Unity & Peace

I want to start with a little history lesson this morning. When God made a blood covenant with Abraham, He set Abraham and his descendants apart as a chosen people. A people of promise. Before Jacob, Abraham’s grandson moved his descendants to Egypt during the famine, his name had been changed to Israel. The Egyptians then called these people Israelites.

Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and God gave them a new set of laws and a new way and place of worship, first in a portable tabernacle and then in a Temple that King Solomon built. Because they lived in the area of Judah, the land God promised them, they were also known as Jews, people from Judah.

Throughout their history peoples were distinguished as Jews and Gentiles, anyone who was not a Jew or Israelite was a Gentile. There was a division. The Jews were a people of promise; God had given them His law and His blessings. The sign of their covenant was circumcision. There was a division.

This morning, I want to show you how Christ changed all of the that. He brought unity and hope.

“Don’t forget that you are Gentiles. In fact, you used to be called “uncircumcised” by those who take pride in being circumcised. 12 At that time you did not know about Christ. You were foreigners to the people of Israel, and you had no part in the promises God had made to them. You were living in this world without hope and without God, 13 and you were far from God. But Christ offered his life’s blood as a sacrifice and brought you near God.

14 Christ has made peace between Jews and Gentiles, and he has united us by breaking down the wall of hatred that separated us. Christ gave his own body 15  to destroy the Law of Moses with all its rules and commands. He even brought Jews and Gentiles together as though we were only one person, when he united us in peace. 16  On the cross Christ did away with our hatred for each other. He also made peace between us and God by uniting Jews and Gentiles in one body. 17  Christ came and preached peace to you Gentiles, who were far from God, and peace to us Jews, who were near God. 18 And because of Christ, all of us can come to the Father by the same Spirit.

19 You Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens with everyone else who belongs to the family of God20 You are like a building with the apostles and prophets as the foundation and with Christ as the most important stone. 21 Christ is the one who holds the building together and makes it grow into a holy temple for the Lord.” Ephesians 2:11-21 CEV

In Christ, Jew and Gentile alike, have been united in one body and we are called the body of Christ. He is our head and our firm foundation. From Him we receive His command.

“But I am giving you a new command. You must love each other, just as I have loved you. 35 If you love each other, everyone will know that you are my disciples.” John 13:34-35 CEV

Since we now have peace with God let’s also walk in His love.