He Reigns

The news has been filled with stories on world leaders; some have died, some refuse to vacate the office that is no longer theirs and others are vying to be elected.

However, there is one King, the King of Kings, who will never be dethroned.

 For God is the King of all the earth. Sing praises with a well written song. God rules over the nations. God sits on His holy throne. The rulers of the people have gathered together as the people of the God of Abraham. For the powers of the earth belong to God. He is much honored.” Psalm 47:7-9 NLV

Through the ages many have sat on thrones and commanded homage. Peoples have been subjected to cruel and unjust rulers while others have heralded theirs as wise, kind, righteous and good.

But none of those rulers have ruled for any great length of time.

We are blessed to be under the lordship of the eternal King.

“‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God All-Powerful. He always was, he is, and he is coming.’…They worshiped him who lives forever and ever. They put their crowns down before the throne and said, 11 ‘Our Lord and God! You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power.
You made all things. Everything existed and was made because you wanted it.’” Revelation 4:8-12 ERV

When there is so much uncertainty, we who have a relationship with Christ can trust His immutability, His unconditional love, His mercy and His grace.

“‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” This saying is true, and it can be trusted. I was the worst sinner of all! 16 But since I was worse than anyone else, God had mercy on me and let me be an example of the endless patience of Christ Jesus. He did this so that others would put their faith in Christ and have eternal life. 17 I pray that honor and glory will always be given to the only God, who lives forever and is the invisible and eternal King! Amen.” I Timothy 1:15-17 CEV

Before we close there is one more thing that we must always remember about our King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who reigns eternal. He is just, absolutely, and He is merciful and gracious and always ready to help us in our time of need.

 Therefore let us [with privilege] approach the throne of grace [that is, the throne of God’s gracious favor] with confidence and without fear, so that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His amazing] grace to help in time of need [an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment].” Hebrews 4:16 AMP

There is a song which will be sung in heaven but maybe you will join me in singing it now.

“Then I heard all beings in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and in the sea offer praise. Together, all of them were saying, “Praise, honor, glory, and strength forever and ever to the one who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!” Revelation 5:13 CEV

Our God Reigns!

In the Storm

The Arizona thunderstorms are magnificent but can be frightening. The last week we had some powerful thunderstorms in the Valley- flashes of lightning, cracks of thunder, wind and hard rains. They all seem to travel around us so we weren’t in the eye of the storm, but we could see the effects driving in to town with flooded parks, carports that had been mangled and the reports of lightning caused fires in the desert.

I remember a few years ago when we lived in Rio Rico. The storms would come from Mexico and seemed to arrive in our community about 2 a.m. The lightning would light up our bedroom and the thunder would rattle the windows. Our little dog, Glory, would hide in the walk-in closet. I would count the seconds between the flashes and the thunderclap. It was epic and unnerving.

Have you noticed how there are times in life that the storms come and rob us of our peace and rest? It leaves us anxious and frightened. Sometimes wondering if we will survive such an event.

It’s important to know God’s word and His promises during those times so that we can continue to have peace in the midst of the storm.

“They were in trouble, so they called to the Lord for help, and he saved them from their troubles. 29 He stopped the storm and calmed the waves. 30 The sailors were happy that the sea became calm, and he led them safely to where they wanted to go.” Psalm 107:28-30 ERV

The Lord calmed the waves and stopped the storm and got them to where they were safe. Jesus was in the midst of a storm once and He slept through it. That is until the disciples woke him up during their panic.

“While they were sailing, Jesus slept. A big storm blew across the lake, and the boat began to fill with water. They were in danger. 24 The followers went to Jesus and woke him. They said, “Master! Master! We will drown!” Jesus got up. He gave a command to the wind and the waves. The wind stopped, and the lake became calm. 25 He said to his followers, ‘Where is your faith?’ They were afraid and amazed. They said to each other, ‘What kind of man is this? He commands the wind and the water, and they obey him.’” Matthew 8:23-25 ERV

Our goal is to be like Jesus and to be able to “sleep” in the midst of the storm – knowing that the Lord has this handled. That’s what Peter did when he was beaten and thrown into prison – he slept. The angel that came to rescue him had to bump him to wake him. Peter was resting in the Lord. (Acts 12:7-16)

Paul and Silas were singing in the midst of their storm. Singing at midnight in prison after having been beaten and in the midst of an earthquake, they were singing. (Acts 16:16-31)

Sometimes the Lord speaks to our storm and it ceases. At other times, He has us stand and face it and He sends our deliverance.

