Awful or Awe-filled

Just a week or so ago I was reading a post that went into great detail, listing all the things around the world that are awful. That word caught my attention, awful. But, in times like these we need to change our focus from the awful to the awe-filled.

Did you see last night’s sunset? Did you take time to watch a bird building a nest or the ant moving a crumb across the rocky ground? Did you watch your child sleeping peacefully or feel the tender touch of your loved one’s hand?

These things are awe-filled moments!

There is so much in life which inspires and encourages. We just have to look for it. God has positioned the wonders of the universe so that we have a sense of just how awesome He is.

“The heavens keep telling the wonders of God, and the skies declare what he has done.
Each day informs the following day; each night announces to the next. They don’t speak a word, and there is never the sound of a voice. Yet their message reaches all the earth,  and it travels around the world.” Psalm 19:1-4 CEV

“No one can stare at the sun after a breeze has blown the clouds from the sky. 22 Yet the glorious splendor of God All-Powerful is brighter by far. 23 God cannot be seen— but his power is great, and he is always fair.” Job 37:21-23 CEV

Our loving, heavenly Father wants us to be constantly aware that He is here and always ready to comfort and to guide. He doesn’t leave us to flounder on our own. He replaces what is awful with what is the awe-filled revelation of His presence.

“God, you give true peace to people who depend on you, to those who trust in you. So trust the Lord always, because in the Lord Yah* you have a place of safety forever.” Isaiah 26:3 ERV *Yah means mighty rock

Some years back I was sitting in a small community church. The song leader said that he would take requests from those in attendance. A sweet, unpretentious man raised his hand to make a request. Donald had been living on the streets; alcohol and drugs had stolen his family, his job and self-esteem. But one day someone introduced him to Jesus and his life changed. He was so aware of the Father’s loving presence. He said, “I hope we can sing ‘Our God is an Awesome God’. I don’t really know the tune very well but I do know that God is really awesome and that He loves me”. His matter-of-fact statement brought tears to my eyes.

We can look at the awful or we can seek our Awesome God and have each day filled with awe!

“O Lord, you are a great and awesome God! You always fulfill your covenant and keep your promises of unfailing love to those who love you and obey your commands.” Daniel 9:4 NLT

Breath Taking

Dave and I have been watching a travel log on the islands of Greece. The host has been visiting many of the little islands and introducing the watchers to towns, food, history and the beaches of Greece. There had been many beautiful sunrises, olive orchards and shots of the gorgeous water and beaches.

Yesterday one of the episodes we were watching showed an aerial view of the sea and beach – it was breath taking. Literally! When I saw the beauty, I instinctively drew a breath and held it, not wanting to exhale. The scene was awe-inspiring and I didn’t want to move. I wanted to soak it in.

What God has created is marvelous!

This morning I was still thinking about the scenery and the beauty. I wondered if the word “breath-taking” had been used in Scripture. I searched and as far I can tell it never was but the word “awesome” is. Awesome: to be in awe. Synonyms: breathtaking · amazing · stunning · astounding · astonishing · awe-inspiring · stupendous · staggering · extraordinary · incredible · unbelievable · magnificent

There are times when I am reading the Bible that I am awe-struck, breath-taken, by the experience of God’s amazing love.

“Everyone, clap your hands. Shout with joy to God! The Lord Most High is awesome.  He is the great King over all the earth.” Psalm 47:1-2 ERV

“Everything he does is good and fair. All his commands can be trusted. His commands will continue forever. They must be done with truth and honesty. He rescued his people and made his agreement with them forever. His name is awesome and holy. 10 Wisdom begins with fear and respect for the Lord. Those who obey him are very wise. Praises will be sung to him forever.” Psalm 111:7-10 ERV

God’s word is the written expression of His love. God’s word will never fail; love never fails. He has chosen to share His heart with us in the pages of His word.

Have you ever received a love letter? I bet you read it more than once! It’s possible that you read it so many times that you nearly had it memorized before the next one came. I don’t think love letters have quite the impact they did years ago. Letter writing was the communication of the day.

God loves us so much that He took the time to write the most amazing love letter! Reading it over and over again we find new things that we didn’t see the first time and reading it long enough we are impacted by His great love. It tells us of the awesome God who loves us so deeply.

“I will confess and praise You [O God] with my whole heart; before the gods will I sing praises to You. 2 I will worship toward Your holy temple and praise Your name for Your loving-kindness and for Your truth and faithfulness; for You have exalted above all else Your name and Your word and You have magnified Your word above all Your name!” Psalm 138:1-2 AMP

I hope that as you read God’s word today you are overwhelmed, awe-struck, breath-taken by the depth of the Father’s love.

