Some Gave All

“As a good soldier of Christ Jesus, accept your share of the troubles we have. A soldier wants to please his commanding officer, so he does not spend any time on activities that are not a part of his duty.” II Timothy 2:3-4 ERV

As we draw near to Independence Day, my heart is filled with gratitude for all those who have served selflessly in our military. The gift of freedom that they have fought and died to preserve is priceless.

Valley Forge. Battle of New Orleans. Shiloh. Gettysburg. The Alamo. San Juan Hill. Flanders Field. Pearl Harbor. Normandy. Korea. Viet Nam. Desert Storm. Iran. Afghanistan.

These battles have tested our country’s resolve almost to the breaking point and still our flag waves.

I love this country and I’m patriotic and proud to call America my home. I don’t approve of some of the things that have been done in this nation, but I still believe there is no better place on earth to live.

Dave and I watch lots of movies on the history of our country. We want to know the legacy of the men and women who fought so valiantly to protect the freedoms we have. The other day we watched one on the Battle of San Juan Hill.

It was July 1, 1898, one hundred twenty-three years ago, when our forces went to Cuba to stop the tyranny of Spain in that country. Over 140 men died and another 1000+ were wounded. The American men were greatly outnumbered by their enemies’ forces, but they fought on to liberate the Cuba nationals.

Sad to say but our nation’s brave history isn’t talked about much anymore. I, for one want to use this weekend as a time of remembrance and resolve. I proudly display the red, white and blue of our flag and stand to sing our national anthem.

I am thankful that God saw fit to see that I was born in such a land – a land of the free and home to the brave.

God bless America
Land that I love
Stand beside her
And guide her
Through the night with a light from above

From the mountains
To the prairies
To the oceans white with foam

God bless America
My home, sweet home

Thank a soldier for their service and thank God for our freedom!

Rougher Than Hoped For

Our son and his girlfriend were recently out on the open ocean in their boat. He told his Dad that the sea was rougher than he had hoped for but they arrived safely at their destination.

Rougher than hoped for.

For some that seems to be a life’s motto. What do we do in the rough seas of life? When we have Christ beside us, traveling with us, piloting the boat, we can have peace. With Christ on board we can be confident that we will be safe regardless of the outcome.

At one point Jesus spoke to the winds and waves and commanded them to cease. The same could have happened for the Apostle Paul when he was in a storm sea but didn’t.

“The storm was so fierce that the next day they threw some of the ship’s cargo overboard. 19 Then on the third day, with their bare hands they threw overboard some of the ship’s gear. 20 For several days we could not see either the sun or the stars. A strong wind kept blowing, and we finally gave up all hope of being saved…But now I beg you to cheer up, because you will be safe. Only the ship will be lost. Last night he sent an angel 24 to tell me, “Paul, don’t be afraid! You will stand trial before the Emperor. And because of you, God will save the lives of everyone on the ship.” 25 Cheer up! I am sure that God will do exactly what he promised. 26 But we will first be shipwrecked on some island.27 For fourteen days and nights we had been blown around over the Mediterranean Sea…But Captain Julius wanted to save Paul’s life, and he did not let the soldiers do what they had planned. Instead, he ordered everyone who could swim to dive into the water and head for shore. 44 Then he told the others to hold on to planks of wood or parts of the ship. At last, everyone safely reached shore.” Acts 27:13-44 CEV

I hope you will take time to read the whole story. It’s amazing!

Fourteen days in a terrible storm, unable to see the sun and the stars for days. This was a prison ship with 276 passengers and crew on board. They were unable to maintain sea worthiness but God gave Paul a word “God will save the lives of everyone on the ship…everyone safely reached shore”. The ship was lost but not one person perished.

Our Father is faithful to protect and to save.

You might feel that you are in the storm of your life. Your ship is breaking apart on the rocks. But…

“God, you give true peace to people who depend on you, to those who trust in you. So trust the Lord always, because in the Lord Yah you have a place of safety forever.” Isaiah 26:3-4 CEV

When it’s rougher than we hoped for we can put our trust in the Lord and there we have a place of safety forever!

A Safe Place

Dave and I enjoy spending the evenings on our patio. It’s a busy place.

