His Eye Is on The Sparrow

Are you ever in awe of the finite limitations of your own thinking? I am!

I am pretty savvy in some areas; common sense provides good direction but there are areas way beyond my expertise and I get baffled. What to do and how to gain more insight? I shake my head. I am so glad that I don’t have to depend on my knowledge alone.

 I tell you not to worry about your life. Don’t worry about having something to eat, drink, or wear. Isn’t life more than food or clothing? 26 Look at the birds in the sky! They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Aren’t you worth more than birds?” Matthew 6:25-26 CEV

If we ask, the Lord will direct our steps to the right people and the right places. We need to be honest and ask for advice; seek understanding from those who know more. The Father is so faithful to provide the answers that we need if we are willing to ask.

“Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. Everyone who asks will receive. Everyone who searches will find. And the door will be opened for everyone who knocks. Would any of you give your hungry child a stone, if the child asked for some bread? 10 Would you give your child a snake if the child asked for a fish? 11 As bad as you are, you still know how to give good gifts to your children. But your heavenly Father is even more ready to give good things to people who ask.” Matthew 7:7-11 CEV

Our Father loves it when we ask for His assistance. He never expected us to live life on our own. I love how the verses above describe us as “bad parents”. That could be offensive but I believe what Jesus was trying to get us to see is that as good as we think we are as parents, providing for our children – protecting them and nurturing them – when we compare our goodness to the goodness of God, we are severely lacking. God’s goodness far outshines ours.

“Lord God All-Powerful, my King and my God, sparrows find a home near your altars; swallows build nests there to raise their young. You bless everyone who lives in your house, and they sing your praises. You bless all who depend on you for their strength
and all who deeply desire to visit your temple..11 Our Lord and our God, you are like the sun
and also like a shield. You treat us with kindness and with honor, never denying any good thing to those who live right. 12 Lord God All-Powerful, you bless everyone who trusts you.” Psalm 84:3-5,11-12 CEV

You, Lord God, are my God and my King!

The Bible uses the tiny sparrow as an example of God’s goodness. They are small and insignificant and yet the Lord provides for them daily. Jesus said if He provides for the sparrows just think of how much more He provides for us.

“Praise the Lord! He is good. God’s love never fails.” Psalm 136:1, 26 CEV

Maybe you’re in the same spot I am right now – feeling a bit “bird-brained”, in need of wise counsellors and godly advice. Ask the Lord for the right counsel and then trust Him to provide.

Thankful for Wisdom

I have to share with you briefly this morning. Yesterday morning, as I sat here in my chair talking to the Father about some things that had been keeping my mind in a spin I received the clarity I needed to make what I know is a right decision.

Here’s how it happened: I was talking to the Father. We’ve been praying over some real decisions for the past four months. Each step we have taken, we have taken with peace. However, in the last few weeks Dave and I have had multiple situations coming in from all sides. There are times when one or the other of us has been overwhelmed.

We know that’s not God, that’s not His peace. Friday night was like that, so much so that I couldn’t sleep. I asked for wisdom…

“If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you. God is generous and won’t correct you for asking.” James 1:5 CEV

So I was laying everything out to the Father. I knew He knows the details but it helps me to speak it out or write it down so I can see my thoughts clearly. I had a peace that everything would work out right but I still didn’t have the way to do it.

I began to write to a friend. I was emailing her and began telling her the same thing I asked the Lord about. As I was putting it down on the page the answer came to my heart. I told her thank you for listening and helping me see the right path. But more than her, for she had said nothing, it was the Lord directing my path.

I am so thankful for God’s wisdom!

“Share your plans with the Lord, and you will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3 CEV

God is faithful. We can never take Him anything that He has to stop and say, “Wow, that’s a big one Kris. I’m not sure what you should do”. No, He has infinite wisdom. He is wisdom! If you’re struggling today with decisions bring them to the Father. Lay them before Him and ask for wisdom and then thank Him for the answers.

“The angels who stood around the throne knelt in front of it with their faces to the ground. The elders and the four living creatures knelt there with them. Then they all worshiped God 12 and said,

“Amen! Praise, glory, wisdom,
    thanks, honor, power,
and strength belong to our God
    forever and ever! Amen!” Revelation 7:11-12 CEV

All of heaven praises the Father for His wisdom, power, glory and strength – we should too!

What To Do…

when you don’t know what to do. Have you ever been there? Needing to make a decision and you’re just not sure which decision is the correct one.

