The End of a Message

I have really enjoyed going through Jesus’ message, the Sermon on the Mount, with you. It has shown us the foundation for His ministry here on earth.

He ends this message with these powerful verses.

 Anyone who hears and obeys these teachings of mine is like a wise person who built a house on solid rock25 Rain poured down, rivers flooded, and winds beat against that house. But it was built on solid rock, and so it did not fall.

26 Anyone who hears my teachings and doesn’t obey them is like a foolish person who built a house on sand. 27 Rain poured down, rivers flooded, and the winds blew and beat against that house. Finally, it fell with a crash.

28  When Jesus finished speaking, the crowds were surprised at his teaching29 He taught them like someone with authority, and not like their teachers of the Law of Moses.” Matthew 7:24-29 CEV

Jesus was addressing everyone who was there listening to this message. They were either a wise anyone or a foolish anyone, but they could not deny that they were an anyone. Neither can we.

Anyone who hears God’s word has two choices – to obey or not. To be wise or foolish. To stand strong during the storm or to be destroyed by it.

The storms come – they most certainly do; the choice of how to handle them is up to us. What foundation have we built on? Solid rock or sandy beach.

“Anyone who comes and listens to me and obeys me 48 is like someone who dug down deep and built a house on solid rock. When a flood came and the river rushed against the house, it was built so well that it didn’t even shake. 49 But anyone who hears what I say and doesn’t obey me is like someone whose house wasn’t built on solid rock. As soon as the river rushed against that house, it was smashed to pieces!” Luke 6:47-49 CEV

When we build our lives on God’s word we are building on a firm foundation. His words of “do not fear, do not judge, ask to receive, be salt and light” are what we take to heart and give us the confidence to stand.

“So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! 36 Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.” Hebrews 10:35-36 NLT

Don’t throw away your confidence. Keep standing on the rock of His word. God didn’t remove Goliath from the battle, He empowered David in it. He didn’t take the lions’ out of the den, He closed their mouths when Daniel showed up. Jesus wasn’t discouraged by a little boy’s lunch with so many mouths to feed; instead, He was thankful, blessed it and multiplied it.

“A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.” Ephesians 6:10-11 NLT

When faced with a storm remember to stand on God’s word. Be like those in the crowd who said, “He speaks with authority”. The authority of God’s word IS our final authority.

Stand Tall

I’m praying that you stand strong and tall today.

While reading in I Corinthians, I found the Apostle Paul’s instruction to us. He didn’t want us to be like the Israelites in the wilderness who complained about God’s provisions and who worshipped the idols of Egypt.

“Even if you think you can stand up to temptation, be careful not to fall. 13 You are tempted in the same way that everyone else is tempted. But God can be trusted not to let you be tempted too much, and he will show you how to escape from your temptations. 14 My friends, you must keep away from idols.” I Corinthians 10:12-14 CEV

One of the biggest temptations they faced was discontentment.

We are susceptible to the same temptation. Murmuring because we think things should be better; we’re being mistreated; everyone else has it better than us. They also worshipped idols. We face that same temptation as well. No, not the gold and stone statues that they crafted but the idols of fame, success, pleasure, education, relationships.

Any of these can draw us away for serving the Lord.

However the good news is this. God knows about these temptations and He has given us the power to resist them and escape their grasp. Jesus didn’t come to make us miserable – not at all.

“A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came to give life—life that is full and good.” John 10:10 ERV

“Don’t worry and ask yourselves, ‘Will we have anything to eat? Will we have anything to drink? Will we have any clothes to wear?’ 32 Only people who don’t know God are always worrying about such things. Your Father in heaven knows that you need all of these. 33 But more than anything else, put God’s work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well. 34 Don’t worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself.” Matthew 6:31-34 CEV

Our Father promised to provide all for the Israelites as they journeyed to their promise land. He still promises to be our provider. God is always present to provide as we journey to our promises land. He promises to never leave us or abandon us.

When we spend time on our knees in prayer our Father will reassure us of His promises. With confidence in God’s Word we can stand strong and tall just like the Apostle Paul said.

Take the Father at His word!