Have Fun!

Going to talk about exercise for a bit this morning. When we first realize that we “need” to exercise it’s never pleasant. Accepting that we are out of shape and not as healthy as we should be is the first step. So, we decide to exercise.

The first few days you have a real commitment or at least that’s what you tell yourself. But then comes day 7 or 8; and it becomes harder to stay committed to the goal. Your muscles hurt, you’re not seeing any results yet, you start making excuses and when you do that you are on your way to failure. I know, I’ve failed many times.

When we were in Greece all we did was walk and hike. It was fun – we were off to new adventures, beautiful sites to see. Now that we are home, we don’t walk nearly as much. It’s not as much fun, however, we still need the exercise.

Now think back to our childhood days – exercise wasn’t a bad word. In fact it was called fun. To be outside with our buddies playing ball, running through the yard playing tag or football. Going hiking to our favorite fishing spot or walking the mile to the swimming pool in the afternoon heat (my personal favorite). It was fun and we were in shape.

Now of course you know this is going to have a spiritual correlation.

When we face trials and temptations it is an opportunity to exercise our faith. James tells us to count it joy because we will be developed and end up lacking nothing.

“My friends, be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble. 3 You know that you learn to endure by having your faith tested. 4 But you must learn to endure everything, so that you will be completely mature and not lacking in anything.” James 1:2-4 CEV

Facing trials is like building muscle. At first, we see little victories but then to continue to develop a muscle we must increase the weigh, the repetition or both. In walking with the Lord, we’re never left to do this on our own. We have a great coach who is with us every step. Under His direction and inspiration, we come out the winner.

“You are tempted in the same way that everyone else is tempted. But God can be trusted not to let you be tempted too much, and he will show you how to escape from your temptations.” I Corinthians 10:13 CEV

Jesus knows what this is all about because He went through every temptation we experience while he was here on earth. Who better to coach us than someone whose been there, done that and emerged as the Champion of Champions!

“We have a great high priest who has gone to live with God in heaven. He is Jesus the Son of God. So let us continue to express our faith in him. 15 Jesus, our high priest, is able to understand our weaknesses. When Jesus lived on earth, he was tempted in every way. He was tempted in the same ways we are tempted, but he never sinned. 16 With Jesus as our high priest, we can feel free to come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.” Hebrews 4:14-16 ERV

Thank you, Lord for coaching me through life and providing all the help I need to develop and finish a winner!

An Intimate Courtyard

One of the first group of verses I memorized as a young girl was Psalm 100.

“Earth, sing to the Lord!
Be happy as you serve the Lord!
    Come before him with happy songs!
Know that the Lord is God.
    He made us, and we belong to him.
    We are his people, the sheep he takes care of.
Come through the gates to his Temple giving thanks to him.
    Enter his courtyards with songs of praise.
    Honor him and bless his name.
The Lord is good!
    There is no end to his faithful love.
    We can trust him forever and ever! ERV

That’s exactly what I’m doing this morning – being happy and grateful to be in the Father’s courtyard.

When Dave and I did the landscaping at our home in southern Arizona we designed a front courtyard. It was my place to sit and pray; a place to always be thankful for the many blessings the Lord has given us. I miss the courtyard but the praise I always have in my heart.

Another memory I have of my childhood is a song I used to sing, In the Garden:

“I come to the garden alone
While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear, falling on my ear
The Son of God discloses

And he walks with me
And he talks with me
And he tells me I am His own
And the joy we share as we tarry there
None other has ever known

He speaks and the sound of His voice
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing
And the melody that He gave to me
Within my heart is ringing…”

There is a relationship that we can share with the Lord that is incomparable to any other. In the joy and in the sorrow, in the struggle and in the rest, we are invited to come into his courtyard, into the pasture of green grass and cool water, into His presence where there is fullness of joy.

“You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11 NKJV

There’s a progression here. In Psalm 100 we are told to come through His gates and into His courtyard. Praise and thanksgiving are the ticket to enter. The writer of Hebrews tells us we can come boldly into His throne room.

“So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved grace, and we will find help.” Hebrews 4:16 CEV

Our heavenly Father is generous and welcoming. He wants to come bravely, He extends His grace and provides us with the help we need.

There’s an intimacy in our relationship with Him. When we come into His courtyard, He meets us there.

Amazing Love!

I really can’t remember how many years I have been rising early and spending time with the Father.

I do remember what the days were like when I was trying to do it all on my own. I remember the frustration, the anxiousness and the feelings of inadequacy. I still have days of frustration and some days of worry but now, in the quiet morning hours the Father ministers to my heart and my soul, erasing those moments of inadequacy – He is always there to remind me that I am not alone, I don’t have to struggle under my own lack of understanding and strength. I can depend totally on Him to be all I need.

His unconditional love amazes me!

