On A Mission

Thinking about yesterday’s teaching this morning, I am reminded of Jesus’ words “I AM the light of the world, anyone who follows Me will never live in darkness. They will have the light that gives life.” John 8:12 ERV

Jesus’ mission was to bring light to the world. Just as He was there at the beginning when light was created, He came to bring spiritual light to a world that didn’t know God and His love.

“Everything was made through him, and nothing was made without him. In him there was life, and that life was a light for the people of the world. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not defeated it.There was a man named John, who was sent by God…John was not the light. But he came to tell people about the light. The true light was coming into the world. This is the true light that gives light to all people.

10 The Word was already in the world. The world was made through him, but the world did not know him. 11 He came to the world that was his own. And his own people did not accept him. 12 But some people did accept him. They believed in him, and he gave them the right to become children of God. 13 They became God’s children, but not in the way babies are usually born. It was not because of any human desire or plan. They were born from God himself…16 Yes, the Word was full of grace and truth, and from him we all received one blessing after another.” John 1:3-16 ERV

Christ’s mission was to restore relationship between God and man. He brought a message of grace and truth, love and forgiveness. He truly was a shining light in a dark situation. People were oppressed – blind, lame, leprous. They were living under the Law of Moses and no one, not one, could keep the whole law. It wasn’t possible. That’s why Jesus came to bring light and life to the world.

Since Jesus is the light of the world why did I spend yesterday’s blog telling you that we need to clean our chimneys? Glad you asked.

 For God, who said, ‘Let there be light in the darkness,’ has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.” II Corinthians 4:6-7 NLT

When I was a young girl, I received a watch for a birthday present. I was thrilled when I learned that it had luminous hands. It would glow in the dark, all night long.

Christians aren’t “the” light of the world, that of course is Jesus. But since He lives in us, we have His light shining in us and through us. We are a conduit of light, just like those luminous hands on my watch.

Christ’s mission was to bring light to the world; our mission is to reflect His light and let it keep shining, revealing God’s power and love.

We are on a mission!

Out of Balance

The first of our three youngest grandchildren woke up about 30 minutes ago. She wanted to cuddle on the couch with me; 15 minutes ago Dave and the 2nd grandchild got up. She was cold and needed under the blanket. Still one grandchild, the boy, is sleeping upstairs in the loft.

It makes my morning a bit out of the norm. Quiet time cut short, coffee just getting made but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Just that things happen a little later than normal. But whether it’s routine or a break in routine God is always the same.


God is practical. Everything He does has balance. Gravity, sunrise, sunset, changing seasons; earth, sky and water created before fish, plants and animals. Sun produces light and heat, the moon reflects light and no heat. Balance.

What’s out of balance and impractical about God is His unconditional love!

It doesn’t matter what we do or don’t do, God’s love for us will be the same. (Now that doesn’t mean He approves of everything we do, not in the slightest but He always loves us.)

People won’t go to hell because God hates them. They will go because they don’t accept His gift of love and His sacrifice for them.

Since we have Christ living in us it’s His love that should be flowing out of us.

” Together with these things, the most important part of your new life is to love each other. Love is what holds everything together in perfect unity. 15 Let the peace that Christ gives control your thinking. It is for peace that you were chosen to be together in one body. And always be thankful…17 Everything you say and everything you do should be done for Jesus your Lord. And in all you do, give thanks to God the Father through Jesus.” Colossians 3:14-17 ERV

The most important thing we can do is love each other. Love brings us to a place of peace. When we love we know that we have done all God has asked of us and God will do the rest. When we trust God to do what only He can do we can be thankful because He definitely has the talent and capability of handling His part.

We love not because those around us deserve our love but because God first loved us and so we can extend that love to others. It makes our Father happy to see us acting like Him.

I’m not asking you to go out and love the whole world, but I am asking that you extend God’s love to your co-worker, your neighbor, your child or spouse or sibling. Love unconditionally the way God loves you.

Now I’m off to love on some sweet grandkids.

Pray Confidently

The other night Dave and I were talking about prayer. There is a confidence when we pray that only comes for the Lord. We have learned that we don’t have to beg God for answers, we simply need to pray His will over any given situation. He tells us His will in His word.

