A Good Thing

For as long as I can remember the focus of November has been thankfulness.

For the last thirty days I have made gratitude the central theme of my morning writings. I will continue to do so throughout the rest of this month. Each day seems to bring little, and some not so little, changes to our life’s plans that could cause us to grumble and complain.

So, let’s lift our sights and look for all the good things.

“It is good to praise the Lord. God Most High, it is good to praise your name. It is good to sing about your love in the morning and about your faithfulness at night.” Psalm 92:1-2 ERV

It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord!

Here’s a short list of things to be thankful for, I’m sure you can think of many more.

  1. Thank the Father for his love and protection.
  2. If you have a job, be thankful.
  3. If you drive safely to work and home each day, be thankful.
  4. If your children arrive home from school each day, be thankful.
  5. If you have enough money in your purse for groceries, be thankful.
  6. If your house is warm and your clothes are adequate, be thankful!

“Tell the Lord how thankful you are, because he is kind and always merciful…5 When I was really hurting, I prayed to the Lord. He answered my prayer, and took my worries away. 6 The Lord is on my side, and I am not afraid of what others can do to me. 7 With the Lord on my side, I will defeat all of my hateful enemies. 8 It is better to trust the Lord for protection than to trust anyone else” Psalm 118:1-8 CEV

Outside of my relationship with the Lord, the best “good thing” in my life is the friendships I have been blessed with. Family and those who should be family. Relationships require work. There are challenges – opportunities to grow, times to be forgiven and times to forgive. Times of laughter and of heartache and tears. The “good thing” of relationships is the love shared.

“Try to understand other people. Forgive each other. If you have something against someone, forgive him. That is the way the Lord forgave you. 14 And to all these things, you must add love. Love holds everything and everybody together and makes all these good things perfect. 15 Let the peace of Christ have power over your hearts. You were chosen as a part of His body. Always be thankful.” Colossians 3:13-15 NLV

Yesterday brought disappointments and there will be more to come. We get to choose what we focus on. I choose the good things!

I will give thanks to the Lord for all the wonderful blessings in my life!

The Very Best

Have we ever told our kids, a friend, our spouse or even encouraged ourselves to “do our best”? I know we have. Each time we do something we should be doing our best – even if it’s washing the dishes, cleaning house, working in the garden, washing the car or playing some sort of sport. It goes without saying, we should be doing our jobs to the best of our ability.

And what about God? Do we think He does anything less than His best? I found myself praying that this morning, “Father, do your best.” When I pray for my kids, grandkids, great granddaughter, my friends and relatives, I don’t always know the details of what they need and so this morning I was just praying that the Father would do His best in their lives today.

I hope that’s ok with everyone.

Some need healing, some financial blessing, some need joy, others need rest, some need encouragement while others need a project (to feel helpful). Some need to be free from bitterness, others free from guilt. Some just need a hug and to hear I love you.

So again my prayer is “Father, do your best”. And then I was reminded of these verses – it’s the Father doing His best!

“Now, if you will be careful to obey the Lord your God and follow all his commands that I tell you today, the Lord your God will put you high above all the nations on earth. 2 If you will obey the Lord your God, all these blessings will come to you and be yours:

3 “He will bless you in the city and in the field. 4 He will bless you and give you many children. He will bless your land and give you good crops. He will bless your animals and let them have many babies. He will bless you with calves and lambs. 5 He will bless your baskets and pans and fill them with food. 6 He will bless you at all times in everything you do. 7 “The Lord will help you defeat your enemies who come to fight against you. Your enemies will come against you one way, but they will run away from you seven different ways! 8 “The Lord will bless you and fill your barns. He will bless everything you do. The Lord your God will bless you in the land that he is giving you. 9 If you follow the Lord your God and obey his commands, he will do what he promised. The Lord will make you his own special people. 10 Then all the people in that land will see that you are called to be the Lord’s people, and they will be afraid of you. 11 “And the Lord will give you many good things. He will give you many children. He will give your cows many calves. He will give you a good harvest in the land that the Lord promised your ancestors to give you. 12 The Lord will open his storehouse where he keeps his rich blessings. He will send rain at the right time for your land. He will bless everything you do. You will have money to lend to many nations. And you will not need to borrow anything from them. 13 The Lord will make you be like the head, not the tail. You will be on top, not on the bottom. This will happen if you listen to the commands of the Lord your God that I tell you today. You must carefully obey these commands.” Deuteronomy 28:1-14 ERV

Our heavenly Father never does anything less than His best. He can’t. He is excellent in all His ways!

Thank you Father for blessing my friends with Your best today!