“‘Whoever hears these teachings of mine and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. 25 It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house. But it did not fall because it was built on rock.26 Whoever hears these teachings of mine and does not obey them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.'” Matthew 7:24-26 ERV

When we stand on God’s word we can face the storm and be at peace!

Stand Guard

This is the end of our walk through Ephesians. I hope you have found some wonderful nuggets of instruction and encouragement.

“This is the last thing I want to say: Be strong with the Lord’s strength11 Put on the things God gives you to fight with. Then you will not fall into the traps of the devil. 12 Our fight is not with people. It is against the leaders and the powers and the spirits of darkness in this world. It is against the demon world that works in the heavens. 13 Because of this, put on all the things God gives you to fight with. Then you will be able to stand in that sinful day. When it is all over, you will still be standing. ” Ephesians 6:10-13 NLV

The first thing that came to mind when I read this this morning was young David as he was about to face Goliath. David knew that he wasn’t going out to fight in his own strength. He knew God was with him. King Saul tried to get David to wear his royal armor – it didn’t fit, David chose to use what God had given him. A sling, some rocks and the supernatural presence of God.

Paul tells us that our fight isn’t with people. It’s a fight of a spiritual nature so it requires a specialized armor, the armor of God. The promise we have is that if we stand, stand strong, we will still be standing victoriously when the battle is over.

14 So stand up and do not be moved. Wear a belt of truth around your body. Wear a piece of iron over your chest which is being right with God15 Wear shoes on your feet which are the Good News of peace16 Most important of all, you need a covering of faith in front of you. This is to put out the fire-arrows of the devil. 17 The covering for your head is that you have been saved from the punishment of sin. Take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.” Ephesians 6:14-17

Every piece of our armor comes from God’s word.

a belt of truth – Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life”. John 14:6

a breastplate of righteousness – we know that “He became sin for us so that we could become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus” II Corinthians 5:21

our shoes are the gospel of peace – “we have peace with God” Romans 5:1

our shield is faith – “faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God” Romans 10:17

a helmet of salvation – “by grace are we saved through faith” Ephesians 2:8

our sword – is the word of God Ephesians 6:18

Without God’s word we have no armor; without our armor we cannot stand.

“You must pray at all times as the Holy Spirit leads you to pray. Pray for the things that are needed. You must watch and keep on praying. Remember to pray for all Christians. ” Ephesians 6:19 NLV

Now, more than ever it’s important for us to pray. Pray for ourselves, our families, for each other. Our victory comes by faith.

“Every child of God can defeat the world, and our faith is what gives us this victory.” I John 5:4 CEV

So let’s do as Paul has instructed us to do. Stand Guard and Keep On Standing!

He Heard Me

Have you ever been speaking to someone and you know they aren’t listening? It happens quite frequently. It’s hard to get someone’s undivided attention. I know I’m guilty of only half listening at times; my mind wanders or I’m distracted with what I’m reading or working on.

Did you know God is never distracted? He listens intently when we talk to Him, He’s there when we cry for help and He’s ready to answer when we ask for His direction and wisdom.

“I will always praise the Lord. With all my heart, I will praise the Lord. Let all who are helpless, listen and be glad. Honor the Lord with me! Celebrate his great name. I asked the Lord for help, and he saved me from all my fears. Keep your eyes on the Lord. You will shine like the sun and never blush with shame. 6 I was a nobody, but I prayed, and the Lord saved me from all my troubles.” Psalm 34:1-6 CEV

I’m not sure what fears and troubles are plaguing you today but our Father does.

Ask for His help; He is here to save you from every distress. He is faithful; He can be depended on!

“Ask me, and I will tell you things that you don’t know and can’t find out.” Jeremiah 33:3 CEV

He’s listening and ready to help!

Who Is God?

I’ve enjoyed having the last couple of mornings to sleep in and days to do nothing but relax and soak in the beauty around me. But I’ve missed sharing with each of you.

We all have times when we need to pull aside and let our heavenly Father speak in His reassuring words, reminding us who He is and what He desires to do for us and in us.

I found you a peaceful place to sit and listen to His voice. Join me at the creek side and hear the Lord speak.

To Abraham: Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. Genesis 15:1

I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.” Genesis 17:1

To Moses: “And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.” Exodus 3:14

To Israel in the wilderness: “for I am the Lord that healeth thee.” Exodus 15:26

“I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.” Exodus 20:2

To David: “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth” Psalm 46:10

To those who followed Him, Jesus said: “I am that bread of life.” John 6:48

“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12

I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, ” John 10:9

“I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.” John 10:11

“Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:” John 11:25

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6

“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” John 15:5

To the church: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8

God the Father isn’t the I was; He is the great I AM!