“We are certain God will hear our prayers when we ask for what pleases him. 15 And if we know God listens when we pray, we are sure our prayers have already been answered.” I John 5:14-15 CEV

This morning, I am praying this for all of you.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray over my many friends who are reading this. Some are experiencing great pain and sorrow in their lives, others are facing some of the greatest financial challenges ever, still others are seeing those they love hurt and relationships destroyed.

There are those who need to make right decisions, decisions of life and death, and those who need physical protection from very real enemies. Yes, Father and there are those who have waited years to see answers to prayer who are growing weary – it is for all of these that I am praying this morning.

Let Your peace rule in their lives; let them know Your presence, protection and provision. Let them see that You are here and have promised to never leave them or forsake them; let them rest and trust in You.

Thank You for Your answers; Your word; Your great love and thank You that it’s not You who has created these problems but that You are the problem solver. Thank You for hearing and answering this prayer, in Jesus name.

“You, Lord, are the light
    that keeps me safe.
I am not afraid of anyone.
You protect me,
    and I have no fears.
Brutal people may attack
and try to kill me,
    but they will stumble.
Fierce enemies may attack,
    but they will fall.
Armies may surround me,
    but I won’t be afraid;
war may break out,
    but I will trust you.

I ask only one thing, Lord:
Let me live in your house
    every day of my life
to see how wonderful you are
    and to pray in your temple.

In times of trouble, Lord,
    you will protect me.
You will hide me in your tent
and keep me safe
    on top of a mighty rock.” Psalm 27:1-5 CEV

Be confident in God’s word and in His love for you. He will never abandon you and He is always there to help in time of need. Come boldly to His throne room.

Grace Giver

Good hearted people let go of the past. I was thinking about Jesus and the way he reacted to those who treated him badly.

Peter comes to mind; he was one of the inner circle. He knew Jesus up close and personal. He saw Jesus calm the sea, he walked on water, he saw the miracles of raising Lazarus from the dead, feeding the 5000 and he saw Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration and heard God the Father’s voice from heaven. And then…a young girl by a fire questioned him about his relationship with Jesus and Peter denied knowing Him. The heartbreak for both men must have been unfathomable! The betrayed and the betrayer.

Jesus reached out to Peter after the resurrection and restored Him to a place of usefulness. That’s grace!

Have you ever done something that would make others feel that you were unusable? Have you been judged for your past transgressions?

Consider the Apostle Paul, as Saul of Tarsus he persecuted the Christians. He had arrest warrants drawn up for their imprisonment, he stood holding the coats of the Pharisees at the stoning of Stephen. And God…found him usable!

Paul wrote to Philemon about a runaway slave named Onesimus. He instructed Philemon to look beyond his past and find him usable.

“I remember you in my prayers. And I always thank my God for you. 5 I thank God because I hear about the love you have for all of God’s holy people and the faith you have in the Lord Jesus. 6 I pray that the faith you share will make you understand every blessing we have in Christ. 7 My brother, you have shown love to God’s people, and your help has greatly encouraged them. What a great joy and encouragement that has been to me.

8 There is something that you should do. And because of the authority I have in Christ, I feel free to command you to do it. 9 But I am not commanding you; I am asking you to do it out of love. I, Paul, am an old man now, and I am a prisoner for Christ Jesus. 10 I am asking you for my son Onesimus. He became my son while I was in prison. 11 In the past he was useless to you. But now he has become useful for both you and me…17 If you accept me as your friend, then accept Onesimus back. Welcome him like you would welcome me. 18 If he has done any wrong to you or owes you anything, charge that to me.” Philemon 1:4-18

Is there a Peter, a Paul or an Onesimus in your life?

Live a “graceful” life and find them useful. We shouldn’t do any less from them than Jesus has done for us!

God’s Gratitude

This image popped up this morning and it seemed important enough to share.

Years ago, I made a transaction at our local bank. As part of my normal custom, I reviewed the receipt once I got in the truck. This day the receipt made me laugh but it also struck a chord in my heart.