This morning’s thoughts about abandonment. Not ours but Jesus’.

“At noon the whole country became dark. The darkness continued for three hours. 46 About three o’clock Jesus cried out loudly, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” This means “My God, my God, why have you left me alone?” Matthew 27:45-46 ERV

Jesus spent his entire earthly stay communicating with the Father, doing the Father’s will and bringing glory to His Father. Now in the darkness Jesus knew that He had been forsaken and left alone! Jesus’ heart broke.

God the Father had to turn His attention away from Jesus, his beloved Son, to us so that Jesus could bear the penalty for our sin on the cross. At that time the Father put us and our relationship ahead of His love for Jesus. We became His primary focus.

“But Christ died for us while we were still sinners, and by this God showed how much he loves us.” Romans 5:8 ERV

“Christ had no sin, but God made him become sin so that in Christ we could be right with God.” II Corinthians 5:20 ERV

The experience of that separation from the Father was almost unbearable to Jesus. The times of communion with the Father were interrupted. He was on the cross, alone. This is why my quiet time brings me such comfort and strength. Never once have I been abandoned by the Father. His love is the light in my darkness.

It doesn’t matter if “quiet time” comes first thing in the morning, midday or later at night. The important thing is to make time. Remember what it cost for you to have this wonderful privilege of coming into the Father’s presence. Don’t take it for granted.

How amazing is His love. Because of it this relationship is available to all, to whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!

Needing Support

Last night a memory came to mind. It’s coming on the end of summer and when we lived in Montana that meant it was time to harvest the apple tree.

The branches of this tree were heavy laden with fruit. I would have to place wood posts under the branches to hold them up and keep them from breaking. But that’s not the only support this tree needed.

The wind in Montana seems to never stop. So, the folks who planted the tree tied it to a very sturdy post to keep if from blowing over when its trunk was young and easily bent . Those ropes were still providing it with support when we bought the home some years later. We left them in place.

Maybe you’ve felt like that apple tree, in need of support. I know I have.

As children we are nurtured and supported by our parents, grandparents, teachers at school, coaches and loving friends. They are there to give us instruction, correction and guidance. They pick us up when we fall down. They help us develop and begin our journey in living fruitful lives.

As we grow older, we still need a support system. Loving family and caring friends are a priceless treasure but even then, we have dark days when we feel alone. That’s when we need the support that only the Father can provide.

“You have helped me, and I sing happy songs in the shadow of your wings. I stay close to you, and your powerful arm supports me.” Psalm 63:7-9 CEV

I’m sure each of us can remember a time when we were without hope, feeling wind-blown and insecure. But then we experienced a strength and grounding that only the Lord could give. We might not have recognized it as such, but it was the Father’s help just the same. It could have come as the kind words and prayers of a friend or perhaps, just an inner strength and determination that kept us tethered. God has a way of providing us with what we need in those times.

“Since childhood, you have known the Holy Scriptures that are able to make you wise enough to have faith in Christ Jesus and be saved. 16 Everything in the Scriptures is God’s Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live. 17 The Scriptures train God’s servants to do all kinds of good deeds.” II Timothy 3:15-17 CEV

His word gives us support and instruction, instruction that will keep us strong.

“Anyone who hears and obeys these teachings of mine is like a wise person who built a house on solid rock. 25 Rain poured down, rivers flooded, and winds beat against that house. But it was built on solid rock, and so it did not fall.” Matthew 7:24-25 CEV

“So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved grace, and we will find help.” Hebrews 4:16 CEV

There is no more reliable and sure counsel, no other place of unfailing support than what we will find in God’s presence and in His written word!

Each New Day

Every day we have the opportunity to continue on the path of the previous day or to begin anew. Honestly, many days I am thankful for the opportunities to start over.

My hobbies include knitting, baking and gardening. They have taught me it’s ok to start over. Some knitting projects haven’t worked out the way the pattern indicated they would – I’ve ripped out rows and rows of stitches and with a couple of them I have started over with a completely new pattern that works better.

I’ve experimented with recipes in the kitchen that I won’t be repeating. I’ve made breads that didn’t rise and the whole batch had to be scrapped and I’ve started over. There’s no shame in that; it’s a learning experience.

Living in different climates my enthusiasm for gardening has also had some do-overs. Some plants thrived during the milder summers but couldn’t survive the frosty winters. So Spring was a time to prune and pull up and start over.

Life also challenges us to start over. New career, city, friends, relationships, financial plans, educational training, physical well-being can all lead to us on a path of beginning again. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed, and feelings of insecurity and failure try to take over.

One thing I am confident of is that God is the God of the second chance.

“We are still alive because the Lord’s faithful love never ends.23 Every morning he shows it in new ways! You are so very true and loyal! 24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my God, and I trust him.” Lamentations 3:22-24 ERV

We go to bed at night, heavy-hearted, because we have failed in some way or another. We had displayed an attitude that we thought we had conquered; we harbor a grudge or fail to resist a temptation that we swore we would never do again.

