was crying to the Lord with my voice. And He answered me from His holy mountain. I lay down and slept, and I woke up again, for the Lord keeps me safe.” Psalm 3:2-5 NLV

God is the One who lifts our head.

Have you ever had one of your children or grandchildren come to ask you something but they wouldn’t look up? I have, and when that happened, I gently took their head in my hands and lifted their face so we could see eye to eye. I wanted them to see my love, I wanted to be able to wipe away their tears. I wanted them to know they were safe with me.

Look up.

I had someone tell me recently that it seemed their prayer time was filled with a laundry list of things they needed God to do but not much time to really talk to the Lord and listen for His voice. Once again, King David knew what that was like.

“Hear my words, O Lord. Think about my crying. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God. For I pray to you. In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice. In the morning I will lay my prayers before You and will look up.” Psalm 5:1-3

The impact of David’s statement is that he said he looks up to God for a reply. In another version of this verse it says, “Each morning you listen to my prayer, as I bring my requests to you and wait for your reply.(CEV)”

Looking up – looking to God for what we need is essential. Waiting for Him to reply is vital. He tells us to come boldly to Him for help and He will give it.

We won’t find the answers we need on the news or the talk shows. We will find the answers that have stood the test of time and have never failed when we look up. I can’t give you the specific answers for your questions, but God can – there’s not an issue that we will face in life that isn’t addressed in God’s word.

Trust the Holy Spirit to direct you as you read. Take time to talk with God each morning but more importantly take time to look up and wait for the answer.

Good Winter Advice

Years ago, we moved from California to Washington State for work. We arrived the first week of November. Thanksgiving week we had a “100-year” snowfall. My, oh my!

To this point I had lived in the warmth of Arizona and the milder climate of southern California. I didn’t know how to live in snow. The first weeks we were there required an investment of time and money as we sought out the proper winter clothing; coats, boots, gloves, hats, long johns.

We knew the snow fall was heavier than normal when the church called to cancel services. The guys had to hoist the snow blower up on the roof of the carport for snow removal so it wouldn’t collapse. Not something this desert girl was accustomed to at all.

We seemed to be adjusting well, even walked Kaci to school in the mornings. Everyone was walking – they took it all in stride. One morning my sister-in-law asked me to join her and a friend on a morning walk before breakfast.


It was now the first week in February. I felt I was getting the hang of this “winter” routine quite well. We were almost home when I slipped on the ice. My feet went out from under me, and I did what came naturally, but it was the wrong thing. I reached out to brace my fall and broke my right wrist.

X-rays, surgery, a night in the hospital and over five months in a cast. I celebrated my 40th birthday, in July, in a pretty purple cast from my wrist to my elbow.

So, what’s all this got to do with our morning Bible study? Plenty!

Remember a couple days ago the verse I shared with you from Hosea? “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge”. Well, this morning I was reminded of a verse I found several years after that slip and felt impressed to share it this morning with all of you.

“I will lift up my eyes to the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. He will not let your feet go out from under you. He Who watches over you will not sleep. Listen, He Who watches over Israel will not close his eyes or sleep.

The Lord watches over you. The Lord is your safe cover at your right hand. The sun will not hurt you during the day and the moon will not hurt you during the night. The Lord will keep you from all that is sinful. He will watch over your soul. The Lord will watch over your coming and going, now and forever.” Psalm 121 NLV

The Bible is practical – very practical. When I found this verse I began to pray it. I now had knowledge of God’s promise and I was putting it in to practice. Now, in 68 years I have had only two broken bones and I thank God for that every day.

Many of you live in cold climate, where the ground will be snow covered for a few more months. I suggest that you add this verse to those you rely on each day.

“Father, protect my readers. Keep them from harm. Don’t let their feet go out from under them. In Jesus name, amen”.