Call to Battle

I was reading about King David this morning. The account in II Samuel 21 is long past his days of youth when he defeated Goliath but here he is leading the Israelites in battle against the Philistines again.

David had grown weary in the fight and the Philistines knew it. A warrior had come to destroy him but King David’s aide defended him and destroyed the enemy. The Israelites were victorious, and the Philistines were once defeated once again.

Do you feel like King David? Have you grown weary in the battle?

I don’t know why Christians think that we won’t have troubles or battles. We do and we will. But our battles aren’t against flesh and blood, they are against the spiritual evil and darkness that has so much influence in our world.

“We live in this world, but we don’t act like its people or fight our battles with the weapons of this world. Instead, we use God’s power that can destroy fortresses. We destroy arguments and every bit of pride that keeps anyone from knowing God. We capture people’s thoughts and make them obey Christ.” II Corinthians 10:3-5 CEV

We fight against thoughts and arguments that take hold of people’s thinking, leading them away from obedience to Christ. The weapons we used are given to us by God and don’t conform to man’s way of thinking.

“Finally, let the mighty strength of the Lord make you strong. 11  Put on all the armor that God gives, so you can defend yourself against the devil’s tricks. 12 We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world. 13 So put on all the armor that God gives. Then when that evil day comes, you will be able to defend yourself. And when the battle is over, you will still be standing firm.

14  Be ready! Let the truth be like a belt around your waist, and let God’s justice protect you like armor. 15  Your desire to tell the good news about peace should be like shoes on your feet. 16 Let your faith be like a shield, and you will be able to stop all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17  Let God’s saving power be like a helmet, and for a sword use God’s message that comes from the Spirit.

18 Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God’s people.” Ephesians 5:10-18 CEV

Young David said he battled Goliath not with sword and spear but with the name of the Lord. Joshua went to battle in the power of the Lord. We also go to battle in the same way.

 So put on all the armor that God gives. Then when that evil day comes, you will be able to defend yourself. And when the battle is over, you will still be standing firm.” vs 13

Each piece of armor listed in the verses above, truth, the gospel of peace, salvation, righteousness, faith, sword of the Spirit, are all found in God’s word. He gives them freely to each of us to use.

When we grow weary, like David did, we pray for strength and the Lord will provide that too. The armor that God gives us prepares us for battle and assures us ultimate victory!

What We Can’t See

Knowing that God is in control and that He is working things out even/especially when you can’t see what’s going on is a great place of peace and comfort.

“God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, He will make a way” by Don Moen

The words of this song ring true in so many of our life’s circumstances. Like the words of this song, the Apostle Paul gave us an instruction filled with hope and promise.

 Our life is lived by faith. We do not live by what we see in front of us.” II Corinthians 5:7 NLV

The Lord delivered Noah in the flood, David from Goliath, Daniel from the lions, Joseph in Egypt, Paul in prison, the thief on the cross and He won’t quit on us!

“Great blessings belong to those who are tempted and remain faithful! After they have proved their faith, God will give them the reward of eternal life. God promised this to all people who love him. 13 Whenever you feel tempted to do something bad, you should not say, “God is tempting me.” Evil cannot tempt God, and God himself does not tempt anyone. 14 You are tempted by the evil things you want. Your own desire leads you away and traps you. 15 Your desire grows inside you until it results in sin. Then the sin grows bigger and bigger and finally ends in death.

16 My dear brothers and sisters, don’t be fooled about this. 17 Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from him. These good gifts come down from the Father who made all the lights in the sky. But God never changes like the shadows from those lights. He is always the same. 18 God decided to give us life through the true message he sent to us. He wanted us to be the most important of all that he created.” James 1:12-18 ERV

Sometimes we get things backwards. Sometimes we say God is testing me or putting me through this trial to see what I’m made of. God doesn’t do that. When the trials, tests and temptations come they come from our own making or the influence of Satan in the world. God steps in to give us the strength to win the battle.

“And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.” Hebrews 11:6 NLT

The Lord rewards us when we seek Him. Afterall, He is the One with all the answers. He is the giver of every good and perfect gift.