Like Pieces of A Puzzle

I am one of those people who love to do jigsaw puzzles.

You start out with a thousand pieces and you have an image on a box, let the fun begin. I do think it’s fun. I remember when I was little  my mom and dad would have friends over to visit for pie and coffee and there would always be a card table set up with a puzzle.

They would talk and put the puzzle together. It was a time of building relationship. As I became older and had a family of my own I enjoyed, and still do, putting together puzzles with family and friends. My daughters and I usually start a puzzle when they arrive for the weekend and hopefully finish it before they leave. It’s a great time to talk and share our lives.

I have a friend that shares my love of puzzles and she and I look forward to the time we spend around the table hunting for pieces, working together, and catching up.

The thing you have to remember about a jigsaw puzzle is the image was created first. Then, originally, a jigsaw was used to cut pieces in such a way that they would fit together and recreate the Master Design.

Some people I know think of the Bible as a puzzle. There are thousands of pieces and they think they know what it should look like but often times are surprised by the image that they find. Some think they will find an angry God while others believe they will see a God who is absent and unresponsive. However, quite the opposite is true!

When the pieces come together we find a loving God who is intimately involved in the smallest of details. He works everything out so that the final picture reveals His love and grace.

This morning I was reading in the book of Job. It’s not a book I spend a lot of time in but this morning I was caught up in the intricate way that the Lord described creation. The Lord asks Job:

How did I lay the foundation for the earth? Were you there?Doubtless you know who decided its length and width.What supports the foundation? Who placed the cornerstone, 7 while morning stars sang, and angels rejoiced?

When the ocean was born,  I set its boundariesand wrapped it in blankets of thickest fog. 10 Then I built a wall around it, locked the gates, 11 and said, “Your powerful waves stop here! They can go no farther.” 12 Did you ever tell the sun to rise? And did it obey?… 19 Where is the home of light, and where does darkness live? 20 Can you lead them home?…24 From where does lightning leap, or the east wind blow? 25 Who carves out a path for thunderstorms? 31 Can you arrange stars in groups such as Orion and the Pleiades? 32 Do you control the stars or set in place the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper? 33 Do you know the laws that govern the heavens, and can you make them rule the earth?” Job 38 CEV

You really need to read through Job 38 and 39. The Lord’s planning and thoughtfulness in the act of creation is absolutely amazing! And then my reading took me to Proverbs 3. Watch how the puzzle pieces go together.

God blesses everyone who has wisdom and common sense. 14 Wisdom is worth more than silver; it makes you much richer than gold. 15 Wisdom is more valuable than precious jewels; nothing you want compares with her…19 By his wisdom and knowledge the Lord created heaven and earth. 20 By his understanding he let the ocean break loose and clouds release the rain. 21 My child, use common sense and sound judgment! Always keep them in mind. 22 They will help you to live a long and beautiful life. 23 You will walk safely and never stumble; 24 you will rest without a worry and sleep soundly. 25 So don’t be afraid of sudden disasters or storms that strike those who are evil. 26 You can be sure that the Lord will protect you from harm.” Proverbs 3:13-24 CEV

God used his wisdom in creation. He set boundaries for the oceans and the seas. He set rules for rain and snow. He set the course of the stars. And now He is blessing us with wisdom so that we can  have a long and beautiful life.

Are you beginning to see the picture? God gave us everything that we need for living on this planet at creation. He thought of every detail and He is blessing us with wisdom which is far more valuable than gold.

Now before I finish up this morning I want you to know that I am far from having all the pieces put together in the puzzle of God’s word but I do know that the more I read it, the more I look at it and study the shape of the pieces I am finding how they all fit together.

The last piece that I want to add to the puzzle this morning comes from Luke. This is a piece of protection that fits nicely with the verses in Proverbs.

 Five sparrows are sold for just two pennies, but God doesn’t forget a one of them. Even the hairs on your head are counted. So don’t be afraid! You are worth much more than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6-7 

Do you see it? God designed the whole course of creation. It was His wisdom and knowledge that made it all work together. He didn’t create the animals before He made land, they would have drown. He didn’t create plants before light; they would have froze. He created every detail that gives the sparrows their flight. He cares for them no matter how insignificant they seem but He cares for us so much more. It all fits!

From creation until the end of the world God is showing His love and protection for us. Now that’s the big picture.

Our God is an Awesome God!