We watch the hummingbirds scooting in for their last drinks of the day. Flittering here and there at high speed. Up to a tree branch, down to the feeder and in just a few minutes they are gone.

About this time we hear the cooing of the doves who are roosting in the mesquite trees. Then comes the lone call of the quail. Quail are very vocal birds and Dave and I will make up conversations when we hear them calling at dusk.

“Hurry up now. It’s almost bedtime. Don’t delay, you need to come in before it gets dark.” And then there will always be an annoyed chatter…”But I don’t want to go to bed yet, can’t I stay out just a little longer”.

It’s amazing the natural instinct God has gifted to the different animals. They all have a desire to protect their young, keeping them safe from danger.

Is it no wonder that the Scriptures talk about us being safe, under the wings of Almighty God?

“Your love is a treasure, and everyone finds shelter in the shadow of your wings. You give your guests a feast in your house, and you serve a tasty drink that flows like a river.” Psalm 36:7-8 CEV

“God will save you from hidden dangers  and from deadly diseases. You can go to him for protection. He will cover you like a bird spreading its wings over its babies. You can trust him to surround and protect you like a shield.” Psalm 91:3-4 ERV

We don’t need to beg the Lord for protection. He is the One making the offer. He wants us to come to Him for help and safety. He has given us an open invitation to utilize His protection.

Shortly before His death, Jesus was on a hilltop looking over Jerusalem and He was heart broken. He was praying for the Jewish people and their leaders. He had been preaching and teaching for three years and still there were many who refused to accept His message, a message of salvation and protection.

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You kill the prophets. You stone to death those that God has sent to you. Many, many times I wanted to help your people. I wanted to gather them together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. But you did not let me. ” Matthew 23:37 ERV

Do you hear the heart ache? I wanted to gather you in, under my wings, but you wouldn’t let me.

“With Jesus as our high priest, we can feel free to come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.” Hebrews 4:16 ERV

Coming to the Lord for help in times of trouble isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s an action of wisdom. Come to the Lord’s safe place!

Practicing My Preaching

Yesterday after I posted my blog I picked up my journal and pen. I opened it to a clean page and found that it had been several days since I had written any of the things I am thankful for. I had also neglected to record the prayers of my heart.

Lots has been going on. Although, I have been praising the Father for miracles large and small and I have also been pouring my heart out to Him with specific requests, I had failed to write them down. Now to some of you that may not seem significant but to me it was a true sign that I had become overwhelmed in the circumstances.

So…I stopped, almost mid sentence and asked the Lord for a verse or verses that I could live out. Remember what I said yesterday? It’s better to read one verse and live it than to read chapters and not have it make any impact on what we do.

I wanted and needed to practice what I preach.

“O God, listen to my cry! Hear my prayer! From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings!” Psalm 61:1-4 NLT

These are the words that jumped out at me – when my heart is overwhelmed. What do we do when we’re overwhelmed? Answer: Cry out! That’s exactly what I did.

I practiced what I was preaching.

Then next words that caught my attention were rock of safety, safe refuge, safe beneath your wings. Key thought here – when we cry out to the Lord, when we are overwhelmed, He will lead us to a safe place.

“You, Lord, are my shepherd. I will never be in need. You let me rest in fields of green grass. You lead me to streams of peaceful water, 3 and you refresh my life. You are true to your name,  and you lead me along the right paths. I may walk through valleys as dark as death, but I won’t be afraid. You are with me and your shepherd’s rod  makes me feel safe. You treat me to a feast, while my enemies watch. You honor me as your guest, and you fill my cup until it overflows. Your kindness and love will always be with me each day of my life,  and I will live forever in your house, Lord.” Psalm 23 CEV

Life will always have circumstances and situations that will try to unsettle us. We will have many opportunities to be fearful and overwhelmed. However, when we are following the Lord we can choose not to take them.

I found a place of safety and peace. I can trust my Father. I don’t need all the answers because He has them. If I follow His lead I will come to a place of rest.

I will practice what I preach.

And Now It’s Still

For the last hour we experienced a mighty, rushing wind. No, not the one from the book of Acts but the kind that comes sweeping across the plain and down the rock face.