“Thank you, Jesus”.

Of course, you probably understand that my teller was a young man named “Jesus”. But it made me wonder, what had I done that day that would make JESUS say thank you to me.

“Wonderful!” his master replied. “You are a good and faithful servant. I left you in charge of only a little, but now I will put you in charge of much more. Come and share in my happiness!” Matthew 25:21 CEV

We’ve been left in charge of little things in God’s kingdom. Our sphere of influence is relatively small. Friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors. Spread out from there to the tellers at the bank, the clerks in the grocery store, the people at the service station and that is pretty much the sum and substance of our world.

But still, we have been left in charge of it. We have been commanded to go “into all the world”, our world, and preach the good news of God’s love and the sacrifice of Jesus.

“But I am giving you a new command. You must love each other, just as I have loved you. If you love each other, everyone will know that you are my disciples.” John 13:34-35 CEV

We’ve been put in charge of loving God and loving people. This is our daily task. It’s our priority. We are ambassadors of God’s kingdom.

“What we mean is that God was in Christ, offering peace and forgiveness to the people of this world. And he has given us the work of sharing his message about peace. 20 We were sent to speak for Christ, and God is begging you to listen to our message. We speak for Christ and sincerely ask you to make peace with God. 21 Christ never sinned! But God treated him as a sinner, so Christ could make us acceptable to God.” II Corinthians 5:19-21 CEV

There was one other message on that receipt that struck home with me. “Enjoy the convenience of scheduling appointments online”.

There we have it. Wherever we are, whenever we need it, we can schedule an appointment with our Father, the Creator of the universe, and He will meet with us. He desires to meet us in our place of need, and we will hear Him say, “well done”.

Balance Sheet

Today marks the 7th anniversary of Kristi’s Morning Devotional. Before that I was making daily postings on Facebook but a friend of mine, Tom Slater, told me I needed a blog and he developed it for me.

It has been a joy to share God’s word with you on this avenue. I am so humbled and blessed that it has touched so many lives.

This is that first posting. Somehow it seems very appropriate for today too. ‘”Yesterday I spent a good portion of the day working on bookkeeping. Evaluating some things and determining if they were financially profitable based on the time expended.

Have you ever put together a profit and loss statement? Listing your assests and liabilities can certainly be worthwhile in determining how you should spend your time and your money.

So let’s get down to the bottom line. What do you owe? That’s the question the Apostle Paul was addressing this morning as I read Romans 13.

‘8 You should owe nothing to anyone, except that you will always owe love to each other. The person who loves others has done all that the law commands. 9 The law says, “You must not commit adultery, you must not murder anyone, you must not steal, you must not want what belongs to someone else.” All these commands and all other commands are really only one rule: “Love your neighbor the same as you love yourself.” 10 Love doesn’t hurt others. So loving is the same as obeying all the law.

11 I say this because you know that we live in an important time. Yes, it is now time for you to wake up from your sleep. Our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is almost finished. The day is almost here. So we should stop doing whatever belongs to darkness. We should prepare ourselves to fight evil with the weapons that belong to the light. 13 We should live in a right way, like people who belong to the day. We should not have wild parties or be drunk. We should not be involved in sexual sin or any kind of immoral behavior. We should not cause arguments and trouble or be jealous. 14 But be like the Lord Jesus Christ, so that when people see what you do, they will see Christ. Don’t think about how to satisfy the desires of your sinful self.” Romans 13:8-14 ERV

Owe no one anything…nothing except love!

The desire to live debt free is admirable and is one worth pursuing. An even greater goal is to live a life of loving people, not with a human selfish love but with the same love that Jesus shows us.

Let’s look at that bottom line again, the P&L Statement.

” For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36 KJV

Let love be your daily ambition and let your only debt be that of love.”

Thank you all for reading each day and thank you for loving those in your world the way Jesus has commanded us too.

Just Breathe

How are you going to spend your day? Do you have a list of projects that need to be completed? Are you travelling to far away places? Do you think your activities are mundane and uneventful? Or do you possibly have a “big” appointment that could be life changing?

