I hate to admit this but I have done that very thing – questioned God. I think I know better than to argue, at least out loud, but I haven’t always been quick to obey either.
Remember a week or so back when we were talking about Abraham. I told you he and God had established a covenant where everything Abraham had he willing gave to the Lord and in turn God promised all He is – God All-Powerful and Almighty, to be there for Abraham. They were blood brothers.
Abraham faced this same dilemma we are talking about. He had waited for a son for over 25 years and now that his son was a young man, God asked for him back. He asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.
Was God really going to be that cruel? In the book of Hebrews it tells us we are told that Abraham had received his son back as from the dead. Abraham knew Isaac was God’s promise, God had given him a son and if he asked for Isaac’s life then certainly God would raise him from the dead.
This is not a story of a mean and vengeful God. It’s the complete opposite! It’s the story of God’s faithfulness, His provision, His protection.
“God tested Abraham’s faith. God told him to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham obeyed because he had faith. He already had the promises from God. And God had already said to him, “It is through Isaac that your descendants will come.”[a] But Abraham was ready to offer his only son. He did this because he had faith. 19 He believed that God could raise people from death. And really, when God stopped Abraham from killing Isaac, it was as if he got him back from death” Hebrews 11:17-19 ERV
This story is filled with so much trust. Abraham’s trust in God, the servants trust in Abraham, Isaac’s trust in his father – if anyone of these would have failed to trust, the story would be very different.
“The Lord said, “Go get Isaac, your only son, the one you dearly love! Take him to the land of Moriah, and I will show you a mountain where you must sacrifice him to me on the fires of an altar.” 3 So Abraham got up early the next morning and chopped wood for the fire. He put a saddle on his donkey and left with Isaac and two servants for the place where God had told him to go. 4 Three days later Abraham looked off in the distance and saw the place. 5 He told his servants, “Stay here with the donkey, while my son and I go over there to worship. We will come back.”
6 Abraham put the wood on Isaac’s shoulder, but he carried the hot coals and the knife. As the two of them walked along, 7-8 Isaac said, “Father, we have the coals and the wood, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice?”
“My son,” Abraham answered, “God will provide the lamb.” The two of them walked on, and 9 when they reached the place that God had told him about, Abraham built an altar and placed the wood on it. Next, he tied up his son and put him on the wood. 10 He then took the knife and got ready to kill his son. 11 But the Lord’s angel shouted from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!” “Here I am!” he answered.
12 “Don’t hurt the boy or harm him in any way!” the angel said. “Now I know that you truly obey God, because you were willing to offer him your only son.”
13 Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught by its horns in the bushes. So he took the ram and sacrificed it in place of his son.
14 Abraham named that place “The Lord Will Provide.” And even now people say, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.” Genesis 22:2-14
What has God asked you for today? Do you trust Him? If you do things your way, how will you change God’s wonderful plan for your life? Do you see what Abraham said when they first started out – The boy and I will return? Abraham was convinced of God’s provision before he started to climb the mountain. He knew that God would keep His promise and that promise was Isaac.
After Abraham freely offered up his son to God, God then freely offered up his Son for us. God knows what it’s like to give what He loved most for a people who at times would be less than grateful, less than loving and yet He did it anyway. He did it because of His great love for us and not because of our great commitment to Him.
When God asks us to give Him something we hold dear He has something much better in store for us.
So what is it today that God is asking you to give? Trust and obey for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus but to Trust and Obey!