Start Your Day with a Song

Here I am all the way across the country from my Arizona home. We flew from Arizona to Florida yesterday – Kim, Austin, Dave and me. A bit jet lagged but filled with joy and praise.

We’ll be here for a week taking in all the sights and sounds of the Daytona 500 races. This trip was a 50th birthday bucket list adventure for Kim and she invited us to come along since she knew this is one of her dad’s Top 10 too.

Last night as we were driving to our B-n-B we were greeted by the full moon over the ocean. I plan to be on that beach this evening to take in the full beauty of it. And this morning, there is a chorus of unidentified birds singing their melodies outside my window. It seems that all of creation has joined in welcoming us here and giving glory to God.

Each morning let me learn more about your love because I trust you. I come to you in prayer, asking for your guidance.” Psalm 143:8 CEV

Maybe that’s why the birds start their songs before the crack of dawn – they want us to join in their praise to the Father.

Oh, there have been days when I woke up dreading what the day had in store – those were dark days. It’s so much better to be filled with joy from the moment my eyes open and my feet touch the floor. I’ve learned to take my cue from my feathered friends.

 I tell you not to worry about your life. Don’t worry about having something to eat, drink, or wear. Isn’t life more than food or clothing? 26 Look at the birds in the sky! They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Aren’t you worth much more than birds?” Matthew 6:25-26 CEV

These sentinels of song aren’t worried about how many bugs, worms, or seeds they are going to find today. No – they just know they will be provided for like they were the day before. They don’t worry about how high they will fly – they just fly. Why? because our Father in heaven takes care of them.

Maybe we should be a little more “bird-brained”!

Don’t worry – we are much more valuable to the Lord than the birds.

Each morning let me learn more about your love because I trust you.” Each morning as we learn more about His love for us, we trust Him more.

Then we can start your day with a song!

Good Courage

None of us know what this year of 2025 has in store. There will be challenges, I’m sure of that. There will also be great blessings, I am also sure of that.

 Praise the Lord because he is good! His faithful love will last forever!” Psalm 118:1 ERV

“Tell the Lord how thankful you are, because he is kind and always merciful.” Psalm 118:1 CEV

Same verse, different translations but the meaning is clear. We are to be thankful because God is always good; His love lasts forever.

So many times throughout the Bible God gives this instruction. Fear not – and it’s often followed by these words, “Be of good courage”.

Good courage. This is courage in God’s ability and not in our own. When we are trusting in His goodness we can face any situation with courage. This is the instruction Joshua received from Moses shortly before Moses died. Joshua had been selected as his successor in leading the Israelites into the promised land.

Be strong and of good couragedo not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.

Then Moses called Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel, “Be strong and of good courage, for you must go with this people to the land which the Lord has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall cause them to inherit it.” Deuteronomy 31:6-7 NKJV

Be strong – in faith. Knowing God’s word gives us that strength. We can trust Him, knowing He will keep His word. God doesn’t lie.

“God is no mere human! He doesn’t tell lies or change his mind. God always keeps his promises.” Numbers 23:19 CEV (written by Moses)

I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the Lord
In the land of the living. 14 Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!” Psalm 27:13-14 NKJV (written by King David)

Both of these men faced some of life’s biggest obstacles and greatest challenges. God promised them His goodness and His strength. The promise made in Deuteronomy is used in Hebrews also.

 Keep your lives free from the love of money. Be happy with what you have. God has said, “I will never leave you or let you be alone.” Hebrews 13:5 NLV

We have a tendency to look at the financial economy of our lives instead of the spiritual. The writer of Hebrews wanted us to see that instead of putting our confidence in money we should be placing it in the One who has promised to never leave us or abandon us.

 Don’t worry and ask yourselves, “Will we have anything to eat? Will we have anything to drink? Will we have any clothes to wear?” 32 Only people who don’t know God are always worrying about such things. Your Father in heaven knows you need all of these33 But more than anything else, put God’s work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well.” Matthew 7:31-33 CEV

Now that’s good courage!

The Glad Game

How many of you remember who this young actress is portraying? If you said Pollyanna, you’re right. If you have no idea, you should look up her name and the Disney movie that was made with the same title.