We can spend time looking at the problems in our world, our society, our lives but I encourage you to look at the answer and not the problem. Look to the Father, He is the answer; He knows the way to go!

“Great blessings belong to those who don’t listen to evil advice, who don’t live like sinners, and who don’t join those who make fun of God. Instead, they love the Lord’s teachings and think about them day and night. So they grow strong, like a tree planted by a stream—
a tree that produces fruit when it should and has leaves that never fall. Everything they do is successful.” Psalm 1:1-3 ERV

Who is God? He’s our loving Father and He is all we need!

Stay Put

Just a bit of a different take on a verse this morning. I don’t think I’ve ever used a clothing accessory in a teaching before but as they say there’s a first time for everything.

Are you familiar with collar stays?

When I was in high school and would iron my dad’s dress shirts it was important to remember to put the collar stays in place when I was finished. I did the same thing for Dave when we were first married. All the nicer dress shirts came with collar stays. They kept a man’s collar for rolling down; they were stiff, rigid and kept the collar looking freshly pressed. It presented a professional image.

Why am I talking about collar stays and how do they apply to today’s teaching?

“You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, For in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength.” Isaiah 26:3-4 NKJV

“The Lord gives perfect peace to those whose faith is firm. So always trust the Lord
because he is forever our mighty rock.” Isaiah 26:3-4 CEV

Stayed – rigid, firm, unbending, like a rock.

Last night I was startled awake at midnight. It was so abrupt that my heart was racing and I was shaken. I laid there for a while trying to calm myself and go back to sleep but I was unsuccessful. I got up and came to the couch and laid down here.

I prayed. Then this verse came to mind, and I could hear the Lord speak into my heart, “Kristi, you need to be stayed”. Along with that admonition came the picture of those silly collar stays.

I needed my mind to be stayed. Focused singularly on the Father and His promise to never leave me or abandon me. He promises to be my rock and my hiding place, my ever present help in time of trouble. I have been told to come boldly into His throne room to find help in time of need.

Yes, stayed on His word.

I wasn’t frightened, I didn’t feel as if I was in danger, but my peace had escaped me. It needed to return.

The Lord and talked for a long time and sleep came.

 and you refresh my life. You are true to your name, and you lead me along the right paths.” Psalm 23:3 CEV

I hope this was helpful to you today, I know it was for me. I plan to stay put, with my mind on my Almighty God and loving Father.

Greener Pastures

Living in rural areas it has been my privilege to see bands of sheep grazing in the fields. Sheep have healthy appetites and so they must be moved to new pastures on a regular basis.

2-3 But the gatekeeper opens the gate for the shepherd, and he goes in through it. The sheep know their shepherd’s voice. He calls each of them by name and leads them out. When he has led out all of his sheep, he walks in front of them, and they follow, because they know his voice…I am the gate. All who come in through me will be saved. Through me they will come and go and find pasture. 10 A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so everyone would have life, and have it fully. 11  I am the good shepherd, and the good shepherd gives up his life for his sheep.” John 10:2-11 CEV

It’s a foolish sheep that would want to stay in a pasture once the grass has been grazed off. It’s a good shepherd who knows when it’s time to move to greener pastures. We had a good shepherd to follow.

“You are my hiding place!  You protect me from trouble, and you put songs in my heart because you have saved me. You said to me, ‘I will point out the road that you should follow. I will be your teacher and watch over you.‘” Psalm 32:7-8 CEV

When we follow Christ, we can trust His leading. This morning, my Bible reading took me to the book of Daniel where I saw something in a new light.

 The Lord let Nebuchadnezzar capture Jehoiakim…One day the king ordered Ashpenaz, his highest palace official, to choose some young men from the royal family of Judah and from other leading Jewish families. The king said, ‘They must be healthy, handsome, smart, wise, educated, and fit to serve in the royal palace. Teach them how to speak and write our language and give them the same food and wine that I am served. Train them for three years, and then they can become court officials.’