“We thank God for the power Christ has given us. He leads us and makes us win in everything. He speaks through us wherever we go. The Good News is like a sweet smell to those who hear it.” II Corinthians 2:14 NLV

Our Father will lead us into victory. Thank Him for all the good and perfect gifts that He has provided. He’s working even when we don’t see what He’s doing.

Encourage the Brave

I found this saying attributed to Alexander the Great and thought it was worth sharing. “An army of sheep led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by a sheep”.

God has placed within us all a spirit of boldness; sometimes we just need someone to encourage us.

Let’s look at three words. Courage, En courage, Dis courage.

Courage: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.

Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to push through it.

En-courage: to make (someone) more determined, hopeful, or confident.

In the Bible the words strength or encourage are used interchangeably.

Discourage. to make (someone) less determined, hopeful, or confident.

When we become discouraged, we lose the ability to persevere and withstand difficulty. I want to encourage you in who you are today in Christ. Don’t let the enemy or the circumstances you are facing discourage you.

“You have accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord. Now keep on following him. 7 Plant your roots in Christ and let him be the foundation for your life. Be strong in your faith, just as you were taught. And be grateful. 8 Don’t let anyone fool you by using senseless arguments. These arguments may sound wise, but they are only human teachings. They come from the powers of this world and not from Christ. 9 God lives fully in Christ. 10 And you are fully grown because you belong to Christ, who is over every power and authority.” Colossians 2:6-10 CEV

Be strong, be grateful. Don’t listen to senseless arguments that discredit God. The power of God rests in Christ and since we are in Christ. As believers God makes His power available to us. He has made us free!

“You were spiritually dead because of your sins and because you were not free from the power of your sinful self. But God gave you new life together with Christ. He forgave all our sins. 14 Because we broke God’s laws, we owed a debt—a debt that listed all the rules we failed to follow. But God forgave us of that debt. He took it away and nailed it to the cross. 15 He defeated the rulers and powers of the spiritual world. With the cross he won the victory over them and led them away, as defeated and powerless prisoners for the whole world to see.” Colossians 2:13-15 ERV

Christ won the victory for us! Be encouraged with that today.

Annoying Circumstances

There are little circumstances that can cause big annoyances. Let me explain.

We have been dealing with a refrigerator issue for about a month now. The freezer stays at a constant -2 degrees, however, the refrigerator won’t cool below 44 degrees. This isn’t a big problem for most of the items but things like milk, mayonnaise and eggs get a little too warm.

The manufacturer of our RV has been great. First, they sent us some “trouble shooting” guidelines. Perfect. We followed them step by step. Everything checked out. Next instruction was call a mobile tech. Check. He came and assessed the issue. Sent pictures, written explanations and waited. We received another more detailed check list from the manufacturer’s of the refrigerator. Really???

Notice, I am now getting annoyed. Emails are being exchanged a couple of times a day. Had one arrive yesterday morning at 5 am my time. I responded immediately. As Dave and I were talking, trying to keep our blood pressure down, the phone rang. It was the RV manufacturer. The rep on the other end was very sympathetic and knew our need to have a working refrigerator in place before we leave in three weeks for the mountains. She listened to our frustration and assured me she was on it.

Within two hours she sent another email. A new refrigerator is on the way. It will be there in four business days.

Big sigh and a “thank you Jesus”!

Each day that we have been dealing with this Dave has been saying, “I will not let this spoil our summer. We’ll work it through one way or another. We just need it fixed and God knows that”.

Truly, He did. He knows all the little things that come about to steal our joy and when we trust Him he will bring us through with a proper attitude.

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” James 1:2-4 NLT

“The Lord is your God. He is the God of gods and the Lord of lords. He is the great God. He is the amazing and powerful fighter. To him everyone is the same… 21 He is the one you should praise. He is your God. He has done great and amazing things for you. You have seen them with your own eyes.” Deuteronomy 10:17-21 ERV

Will we have annoyances? Yes. Will we face circumstances that are frustrating? Yes. Do we have to give in to them? No.

If we trust Him, our Father will guide us through each situation. He is the amazing and powerful fighter. He will be the one to defend and protect. When we keep our focus on Him and His ability we will have joyful victory over annoying circumstances.

Think Big!

Have you ever heard of “grasshoppers syndrome”? Grasshopper Syndrome was first diagnosed in Numbers 13.