And then comes the promise of a new day. We can live with regret, wallow in our past mistakes or we can begin again trusting in God’s amazing love.

“The Lord’s kindness never fails! If he had not been merciful, we would have been destroyed. 23 The Lord can always be trusted to show mercy each morning.24 Deep in my heart I say, “The Lord is all I need; I can depend on him!” Lamentations 3:22-24 CEV

Yes, I know I repeated the same verses…and I would like you to read them again, and again, and again. The Lord’s kindness NEVER fails! His mercy is new EVERY morning!

“I was in trouble, so I called to the Lord for help. The Lord answered and made me free.
The Lord is with me, so I will not be afraid. No one on earth can do anything to harm me.
The Lord is my helper.” Psalm 118:5-7 ERV

Today is a new day filled with new hope; new mercy and grace; new strength. It’s time to begin again!

Prayer Warrior

Last night, before I went to bed, I was praying over some situations that involve my family and the families of my friends. I take teaching God’s word very serious, and I am just as diligent when it comes to praying God’s word for those I love.

This past week I have been asked to pray about certain situations – circumstances where those requesting prayer have felt weak and in need of support and answers.

All through the night, I would wake with the words to this song filling my heart.

“When all I see is the battle
You see my victory
When all I see is the mountain
You see a mountain moved
And as I walk through the shadow
Your love surrounds me
There’s nothing to fear now
For I am safe with You

So when I fight I’ll fight on my knees
With my hands lifted high
Oh God the battle belongs to You
And every fear I lay at Your feet
I’ll sing through the night
Oh God the battle belongs to You. by Phil Wickham, Battle Belongs

Prayer is not a cute, little ritual of “now I lay me down to sleep”; it’s a battle against things that are contrary to God’s word. It’s taking a stand of spiritual strength.

“Pray in the Spirit at all times. Pray with all kinds of prayers, and ask for everything you need. To do this you must always be ready. Never give up. Always pray for all of God’s people.” Ephesians 6:18 ERV

“So be ready all the time. Pray that you will be able to get through all these things that will happen and stand safe before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:36 ERV

 It is true, we live in a body of flesh. But we do not fight like people of the world. We do not use those things to fight with that the world uses. We use the things God gives to fight with and they have power. Those things God gives to fight with destroy the strong-places of the devil. We break down every thought and proud thing that puts itself up against the wisdom of God. We take hold of every thought and make it obey Christ.” II Corinthians 10:3-5 NLV

Prayer is a place of battle. Notice some of the phrases above; “never give up”, “be ready”, “stand safe”, “fight”, “destroy the strong places”, “break down”, “take hold”.

Some years back a movie was produced called “War Room”. It was the story of a woman who learned to pray diligently for her family. She made a prayer closet, literally, a place she went to pray. She did spiritual battle for the people she loved.

There’s nothing spooky about prayer but it is definitely a strong spiritual act.

“Tell your sins to each other. And pray for each other so you may be healed. The prayer from the heart of a man right with God has much power. ” James 5:16 NLV

Jesus lived a life of prayer and He was powerful. Our lives should be a reflection of His example.

Join the battle. Stay in the fight. Become a prayer warrior!

Stand Tall

I’m praying that you stand strong and tall today.

While reading in I Corinthians, I found the Apostle Paul’s instruction to us. He didn’t want us to be like the Israelites in the wilderness who complained about God’s provisions and who worshipped the idols of Egypt.

“Even if you think you can stand up to temptation, be careful not to fall. 13 You are tempted in the same way that everyone else is tempted. But God can be trusted not to let you be tempted too much, and he will show you how to escape from your temptations. 14 My friends, you must keep away from idols.” I Corinthians 10:12-14 CEV

One of the biggest temptations they faced was discontentment.

We are susceptible to the same temptation. Murmuring because we think things should be better; we’re being mistreated; everyone else has it better than us. They also worshipped idols. We face that same temptation as well. No, not the gold and stone statues that they crafted but the idols of fame, success, pleasure, education, relationships.

Any of these can draw us away for serving the Lord.

However the good news is this. God knows about these temptations and He has given us the power to resist them and escape their grasp. Jesus didn’t come to make us miserable – not at all.

“A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came to give life—life that is full and good.” John 10:10 ERV

“Don’t worry and ask yourselves, ‘Will we have anything to eat? Will we have anything to drink? Will we have any clothes to wear?’ 32 Only people who don’t know God are always worrying about such things. Your Father in heaven knows that you need all of these. 33 But more than anything else, put God’s work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well. 34 Don’t worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself.” Matthew 6:31-34 CEV

Our Father promised to provide all for the Israelites as they journeyed to their promise land. He still promises to be our provider. God is always present to provide as we journey to our promises land. He promises to never leave us or abandon us.

