When We Stumble

Recently our oldest daughter and son-in-law climbed Picacho Peak. It’s not an easy climb. It’s rocky and steep and there are areas where cables are necessary to aide you across the mountainside.

She told me at times her ankles and legs felt like jelly. She stumbled, she had scrapes and bruises and a gash in her shin but they made the climb. They reached the top!

There are times when we all stumble, it’s not a condition reserved only for those who climb. It’s easy to become discouraged and want to quit, our emotional legs get weary and shaky. We push forward, sometimes in weakness and pain.

 There is One Who can keep you from falling and can bring you before Himself free from all sin. He can give you great joy as you stand before Him in His shining-greatness. 25 He is the only God. He is the One Who saves from the punishment of sin through Jesus Christ our Lord. May He have shining-greatness and honor and power and the right to do all things. He had this before the world began, He has it now, and He will have this forever. Let it be so.” Jude 24,25 NLV

Christ is the one who promises to be our strength and our support. He is “an ever-present help in time of trouble”.

Christians fail. We get weary, angry, depressed but by His strength we go on.

“The steps of a good man are led by the Lord. And He is happy in his way. 24 When he falls, he will not be thrown down, because the Lord holds his hand. 25 I have been young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the man who is right with God left alone, or his children begging for bread.” Psalm 37:23-25 NLV

King David had many victories in his life but he also had failures, times of stumbling. The Apostle Paul was known for his persecution and imprisonment of Christians, he stumbled and then the Lord used him to write over half of the New Testament.

“We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are. 23 For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. 24 Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.” Romans 3:22-24 NLT

Maybe you feel like you failed, you’ve stumbled and fallen, you have bruises and scrapes. It’s hard to get up.

“And he became their Savior. In all their suffering he also suffered, and he personally rescued them. In his love and mercy he redeemed them. He lifted them up and carried them through all the years.” Isaiah 63:8-10 NLT

When we stumble let the Lord rescue us, lift us up and carry us forward!

I Am Strong

Some mornings when I get up my body doesn’t want to work the way I want it to. Today is one of those days.

I am ever mindful of my loved ones who live with chronic pain and they are always in my prayers. As I get older I am reminded of what the Apostle Paul said about our bodies:

“We never give up. Our bodies are gradually dying, but we ourselves are being made stronger each day.” II Corinthians 4:16 CEV

That verse was part of my reading this morning. It is the one that will stay with me all day. Maybe you are one who feels like giving up today – don’t!

Give the weakness that you are experiencing over to the Lord. Have a sit down with the Father. Tell Him what you are experiencing and let Him show you that He is greater than your weakness.

“I asked the Lord three times to take it away from me. He answered me, “I am all you need. I give you My loving-favor. My power works best in weak people.” I am happy to be weak and have troubles so I can have Christ’s power in me. 10 I receive joy when I am weak. I receive joy when people talk against me and make it hard for me and try to hurt me and make trouble for me. I receive joy when all these things come to me because of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” II Corinthians 12:8-10 NLV

Both of the Scriptures above are part of the same letter which Paul wrote to the christians in the church of Corinith. It is obvious that the Lord had a message for them and for us.

Our bodies will experience hardship and weariness. In all of it we aren’t to give up. When we feel weak we can and should draw on the strength that Christ gives us. When the Father says “I’m all you need” then we can be confident that He is and will be more than enough!

Do you feel weak? It may be physical, emotional or spiritual. Say with the Apostle Paul I am strong.

I know that those are the words I voiced this morning and I will be saying them throughout day – Father you are all I need and in You I find strength for my weakness.

I am strong in Christ!