Moses had led the Israelites out of Egypt . God said He would give them the Promised Land. All they had to do was go in and possess it. Moses chose twelve men to spy out the land and bring back a report. Ten men came back with Grasshopper Syndrome and two men, Joshua and Caleb, came back only seeing the good that God had revealed to them.

“Caleb told the people near Moses to be quiet. Then Caleb said, “We should go up and take that land for ourselves. We can easily take that land.” Numbers 13:30 ERV

“We saw the giant Nephilim people there! (The descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim.) We felt like little grasshoppers. Yes, we were like grasshoppers to them!” Numbers 13:33 ERV

The problem wasn’t the giants. It’s that they saw themselves as grasshoppers, small and insignificant. Joshua and Caleb chose to focus on God and not themselves. However, the majority were affected by grasshopper thinking and didn’t move forward.

Years later there was another outbreak of grasshopper syndrome. Recently, we discussed the army of Israel’s fear of Goliath. Only David saw past the fear and focused on the greatness of God.

“Today the Lord will let me defeat you. I will kill you. I will cut off your head and feed your body to the birds and wild animals. And we will do the same thing to all the other Philistines too. Then all the world will know there is a God in Israel. 47 All the people gathered here will know that the Lord doesn’t need swords or spears to save people. The battle belongs to the Lord, and he will help us defeat all of you.”” I Samuel 17:45-47 ERV

What giants are you facing today – unemployment, illness, personal relationships, financial hardship, high gas prices, inflation? Don’t fall prey to grasshopper syndrome.

“Children, you belong to God, and you have defeated these enemies. God’s Spirit is in you and is more powerful than the one that is in the world.” I John 4:4 CEV

“A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.” John 10:10 CEV

Take God’s word and destroy Grasshopper Syndrome. Let God’s word have final authority in your life. You are and will be victorious in this life.

Unshakable, Immovable

A few days back a friend and I were discussing all the senseless tragedies that have been in the news lately. Some people want to blame God for what’s occurring. I would like to go on record, “this is not God’s fault”.

What I’m about to share with you now are the words that came pouring from my heart. The word of God is my unshakable, immovable, solid rock foundation. In these uncertain times we need a firm foundation.

 Anyone who comes and listens to me and obeys me 48 is like someone who dug down deep and built a house on solid rock. When the flood came and the river rushed against the house, it was built so well that it didn’t even shake. 49 But anyone who hears what I say and doesn’t obey me is like someone whose house wasn’t built on solid rock. As soon as the river rushed against that house, it was smashed to pieces!” Luke 6:47-49 CEV

Let’s take a look at God’s word. He has given us a free will and He will not violate that. We are free to choose His blessings or to reject them. The choice of building our lives on the solid rock of God’s word is ours. God will not usurp our will to keep us from going to hell nor will He force us to accept any of his other blessings or His help.

“God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance”. II Peter 3:9 KJV

Psalms 103:1-5 tells us that the Lord forgives all our sins and heals all of our diseases but there are very few people I know who actually live free from the guilt of sin in every area of their lives or who live in divine health, 100% of the time. Does that mean that God lied when He said all, or does it mean we are unworthy to receive those blessings? NEVER!

If we are in Christ, children of the Father, all His promises belong to us.

“We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God’s own power, when we learned that he had invited us to share in his wonderful goodness. God made great and marvelous promises, so that his nature would become part of us. Then we could escape our evil desires and the corrupt influences of this world.” II Peter 1:3-4 CEV

Why do bad things happen to good people? 

If we don’t know that God’s promises belong to us, all of His promises, then we blindly and ignorantly accept the evil being done without fighting back. If we don’t know that God wants us protected, well, prospered, worry-free, forgiven and loved then that lack of knowledge will destroy us. We will have no foundation.

“My people are destroyed because they have no knowledge…” Hosea 4:6 ERV

But if we know we can fight against those things and be victorious, it changes the outcome.

“I am grateful that God always makes it possible for Christ to lead us to victory.” II Corinthians 2:14 CEV

If we are in Christ, and we are as Christians, we are promised victory. I have more to share on this so there will be a part two tomorrow.

Don’t give up, don’t quit! Build on a solid foundation; we will be unshakable and immovable!

One More Time!

