Crippled by Life

Have you ever been crippled? Maybe broken an ankle, had foot surgery, broken a leg or two…Or was your crippling a fear that had you weakened, possibly you were an emotional cripple or even financially unable to move.

Most of us have been crippled at one point or another in life but imagine now that this wasn’t something you could get over and the longer you live with the limitation it begins to steal your hope.

That was the man that Jesus met by the pool side. He had been a cripple for thirty-eight years.

38 years!

Thirty-eight years he waited for his miracle and quite frankly I think he had lost hope. When Jesus found him the first question Jesus asked was do you want to get well. Now the crippled man didn’t really answer Jesus question but instead began to make excuses, “I don’t have anyone to put me in the water”.

Don’t you hear it – it’s not my fault I’m laying here and nobody will help me, there’s nothing I can do about my situation, I’m stuck! Before we judge him to harshly let’s examine our own life – what situation has crippled us and we find that you are blaming someone else for not giving us what we need -assistance, pity, money, understanding.

“Many sick people were lying on the porches beside the pool. Some of them were blind, some were crippled, and some were paralyzed. 5 One of the men lying there had been sick for 38 years. 6 Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had been sick for a very long time. So he asked him, “Do you want to be well?”

7 The sick man answered, “Sir, there is no one to help me get into the water when it starts moving. I try to be the first one into the water. But when I try, someone else always goes in before I can.” John 5:3-7 ERV

Now look what Jesus said. No excuses accepted, no pity but words that demanded action and responsibility.

“Then Jesus said, “Stand up! Pick up your mat and walk.” 9 Immediately the man was well. He picked up his mat and started walking. The day all this happened was a Sabbath day.” John 5:8-9 ERV

The power of the Word of God spoken over our lives is life changing if we obey. What made the difference? I’m sure this man sensed the power in those words, it brought hope and hope brought action. Now this man went from a cripple to a person of determination and strength.

“But he answered, “The man who made me well told me, ‘Pick up your mat and walk.’” John 5:11 ERV

If only we were so confident in God’s Word that we said I’m just doing what I was told! We would see the power of God working in our lives like never before. This isn’t just a nice story of healing that happened in the Bible long ago but it is an example to us for today.

Look what Jesus said when he was questioned by the Jewish leaders for healing the man on the Sabbath.

“Jesus was doing all this on the Sabbath day. So these Jews began trying to make him stop. 17 But he said to them, “My Father never stops working, and so I work too.” 18 This made them even more determined to kill him. They thought it was bad enough that he was breaking the law about the Sabbath day. And now he was saying that God is his Father, making himself equal with God! 19 But Jesus answered, “I assure you that the Son can do nothing alone. He does only what he sees his Father doing. The Son does the same things that the Father does.” John 5:16-19 ERV

Our Father never stops working! He is still working today and the things He does, He does because He loves us.

Have you been crippled? Follow God’s word, take up your bed and walk!

Labor of the Day – Do It

This morning I learned something very interesting about the word labor.

In the King James Bible the word is spelled labour. So when I first looked up verses on labor there were none to be found. When I tried using the Old English spelling I found 128 references.

Isn’t that just the way it is. There is no real labour with “u”.

So often people think that they need to be super saints to be used by God. Not so…God is looking for people who are available. You don’t have to be someone who has been a Christian for a long time – someone who has been to Bible school or seminary – or even someone who has lived an exemplary life.

God is looking for the willing and obedient!

Come on now, let’s discuss this!” says the Lord. “Though your sins are bright red, they will become as white as snow. Though they are dark red, they will become as white as wool. 19 If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land.” Isaiah 1:18-19 GW

At the marriage feast in Cana Jesus mother told him that they were running low on wine. She expected Jesus to do something and then she said to the servants standing nearby, “whatever he tells you to do, do it”. They did and a miracle took place.

If we will just “do” what we hear from God, He will work the miracles. We don’t have to know great amounts of Scripture, but we need to be willing to do what we hear.

His mother told the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.”

Six stone water jars were there. They were used for Jewish purification rituals. Each jar held 18 to 27 gallons.