As you hurry through your morning or stop to have a quiet cup of coffee and reflective moment, I want to encourage you to start your day praising God for the blessings in your life. You have breath, you have a computer (if you’re reading this), you slept in a bed, you have some degree of health and wealth and you have God’s promises to never leave you or abandon you!

Yes, so much to be thankful for. Just breathe!

I was reading the last chapter of Luke. Jesus disciples and apostles had followed him for 3 years. They thought he was going to set up an early kingdom, overthrow the Roman oppression and bring peace to their nation. He had died, they were dejected – He brought them hope after His resurrection and now he was leaving them again but this time they had new prospective.

What did they do?

“Jesus led his followers out of Jerusalem almost to Bethany. He raised his hands and blessed his followers. 51 While he was blessing them, he was separated from them and carried into heaven. 52 They worshiped him and went back to Jerusalem very happy. 53 They stayed at the Temple all the time, praising God.” Luke 24:50-53 ERV

They spent their time praising God!

What a great way to pass the time while you’re waiting in traffic, while in the checkout line that seems to be at a standstill, riding on a bus or commuter train, waiting to be served in a restaurant or on hold waiting for a live person to take your call.

Wherever you are waiting today, wait on the Lord – praise Him and He will fill your life with joy and just breathe!

Not A Chunk of Coal

Have you heard the expression “Diamonds are just a chunk of coal under extreme pressure”? Well, the adage has been around for years, but it isn’t true.

Another adage that I take exception to is one used often in Christian circles. “I’m not but an old sinner saved by grace”. Were we sinners? Yes. Were we saved by grace? Yes.

But to continue in that thinking goes against all that God has created us to be. He has called us to be new creatures in Christ. The past is gone; our present and our future are in Him and He has redeemed us, made us new; we are called saints, a chosen people, a royal priesthood.

God’s opinion of us is so much greater than our opinion of ourselves. He saw that we were valuable, priceless and worth the ultimate sacrifice.

He loved us enough to send His Son to die for us so that we could live in Him!

Now that alone should drive out any feelings of low self-esteem or worthlessness!

” Brothers and sisters, God chose you to be his. Think about that! Not many of you were wise in the way the world judges wisdom. Not many of you had great influence, and not many of you came from important families. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. He chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 And God chose what the world thinks is not important—what the world hates and thinks is nothing. He chose these to destroy what the world thinks is important. 29 God did this so that no one can stand before him and boast about anything. 30 It is God who has made you part of Christ Jesus. And Christ has become for us wisdom from God. He is the reason we are right with God and pure enough to be in his presence. Christ is the one who set us free from sin. 31 So, as the Scriptures say, “Whoever boasts should boast only about the Lord.” I Corinthians 1:26-31 ERV

That’s the way He feels about all of us who have received Christ as our Savior.

“Then the Lord All-Powerful said: You people are precious to me, and when I come to bring justice, I will protect you, just as parents protect an obedient child.” Malachi 3:17 CEV

He sees us as a loving father sees his children. We are not unworthy. We are dearly loved and accepted. We are welcome in His presence.

He has called us, redeemed us and made us His own. We’ve been chosen!

“We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him. They are the ones God has chosen for his purpose, 29 and he has always known who his chosen ones would be. He had decided to let them become like his own Son, so his Son would be the first of many children. 30 God then accepted the people he had already decided to choose, and he has shared his glory with them.

31 What can we say about all this? If God is on our side, can anyone be against us32 God did not keep back his own Son, but he gave him for us. If God did this, won’t he freely give us everything else? 33 If God says his chosen ones are acceptable to him, can anyone bring charges against them?” Romans 8:28-33 CEV

Not an old chunk of coal, not an old sinner; we are the redeemed of the Lord!

Complete Peace

Yesterday a part of our praise was given to this song. It’s one of my very favorites. It has ministered to my heart since the first time I heard it. I fell asleep last night and woke this morning with my heart flooded with this song. It’s for you, each and every one of you.