When we spend time on our knees in prayer our Father will reassure us of His promises. With confidence in God’s Word we can stand strong and tall just like the Apostle Paul said.

Take the Father at His word!

A Safe Place

Dave and I enjoy spending the evenings on our patio. It’s a busy place.

We watch the hummingbirds scooting in for their last drinks of the day. Flittering here and there at high speed. Up to a tree branch, down to the feeder and in just a few minutes they are gone.

About this time we hear the cooing of the doves who are roosting in the mesquite trees. Then comes the lone call of the quail. Quail are very vocal birds and Dave and I will make up conversations when we hear them calling at dusk.

“Hurry up now. It’s almost bedtime. Don’t delay, you need to come in before it gets dark.” And then there will always be an annoyed chatter…”But I don’t want to go to bed yet, can’t I stay out just a little longer”.

It’s amazing the natural instinct God has gifted to the different animals. They all have a desire to protect their young, keeping them safe from danger.

Is it no wonder that the Scriptures talk about us being safe, under the wings of Almighty God?

“Your love is a treasure, and everyone finds shelter in the shadow of your wings. You give your guests a feast in your house, and you serve a tasty drink that flows like a river.” Psalm 36:7-8 CEV

“God will save you from hidden dangers  and from deadly diseases. You can go to him for protection. He will cover you like a bird spreading its wings over its babies. You can trust him to surround and protect you like a shield.” Psalm 91:3-4 ERV

We don’t need to beg the Lord for protection. He is the One making the offer. He wants us to come to Him for help and safety. He has given us an open invitation to utilize His protection.

Shortly before His death, Jesus was on a hilltop looking over Jerusalem and He was heart broken. He was praying for the Jewish people and their leaders. He had been preaching and teaching for three years and still there were many who refused to accept His message, a message of salvation and protection.

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You kill the prophets. You stone to death those that God has sent to you. Many, many times I wanted to help your people. I wanted to gather them together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. But you did not let me. ” Matthew 23:37 ERV

Do you hear the heart ache? I wanted to gather you in, under my wings, but you wouldn’t let me.

“With Jesus as our high priest, we can feel free to come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.” Hebrews 4:16 ERV

Coming to the Lord for help in times of trouble isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s an action of wisdom. Come to the Lord’s safe place!

Come On In!

In the kingdoms of the world very few people are allowed access to the throne room. But in God’s kingdom we are welcomed – invited in without hestitation.

The book of Psalms has so many verses which emphasize the blessings of the righteous man. Now, as I read them, no longer is my thought “I wish that could be for me” but it is “Praise God, that’s mine!” Our righteousness is part of our inheritance, we are joint heirs.

Let us look at a few of these verses in Psalms that hold promises for the righteous man. I will leave a few here for you to read and then at the end of this chapter there will be a list of other verses that you will want to read.

“For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; With favor You will surround him as with a shield.” Psalm 5:12 NKJ

“Less is more and more is less. One righteous will outclass fifty wicked, For the wicked are moral weaklings but the righteous are God-strong.” Psalm 37:16-17 MSG

“Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly* abandoned or their children begging for bread.” Psalm 37:25 NLT *righteous

David was now an old man and he said that in all his years he had never seen God desert those that He called righteous. Praise God, He has voluntarily made provision for our righteousness!

“The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.” Psalm 92:12

The palm tree is resilient and can grow even in the hottest climates with very little water. They become tall and beautiful shade trees. The cedar tree is a sign of strength and endurance. By comparison the righteous man will grow tall and strong because of the Lord’s blessing upon him.

“Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with. Elijah, for instance, human just like us, prayed hard that it wouldn’t rain, and it didn’t—not a drop for three and a half years. Then he prayed that it would rain, and it did. The showers came and everything started growing again.” James 5:16-18 MSG

In this verse we find that we are to confess our faults to one another. Faults are shortcomings or situations in our lives that need to be corrected and by the prayer of a righteous man they will be rectified.

The prayers of a righteous man are tremendously effective in obtaining answers from the Lord. Why would his prayers be more effective than an unrighteous man? I am glad you asked.

The righteous man is in a place of authority; he believes God’s Word and put it to work in his life. Verse seventeen of this chapter shows us the power in a righteous man’s prayer. It says Elijah prayed and it did not rain for three and a half years, then he prayed again, and it rained. Now that is a powerful prayer. The prayer of a righteous man is strong.

Righteous means we have been placed in right standing with God. This realization should never create an attitude of arrogance, but it should bring a sense of worthiness and confidence. We no longer need to crawl on our hands and knees before the Lord feeling we have no right to bother the King of Kings. No, we are entitled to come boldly to the throne.

Enter the throne room. The door is open and the Father is waiting for you!