Pollyanna was a little girl who weathered some very trying, life-changing, challenges but never lost her joy. Oh, people tried hard to discourage her and tell her she was wrong for always being so optimistic, but she wouldn’t allow them to stifle her enthusiasm.

Watching that movie, I wanted to be like her. Little did I realize at the time, but she was a living example of what happens in our lives when we trust, completely, in God’s love and kindness.

Pollyanna invented the “Glad Game”. She insisted that the people around her always look for something to be glad about instead of the adverse. I like her style and so would have the Apostle Paul.

Always be filled with joy in the Lord. I will say it again. Be filled with joy. Let everyone see that you are gentle and kind. The Lord is coming soon. 6 Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have.” Philippians 4:4-6 CEV

The qualifiers in this verse are obvious: always, everyone, anything, everything. Those words leave nothing out. Filled with joy, don’t worry, give thanks.

It reminds me of what Jesus said.

“So I tell you, don’t worry about the things you need to live—what you will eat, drink, or wear. Life is more important than food, and the body is more important than what you put on it. 26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant, harvest, or save food in barns, but your heavenly Father feeds them. Don’t you know you are worth much more than they are27 You cannot add any time to your life by worrying about it.” Matthew 6:25-27 ERV

Worry doesn’t change our circumstances. Faith in God does.

 Do everything without complaining or arguing 15 so that you will be blameless and pure, children of God without any fault. But you are living with evil people all around you, who have lost their sense of what is right. Among those people you shine like lights in a dark world,” Philippians 2:14-15 ERV

We need to look at our struggles as opportunities for refinement. Gold is purified and refined when it is heated. That’s the difference between 10k and 24k, the purity that only comes through fire. It’s important to remember that the gold isn’t destroyed, it only increases in value. It’s the impurities that are burned off.

My dear friend, I need you to remember this always.

“So what should we say about this? If God is for us, no one can stand against us. And God is with us. 32 He even let his own Son suffer for us. God gave his Son for all of us. So now with Jesus, God will surely give us all things.” Romans 8:31-32 ERV

God is definitely for us. He’s on our side. Why else would He have sent Jesus to suffer and die? The reason is He loves us and wants to fill our lives with the richness of His goodness.

Other than Jesus, I think the Apostle Paul faced more hardship and struggle than any other Christian.
 We never give up. Our bodies are gradually dying, but we ourselves are being made stronger each day. 17 These little troubles are getting us ready for an eternal glory that will make all our troubles seem like nothing. 18 Things that are seen don’t last forever, but things that are not seen are eternal. This is why we keep our minds on the things that cannot be seen.” II Corinthians 4:16-18 CEV

Next time struggle or adversity comes stop – before we engage in complaining or worrying let’s look to the unseen and remember that God is on our side.

Now, that’s something to be glad about!

One Thing Is Needful

I’m so glad to see that many of you were able to click through and find yesterday’s blog. I hope everything posts correctly this morning.

It was a long weekend for most of us. It’s nice to have the time to visit with family and friends and be involved in activities outside of our normal realm. BBQs, fireworks, swimming, boating, roasting hot dogs, eating watermelon and enjoying small/large town parades and celebrations in the park. We are blessed to have these kinds of celebrations.

Now, it’s Monday morning and a full week of the routine ahead. I asked the Lord what He wanted me to focus on as I started this new week. How long should I make my “to do” list? What needs to be accomplished?

“The Lord and his disciples were traveling along and came to a village. When they got there, a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. 39 She had a sister named Mary, who sat down in front of the Lord and was listening to what he said40 Martha was worried about all that had to be done. Finally, she went to Jesus and said, ‘Lord, doesn’t it bother you that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to come and help me!’

41 The Lord answered, ‘Martha, Martha! You are worried and upset about so many things, 42 but only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen what is best, and it will not be taken away from her.’” Luke 10:38-42 CEV

I used to be such a Martha and I have to be very watchful of not letting myself fall into that trap. There’s always one more thing to be done, but those things will keep me from the one thing that is needful (necessary), from what is best and that is spending time listening to the Lord’s words.

Yesterday I was talking with a friend on the phone and she told me that sometimes she wakes up in the middle of the night with thoughts running through her mind, robbing her sleep and her peace. She said “it’s then that I start thanking the Lord for all the things I have been blessed with – my comfortable bed, the air conditioning, the soft covers” and then she said “I fall asleep, no longer worried but praising God that He is able to take care of everything”.