You talk to family, to friends, to a career counsellor and still the correct answer is as clear as mud. What to do?

God’s word promises us answers. Take a look at King Solomon. His father, David, had led the nation of Israel for years. During his reign, Israel became a mighty nation but now his rule and his life were coming to an end; Solomon was to be anointed king. David told his son that these were God’s people and he should lead them with integrity. Take a look at the first thing Solomon did:

“And now I must rule your chosen people, even though there are too many of them to count. Please make me wise and teach me the difference between right and wrong. Then I will know how to rule your people. If you don’t, there is no way I could rule this great nation of yours.

10-11 God said: Solomon, I’m pleased that you asked for this. You could have asked to live a long time or to be rich. Or you could have asked for your enemies to be destroyed. Instead, you asked for wisdom to make right decisions. 12 So I’ll make you wiser than anyone who has ever lived or ever will live.” I Kings 3:8-12 CEV

Solomon asked for wisdom. The first thing we need to do when making a decision, large or small, is to ask for wisdom. The book of James says is we ask for wisdom God will give it to us liberally. God won’t be stingy or hesitant in the giving of wisdom. We won’t be put on a quota so that after the 12,000th time of asking, God says our allotment is all used up.

In fact, we are told to pursue wisdom more than we do silver and gold.

“God blesses everyone who has wisdom and common sense. 14 Wisdom is worth more than silver; it makes you much richer than gold. 15 Wisdom is more valuable than precious jewels; nothing you want compares with her. 16 In her right hand Wisdom holds a long life, and in her left hand are wealth and honor. 17 Wisdom makes life pleasant and leads us safely along. 18 Wisdom is a life-giving tree, the source of happiness for all who hold on to her.” Proverbs 3:13-18 CEV

Wisdom is valuable, it brings long life and honor. Wisdom leads us safely through life.

What to do?

Ask for wisdom and let Her lead us in all our decisions. She will give us God’s direction.

Free Advice

That expression, free advice, has always been a bit puzzling to me.

Advice comes from life’s experiences so, no advice is really free. It costs someone something. The person giving the advice has lived through an experience and learned a valuable lesson; the person receiving the advice is, most generally, facing similar circumstances and is in need of valuable insight.

Free advice.

The writings of Solomon in the book of Proverbs have much to say about gaining knowledge and wisdom. King Solomon gained wisdom from listening to his father, King David. King David is the one who wrote Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, but most importantly is the chapter that extols the value of following God’s word. He said that the word of God is lamp to light our paths and that God’s word brings life.

When Solomon became king he asked the Lord for one thing, wisdom. He wanted to rule the nation of Israel wisely. He didn’t ask for power or might, riches or honor; he sought wisdom. Read these words that he is giving us.

“Listen as Wisdom calls out!
    Hear as understanding raises her voice!
On the hilltop along the road,
    she takes her stand at the crossroads.
By the gates at the entrance to the town,
    on the road leading in, she cries aloud,
“I call to you, to all of you!
    I raise my voice to all people.
You simple people, use good judgment.
    You foolish people, show some understanding.
Listen to me! For I have important things to tell you.
    Everything I say is right,
for I speak the truth
    and detest every kind of deception.
My advice is wholesome.
    There is nothing devious or crooked in it.
My words are plain to anyone with understanding,
    clear to those with knowledge.
10 Choose my instruction rather than silver,
    and knowledge rather than pure gold.
11 For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies.
    Nothing you desire can compare with it.” Proverbs 8:1-11 NLT

Nothing we can desire compares to wisdom. Wisdom is God’s way of doing things. Solomon knew from experience that this was the best way. Business journals, self-help books, in-depth study will fall short without relying on the Lord and the wisdom that He gives.

When we come to the all-knowing, all-powerful Creator of the universe, our God and heavenly Father, He will share with us knowledge and wisdom. His word is free to all and it will never steer us wrong. The words of His book have survived the ages, the truth of His word is timeless.

“Bend my heart toward your instructions and not toward selfish gain. 37 Turn my eyes away from worthless things; with your ways, give me life.” Psalm 119:36-37 CJB

Open the pages of your Bible and find the priceless, unfailing, eternal wisdom that comes from Almighty God.

Practical Christianity

I have a question for you today. How did your walk with the Lord impact your yesterday, how will it impact today?