Yesterday I shared some insights from the book of Joshua. It seemed appropriate to draw on that book again today.

Years ago, I was given a copy of the book, Victorious Christian Living by Alan Redpath. It was written in 1955, long before much was being said about victory in the lives of Christians. Redpath uses Joshua’s experiences to show us how God has designed for us to win. (I would encourage you to find a copy [ebay’s a good place] and read it.)

This morning I was reading about all the kings that came out to fight Joshua and the Israelites when the entered their Promised Land. Moses had led them in successful military campaigns before they crossed the Jordan River but Joshua was given the responsibility to lead the warriors as they defeated the many kings occupying the land.

“…The total number of kings was 31.” Joshua 12:24 ERV

Joshua went from battle to battle. Sometimes he was the aggressor but at other times four or five kings would form an alliance and come out to attack him and the Israelite army. Each time Joshua headed into battle the Lord would give him the same message.

“All these kings met together at the small river of Merom. They joined their armies together into one camp and made plans for the battle against Israel. Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Don’t be afraid of that army, because I will allow you to defeat them. By this time tomorrow, you will have killed them all.” Joshua 11:5-6 ERV

Don’t be afraid – one more time go out to battle; one more time I will give you the victory.

Joshua wasn’t the only one who faced repeated battles. Young David first fought Goliath and then he battled many enemy armies, including one his oldest son led against him. Jesus also faced many personal attacks. Satan came to him with three different temptations when Jesus was physically and emotionally weak. He had just completed a 40 day fast when Satan tempted him with food, with proving his deity and with world-wide acclaim.

“Jesus said to him, “Get away from me, Satan! The Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God. Serve only him!’ 11 So the devil left him. Then some angels came to Jesus and helped him.” Matthew 4:10-11 ERV

Joshua and David won great victories because they trusted God’s word. Jesus was victorious over the temptations of the devil because He placed His trust in God’s word.

The Christian life isn’t void of trials or attacks but like Joshua and even more, like Jesus we can go from victory to victory when we put our trust and confidence in the promises of God.

“But we thank God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! 58 So, my dear brothers and sisters, stand strong. Don’t let anything change you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord. You know that your work in the Lord is never wasted.” I Corinthians 15:57-58 ERV

I just had the feeling that some of you woke up this morning with a battle ahead of you. The Lord wanted me to remind you, you’re not in this alone. “Be not afraid, send the devil running. Our victory comes from the Lord”. You’ve got this – He’s got this!

Trust Him – one more time!

Does God Know?

Sometimes I ask that question. Does God know? Does He know when my heart aches and when fear creeps in; does God know that I have concerns over what the future holds?

The answer: of course, He does!

After I finished writing yesterday’s blog, “Not Today”, I read about Joshua. Moses was 120 years old, and he knew he was going to die. Joshua was his God-chosen replacement and would be responsible for leading the Israelites into the land God promised them. The Israelites were not an easy people to lead.

They had a history of complaining, rebellion, and questioning God’s word. These are the people Joshua would lead; this is the group he needed to be united; these are the ones who would be the called to fight and would need to follow orders.

Did God know what He was asking of Joshua? Of course, He did. And this was the Lord’s word of encouragement:

“Be brave and strong! Don’t be afraid of the nations on the other side of the Jordan. The Lord your God will always be at your side, and he will never abandon you.

Then Moses called Joshua up in front of the crowd and said: Joshua, be brave and strong as you lead these people into their land. The Lord made a promise long ago to Israel’s ancestors that this land would someday belong to Israel. That time has now come, and you must divide up the land among the people. The Lord will lead you into the land. He will always be with you and help you, so don’t ever be afraid of your enemies.” Deuteronomy 31:6-8 CEV

God knew! He gave Joshua an irrefutable promise! It was unconditional – the Lord will ALWAYS be at your side; He will NEVER abandon you.

Always, Never – it can’t be any more inclusive than that. I’m sure Joshua had his times of doubt, even fear, as he looked at some of the impossible situations they faced but he held on to God’s promises and went forward and the enemy was defeated.

We also have some ALWAYS and NEVER promises, they cover the small insignificant issues in our life as well as the larger ones which are life-threatening.