I just want to speak the name of Jesus
Over every heart and every mind
Cause I know there is peace within Your presence
I speak Jesus

I just want to speak the name of Jesus
Till every dark addiction starts to break
Declaring there is hope and there is freedom
I speak Jesus

Cause Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire

I just want to speak the name of Jesus
Over fear and all anxiety
To every soul held captive by depression
I speak Jesus

Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like the fire

Shout Jesus from the mountains
Jesus in the streets
Jesus in the darkness over every enemy
Jesus for my family
I speak the holy name

Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire

I just want to speak the name of Jesus
Over every heart and every mind
Cause I know there is peace within Your presence
I speak Jesus

Now, let’s see how this applies to us in our daily lives.

Jesus said: “Come to Me, all of you who work and have heavy loads. I will give you rest. 29 Follow My teachings and learn from Me. I am gentle and do not have pride. You will have rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29 NLV

Peter said: “This Jesus is the stone you builders rejected; he has become the cornerstone! 12 Salvation can be found in no one else. Throughout the whole world, no other name has been given among humans through which we must be saved.” Acts 4:11-12 CEB

“Peter said, ‘I don’t have any money, but I will give you what I do have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, rise up and walk!’” Acts 3:6 CEB

Paul said: “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10-11 CEV

It was in the name of the Lord that Daniel was kept from destruction in the lions’ den. It was His trust in the Father’s protection that allowed Jesus to sleep during a storm that was swamping their boat. It was faith in the name of Jesus that caused the crippled man to walk and blind eyes to open.

It is the power in the name of Jesus that brings forgiveness and salvation to all who believe; peace that bypasses our understanding and rest to the weary.

“I just want to speak the name of Jesus Over every heart and every mind Cause I know there is peace within Your presence I speak Jesus”. Complete Peace!

Made Clean

A couple of weeks ago Dave and I went thrifting with friends. We really like treasure hunting at the thrift stores. In the last store, we found this dirty, rusty, cast iron dutch oven.

Yesterday I got the steel wool and scrubbed it clean. Washed it and then rubbed shortening all over and put it in the oven to season. One hour at 450 degrees. When it finally cooled down and could be removed from the oven, it looked remarkable. Clean and ready to be used.

It made me think of the cleansing that we go through when we come to Christ.

“Then He said, “I have come to do what You want Me to do.” And this is what He did when He died on a cross. God did away with the Old Way of Worship and made a New Way of Worship. 10 Our sins are washed away and we are made clean because Christ gave His own body as a gift to God. He did this once for all time.” Hebrews 10:9-11 NLV

So many times we allow our past sins and mistakes to penetrate our thinking and work on our consciences; leaving in its path rusty feelings of guilt and unworthiness. Instead of running away from God in times like that we need to run to Him, it’s there we find freedom from guilt.

 We have a great Religious Leader over the house of God. 22 And so let us come near to God with a true heart full of faith. Our hearts must be made clean from guilty feelings and our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold on to the hope we say we have and not be changed. We can trust God that He will do what He promised.” Hebrews 10: 21-22

Jesus told his disciples that it’s His word that makes us clean. Paul repeated that in his writing to the Christians at Ephesus, remember?

Christ did this so He could set the church apart for Himself. He made it clean by the washing of water with the Word. ” Ephesians 5:26 NLV

Because of what Christ has done – dying for our sins and taking the punishment – we are clean and God, the Father, removes our sins and guilty conscience from us.

“I will show loving-kindness to them and forgive their sins. I will remember their sins no more.” Hebrews 8:12 NLV

“He forgives all my sins. He heals all my diseases. He saves my life from the grave. He crowns me with loving-kindness and pity. He fills my years with good things and I am made young again like the eagle…The Lord is full of loving-pity and kindness. He is slow to anger and has much loving-kindness…11 For His loving-kindness for those who fear Him is as great as the heavens are high above the earth. 12 He has taken our sins from us as far as the east is from the west. ” Psalm 103:3-12 NLV (Just go ahead and read the whole chapter)

I love these verses!! It doesn’t matter that we are going through…really. Nothing can separate you from the love of Christ and the love of your heavenly Father.

He washes us clean from all our sins and restores us to right relationship. We’ve been made clean!