Practical Christianity, a daily relationship with God, the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God’s word is today’s pondering.

Years ago, many years ago I was talking with some community college students about what it means to be a Christian. Most of them had encountered the hell fire and brimstone or turn-or-burn type of teaching. They posed a very interesting question to me, “What type of Christian are you”?

A practical one.

You see they thought Christianity was rule following, condemning and religious. Many people do. What they had not seen was the relationship that God desires to have with His children. His desire is to fulfill our lives, not condemn us. He is a good, good Father!

I then explained to them that I had a relationship with the Father that caused me to consult Him on every issue. I talked to Him about the best way to raise my kids, how to be a better wife and a supervisor to them. I talked to Him about helping me get better gas mileage so I wouldn’t be spending so much on fuel. I talked to Him when things got lost and I needed to know how to direct my search.

Practical Christianity.

After the gathering dispersed one the the students, Albert, told me he had a Geometry test the end of the week. This was his third time taking the course and he just wasn’t “getting” the concepts. He asked if God would help him understand it. I told him He sure would. We prayed right there. Friday afternoon Albert came in to my office with a big grin, he passed the test with a B-. He was thrilled. It was all beginning to make sense to him and he knew it was because we had prayed.


The book of Daniel is the story of four young Hebrew men who had been taken captive and were being groomed for the king’s service, the practical things:

“King Nebuchadnezzar wanted only healthy boys who did not have any bruises, scars, or anything wrong with their bodies. He wanted handsome, smart young men who were able to learn things quickly and easily to serve in his palace. He told Ashpenaz to teach these young men the language and writings of the Chaldeans…17 God gave these four young men the wisdom and ability to learn many different kinds of writing and science. Daniel could also understand all kinds of visions and dreams…20 Every time the king asked them about something important, they showed great wisdom and understanding. The king found they were ten times better than all the magicians and wise men in his kingdom.” Daniel 1 ERV

Each day I run across situations where I lean on the Lord’s wisdom and not mine. He promises to direct our paths. Our heavenly Father is wise and He is practical.

Put Him to the test and begin living a life of practical Christianity!

Make Your Word Count

We recently had a situation in our neighborhood that created a danger for anyone driving our street. It was really dangerous and had the potential to cause a serious accident or even death. The company responsible for correcting it was aloof and non responsive. Their word was hollow and void of caring. After many tries at communicating the seriousness of the problem we call the sheriff’s office.

They said they would come, they did and were here in fifteen minutes. They kept their word!

Do you remember the old saying, “My word is my bond”?

People used to give value to what they say, to the words they used. Words had importance, value and meaning and now it seems it has just become so much noise or lip service.

To God, words are important.

With them He framed the world and all that is in it. “And God said, light be and there was light”. When God promised Abraham a son Abraham believed God. The Bible says that Abraham wasn’t moved by his and Sarah’s old age, they believed God’s promise.

The longest chapter in the Bible, Psalm 119, is written about the importance and power of God’s word. Jesus is referred to as the Word. What He says has value and power!

People were healed when he spoke a word; his words cursed a fig tree and caused it to die from the roots up; His Word turned the water into wine and raised the dead. Jesus told the religious elite that from the abundance or fullness of their hearts came the words they spoke. Their words would be used to justify or condemn them. He went on to say that they would be judged for every idle word that came from their mouths.

“A good man will speak good things because of the good in him. A bad man will speak bad things because of the sin in him. 36 I say to you, on the day men stand before God, they will have to give an answer for every word they have spoken that was not important. 37 For it is by your words that you will not be guilty and it is by your words that you will be guilty.” Matthew 12:35-37 NLV

The Pharisees had been plotting against Jesus and even went so far as to say that the works Jesus was doing were of the devil. They were trying to stir up the people against Jesus using their words and Jesus wanted them to know that their words would come back to judge them.

King Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, wrote these words: “Your words can be as satisfying as fruit, as pleasing as the food that fills your stomach. 21 The tongue can speak words that bring life or death. Those who love to talk must be ready to accept what it brings.” Proverbs 18:20-21 ERV

We should be determined to have our words bring life. Life to us and our situations, life to our mate & children, life to our collegues, words of life, peace, health, prosperity and salvation.

“May my words and thoughts please you. LORD, you are my Rock—the one who rescues me.” Psalm 19:12-14 ERV

I desire to speak words that are helpful and good!