“I always remember that the Lord is with me. He is here, close by my side, so nothing can defeat me.” Psalm 16:8 ERV

“The Lord is my shepherd. I will always have everything I need.” Psalm 23:1 ERV

“Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from him. These good gifts come down from the Father who made all the lights in the sky. But God never changes like the shadows from those lights. He is always the same.” James 1:17 ERV

“Keep your lives free from the love of money. And be satisfied with what you have. God has said, “I will never leave you; I will never run away from you.” Hebrews 13:5 ERV

“Pray in the Spirit at all times. Pray with all kinds of prayers, and ask for everything you need. To do this you must always be ready. Never give up. Always pray for all of God’s people.” Ephesians 6:18 ERV

Does God know? Yes. Does He care? Yes. He will always be with us, He will never leave us. That is for certain!

Shout of Victory

Today there will be lots of shouts for the winner at the racetrack.

…a little late with this morning’s blog. Kim and Austin came to spend most of the weekend with us and we set up there air bed in the living room area, i.e., my writing room while we are in the 5th wheel. Didn’t want to wake them at 4 am so waited until breakfast was over to put this out.

There shouldn’t just be shouts of victory from the racetrack, you and I should start our day with victory chants – praise because we made it through the events of yesterday and cheers because we are going to be blessed with many more victories, large and small, today.

Every day is an opportunity for the Father to show His love and kindness on our behalf. It’s also an opportunity to share His love with those around us.

“All of you nations, clap your hands and shout joyful praises to God. The Lord Most High is fearsome, the ruler of all the earth. God has put every nation under our power, and he chose for us the land  that was the pride of Jacob, his favorite. God goes up to his throne,
as people shout and trumpets blast.” Psalm 47:1-5 CEV

“SHOUT joyful praise” because “God goes up to his throne, as people shout and trumpets blast”. When we shout with a voice of triumph the unseen world recognizes that our Father, our God, is our source of victory!

Find a reason to shout – for today is your day of victory!

Spelling Lesson

School is back in session for most of the kids and they have spelling lessons. Today, I’m going to teach you a new way to spell two words, defeat and quit.

How do you spell defeat? It’s spelled q-u-i-t. How do you spell quit? It’s spelled n-e-v-e-r!

Things come up in life and it looks like we’ll be defeated. Some times the hard things make us want to quit! It could be a relationship, an illness, financial problems, a continued process of setbacks but we must not quit!!!

Fight the battle – victory will come.

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in victory through Christ. God uses us to spread his knowledge everywhere like a sweet-smelling perfume.” II Corinthians 2:14 ERV


Do you remember the story of the Israelites after they had been delivered from Pharaoh and Egypt ? They had seen God do mighty things and now they were standing on the edge of the Promised Land. The Lord told them they would go in and possess the land so they sent in spies to see what the land was like.

Twelve spies went in; they brought back clusters of grapes so big that two men had to carry them on a pole. It truly was a land flowing with milk and honey as God had said it was (He doesn’t lie you know). The land was lush and beautiful. A land to be desired but…the spies reported there were giants in the land.

God knew the giants were there when He said He would give them the land. Were the giants really any bigger an obstacle than the Pharaoh’s army or the Red Sea? If God had provided victory for them in the past, why would they doubt His ability now?

The spies took their eyes off of their God and looked at their own ability. They had given up. They were defeated! Joshua and Caleb, two of the spies, tried to get their eyes back on the bigness of God and the people were ready to stone them.

“ It is a land filled with many good things. If the LORD is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land. And he will give that land to us. 9 So don’t turn against the LORD! Don’t be afraid of the people in that land. We can defeat them. They have no protection, nothing to keep them safe. But we have the LORD with us, so don’t be afraid!” 10 All the people began talking about killing Joshua and Caleb with stones.” Numbers 14:8-10 ERV

Trusting God isn’t “a way” to get things done, it’s “the way”. Jesus didn’t say I am “a way”, “a truth” and “a life” – NO! He said I am THE way, THE truth and THE life.

We must stay focused on the greatness of our God or we’ll be like the Israelites and quit before we get started.

I don’t know your situation or what battles you have been fighting but don’t quit! You’re not in this alone – God is there to fight the battle with and for you!

Don’t quit – don’t give up – don’t accept defeat and you will ALWAYS TRIUMPH!