Always be glad because of the Lord! I will say it again: Be glad. Always be gentle with others. The Lord will soon be here. Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.” Philippians 4:4-7 CEV

May I encourage you to do what’s needful. Think on God’s word. His promises are unbreakable; don’t worry, be glad. Be blessed with peace – choose the good part!

Start With A Song

Less than ten minutes ago the only sound I heard was the song of a nightingale. It is such a sweet song, soft and soothing. They sing through the night and welcome the day.

Now at 4:37 a.m. the chorus has started. It’s still dark and the other birds have joined in song. Faintly, very faintly, is the nightingale while the others have taken the preeminence in the choir of praise.

I love starting the day with a song! It puts my heart at peace knowing that these creatures are cared for by our heavenly Father, and I have it on good authority that we are more valuable to Him than they are.

“I tell you not to worry about your life. Don’t worry about having something to eat, drink, or wear. Isn’t life more than food or clothing? 26 Look at the birds in the sky! They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Aren’t you worth much more than birds?..31 Don’t worry and ask yourselves, “Will we have anything to eat? Will we have anything to drink? Will we have any clothes to wear?” 32 Only people who don’t know God are always worrying about such things. Your Father in heaven knows you need all of these.” Matthew 6:25-32 CEV

My morning prayer time has been filled with requests from family and friends. Some with great medical needs which in turn create great financial needs; others have relationship issues that need God’s intervention. Others have been bombarded with one heartache after another and need peace.

 If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 CEV

Some needs are as simple as a completed project, but they can weigh us down and cause us to fret; we have to guard against those as much as the weightier issues of life.

“Our Lord, by your wisdom you made so many things; the whole earth is covered with your living creatures…All of these depend on you to provide them with food, 28 and you feed each one with your own hand, until they are full…. As long as I live, I will sing and praise you, the Lord God. 34 I hope my thoughts will please you, because you are the one who makes me glad.” Psalm 104:24, 27-28, 33-34 CEV

The chorus outside my door is getting louder as more participants join in. I will stop writing now and join their song.

It is the Lord whose eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches over you and me too!

Are We There Yet?

No, but we’re getting closer!

We’re almost at the end of the road, that road that led to the cross.

Jesus had made His historic entry into Jerusalem. People were cheering and shouting, excited to have the Miracle Worker in their town. The first place Jesus went was to the Temple.

Because it was the time of Passover the town was filled with people and so was the Temple. Merchandisers had set up booths in the Temple, they were selling things. Jesus chased them out and said this:

“He told them, ‘The Scriptures say, “My house should be a place of worship.” But you have made it a place where robbers hide!’” Luke 19:46 CEV

The animosity toward Jesus began to rapidly increase.

“Each day, Jesus kept on teaching in the temple. So the chief priests, the teachers of the Law of Moses, and some other important people tried to have him killed. 48 But they could not find a way to do it, because everyone else was eager to listen to him.” Luke 19:47-48 CEV

These were Jesus’ final days. He spent them preaching – encouraging and instructing the people. Warning them of things to come. His heart was for the people; He wasn’t concerned about His own safety and protection.

How do we find that kind of resolve? How do we find strength in the time of adversity? Let’s see what Jesus did.

Don’t spend all of your time thinking about eating or drinking or worrying about life. If you do, the final day will suddenly catch you 35 like a trap. This day will surprise everyone on earth. 36 Watch out and keep praying that you can escape all that is going to happen and that the Son of Man will be pleased with you.

37  Jesus taught in the temple each day, and he spent each night on the Mount of Olives38 Everyone got up early and came to the temple to hear him teach.” Luke 21:34-38 CEV

He didn’t spend His time worrying about the concerns of life. Remember, He was 100% human. He knew what it was like to be hungry, to have taxes to pay, to have family concerns. He had people who depended on Him. He had responsibilities and if anyone had cause to worry, He did.

His instruction to the people in the Temple and to us is simple. Don’t spend all your time worrying about things. “Watch and pray”. That’s what He did; each day he taught in the Temple and each night He went to the Mount of Olives, this was His place of prayer.

Did He ask the Father, “are we there yet”? This week, these last few days were what He had been preparing for. Thousands of years of prophesy had been speaking of this time, this week, this Passover.