It started at 2:30 am and now it’s 3:45 am and all is quiet. It’s still.

I was concerned. Do I go outside and fold down the chairs and table? Is it strong enough to blow the grill off the picnic table? Are all the compartment doors on the RV storage securely latched?

And now it’s still.

Dave’s back in bed and I’m here, contemplating the calm with all of you.

I remember when we bought our home in Montana. The sweet lady we purchased from gave me some excellent information. She said, “Kristi, you have never experienced one of our snowstorms. The wind will blow the snow sideways. It will blow in without warning. It looks like a blizzard is setting in, but wait. Wait thirty minutes and it will all be over”.

That first snowstorm came just like she said. The wind, the pelting snow and I waited. Thirty minutes, I watched the clock. And it was over.

Now it was still.

Life’s winds will blow. It can be disconcerting, distressing. But the storm will cease. It will pass.

“After sending the people away, they took Jesus with them in a boat. It was the same boat He used when He taught them. Other little boats went along with them. 37 A bad wind storm came up. The waves were coming over the side of the boat. It was filling up with water. 38 Jesus was in the back part of the boat sleeping on a pillow. They woke Him up, crying out, “Teacher, do You not care that we are about to die?” 39 He got up and spoke sharp words to the wind. He said to the sea, “Be quiet! Be still.” At once the wind stopped blowing. There were no more waves. 40 He said to His followers, “Why are you so full of fear? Do you not have faith?” Mark 4:36-40 NLV

And now it was still.

When the winds come it’s important we remember God’s promise – I will never leave you or forsake you. He won’t abandon us in our storms. He’s with us in the boat. Let’s take our cue from Jesus – He isn’t worried and we shouldn’t be either.

He’s in control and now it is still!

The Doors Are Locked

Have you ever had a period of time when you were afraid, really afraid? Then you know how the disciples felt just days and weeks after the resurrection of Christ.

Life for the followers of the Lord was still pensive. They huddled together behind locked doors, they probably traveled through the city streets accompanied by two or three others. They knew the Romans were still spreading rumors that THEY stole Jesus body to make it look like He rose from the dead.

If pursued by the soldiers they could be killed on the spot. The mob that had rioted and cried “Crucify Him, Crucify Him” was only now beginning to disperse in Jerusalem but who were they among so many? Living daily with all this apprehension, life was not normal and who knew when or if it ever would be again.

This was the life of the disciples and this was their mindset.

“The day was Sunday, and that same evening the followers were together. They had the doors locked because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them. He said, “Peace be with you!” 20 As soon as he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. When the followers saw the Lord, they were very happy. 21 Then Jesus said again, “Peace be with you. It was the Father who sent me, and I am now sending you in the same way.” 22 Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:19-22 ERV

But not all the disciples were there. Thomas was missing. A week later Jesus appeared to them again. They were still behind locked doors and Jesus greeting was the same – peace!

“A week later the followers were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. The doors were locked, but Jesus came and stood among them. He said, “Peace be with you!” 27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here. Look at my hands. Put your hand here in my side. Stop doubting and believe.”28 Thomas said to Jesus, “My Lord and my God!”29 Jesus said to him, “You believe because you see me. Great blessings belong to the people who believe without seeing me!” John 20:26-29 ERV

The Bible doesn’t give us insight to what Jesus was doing between these visits with the disciples. For three years, they had been in daily contact with Jesus. They ate with Him, heard him teach and saw the miracles that He did. But where was He now? We don’t know.

What we do know is that every time he appeared to them after His resurrection He encouraged them, spoke words of peace and showered them with unconditional love. Jesus wasn’t stopped by the locked doors; He made himself known to them.

What is it that has you behind locked doors? What has your focus? Do you feel alone and abandoned? What has robbed your peace?

Thomas needed to see physical evidence before he was willing to believe that Jesus was still there, still in control, still in a place of power. Jesus’ words to Thomas are also Jesus’ words to us, “You believe because you see me. Great blessings belong to the people who believe without seeing me!” We’re the ones who are in the place of believing without physically seeing.