Jesus told the servers, “Fill the jars with water.” The servers filled the jars to the brim. Jesus said to them, “Pour some, and take it to the person in charge.” The servers did as they were told.

The person in charge tasted the water that had become wine. He didn’t know where it had come from, although the servers who had poured the water knew. The person in charge called the groom 10 and said to him, “Everyone serves the best wine first. When people are drunk, the host serves cheap wine. But you have saved the best wine for now.”

11 Cana in Galilee was the place where Jesus began to perform miracles. He made his glory public there, and his disciples believed in him.” John 2:5-11 GW

Obedience was a big part of Jesus ministry. He told Lazarus to “come forth”. To the cripple man, He said “rise up and walk”, Zacchaeus heard Him say “come down” and to the harlot he said “sin no more”. These are just a few examples but each of them were willing  to do what Jesus said and then they were obedient to “do it”.

You know this is a play on words but it’s important that “u” stays in labor.

We can’t earn our salvation. God’s love is unconditional. By our obedience we do show the love and gratitude in our hearts. “U” must be involved, it’s called faith.  Our obedience is an outward expression of our inner heart.

Jesus said He would provide rest if “u” (we) come to Him and learn.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29 KJV

or perhaps this is easier to understand

Come to me all of you who are tired from the heavy burden you have been forced to carry. I will give you rest. 29 Accept my teaching. Learn from me. I am gentle and humble in spirit. And you will be able to get some rest.” Matthew 11:28-29 ERV

I encourage “U” to labour today.  Work hard to be obedient and you will see God’s power working in your life bringing you to a place of rest.

Lord, today, I desire to be willing and obedient!

L’Chaim – To Life

There is a word used in Jewish toasts – L’Chaim, to Life!

Lifting a glass of wine to celebrate an engagement or marriage, the birth of a child and everyone says L’Chaim.

Each day we should be doing the same. We should be toasting the life that God has given us. Celebrating life and His goodness. A life of thankfulness and faith.


The just shall live by faith. Faith isn’t just something we have when we can’t handle things on our own, it’s a way of life.

Faith is what pleases God and God is the one who has given us the faith that we need to please Him – pretty good right? God doesn’t leave us unprepared or without the proper equipment. He tells us what it takes to please Him and then he supplies us – gotta love that.

I realize how kind God has been to me, and so I tell each of you not to think you are better than you really are. Use good sense and measure yourself by the amount of faith that God has given you.” Romans 12:3 CEV

But without faith no one can please God. We must believe that God is real and that he rewards everyone who searches for him.” Hebrews 11:6 CEV

I don’t understand where people get the idea that God is sitting up in heaven just waiting for us to fail or mess up. Moses told the nation of Israel that God set before them life and death, blessing and cursing. Then he told them “Choose life”. That was Jesus’ purpose – to provide the way of blessing – choose life.

Today I am giving you a choice of two ways. And I ask heaven and earth to be witnesses of your choice. You can choose life or death. The first choice will bring a blessing. The other choice will bring a curse. So choose life! Then you and your children will live. 20 You must love the Lord your God and obey him. Never leave him, because he is your life. And he will give you a long life in the land that he, the Lord, promised to give to your ancestors—Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” Deuteronomy 30:19-20 ERV

Jesus said: “The robber comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I came so they might have life, a great full life.” John 10:10 NLV


Again, choosing to live by faith brings reward. God is the one who promised it, our part is to seek Him and not give up.  Faith is believing that God will be faithful to His word; that what He has said WILL come to pass. And why shouldn’t we believe Him – He hasn’t lied yet!

The greatest miracle in the Bible was the result of a young woman’s faith. The angel came to Mary and told her that she would have a child. Mary asked how this could happen since she was a virgin and hadn’t been intimate with any man. (You all know the story). I love what the angel, Gabriel, said in response.

“Nothing is impossible for God!” 38 Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant! Let it happen as you have said.” And the angel left her.” Luke 1:37-38

I want my response to God to be the same “I am the Lord’s servant. Let it happen as He said”.