Know When to Be Silent

Do you ever stop to think where you would be without God’s amazing, unconditional love?

On our best days, when we’re kind and gracious to those around us, we still don’t measure up to the love that He shows us on a moment by moment, 24/7 basis. He has forgiven us of all we’ve done!

All of my sins have been forgiven and even, according to Hebrews, forgotten, never to be remembered again – that is just so overwhelming – so, well the only word for it, awesome!

If God, who is perfect, can forgive and love not just me but everyone who is living and has ever lived with all of their sins, their failures, screw ups and out and out vulgar living than I should be able to love and forgive those who live in my house, work on my job and who are acquainted with me on a daily basis.

The Father isn’t just asking us to do this; He’s telling us we need to be an example of Him. He never asks us to do anything that we are unable to do. That would be unfair and our Father is just. We have His strength and His character living in us so we can accomplish all He instructs.

“God loves you and has chosen you as his own special people. So be gentle, kind, humble, meek, and patient. 13 Put up with each other, and forgive anyone who does you wrong, just as Christ has forgiven you. 14 Love is more important than anything else. It is what ties everything completely together. Each one of you is part of the body of Christ, and you were chosen to live together in peace. So let the peace that comes from Christ control your thoughts. And be grateful. 16 Let the message about Christ completely fill your lives, while you use all your wisdom to teach and instruct each other. With thankful hearts, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. 17 Whatever you say or do should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks to God the Father because of him.” Colossians 3:12-17 ERV

Since we are a part of the body of Christ, we should work together to be a display of His love to the world around us. I love verse 17. WHATEVER you say or do, do it in the name of the Lord. If we are going to say or do something that won’t represent the Lord, then we should remain silent!

I know some days my world is really quiet because I’m holding my tongue until I can say something that would be representative of what Jesus would say if He were speaking through me.

Yes, very quiet indeed!

I asked you at the beginning to stop and think where you would be without God’s amazing love. It’s imperative that we let His love and forgiveness flow through us since we are His representatives.

“There is a time to tear apart, and a time to sew together; a time to be quiet, and a time to speak.” Ecclesiastes 3:7 NLV

Father, help me to know when to keep silent!

A Good Reminder

Some lessons in life aren’t learned the first time or even the second. I needed this reminder this morning.

I shared this a few years back but God is still working in me so that I can be successful every day…What a great way to start the New Year!

You know if God brings something to me, I’m going to share it with you too. So here goes – the other day I found myself complaining about some people and how they were doing something. It wasn’t the first time I had “complained” about this situation so when I finally finished my vent, I heard this in my heart. “Those are my kids and I want you to quit complaining about this. I’m working on them and as their parent, that’s My place – not yours!”

Oooo, I knew I had been rebuked but it didn’t end there. The Lord went on to say “I put you in their life to help them, not criticize and I put them in your life to help you get past being critical of people.”


So this morning, if this applies to you – if you struggle with being critical of certain people and certain situations accept the correction that the Lord gave me.

“The LORD hates these seven things: 17 eyes that show pride, tongues that tell lies, hands that kill innocent people, 18 hearts that plan evil things to do, feet that run to do evil, 19 witnesses in court who tell lies, and anyone who causes family members to fight.” Proverbs 6:16-19 ERV

You see, I was being prideful and feeling superior, glad I wasn’t like “them” (double ouch) and God hates that. Pride is in some pretty bad company in these verses. It’s linked right in there with murder, perjury, those who plan evil and family discord. God sees them all the same and He hates all those actions.

It’s my job to be loving and helpful not critical and prideful. Yes Lord, I’ll be obedient.

“Do everything without complaining or arguing 15 so that you will be blameless and pure, children of God without any fault. But you are living with evil people all around you, who have lost their sense of what is right. Among those people you shine like lights in a dark world,” Philippians 2:14-15

We’re suppose to be different – we’re suppose to be a light!

So this is my prayer. “LORD, help me control what I say. Don’t let me say anything bad.” Psalm 141:3

Forgive me if I stepped on your toes. God is wanting us to be a light to those who have lost the sense of right and wrong. To do that we need to be different, we need to be godly.

We are to speak out against the evil and ungodliness in our world but we aren’t to speak evil of the people doing it!

Making Good Choices

Yesterday I spent a lot of time talking about making good choices. It’s a lesson we all deal with on a daily basis.

We can’t force people to make good choices. It has to be a decision of the heart.

