When God When

It seems when it comes to answered prayer we often times have the wrong perspective. We want to see an immediate change in our situations and if we don’t, we become discouraged and began our lament of “When God, when”.

God lives in the now, that happens when you are eternal, having no beginning and no end. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. The events that happened at creation are just as current to the Lord as this morning’s breakfast.

The answer to our prayers, according to the Scripture, comes when we ask.

“Ask and it shall be given you” Matthew 7:7

“Call on Me and I will answer thee” Jeremiah 33:3

“Come boldly to the throne of grace and find help in time of need” Hebrews 4:16

“Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer.” Daniel 10:12 NLT

Our part is to ask, to call and to come. God’s part is to give, answer and help. He always does His part! We are the ones who have set up a time table and we often times think that God should respond accordingly.

However, we don’t always receive the answer on our schedule because God’s eternal timing is different from ours but He ALWAYS answers.

“but a thousand years  mean nothing to you! They are merely a day gone by or a few hours in the night.” Psalm 90:4 CEV

I can accurately say that none of us have waited one of God’s days for an answer to prayer.

The year of 2020 is almost over and you may be saying “When God, when”. Trust me when I tell you this. God is working, even when we don’t see it. The Apostle Paul said this to the Christians who lived in the ancient city of Corinth.

“God says, “I heard you at the right time, and I gave you help on the day of salvation.” I tell you that the “right time” is now. The “day of salvation” is now.” II Corinthians 6:2 ERV

Let me encourage you to remain confident, don’t let go of your hope. Trust God! Listen to the Scriptures. God says the right time is now; help is here!

Finding Love in Silence

A cool morning, a warm cup of coffee, a cozy blanket and quiet! Truly an enjoyable way to start the day!

Alone with just the thoughts of my heart and there is peace! I didn’t always enjoy being alone with just my thoughts. My heart would become anxious; I would turn on the tv or the radio – anything to block out the silence, anything not to focus on the unrest and the distress I felt churning inside.

Maybe you’re like that. You don’t want to get up and be “alone” with your thoughts or with the Father. You want to get up and get going right away to keep yourself from pausing in the quiet of the morning.

King David wrote in the Psalms to “be still and KNOW that I AM God”. To know means to be intimately acquainted with, a deep personal knowledge or understanding.

“God is our protection and source of strength. He is always ready to help us in times of trouble. 2 So we are not afraid when the earth quakes and the mountains fall into the sea. 3 We are not afraid when the seas become rough and dark and the mountains tremble. Selah…10 God says, “Stop fighting (be still) and know that I am God! I am the one who defeats the nations; I am the one who controls the world.” 11 The Lord All-Powerful is with us. The God of Jacob is our place of safety. Selah” Psalm 46 ERV

This verse says to stop fighting where another translation of the same verse says be still. The psalm ends with the word Selah, which means to pause, reflect, take time to let what you just heard sink in.

I used to hate being alone with my thoughts. They told me I was unworthy, I was alone, I wouldn’t amount to anything. My thoughts pointed out all my failures and my shortcomings. I never measured up so why did I want a quiet time to reflect on all that was wrong with me?

However, when I began reading God’s word and taking time to sit silently and let it sink in, I found God’s love and peace.

“With Jesus as our high priest, we can feel free to come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.” Hebrews 4:16 ERV

When I come to His throne, in the quiet of the morning, I find grace, mercy, kindness and help. I find Jesus! I’ve had folks ask me why I get up so early – it’s not a chore, I’ve been doing it for years. It’s my place of peace and strength. I can’t imagine starting a day without this time.

In the silence I know that God is with me and He surrounds me with His love!

The Big Stuff

Trusting on God to handle the “big” stuff in our lives seems appropriate, right? But then we try to handle the “little” things on our own – surely we can handle them. No need to bother God!

Have you ever asked yourself “What’s big to God?”

Big things might appear to be cancer, divorce, terrorist attacks, destructive weather, who knows? While smaller things are the day to day occurrences; a broken washing machine, repairs on the car, problems at work, the kids’ friends, too much month and not enough money. These are the things we try to handle on our own; coming to our own conclusions; working out our own answers.