“We must never stop looking to Jesus. He is the leader of our faith, and he is the one who makes our faith complete. He suffered death on a cross. But he accepted the shame of the cross as if it were nothing because of the joy he could see waiting for him. And now he is sitting at the right side of God’s throne. Think about Jesus. He patiently endured the angry insults that sinful people were shouting at him. Think about him so that you won’t get discouraged and stop trying.” Hebrews 12:2-3 ERV

I’d like to encourage you with this. Watch and pray. Don’t worry. We’re almost there!

More About Contentment

Do you remember being little and “wishing” for everything? Another word for wishing is wanting. If those desires are not guided properly they can lead to disillusionment and discontentment, not only in children but in adults as well.

So, this morning we’re going to learn one more lesson from our wooly, four-legged friends.

There was a time when my conversation was filled with the things I wanted – a new house, a new job, to lose weight, more friends, more money, less bills. But that’s not the mindset of a sheep. They are content to follow the shepherd, they are content in the pasture.

Sheep are known for lacking in intelligence, some would call them dumb. Not to be insulting but isn’t that the way it is with us. We think we know what’s best for us but left by ourselves we will get in trouble. We will be lost and in need of rescuing.

“Then Jesus told them this story: “Suppose one of you has 100 sheep, but one of them gets lost. What will you do? You will leave the other 99 sheep there in the field and go out and look for the lost sheep. You will continue to search for it until you find it. And when you find it, you will be very happy. You will carry it home, go to your friends and neighbors and say to them, ‘Be happy with me because I found my lost sheep!’” Luke 15:3-6 ERV

And when we are lost, our Good Shepherd will come searching for us, bringing us to a place of safety and provision.

When we are with the Shepherd, we can be safe and content.

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1 KJV

“You, LORD, are my shepherd. I will never be in need.” Psalm 23:1 CEV

The Apostle Paul put it this way in his writing to the Christians in Philippi.

“… for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. 12 I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. 13 For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:11-13 NLT

How could Paul be content in every situation? The answer is clear. Contentment comes from Christ.

The Lord doesn’t want us worried or wanting. He knows what we need, He wants us living in a place of trust.

“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:21-33 NLT

Lord forgive me today for my wanting. I thank you that you bless me beyond measure because of Your great love. You supply all I need and more. You’re the Good Shepherd and I will follow you!

Did You Repeat?

Yesterday, I encouraged us all to take breaks and repeat times of praise, thanksgiving and joy for what the Lord has done. I hope you did that.

Maybe you didn’t feel you had anything to be thankful for. Well then, consider this…

“Lord our Lord, your name is the most wonderful in all the earth! It brings you praise everywhere in heaven. From the mouths of children and babies come songs of praise to you. They sing of your power to silence your enemies who were seeking revenge. I look (consider) at the heavens you made with your hands. I see the moon and the stars you created. And I wonder, “Why are people so important to you? Why do you even think about them? Why do you care so much about humans? Why do you even notice them?” But you made them almost like gods and crowned them with glory and honor. You put them in charge of everything you made. You put everything under their control. People rule over the sheep and cattle and all the wild animals. They rule over the birds in the sky and the fish that swim in the sea. Lord our Lord, your name is the most wonderful name in all the earth!” Psalm 8 ERV

This psalm could have been a conversation between me and the Father. Me asking why I was so important to Him; He made the stars and the universe, why does He care about me?

We should never get so busy considering other things that we forget to consider God and His promises.

“Jesus said to his followers, ‘So I tell you, don’t worry about the things you need to live—what you will eat or what you will wear. 23 Life is more important than food, and the body is more important than what you put on it. 24 Look (consider) at the birds. They don’t plant, harvest, or save food in houses or barns, but God feeds them. And you are worth much more than crows25 None of you can add any time to your life by worrying about it. 26 And if you can’t do the little things, why worry about the big things‘?

27 ‘Think (consider) about how the wildflowers grow. They don’t work or make clothes for themselves. But I tell you that even Solomon, the great and rich king, was not dressed as beautifully as one of these flowers. 28 If God makes what grows in the field so beautiful, what do you think he will do for you? That’s just grass—one day it’s alive, and the next day someone throws it into a fire. But God cares enough to make it beautiful. Surely he will do much more for you. Your faith is so small!'” Luke 12:22-28 ERV

Join me today in considering God’s greatness and His goodness. I hope you take time tonight to go out and look at the night sky. Try to count the stars. In all of eternity past they’ve been there, right on the course God designed for them.