Our day is filled with choices. Do we rise early or over sleep? Do we eat a good breakfast or skip it entirely? Do we speed down the highway or stay within the limits of the law? Are we intolerant and lose our temper or patient and self-controlled? All are choices we make and we can blame no one for the consequences – we are responsible.

Moses had led over a million people through the desert for forty years and at the end of his life he gave them this instruction:

“Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between life and death, between prosperity and disaster. 16 For I command you this day to love the Lord your God and to keep his commands, decrees, and regulations by walking in his ways. If you do this, you will live and multiply, and the Lord your God will bless you and the land you are about to enter and occupy…19 “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!” Deuteronomy 30:15-19 NLT

I know it seems elementary, almost remedial, but making right choices is a real sign of maturity. Life – death, blessing – curses, (here’a clue, right answer, choose life) Choosing to forgive, letting kindness be our guide, saying no to indulgences that bring pleasure for a moment but devastating consequences for weeks and years to come takes maturity.

One of the greatest gifts the Lord has given us is free will, the ability to make our own choices. We aren’t puppets or robots, we have the ability to think wisely and make proper decisions.

Have you ever been outside on a very dark night, in unfamiliar territory? We experience that alot when we go camping. The right choice in situations like that is to grab a flashlight. It has kept me from tripping over logs or getting off the path and stepping into a hole on numerous occasions. I could just stumble along, that would be my choice, however it wouldn’t be a good one.

When we need guidance and wisdom, which we all do, we have this promise from the Lord.

“Your word is like a lamp that guides my steps,  a light that shows the path I should take.
106 Your laws are good and fair. I have promised to obey them, and I will keep my promise.” Psalm 119:105-106 ERV

Before you make a choice today, consider the consequences and then ask God for wisdom. He’ll be glad to give it.

“If you do not have wisdom, ask God for it. He is always ready to give it to you and will never say you are wrong for asking.” James 1:5 NLV

Show Me The Way

So, I’m going to share with you a conversation that occurred yesterday between Dave and I. We flew to Texas early yesterday morning to pick up a “new-to-us” truck we purchased. We were in a smaller town outside of Dallas. Lyft took us from the airport to the dealership.

After we signed all the papers we had lunch at a Mexican restaurant across the parking lot and then we got in the truck and headed toward San Angelo. I had put San Angelo in the Waze app and tapped on “Go Now”. It calculated and started spitting out directions. We hadn’t programmed the NAV in the new truck yet so we were going off the phone. When Dave asked me to tell him how far our turn was I told him what it said on the screen. To which he replied that’s not possible we’re not going to Ft Worth.

All I could say is “but that’s what it says”. Good thing we were on a four-lane divided road because he was able to pull off and look at the screen and the direction. “This is all wrong. We have to figure something out.” Since I had no idea where we were and where we were going it was all on him. Finally, we got it calculated to a smaller town much closer and we were off again.

Show me the way home! The best way home!

How many times do we take off in one direction thinking we know what’s right and find out we should have recalculated. God’s word is our best road map!

If we call He will answer; if we seek He will show us the way; if we knock He will see that the door opens. Problem is, too often we don’t ask or we are too consumed in making our own way to follow His. I love that the Father is always there listening and He is always willing to answer when I call.

“Listen, Lord, as I pray! You are faithful and honest and will answer my prayer. 2 I am your servant. Don’t try me in your court, because no one is innocent by your standards. 3 My enemies are chasing me, crushing me in the ground. I am in total darkness, like someone long dead. 4 I have given up all hope, and I feel numb all over. 5 I remember to think about the many things you did in years gone by. 6 Then I lift my hands in prayer, because my soul is a desert, thirsty for water from you. 7 Please hurry, Lord, and answer my prayer. I feel hopeless. Don’t turn away and leave me here to die. 8 Each morning let me learn more about your love because I trust you. I come to you in prayer, asking for your guidance. 9 Please rescue me from my enemies, Lord! I come to you for safety. 10 You are my God. Show me what you want me to do, and let your gentle Spirit lead me in the right path.
11 Be true to your name, Lord, and keep my life safe. Use your saving power to protect me from trouble. 12 I am your servant. Show how much you love me by destroying my enemies.” Psalm 143 CEV

On those days when I feel like throwing up my hands and having a good cry I have learned if I offer up a prayer first, my way becomes more clear, the path opens up before me and the Father is even there to dry my tears.