Daniel made up his mind to eat and drink only what God had approved for his people to eat. And he asked the king’s chief official for permission not to eat the food and wine served in the royal palace…17 God made the four young men smart and wise. They read a lot of books and became well educated. Daniel could also tell the meaning of dreams and visions.18 At the end of the three-year period set by King Nebuchadnezzar, his chief palace official brought all the young men to him.19 The king interviewed them and discovered that none of the others were as outstanding as Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. So they were given positions in the royal court.” Daniel 1 CEV

Most of us would not think that being taken into captivity was a leading to greener pastures but for Daniel and his friends it was. God elevated them to a place of authority and influence. He gave them favor and they were respected for their wisdom.

Further reading of the book of Daniel reveals multiple times that Daniel’s dependence on God opened the door for the Lord to do miracles and mighty works, prompting the kings he served to declare God’s might and power.

“King Darius then sent this message to all people of every nation and race in the world: ‘Greetings to all of you! 26 I command everyone in my kingdom to worship and honor the God of Daniel. He is the living God, the one who lives forever. His power and his kingdom
will never end. 27 He rescues people and sets them free by working great miracles.” Daniel 6:25-27 CEV

Even when we feel we have been thrown to the lions, if we are trusting God we will see we are in the greener pastures that He has prepared for us. Our focus should always be on following the Good Shepherd; He leads us to an abundant life.

Be Alert

A couple of days ago I made mention of the game we played, Follow the Leader. As a follower we needed to be alert to the actions of the leader, if they went right so did we. If they jumped, we did too. We were watchful.

In Psalm 23 a different type of alertness is described. It’s the leader who is alert. Using His rod and staff to direct our progress so we don’t fall into dangerous situations.

In my prayer time today, those are the two words that rose up in my heart, be alert. Immediately I remembered the story of Gideon and his army of 300 mighty men. In case you aren’t familiar with Gideon I will give you a brief backstory.

Gideon was the seventh son, last man in line for any inheritance or blessing. The Israelites were being attacked by Midianites every harvest time. They would rob the grain that the Israelites had grown. It got so bad that Gideon was threshing the family crop in a pit to avoid detection.

This is where the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon. He needed Gideon to lead an assault. He came to a cowering nobody and this is what He said and Gideon’s response:

 The angel appeared and spoke to Gideon, ‘The Lord is helping you, and you are a strong warrior.13 Gideon answered, ‘Please don’t take this wrong, but if the Lord is helping us, then why have all of these awful things happened?…'” Judges 6:12-13 CEV

Through a series of events (I encourage you to read the whole story in Judges 6-8), the Lord showed Gideon if he would follow God’s leading, Gideon and his army could defeat the Midianites and the Amalekites who had been warring against them.

Gideon had 32,000 men enlist in the fight. The Lord said that was too many so Gideon sent home everyone who admitted they were afraid; 22,000 left.

“‘Gideon’, the Lord said, ‘you still have too many soldiers. Take them down to the spring and I’ll test them. I’ll tell you which ones can go along with you and which ones must go back home.’When Gideon led his army down to the spring, the Lord told him, ‘Watch how each man gets a drink of water. Then divide them into two groups—those who lap the water like a dog and those who kneel down to drink.’ Three hundred men scooped up water in their hands and lapped it, and the rest knelt to get a drink. The Lord said, ‘Gideon, your army will be made up of everyone who lapped the water from their hands. Send the others home. I’m going to rescue Israel by helping you and your army of 300 defeat the Midianites.’” Judges 7:4-6 CEV

300 men – men who were alert, always checking their surroundings for the enemy. With these 300 men at the ready, God led Gideon to victory!

“…Everyone shouted, ‘Fight with your swords for the Lord and for Gideon!’ 21 The enemy soldiers started yelling and tried to run away. Gideon’s troops stayed in their positions surrounding the camp 22 and blew their trumpets again. As they did, the Lord made the enemy soldiers pull out their swords and start fighting each other.” Judges 7:20-22 CEV

After the battle was over Gideon had gone from being the least respected man in town to hero. They wanted him to be there king.

 ‘No,’ Gideon replied, ‘I won’t be your king, and my son won’t be king either. Only the Lord is your ruler.” Judges 8:23 CEV

God found in Gideon someone who was willing to be used. Gideon, with God’s leading found men who were alert and ready for battle.

“The eyes of the Lord go around looking in all the earth for people who are faithful to him so that he can make them strong.” II Chronicles 16:9 ERV

God is looking for those who will follow His lead.

“Give all your worries to him, because he cares for you. Control yourselves and be careful! The devil is your enemy, and he goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to attack and eat.” I Peter 5:7-8 ERV

“So give yourselves to God. Stand against the devil, and he will run away from you.” James 4:7  ERV

Just like the enemy ran from Gideon’s army, our enemy will run when we stand in God’s strength and follow His lead. Be Alert!

