A Basket of Gratefulness

I asked you if there is someone in your life who is an example of loving-kindness. Someone who gives never expecting anything in return?

This morning I was thinking of how I could bless that “someone” in my life. In mind of the cost-cutting we are doing with our budget, I came to realize there are some simple and inexpensive things that can be done.

A heartfelt note, a coffee cup filled with little treats, a basket of special things (a book, something homemade, some fruit and nuts). A basket of gratefulness. Anything to express thankfulness for who they are.

“Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, ” Philippians 1:3-4 NLT

Thankful – to be filled with thanks! What a great way to look at a Sunday morning, full of thanks!!

Thankful for the love of family and friends. Thankful that there was a bed to sleep in last night, thankful for the roof over my head, thankful for a cup of hot coffee, thankful for the sunrise that is coming, thankful that I am safe but most thankful for my Father God who has promised to never leave me or forsake me.

Thankful that He’s always there and there is no place, none, that I go that He will not be with me – yes, I’m thankful!

“Together with these things, the most important part of your new life is to love each other. Love is what holds everything together in perfect unity. 15 Let the peace that Christ gives control your thinking. It is for peace that you were chosen to be together in one body. And always be thankful.

16 Let the teaching of Christ live inside you richly. Use all wisdom to teach and counsel each other. Sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:14-16 ERV

Always have a heart filled with thankfulness and possibly a basket filled with gratitude.

Love to be Kind

Do you have a friend who loves to be kind? They are there to help before you ask. The type of person who looks for opportunities to be encourage and support, one who gives with all their heart?

That’s loving-kindness. That’s what we have been talking about for the last two days. That’s our heavenly Father.

“Then the trees of the woods will sing for joy before the Lord. For He is coming to judge the earth. 34 O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His loving-kindness lasts forever. 35 Then say, ‘Set us free, O God Who saves us. Gather and save us from among the nations, to give thanks to Your holy name, and have joy in Your praise.” I Chronicles 16:33-35 NLV

His loving-kindness lasts forever! As of yet, we have not reached forever so the loving-kindness of our God continues to reach out to us.

When we walk, mindful of the Lord in all we do, we are an example of His loving-kindness. Our families will see it, our co-workers and neighbors will take notice. We become receptacles of His love.

The loving-kindness of the Lord flows into our lives through a conduit of His grace and we in turn become a cup that runs over with His goodness.

“You honor me by anointing my head with oil.  My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love (loving-kindness) will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:5b-6 NLT

I would like to share one final excerpt from the Love in the Long Term.

Hesed is a bone-weary father who drives through the night to bail his drug-addict son out of jail. Hesed is a mom who spends day after thankless day spoon-feeding and wiping up after her disabled child. Hesed is an unsung pastor’s wife whose long-suffering, tearful prayers keep her exhausted husband from falling apart at the seams. Hesed is love that can be counted on, decade after decade. It’s not about the thrill of romance, but the security of faithfulness.”

Loving-kindness is the act of loving to be kind. Kindness is always at the forefront resulting in loving actions. Time and again the Bible tells us that Jesus was moved with compassion. He saw with His heart and then acted in a way that made a difference. Loving-kindness.

Loving-favor and lovingkindness and peace are ours as we live in truth and love. These come from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Son of the Father.” I John 2:3 NLV

Be grateful today that our Father loves to be kind!

Alleys & Graffiti

I know I mentioned in the last blog that it had been about five days since I had taken a picture of the sunset. That’s true.

While we were in Crete our hotel balcony faced an alleyway and we couldn’t see the sunset because of the angle of the building. But there’s more to it than that.

We had gone from enjoying the beautiful balcony in Naoussa, where we watched the waves roll in, to our balcony in Crete that faced the alley, the dumpsters and the graffiti. One of the high points of each day had been watching the sunset over the mountains across the bay and now we didn’t even want to open the curtains in Crete.

 I am not complaining about having too little. I have learned to be satisfied with whatever I have. 12 I know what it is to be poor or to have plenty, and I have lived under all kinds of conditions. I know what it means to be full or to be hungry, to have too much or too little. 13 Christ gives me the strength to face anything.” Philippians 4:11-13 CEV

Yesterday, we began to talk about our favorite parts of the trip and our least favorite, the hotel in Crete. The people there were very sweet; the food was good; our adventures of the cruise, the Church of Titus and the historical museums were wonderful. We determined that we would not let that one little circumstance taint our trip. Instead, we chose to let it be a reminder of how wonderful everything else is.

“God is working in you to make you willing and able to obey him. 14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing.” Philippians 2:13-14 CEV

When we begin to compare situations, circumstances, people, finances, even hotel rooms, one will rank at the bottom and another at the top. The one at the bottom will cause us to complain if we focus on it long enough and detract from all of the good of the others.

Maybe, just maybe, you’ve been staring at a graffiti covered alleyway. It could take the form of a co-worker, a living situation, the weather, health or a family member. Whatever it is, lift your head, look at the blessings.

“I may walk through valleys as dark as death, but I won’t be afraid. You are with me, and your shepherd’s rod makes me feel safe. You treat me to a feast, while my enemies watch. You honor me as your guest, and you fill my cup until it overflows.” Psalm 23:4-5 CEV

Enjoy the feast in the presence of your enemies. Follow the Shepherd’s lead, it’s an amazing adventure.