Do you still need a reason to praise? He cares about the stars, the birds, the flowers and the grass CONSIDER how much more He cares for you!

It’s the Little Things

Each day we have the opportunity to serve the Lord with our thoughts and actions or we can serve self. It’s that simple.

Have you ever been around a group of pre-schoolers? All seems well while they are sitting in a circle listening at story time but bring out the toys or the crayons and something changes.

“I want…” “That’s mine”

Selfishness rears its ugly head and what was to be a fun time turns into one of life’s learning experiences. We can smile at the immaturity of children and say “they’ll learn” but not always. We are confronted every day with situations where we must share.

“One of the men in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, our father just died and left some things for us. Tell my brother to share them with me.” Luke 12:13 ERV

Let’s take the simple things and see if anything strikes home. The television remote is a real issue in some homes or the last of the ice cream. When we’re out in town it can be a struggle when you’ve been waiting for a parking spot and someone whips in and takes it. Or what about that project you’ve been working on and someone takes the credit for your ideas? It’s something we all have to deal with.

Last night it was Cheeze Its. I love them and had filled a small bowl and sat down on the couch. The bowl was between Dave and me. I felt that he was eating more of them than I was. It touched a chord and I didn’t like my reaction. How silly – I realized I didn’t really want to share.

What to do? I refilled the bowl, sat it down between us, this time with an attitude of being willing to share. The Lord ministered to me – don’t let the little things get to you. Just being honest with you – we have to be aware of the small things that try and trip us up.

“What you should be thinking about is God’s kingdom. Then he will give you all these other things you need. 32 “Don’t fear, little flock. Your Father wants to share his kingdom with you.” Luke 12:31-32 ERV

Our Father isn’t selfish. He wants to share all that He has with us. We don’t have to demand things from Him, He willingly gives. He gives before we ask.

“And when you pray, don’t be like the people who don’t know God. They say the same things again and again. They think that if they say it enough, their god will hear them. Don’t be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” Matthew 6:7-8 ERV

I encourage you to keep your heart open for the Lord’s correction in the big and little things. And don’t forget to share the Cheeze-Its.

Consider the Lilies

On our walk yesterday morning I saw that the forest floor was dotted with these wild flowers. I believe they are some sort of Iris. The detail on them is so intricate, I just had to take a picture.

When I got back to the RV, I looked at the picture more closely. I am always in awe of God’s handiwork.  Seriously, the first thing I thought of were the words Jesus spoke in Matthew 6:28-30 that say

“Consider the lilies of the field”.

Consider – think on, contemplate, mull over, study.  What does this beautiful little flower have to teach us on this Sunday morning? 

We were at this campground last summer and the summer before that. I only remember seeing a few of these flowers. So, the first thing I “considered” is they are impacting their surroundings. More are growing each year.

Question 1:  Am I impacting my surroundings? Am I adding beauty and grace to my world?

“They neither toil or spin”.

These delicate flowers aren’t worried about how they grow or where they grow. They just grow.  I found two of them that had pushed their way up through the soil right next to some elk scat. Not quite the picturesque setting you’d expect for something so delicate. All of them had to push through decaying pine needles, aspen leaves and wild grass but push they did.

That’s what flowers do they grow. They don’t stress over rainfall or worry about the climate. They grow.

Question 2:  Am I growing? Or am I spending more time toiling and spinning in circles?

“Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these”.

King Solomon was the wealthiest king of his time. His garments were the finest purple, adorned with gold but Jesus said that the lilies of the field were more gloriously clothed than he was. The lilies were totally dependent on God’s provision, by themselves they were nothing. They had but one purpose – to point to the Creator.

My purpose, and your purpose, is to point those who see us to the Father. He is the One who will provide all we need. He sends the sunshine and the rain to nourish the flowers and He provides for us as well.

“Now if God so clothes the grass of the field…will He not much more cloth you, oh you of little faith”?

Final question: Am I trusting the Father to provide for me the way the flowers do? I ask you to “consider the lilies” today. Learn from these delicate beauties.