It’s A New Day

For the past two weeks, you know, Dave and I have been under the U.S. Forest Service evacuation order for the Apache Sitgreaves region. At noon yesterday we were granted permission to return to our campground at Big Lake, as were all the other camp hosts in our region.

I had no idea that my reaction would be so strong. The campground that has been our temporary location was very nice and we loved the wildlife and the camaraderie we experienced with the other hosts but as Dave pulled our 5th wheel up the road to our campground, Rainbow, my heart filled with joy. We were home!

I could only imagine how some of you have felt living in areas that are effected by tornados and hurricanes. Living in the western United States all of my life I have never experienced that kind of devastation or threat of destruction.

“Your way is perfect, Lord, and your word is correct. You are a shield for those who run to you for help.” Psalm 18:30 CEV

Our afternoon was filled with all the little chores of settling in; connecting to power, water, sewer, making sure we were level, cleaning inside, putting things back in place, setting up the awning, putting out chairs and grill.

Happy to be home.

This beautiful sunrise greeted us yesterday morning, it was as if the Lord was saying, “today is a good day”. When we took one of our granddaughter’s camping with us this last winter she and I would walk out side at sunrise and say “Good Morning Sun”. As a four-year-old, it’s something she remembers as a special time.

Today we prepare for the return of campers. A few will come in today with many more coming over the weekend. We will be so glad to hear the sounds of laughter in the campground. Families enjoying each other away from the distractions of the city. Families making special memories like Kristine and I have shared, maybe they’ll even see the sunrise together.

The Lord gave blessings to the Israelites right before they entered the Promised Land. Since we have a relationship with God, the Father, those promises are also our inheritance.

“If you will obey the Lord your God, all these blessings will come to you and be yours: “He will bless you in the city and in the field. He will bless you and give you many children. He will bless your land and give you good crops. He will bless your animals and let them have many babies. He will bless you with calves and lambs. He will bless your baskets and pans and fill them with food. He will bless you at all times in everything you do.” Deuteronomy 28:2-6 ERV

When this summer started we really had no idea of what the Lord was going to do in our lives. We just wanted to be obedient to His leading. This is beyond anything we expected.

Look for the Lord’s leading and follow it! Today is a new day, a day filled with blessing. Good Morning “Son”!