Two weeks after Easter 2021, the words of Jesus are still true. Be not afraid. Peace be with you! Jesus is always here even when the doors are locked.

In the Middle of the Night

I am so done with allergy season!

The last few days have been windy which keeps the pollen stirred up. I haven’t been bothered like this in years. The last two nights I have laid awake staring at the ceiling while trying to breathe.

So what do you do in the middle of the night?

Well, I pray. There are many needs of family and friends that can be carried into the Father’s throne room, laid at His feet and left there. It’s important to remember that – don’t carry them back out. Leave them all at His feet. He can handle them much better than we can.

“Jesus, our high priest, is able to understand our weaknesses. When Jesus lived on earth, he was tempted in every way. He was tempted in the same ways we are tempted, but he never sinned. 16 With Jesus as our high priest, we can feel free to come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.” Hebrews 4:15-16 ERV

Another thing that fills those night hours is song.

“I will honor the Lord at all times. His praise will always be in my mouth. My soul will be proud to tell about the Lord. Let those who suffer hear it and be filled with joy. Give great honor to the Lord with me. Let us praise His name together.” Psalm 34:1-3 NLV

My song of choice last night was “Good, Good Father” by Chris Tomlin. I have a large repertoire of praise songs and hymns stored in my head but last night I kept circling back to these lyrics.

Oh, I’ve heard a thousand stories of what they think you’re like
But I’ve heard the tender whisper of love in the dead of night
And you tell me that you’re pleased, and that I’m never alone

You’re a Good, Good Father
It’s who you are, It’s who you are, It’s who you are
And I’m loved by you
It’s who I am, It’s who I am, It’s who I am

Oh, I’ve seen many searching for answers far and wide
But I’ve known we’re all searching
For answers only you provide
Cause you know just what we need
Before we say a word

You’re a Good, Good Father
It’s who you are, It’s who you are, It’s who you are
And I’m loved by you
It’s who I am, It’s who I am, It’s who I am

Join me as I continue in my praise of the Lord.

“Sing a new song to the Lord! Everyone on this earth, sing praises to the Lord, 2 sing and praise his name. Day after day announce, “The Lord has saved us!” Tell every nation on earth, “The Lord is wonderful and does marvelous things! The Lord is great and deserves
our greatest praise! He is the only God worthy of our worship. Other nations worship idols, but the Lord created the heavens. Give honor and praise to the Lord, whose power and beauty fill his holy temple.” Tell everyone of every nation, “Praise the glorious power  of the Lord. He is wonderful!” Psalm 96:1-8 CEV

Oh…He is such a good, good Father! He dearly loves us and has only the best planned for our lives!

In the middle of the night praise Him!

A Full Life

Years ago I realized that the Lord had given me an ability to teach and share His word. From then till now, it has been my passion to share His unconditional love, His mercy, His grace and His gift of sonship to us who believe that Jesus Christ died, was buried and is risen as our living Savior.

I saw so many Christians who were like I was; reading the Bible but not really applying it to their everyday lives. We had grown up hearing of God’s retribution, “ God’s going to get you for that” or His surprise tactics, “you never know what God’s going to do”. We were fearing God and His retribution rather than living in His love.

I accepted my calling to proclaim the good news of the gospel to Christians. It is and was my desire to see fellow Christians grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior. It was my desire to see Christians walk in the full power of relationship with Christ and to receive fully from His blessings. When we live in this way, the way God intended, we truly are examples of Jesus.

Jesus said: “A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.” John 10:10 CEV

The Apostle Paul tells us it is the goodness of God that draws men to repent, not the condemning of man. There is nothing I find more fulfilling than to share God’s word – through written communication, one on one personal interaction or teaching to a gathering. It’s my heart passion.