What are you facing today? NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE when we put our faith in GOD.


An Extra-Ordinary Morning Routine

Dave and I were talking yesterday about our morning routine. Some would see it as too structured, no room for spontaneity, but I see it as foundational for what will come. Sitting in the morning quiet is one of my favorite places. It doesn’t matter the location – what matters is that God chooses to meet with me. I love this time before life demands my attention.

When the kids were little it was imperative that I have these quiet moments to talk with my Father. I would draw my strength from Him and pray over my little ones and those things that would try to harm and distract in their lives. I prayed for Dave, that he would be a man of wisdom and that his integrity would shine through in all he did. As the children grew and the years past my prayers were the same. And as life’s challenges seemed to grow bigger it was even more important for me to have these mornings to sit with the Lord and read His word.

Now that I’m retired and life has slowed down some but my routine has not changed. I still pray for my children, grandchildren, husband and friends. I don’t know what faces them each day but my heavenly Father does. I don’t know what phone calls I’ll receive or emails will come from a friend who’s hurting but I want to be ready to share a word of encouragement and a prayer for strength.

It’s what I do every morning but it’s far from routine. Each day there is something new; a new insight into a Scripture verse, a new circumstance to pray over, a new thought or direction that the Lord is leading. Yes my morning routine is far from being a normal, mundane, regular routine!

“Lord, your rules are wonderful. That is why I follow them. 130 As people understand your word, it brings light to their lives. Your word makes even simple people wise. 131 My desire to hear your commands is so strong that I wait with open mouth, gasping for breath. 132 Look at me, and be kind to me, just as you always are to those who love your name. 133 Guide me, as you promised. Don’t let evil rule over me. 134 Save me from those who want to hurt me, and I will obey your instructions. 135 Accept your servant, and teach me your laws. 136 I have cried a river of tears because people don’t obey your teachings.” Psalm 119:129-136

How many times has David said in this Psalm that the word makes us wise or gives us understanding? I haven’t counted but it seems to be the reoccurring theme in each segment. The Word was such a strong influence in David’s life that it also made an impact on his son Solomon. When the Lord asked him what he desired most, Solomon asked for wisdom.

“One night while Solomon was in Gibeon, the Lord God appeared to him in a dream and said, “Solomon, ask for anything you want, and I will give it to you.”

6 Solomon answered: My father David, your servant, was honest and did what you commanded. You were always loyal to him, and you gave him a son who is now king. 7 Lord God, I’m your servant, and you’ve made me king in my father’s place. But I’m very young and know so little about being a leader. 8 And now I must rule your chosen people, even though there are too many of them to count.

9 Please make me wise and teach me the difference between right and wrong. Then I will know how to rule your people. If you don’t, there is no way I could rule this great nation of yours.

10-11 God said: Solomon, I’m pleased that you asked for this. You could have asked to live a long time or to be rich. Or you could have asked for your enemies to be destroyed. Instead, you asked for wisdom to make right decisions. 12 So I’ll make you wiser than anyone who has ever lived or ever will live. 13 I’ll also give you what you didn’t ask for. You’ll be rich and respected as long as you live, and you’ll be greater than any other king. 14 If you obey me and follow my commands, as your father David did, I’ll let you live a long time.” I Kings 3:5-14

Solomon saw that his father’s ability to lead and to rule successfully came from his dependence on the Lord and it was his desire to be like his father. The Lord answered Solomon’s request and more. This segment in Psalms tells us that the Word will bring light to our situation and that it makes the simple wise.

The Apostle Paul had lots to say about the Word too. He told us in Romans 10:17 that faith comes by hearing the Word. “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” If we are to grow in faith then we need to be committed to hearing (and applying) God’s word to our lives.

Hebrews 11:6 told us that it is impossible to please God without faith. So if we don’t hear the Word we have no faith and if we have no faith then it is impossible for us to please God. If we want to please God we must make His word the foundation of our lives.

Make it your goal today to love the Word of God and to give it the priority that David and Solomon did. It will give you wisdom and as you follow it you will find that God is pleased.