When We Stumble

We’ve all seen it happen. A little child gets excited; they start to run and then they stumble and fall. Oh my! What’s our first reaction? As a loving adult – parent, grandparent, close friend – we rush to their rescue. We are there to pick them up.

As adults, we often stumble and fall but we don’t want anyone to see it. We are embarrassed or ashamed of ourselves for not having better control or being more observant. But it’s not something to be ashamed of; we all need help.

This morning I was reading in Psalm 20. This is the verse that caught my attention.

“Some people trust the power of chariots or horses, but we trust you, Lord God. Others will stumble and fall, but we will be strong and stand firm.” Psalm 20:7-8 CEV

and then this verse, which I read every morning

“Your kingdom will never end, and you will rule forever. Our Lord, you keep your word and do everything you say. 14 When someone stumbles or falls, you give a helping hand. 15 Everyone depends on you, and when the time is right, you provide them with food.” Psalm 145:13-15 CEV

At first those verses appear to be contradicting but they aren’t. The key to not stumbling, to standing firm, is our trust in God and not in our own efforts.

Peter is our perfect example. Peter saw Jesus walking on the water and he impetuously wanted to join Him. Jesus told him to come. Peter stepped out of the boat, starting walking…

“But when Peter saw how strong the wind was, he was afraid and started sinking. ‘Save me, Lord!’ he shouted. 31 At once, Jesus reached out his hand. He helped Peter up and said, ‘You surely don’t have much faith. Why do you doubt?'” Matthew 14:30-31 CEV

When we take our eyes off of the Lord, circumstances can be overwhelming. We lose our balance, our center, and we stumble and fall. But here’s the good news.

“Even young people get tired, then stumble and fall. 31 But those who trust the Lord will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.” Isaiah 40:30-31 CEV

Do you feel like you have stumbled and fallen? Are the words running through your mind, “Help, I’ve fallen and can’t get up”? Good news!

“The Lord gives me strength. He makes my feet as sure as those of a deer, and he helps me stand on the mountains.” Habakkuk 3:19 CEV

When we stumble the key is to look up. Reach for the Father’s hand, He is there to pick us up when we fall.

Olly Olly Oxen Free

Right now, there are three littles up in the loft, still sleeping. We had a great day yesterday. They had so much fun and are loving our new home and it will be a place they can enjoy for years to come.

It’s hard for me to follow my normal morning routine without waking them so this morning I’d like to share something I wrote some years back. A few days back I wrote about “Hide and Seek”, which was really more about seeking than hiding. Today I will share on how and when we need to hide.

As a kid, we used to have great games of hide n seek on our block on a summer evenings. Most of the time I would be one of the first caught because I was one of the youngest and didn’t hide too well.

Occasionally there would be that time when no one could find me and I dreaded hearing them call out “Olly, Olly, Oxen Free”. (Side note: I have since learned that really had been “All ye, all ye, outs in free”.) I didn’t want to reveal my hiding place because I could use it again. I was safe and well hidden.

In life there have been times that I have stood in the face of trouble and defiantly said give me your best shot – I can take it. Sometimes this was a foolish confidence in my own strength and at other times it was a secure declaration of my victory in Christ.

But there have also been those times that my desire was to be securely hidden; not wanting to be seen or found because I needed a time to rest.

God is so good that way! Giving us time to hide under the shadow of His wings; time to regain our strength, time to build spiritual muscle, time to grow in Him.

“You are a hiding place for me. You protect me from my troubles. You surround me and protect me, so I sing about the way you saved me. Selah 8 The Lord says, “I will teach you and guide you in the way you should live. I will watch over you and be your guide.” Psalm 32:7-8 ERV

“You can go to God Most High to hide. You can go to God All-Powerful for protection.
I say to the Lord, “You are my place of safety, my fortress. My God, I trust in you.” Psalm 91:1-2 ERV

“Even young people get tired, then stumble and fall. 31 But those who trust the Lord will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.” Isaiah 40:30-31 CEV

Whether you’re on the front lines of battle today or in a secure place of hiding I want you to know that the Father is there to give you rest when you’re weary, strength for the battle and victory over the enemy.

“Don’t worry—I am with you. Don’t be afraid—I am your God. I will make you strong and help you. I will support you with my right hand that brings victory.” Isaiah 41:10 CEV

It’s ok to hide when He is our hiding place!