Not A Chunk of Coal

Have you heard the expression “Diamonds are just a chunk of coal under extreme pressure”? Well, the adage has been around for years, but it isn’t true.

Another adage that I take exception to is one used often in Christian circles. “I’m not but an old sinner saved by grace”. Were we sinners? Yes. Were we saved by grace? Yes.

But to continue in that thinking goes against all that God has created us to be. He has called us to be new creatures in Christ. The past is gone; our present and our future are in Him and He has redeemed us, made us new; we are called saints, a chosen people, a royal priesthood.

God’s opinion of us is so much greater than our opinion of ourselves. He saw that we were valuable, priceless and worth the ultimate sacrifice.

He loved us enough to send His Son to die for us so that we could live in Him!

Now that alone should drive out any feelings of low self-esteem or worthlessness!

” Brothers and sisters, God chose you to be his. Think about that! Not many of you were wise in the way the world judges wisdom. Not many of you had great influence, and not many of you came from important families. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. He chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 And God chose what the world thinks is not important—what the world hates and thinks is nothing. He chose these to destroy what the world thinks is important. 29 God did this so that no one can stand before him and boast about anything. 30 It is God who has made you part of Christ Jesus. And Christ has become for us wisdom from God. He is the reason we are right with God and pure enough to be in his presence. Christ is the one who set us free from sin. 31 So, as the Scriptures say, “Whoever boasts should boast only about the Lord.” I Corinthians 1:26-31 ERV

That’s the way He feels about all of us who have received Christ as our Savior.

“Then the Lord All-Powerful said: You people are precious to me, and when I come to bring justice, I will protect you, just as parents protect an obedient child.” Malachi 3:17 CEV

He sees us as a loving father sees his children. We are not unworthy. We are dearly loved and accepted. We are welcome in His presence.

He has called us, redeemed us and made us His own. We’ve been chosen!

“We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him. They are the ones God has chosen for his purpose, 29 and he has always known who his chosen ones would be. He had decided to let them become like his own Son, so his Son would be the first of many children. 30 God then accepted the people he had already decided to choose, and he has shared his glory with them.

31 What can we say about all this? If God is on our side, can anyone be against us32 God did not keep back his own Son, but he gave him for us. If God did this, won’t he freely give us everything else? 33 If God says his chosen ones are acceptable to him, can anyone bring charges against them?” Romans 8:28-33 CEV

Not an old chunk of coal, not an old sinner; we are the redeemed of the Lord!