Who Is The Enemy?

For the last couple of weeks I have written about the circumstances and situations in life that cause fear and unrest. The good news is that our God is bigger than any of them and He will walk through every situation. We can trust Him.

God is faithful! Yes, He is. His faithfulness endures to a thousand generations, as if there were any question about it. He can be trusted to keep His word.

This morning we will look at Daniel. He had co-workers who hated him and would go to any length to sabotage his credibility and even go so far as to want him dead. They had the king enact a law that anyone who prayed to a god other than whom the king said would be thrown into the lion’s den.

They knew full well that Daniel spent hours each day praying to His God. Once the trap was set, they brought Daniel before the king; judgment was made and Daniel was taken off to certain death in the lion’s den.

In the morning, the king came to the lions’ den and called out to Daniel. He responded and the king had him brought out of the enclosure. Daniel gave glory to God for His faithfulness and the co-workers were sent to their death for trying to destroy Daniel.

“19 The next morning, King Darius got up just as it was getting light and ran to the lions’ den. 20 He was very worried. When he got to the lions’ den, he called to Daniel. He said, “Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God been able to save you from the lions? You always serve your God.”21 Daniel answered, “King, live forever! 22 My God sent his angel to save me. The angel closed the lions’ mouths. The lions have not hurt me because my God knows I am innocent. I never did anything wrong to you, King.”23 King Darius was very happy…The lions did not hurt Daniel because he trusted in his God.24 Then the king gave a command to bring the men who had accused Daniel to the lions’ den. The men and their wives and children were thrown into the lions’ den… 25 Then King Darius wrote this letter to all the people from other nations and language groups all around the world:Greetings:26 I am making a new law. This law is for people in every part of my kingdom. All of you must fear and respect the God of Daniel. Daniel’s God is the living God; he lives forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed. His rule will never end.27 God helps and saves people. He does amazing miracles in heaven and on earth. He saved Daniel from the lions.28 So Daniel was successful during the time Darius was king and when Cyrus the Persian was king.” Daniel Chapter 6 ERV

True Story!

Who was Daniel’s enemy? Was it the king who sentenced him to death? Could it have been the co-workers who were jealous of Daniel, his wisdom and position? Were the lions’ his enemy? Perhaps, Daniel’s enemy was unseen and lurking in the background. Daniel’s enemy was the same one, that those of us who seek to honor God, face on a daily basis.

“Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.” Ephesians 6:11-13 NLT

Are you facing a lions’ den today? You notice that Daniel didn’t change his commitment to the Lord just because the circumstances changed. Daniel was a faithful man, he continued to serve God in spite of the circumstances. And God continued to be faithful to His word and to the man who served Him. Like Daniel, we will still be standing when the battle is over. Be faithful today and you will find that God is faithful too!

“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him…” II Chronicles 16:9


God, our heavenly Father, is able!

Able means He has the ability to do or complete the task set before Him. He is able to work on our behalf but He needs us to work with Him.

Look at a few words with “able” in them: stable, workable, solvable, understandable, lovable, peaceable, forgivable… How many more can you think of? All of these and more are a description of God’s work in our lives.

Because He is a loving Father he won’t force Himself on us and He won’t force us to take the benefits He has for us. But if we will allow Him to work in our lives we will see His ability working on our behalf.

“I pray that you will know the love of Christ. His love goes beyond anything we can understand. I pray that you will be filled with God Himself. 20 God is able to do much more than we ask or think through His power working in us. 21 May we see His shining-greatness in the church. May all people in all time honor Christ Jesus. Let it be so.” Ephesians 3:19-21 NLT

When we truly experience God’s love, His power can work within us. He is able!

“Because He Himself [in His humanity] has suffered in being tempted, He is able to help and provide immediate assistance to those who are being tempted and exposed to suffering.” Hebrews 2:18 AMP

He is able to help us immediately when we are being tempted because He was also tempted and suffered.

“Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault. 25 All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen.” Jude 24-25 CEV

God is able to keep us! He is able to save us!

“But Jesus will never die, and so he will be a priest forever! 25 He is forever able to save the people he leads to God, because he always lives to speak to God for them.” Hebrews 7:24-25 CEV

Father, today I am available so that Your abilities may work in me, through me and for me!

I know YOU are able!