Past Present Future

God can use our past to shape our future!

Do you believe that? We all have things in our past that are painful, things we would like to forget. It’s amazing – those things that we think almost too tough to bear can be used of God to propel us into a future of blessing.

The children of Israel were went to Egypt to escape a famine. Their brother was second in command of the whole country. Then a new pharaoh took over, saw them as a threat and enslaved them. They went from being independent ranchers to making bricks for the pharaoh (probably used in the construction of the pyramids). But I think they also must have been taught other skills, fine skills, as well. Let me show you.

When we read Exodus 25-31 we find the instructions that the Lord gives Moses for the construction of the Tabernacle, His mobile home, and also for the items of worship to be used in it. God even gives instruction for the clothing of the priests. This is all very elaborate.

The items were to be made from acacia wood covered in gold, the fabric was fine linen with purple, red and blue wool. The priest’s breastplate was encrusted with fine stones in settings of silver. The incense and anointing oil were of the finest quality.

Now maybe your mind doesn’t work like mine but I had to ask, where did these brick makers get all this good stuff and where did they learn to be skilled craftsmen?

The lampstand for the Tabernacle was to be engraved from one piece of gold weighing 75 pounds. It wasn’t just a lampstand but was decorated with flowers which were also to be carved from the same piece of gold. Amazing! (By-the-way, Jesus said he was the light of the world)

“Make a lampstand of pure gold. The whole lampstand, including its decorative flowers, must be made from a single piece of hammered gold 32 with three branches on each of its two sides. 33 There are to be three decorative almond blossoms on each branch 34 and four on the stem. 35 There must also be a blossom where each pair of branches comes out from the stem. 36 The lampstand, including its branches and decorative flowers, must be made from a single piece of hammered pure gold.” Exodus 25:31-36 CEV

And then there are the curtains:
“Furnish the sacred tent with curtains made from ten pieces of the finest linen. They must be woven with blue, purple, and red wool and embroidered with figures of winged creatures. 2 Make each piece fourteen yards long and two yards wide 3 and sew them together into two curtains with five sections each. 4-6 Put fifty loops of blue cloth along one of the wider sides of each curtain, then fasten the two curtains at the loops with fifty gold hooks.” Exodus 26:1-6 CEV

I could go on and on but I would have you read it for yourself. The questions that come to mind are; where did they get the gold? Easy, Moses told the women that they were to go to their Egyptian neighbors and ask for all their gold and silver and fine goods before they left Egypt. They were so eager to get rid of the Israelites that they gladly complied.

But now answer these. Where did they learn about refining and carving gold; what about weaving the fine linen; or embroidery with gold thread or dying wool? Did you know that linen is made from flax – it would take a lot of flax to produce ten curtains fourteen yards long and two yards wide. And the flax would first have to be planted, then harvested and finally spun.

The Israelites must have served as apprentice to the Egyptian goldsmiths, silversmiths, weavers, etc. I was reading on the internet that some of the finest linen produced came from the tombs of the pharaohs in Egypt.

Now let me say again that God can take our oppressive past and use it for our blessing. They were able to use the things they learned as slaves to build a house of honor for the Lord.

What skills and talents did we develop in harsh conditions that we can now use to bring God glory? Remember, God took a religious zealot like Saul who arrested and had the early Christians killed, changed his life on the road to Damascus, gave him a new name (Paul) and had him be the message of God’s grace to the whole world.

“Christ Jesus our Lord was very kind to me. He has greatly blessed my life with faith and love just like his own. 15 “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” This saying is true, and it can be trusted. I was the worst sinner of all! 16 But since I was worse than anyone else, God had mercy on me and let me be an example of the endless patience of Christ Jesus. He did this so that others would put their faith in Christ and have eternal life.” I Timothy 1:14-16 CEV

The Father isn’t wasteful – not with time, with experience, with talents or with people. He will use what we give Him and He will take our mess and turn it into His message.

Grace & a DQ Blizzard

The other night I was talking with my Mom about grace. I was surprised to learn that she still battles with the concept of God’s grace. You see she was raised in a traditional religious denomination that stressed works and good behavior.

If you didn’t read your Bible often enough, pray enough,  and tithe regularly you weren’t pleasing God. He was unhappy with  you and your relationship with Him was questionable.

God’s grace, on the other hand, is based entirely upon God and His unconditional love for us. We will never be able to do enough or be good enough to earn His love and acceptance. It all comes by grace.

 All have sinned and are not good enough to share God’s divine greatness. 24 They are made right with God by his grace. This is a free gift. They are made right with God by being made free from sin through Jesus Christ. 25-26 God gave Jesus as a way to forgive people’s sins through their faith in him. God can forgive them because the blood sacrifice of Jesus pays for their sins. God gave Jesus to show that he always does what is right and fair. He was right in the past when he was patient and did not punish people for their sins. And in our own time he still does what is right. God worked all this out in a way that allows him to judge people fairly and still make right any person who has faith in Jesus.” Romans 3:23-26 ERV

None of us deserve God’s grace and that’s why grace is grace. God, our Father, gives it freely because of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. It was all His plan.

I can hear you asking what’s a blizzard got to do with grace. Glad you asked. My mother loves blizzards and at 94 it’s one of her few true pleasures. That day, while we were out, Dave and I stopped and bought a blizzard for Mom. She hadn’t asked for it, though she often does, and so it was a real surprise treat.

We didn’t have to talk her into taking it. She didn’t stop and evaluate whether she had been “good enough” to receive it. She hadn’t really done anything to “earn” it, we gave it to her because we loved her and knew she would enjoy it.

I used that analogy with her as we talked about grace that evening. Receiving something given in love, something you don’t earn or deserve – it’s called grace! I then told her that I thought she had just given me a topic of my morning devotional and she smiled. She thought it was a good idea.

We all have times we battled with our performance versus God’s grace. That’s a trick of the enemy. We have days that we think we are better than others and so we expect a little more. But in God’s way of thinking each day is the same. He always sees us through what Jesus has done, our justification and relationship are not of our own making.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Christ, God has given us every spiritual blessing in heaven. In Christ, he chose us before the world was made. He chose us in love to be his holy people—people who could stand before him without any fault. And before the world was made, God decided to make us his own children through Jesus Christ. This was what God wanted, and it pleased him to do it. And this brings praise to God because of his wonderful grace. God gave that grace to us freely. He gave us that grace in Christ, the one he loves.

In Christ we are made free by his blood sacrifice. We have forgiveness of sins because of God’s rich grace. God gave us that grace fully and freely. With full wisdom and understanding he let us know his secret plan. This was what God wanted, and he planned to do it through Christ.” Ephesians 1:3-9 ERV

The concept of God’s grace was almost incomprehensible to those in the Bible. The Apostle Paul repeated it again and again. Religion of that day stressed the importance of working to be worthy. Many sacrifices were made to prove devotion and dedication to the gods they served and those sacrifices had to be repeated.

Then Christ came and through His one sacrifice we were saved by God’s grace. That’s the gospel. The word gospel means good news, actually it means nearly too good to be true news. Grace.

God saved us and chose us to be his holy people, but not because of anything we ourselves did. God saved us and made us his people because that was what he wanted and because of his grace. That grace was given to us through Christ Jesus before time began. ” II Timothy 1:9 ERV

So the next time you are faced with thoughts of your unworthiness to receive God’s love remember the blizzard I gave my Mom. It can in no way compare to the grace that God but it can be a reminder.

I pray that God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will give peace and love with faith to all the brothers and sisters there. 24 God’s grace to all of you who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love that never ends.” Ephesians 6:23-24 ERV