But what is “big” to God? He is the one who created the universe, who has been ever present from eternity past to eternity future, who mapped the planets, the sun, moon and stars; He created the earth and everything in it. What is “big stuff” to Him? Our “big” things barely make a blip on His radar screen however He tells us to bring everything too Him, that we may find help in time of need.

“Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 CEV

Two key words in this verse are anything and everything – that’s what we are to bring to the Father with thankful hearts knowing that He has a plan.

God has never been caught off guard by any request – He knows before we ask but He still is waiting for us to ask. He’s never leaned over to Jesus and said “Boy, I didn’t see that one coming. That’s a surprise to me; I wonder what I’m going to do.” No! He knows exactly what we need and how to get it to us.

He wants to be included in every aspect of our lives; the big, the small and the in-between. He will bring peace to the devastated and joy to the heart broken, He will heal the headache and the broken toe. He will give you wisdom as you develop a new project and He will help you balance the household budget. Give Him the large, that you can’t handle and the small, that you shouldn’t handle, let Him have it all.

“We have a great high priest, who has gone into heaven, and he is Jesus the Son of God. That is why we must hold on to what we have said about him. 15 Jesus understands every weakness of ours, because he was tempted in every way that we are. But he did not sin! 16 So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved kindness, and we will find help.” Hebrews 4:14-16 CEV

Are You Confused?

I had a situation recently where I needed to log-in to a particular app. Entered the password I thought was right but…

I know you’ve been there. Or you log-in and then are asked the security questions. After several attempts of trying to remember if you capitalized the answer or are spelling it right you are locked out temporarily. Are you kidding me, what did I do wrong? I’m so confused.

There are many things that bring thoughts of confusion our way. Jobs – Relationships – Politics – Finances – Education – Technology! What to do? Throw up your hands and walk away? Guess?

I’m so glad that our access to the heavenly Father isn’t blocked by some unknown password or security questions that we can’t remember. The password is simple, Jesus! The security question answer is less complicated than most imagine, Help!

“Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have. And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God’s peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds.” Philippians 4:6-7 ERV

Confusion is not from the Lord. Absolutely not! He promises us peace. His peace to guard our thoughts and are feelings.

He has always done everything in an orderly and well planned fashion. He created light and the dry land before He created the animals and plants. He put the grasses on earth before He created the cows, deer and elk.

He foretold the birth of Jesus hundreds and thousands of years before the event and when it came time for Jesus’ earthly entry everything was in place. The wise men followed what Daniel had written hundreds of years before.

The crucifixion was orchestrated down to the words that were spoken on the cross. Every detail had been foretold and every detail came to pass without deviation. God does things orderly. Even now, heaven is being prepared for us. Every desire and detail that will make heaven, heaven, is being fashioned as we live and breathe.

So when we look at a situation or circumstance and try to plan or gain understanding and are minds are spinning, it’s time to call on the Lord for order and wisdom.

“If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you. God is generous and won’t correct you for asking. 6 But when you ask for something, you must have faith and not doubt. Anyone who doubts is like an ocean wave tossed around in a storm. 7-8 If you are that kind of person, you can’t make up your mind, and you surely can’t be trusted. So don’t expect the Lord to give you anything at all.” James 1:5-8 CEV

Once we’ve asked for wisdom we need to wait for it. Expect God to show up with a game plan. Don’t become impatient or we will be tossed back and forth in our storm of indecision and misinformation. We can trust God to provide when we ask.

The Apostle Paul says that we battle in our minds but the way we emerge victorious is to bring every thought “captive”. Rein it in, bring it under control but not a control of our own making, bring it under the control that comes from knowledge in Christ.

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” II Corinthians 10:3-5

So when confusion comes and it does, it’s our duty to cast it down, take it captive and renew our minds to God’s way of thinking.

Ask for wisdom and then be still and listen for God’s voice on the matter. You have unlimited access to the throne room.