“You, Lord God, have done  many wonderful things, and you have planned marvelous things for us.  No one is like you! I would never be able to tell all you have done. Sacrifices and offerings are not what please you; gifts and payment for sin are not what you demand. But you made me willing to listen and obey. And so, I said, “I am here  to do what is written about me in the book, where it says, ’I enjoy pleasing you. Your Law is in my heart.’” When your people worshiped, you know I told them, “Our Lord always helps!” 10 When all your people met, I did not keep silent. I said, “Our Lord is kind. He is faithful and caring,  and he saves us.” 11 You, Lord, never fail to have pity on me; your love and faithfulness always keep me secure.” Psalm 40:5-11 CEV

Look particularly at verses 8-10, “’I enjoy pleasing you. Your Law is in my heart.’” When your people worshiped, you know I told them, “Our Lord always helps!” 10 When all your people met, I did not keep silent. I said, “Our Lord is kind. He is faithful and caring,  and he saves us.”.

On this Sunday morning let me take the opportunity to declare again today – God is faithful, He is righteousness, He is my salvation and His lovingkindness endures forever!

My life is full and running over.

Tired & Unsettled

I didn’t sleep well last night. In fact, I barely slept at all. I laid in bed trying to get back to sleep and when that didn’t work I got up. Up about an hour earlier than I normally do and that’s early.

Sitting here in my chair, I’ve been praying about what I should share and no great revelation came. Instead, I found myself saying “Lord, I’m tired and don’t know what to write” and then I realized that was the very thing I needed to put on paper.

I have let my heart get weighed down with some circumstances that are going on right now. I thought I’ve been handling it but I guess I’ve only been pushing it aside. Out of sight, out of mind. This morning I realize that I haven’t really trusted God with it.

“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29 NLT

I’ve been trying to figure everything out in my own mind. Asking the question “what do I need to do” and it’s made me weary and unable to rest. That’s not the Lord’s plan for me and it isn’t His plan for you either.

His plan is for us to come to Him with our burdens and weariness. When we do He promises to give us rest. Rest…that’s how I know that I hadn’t given this to Him, there has been no rest.

I’m really glad you all were here today. I needed to lay all of this out on the table and then draw strength for the Source of all Strength.

“God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.” I Peter 5:7 CEV

In Him, I have found rest for my soul!

Silence Is Golden

It’s very hard to sit quietly, wrapped in silence, when there are things to be done. My morning quiet times used to be short lived because I couldn’t quiet my mind and I would feel the need to get up and get things done. But sometimes, God just wants us to sit quietly – rest in the peace of the moment and be still.

What do you do when God seems silent? I’ve been sitting here this morning listening to the silence. With Easter just a few days away I’ve tried to image what it was like for the disciples in the days that followed the crucifixion.

Jesus is dead!

Each one must be feeling alone; their doors are locked, fear that they will be arrested next and the possibility of their death is forefront. After all, they were Jesus’ closest friends. There is nothing to do but sit and be taken over by the silence.

The One they followed, the One they loved, the One they thought was going to deliver them from the evil Roman rule is dead!

He died so late in the day that they didn’t really have time to prepare his body properly for burial. Joseph of Arimathea wrapped his body in linen and buried him in a tomb hewn out of rock and covered it with a stone but there was more that should have been done. Now it’s the Sabbath and work is forbidden so they have to wait…wait…wait.

“Nicodemus also came with about seventy-five pounds of spices made from myrrh and aloes. This was the same Nicodemus who had visited Jesus one night. 40 The two men wrapped the body in a linen cloth, together with the spices, which was how the Jewish people buried their dead. 41 In the place where Jesus had been nailed to a cross, there was a garden with a tomb that had never been used. 42 The tomb was nearby, and since it was the time to prepare for the Sabbath, they were in a hurry to put Jesus’ body there.” John 19:39-42 CEV

Nothing is really written in the Bible about what the disciples were doing or how they were coping. Matthew is silent, Mark is silent, Luke and John write nothing of the devastation that the disciples must have been feeling. Is that because there are no words to express that kind of deep hurt and desperation?


“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. 11 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.” Psalm 46:10-11

I hope this verse came to their minds. I hope they remembered the words Jesus spoke just hours before when He said “Don’t let your heart be troubled, don’t let it be afraid”. I hope they found comfort in being alone with God’s words.

In those times when it feels as if my world has come crashing in and no one cares, no one sees what I am going through – when I’m silent, I find hope in knowing that He IS God and I’m not alone.

Silence can either be dark and deafening or golden and filled with light. If we let the Lord’s presence fill our silence with hope it will be golden.