This morning I imagine most of us are thinking of our mothers and children. We’re remembering times with both. The joy and laughter, the heartache and the sadness. Some have lost children and others have lost their mothers. The memories come rolling in like a flood.
Most of us didn’t have a manual on how to raise loving, well-adjusted children but we did have prayer, the Word of God and advice from other loving mothers. We weren’t perfect – oh, far from it! However, we loved! At times our hearts ached with an indescribable pain but most of the time we were kissing little knees and elbows, making cookies for classroom parties, taking long walks and listening to dreams and ambitions.
And praying! Praying that our children would grow to love the Lord; praying that they would find love and praying that they would be protected from the cruelties of life.
Hannah, Samuel’s mother, is an example to us all. She prayed desperately for a child and then she gave her son to the Lord for His service.
“When the boy was old enough to eat solid food, Hannah took him to the Lord’s house at Shiloh. She also took a bull that was three years old, 20 pounds of flour, and a bottle of wine. 25 They went before the Lord. Elkanah killed the bull as a sacrifice to the Lord as he usually did. Then Hannah gave the boy to Eli. 26 She said to him, “Pardon me, sir. I am the same woman who stood near you praying to the Lord. I promise that I am telling the truth. 27 I prayed for this child, and the Lord answered my prayer. He gave me this child. 28 And now I give this child to the Lord. He will serve the Lord all his life.”
Then Hannah left the boy there and worshiped the Lord.” I Samuel 1:24-28 ERV
And she left the boy there…this morning those of us with children need to make that decision, whether they are small or grown, we need to take them to the Father and leave them there. At His throne, in His care, is the safest place we can leave them and then we must worship the Lord because He is able to keep them!
Thank you Father for the wonderful life of being a mother!