Fruit Inspection

Dave and I grew up on the Arizona/California border. We were very familiar with the Agriculture Inspection Station at the border.

“Do you have any fruits or vegetables to declare?” That was always the question.

The Department of Agriculture didn’t want any pests transported from other states to the fruit and vegetable growing in California.

Did you know Jesus has something to say about fruit inspection?

He has been teaching on the mountain for three chapters now. We’ve heard him teach on adjusting our attitudes, how to pray, how not to worry about anything and not to judge others. All daily life, practical teaching from the heart of God.

As Jesus comes to the end of this time with the multitude He gives us a strict warning.

Watch out for false prophets! They dress up like sheep, but inside they are wolves who have come to attack you. 16  You can tell what they are by what they do. No one picks grapes or figs from thornbushes. 17 A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. 19  Every tree producing bad fruit will be chopped down and burned. 20  You can tell who the false prophets are by their deeds.” Matthew 7:15-20 CEV

What Jesus came to share was good news and it brings a harvest of good fruit. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Galatia about the fruit that God’s Spirit produces in our lives.

 God’s Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, 23 gentle, and self-controlled. There is no law against behaving in any of these ways.” Galatians 5:22-23 CEV

This fruit is very similar to what Jesus described as the be-attitudes. It’s so important that we don’t allow our fruit to become infected by the harmful pests of pride, anger, fear, greed, malice and gossip. These things can and will ruin our fruit.

“Not everyone who calls me their Lord will get into the kingdom of heaven. Only the ones who obey my Father in heaven will get in. 22 On the day of judgment many will call me their Lord. They will say, ‘We preached in your name, and in your name we forced out demons and worked many miracles.’ 23  But I will tell them, ‘I will have nothing to do with you! Get out of my sight, you evil people!’” Matthew 7:21-23 CEV

God will judge, not us. In our day, we have seen examples of false prophets. Jim Jones is one of the first to come to mind. “We preached in your name”.

Our job is to be fruitful. Jesus gave us a clear message on that.

“Stay joined to me, and I will stay joined to you. Just as a branch cannot produce fruit unless it stays joined to the vine, you cannot produce fruit unless you stay joined to me. I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined to you, then you will produce lots of fruit. But you cannot do anything without me.” John 15:4-5 CEV

We don’t judge, but we do inspect fruit.