
Does your day have purpose? Better question – does MY day have purpose? Most of you know that I love my quiet mornings. Time to sit with coffee in hand, computer on my lap and my heart focused on what the Father is saying to me.

In the solitude I talk a little and then I listen.

While we were in Greece, Dave and I had our morning walk and talks. We would walk along the seashore and express our gratitude to the Father for His amazing love, protection, peace, wisdom, direction, forgiveness, grace and mercy.

There’s so much to be thankful for. One of the biggest blessings is that He loves us enough to listen.

This morning routine isn’t of my own making. I learned from the best.

“And Abraham went early in the morning to the place where he had stood before the Lord.” Genesis 19:15 KJV

King David gives us insight to his mornings:

“My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; In the morning I will direct it to You, And I will look up.” Psalm 5:3

“But I will sing of Your power; Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; For You have been my defense And refuge in the day of my trouble.” Psalm 59:16

“I rise before the dawning of the morning, And cry for help; I hope in Your word.” Psalm 119:47

“Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, For in You do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, For I lift up my soul to You.” Psalm 143:8

Jesus gave us this example:

” Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” Mark 1:35 KJV

“Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them.” John 8:2 KJV

Yes, our mornings should count!

They should set the tone and purpose of our day. There is a song that often goes through my thinking. It was written by Jeremy Camp, Give Me Jesus.

“In the morning, when I rise

In the morning, when I rise

In the morning, when I rise

Give me Jesus.

Give me Jesus,

Give me Jesus.

You can have all this world,

Just give me Jesus…”

The Bible tells us the greatest commandment is to love the Lord, our God, with all our heart, soul and mind. Praising Him should be the primary purpose of every believer.

Greet the morning with a song for the good things the Lord has done!

A Perfect Heart

This morning before the sun is even up, I am reminded of the Lord’s majesty and His power.

As I sat having my coffee and prayer time the elk began to bugle in the meadow just across the drive. I look forward to hearing them calling for a mate this time of year. Yesterday, we were traveling home along a dirt road when we saw a bull elk and his harem in the open meadow. There were five cows and their calves and this bull.

I didn’t have my good camera with me and the pictures I took on my phone didn’t do them justice, so I have no images to share with you. But when I heard his bugling again this morning my thought was “what a majestic animal he is”.


How silly to consider an animal majestic.

And then there were the thoughts of the pomp and circumstance we just viewed as the world honored Queen Elizabeth. What a great woman! She ruled with class and dignity, she ruled with godliness. The tribute paid to her life was truly majestic.

Majestic: having or showing impressive beauty or dignity.

Years ago a song was written by two wonderful Christians, Reba Rambo and Dony McGuire, it was titled “A Perfect Heart”. Here are just a few lines of the chorus:

“Bless the Lord who reigns in beauty;
Bless the Lord who reigns with wisdom and with power.
Bless the Lord who fills my life with so much love,
He can make a perfect heart.”

There is really only One who can wear the title of “His Majesty”, only one who is truly majestic.

“Our Lord, you are King!
Majesty and power
    are your royal robes.
You put the world in place,
    and it will never be moved.
You have always ruled,
    and you are eternal.

The ocean is roaring, Lord!
    The sea is pounding hard.
Its mighty waves are majestic,
but you are even more majestic,
    and you rule over all.
Your decisions are firm,
and your temple will always
    be beautiful and holy.” Psalm 93 CEV

This morning I ask you to take time to honor and worship the One who is “even more majestic, the One who rules over all”.

He is not only the One who rules over all but He is our loving heavenly Father and this morning, like all mornings, He deserves our praise and admiration, our love and our heart’s devotion.

Let’s worship Him with a perfect heart!

Fare Well

Two phrases have been running through my mind – fare well (welfare) and well being. These two phrases are very much akin to each other.

Fare well: in the Old English meant to enjoy a life that was well provided for and later was shorten to become welfare. Fare well was used as you departed from someone, much like our word good-bye. I like that saying, it conveys a sentiment of concern for the other person’s good health and success.

Well being: is very similar to fare well. Again, it has to do with the condition of life. Well-being or being well implies more than just good health. It has to do with the whole man, spirit, soul and body.

When I pray for people I pray for the well-being and their welfare.

“I pray that God, who gives peace, will make you completely holy. And may your spiritsoul, and body be kept healthy and faultless until our Lord Jesus Christ returns.” I Thessalonians 5:23 CEV

“With all my heart I praise the Lord! I will never forget how kind he has been. The Lord forgives our sins, heals us when we are sick, and protects us from death.
His kindness and love  are a crown on our heads. Each day that we live, he provides for our needs and gives us the strength of a young eagle. For all who are mistreated, the Lord brings justice.” Psalm 103:2-6 CEV

So many in the world think that God is wanting our lives to be filled with woe and agony, that is so far from the truth. From the time He chose Abraham to be the father of the nation and the people He called His own He has desired to bless us. He is our loving and gracious heavenly father.

If you have kids you understand that we give our children instruction and tell them to follow our words. They need to know not to touch a hot stove, to brush their teeth and wash their hands. We teach them to share and be kind and forgiving. We command them to rest, they may not want to take a nap but we know they must have good rest in order to be well and have a good temperament.

God has done the same for His children. He has given us instructions, commandments as it were, to follow. Each time He gave commandments He told his children to follow them and they would be blessed. They would fare well. He wanted them, and us, to walk in His blessings.

Part of my Bible reading took me to Leviticus 26 this morning. I won’t include all the verses here but may I encourage you to read it for yourself. Here’s an excerpt:

 Faithfully obey my laws, and I will send rain to make your crops grow… Your harvest…will be so abundant, that you won’t know what to do with it all. ..I will bless your country with peace, and you will rest without fear…I will treat you with such kindness that your nation will grow strong, and I will also keep my promises to you…11 I will live among you and never again look on you with disgust. 12 I will walk with you—I will be your God, and you will be my people. 13 I am the Lord your God,…I have set you free; now walk with your heads held high.” Leviticus 26:3-13 CEV

These are the words of our God and loving Father. It is His desire that we fare well and have a life of well-being.

Fare well dear friends!