Family Values

This morning my thoughts are filled with memories of my parents. For all my life June 9th was a day for celebrating. Even after my father died in 2005, I still made an effort to make it special for Mom.

They were married June 9, 1945.

They raised our family to love and serve the Lord. Of course, we deviated from that for a while but each of my siblings and myself have a deep and personal relationship with Christ and that is largely in part to the prayers and values of my parents and my grandparents.

I remember my mother telling of times of family prayer each evening after dinner. Sometimes her grandparents would join them, and she said her grandfather could pray at great length, in his native tongue of Norwegian.

My grandparents were great prayer warriors. In her 60’s my grandmother would pray for hours each day. Each family member was mentioned by name – children, grandchildren, great grands and all their spouses. Add to that all the missionary families she knew around the world, as well as family friends.

When my grandmother died my mom took up her prayer mantle. It was not unusual to find Mom sitting in her recliner praying each day, reading her Bible and sharing her love for Jesus with those who dropped in for a visit. And now, she too, has passed from this earth to her home in heaven.

My grandfather was known by the nickname Preacher. He lived to tell people about Jesus. I never knew him, he died the day I was born but I know that he prayed for me throughout my mom’s pregnancy.

Dad loved the Lord and he loved singing. He gave me my love of music and I especially liked standing next to him in church and having our voices blend in song.

“You must be very careful not to forget the things you have seen God do for you. Keep reminding yourselves, and tell your children and grandchildren as well.” Deuteronomy 4:9 CEV

Maybe you weren’t raised with the heritage that I was. However, you can leave a legacy of prayer and godliness for your children and grandchildren.

Last year at our 50th anniversary celebration our oldest granddaughter paid us the highest compliment. She told what it meant to her and the family that Dave and I have the relationship with Christ that we do and that they know we are always praying for them.

“You provide food for those you love. Their children have plenty, and their grandchildren
will have more than enough.” Psalm 17:14b CEV

The one thing the Lord reminds me often is that my children are His children and He loves them more than I ever could. I can trust Him to be their God and Father.

“Thank you Father for my heritage and the godly legacy that is mine. I desire to have this same impact in my family. In the precious name of Jesus, I praise You. Amen.”