On The Move

It’s been a busy last couple of days. Sunday, we spent packing up, making sure everything fit in the suitcases and the new bag I bought. Monday we were to head out about noon. Our driver picked us up a little late but no problem.

We were headed for the ferry port and had allowed extra time for little incidentals to make sure we were there in plenty of time. Just about the time the car showed up, I received a text saying “due to rough seas” the ferry would be about 30 minutes late. By the time we got to the port that delay had been extended to almost an hour. We watched the ferry tracker for the next several hours and finally, finally, over three and a half hours later the ferry arrived.

Elation and exhaustion.

We arrived in Heraklion Crete at 8 pm, we had started at noon. Somehow the theme song from Gillian’s Island kept running through my head – a three hour tour. LOL

The receptionist at the hotel was very kind and our check in was easy. She directed us to our room and then told us the closest place to go to get a good meal. Throughout the whole day we kept reminding ourselves that the “steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord”.

It’s amazing that we are on this adventure – the Lord has provided for each and every need. We have been able to share the love of Jesus in small ways everywhere we have gone.

“So trust in the Lord and do good. Live on your land and be dependable. Enjoy serving the Lord, and he will give you whatever you ask for. Depend on the Lord. Trust in him, and he will help you.” Psalm 37:3-5 ERV

We fell into bed Monday night, thanking the Father for comfortable accommodations, even though there was no sea view or beautiful sunset and enjoyed sweet sleep.

Tuesday there were three things on my “to do” list. Find a laundry, find a toy store to get some gifts for the grandkids and the main event was visiting the church of Titus.

“Titus, because of our faith, you are like a son to me. I pray that God our Father and Christ Jesus our Savior will be kind to you and will bless you with peace! I left you in Crete to do what had been left undone and to appoint leaders for the churches in each town.” Titus 1:4-5 CEV

Titus when to Crete with Paul on his second missionary journey in approximately 60 A.D. He stayed there preaching and making disciples for many years. The legacy of Titus is a part of this island’s history.

Visiting this place, no it wasn’t actually built by Titus, but I could imagine Paul and Titus preaching to the people in the open air of the plaza. There proclaiming to them the good news of Jesus Christ. My heart was filled with reverence as I sat and prayed.

“Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” II Corinthians 3:17 NKJV

It was a perfect day…because the presence of the Lord was here!

Time to Count

I know it’s not even close to Christmas but this morning I woke up with the lyrics of a song from my favorite Christmas movie, White Christmas, running through my mind.

“When I’m worried and I can’t sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep. Then I fall to sleep counting my blessings”.

Worried? Not at all, just feeling extremely grateful for all the Lord has done. Yesterday afternoon I talked with both my brother and my sister. It was so good to hear their voices. I’m grateful for loving siblings and for the godly parents who raised us.

I’m grateful for our children and their constant expressions of their love for us and that they are raising children who love us. Sunday we were greeted with little voices calling our names in the most loving tones, followed by hugs and kisses.

The older adult children never end a text or a phone call without an “I love you”!

If those expressions spoken by children here on earth thrill our hearts to the depth that they do, then how much more do our expressions of love and gratitude thrill the heart of God.

I love to worship the Lord!

Not worship because of things that He has done, although those are many but worship just because of Who He is. One definition of the word worship in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is excessive admiration for someone.

Excessive – our God is excessive. He didn’t just create 5 colors and quit – He was excessive. He didn’t just create 6 fish or 7 fruit or 8 vegetables. He created millions of stars, countless galaxies, hundreds of millions of people with individual fingerprints and unique DNA. Excessive!

He gave us His only Son who willingly paid the price for the sins of the whole world.

Excessive! Our Father is excessive in demonstrating His love for us. Shouldn’t we be excessive with our praise?

“My Lord, there is no God like you. No one can do what you have done. 9 My Lord, you made everyone. I wish they all would come worship you and honor your name. 10 You are great and do amazing things. You and you alone are God. 11 Lord, teach me your ways, and I will live and obey your truths. Help me make worshiping your name the most important thing in my life. 12 My Lord God, I praise you with all my heart. I will honor your name forever! 13 You have such great love for me. You save me from the place of death. 14 Proud people are attacking me, God. A gang of cruel men is trying to kill me.

They don’t respect you. 15 My Lord, you are a kind and merciful God. You are patient, loyal, and full of love.” Psalm 86: 8-15 ERV

Join me in counting our blessings. Let’s show some excessive admiration and love to the One, the Only, Father God, creator of heaven and earth!

Living the Dream/Plan

Those of you who know me know that Dave and I have been living with a particular dream for about five years now.

We’ve never been on an exotic vacation, in fact, we’ve only been on a handful of actual vacations. But one warm summer day, we came across a series of travel videos on the islands of Greece. I had never seen such beautiful turquoise water, it was breathtaking, literally. The quaint towns, the local residents and those iconic, white-washed buildings with blue doors drew me in.

Greece has over 200 hundred inhabited islands, rich in history. They also have a Biblical connection. The Apostle Paul, Titus, Barnabus and Luke traveled there bringing the message of Jesus to the uttermost parts of their world. John, the apostle, was exiled to the island of Patmos and it was there he received and wrote the Book of Revelation.

And we will be leaving for Greece on Friday.

“You are now children of God because you have put your trust in Christ Jesus. 27 All of you who have been baptized to show you belong to Christ have become like Christ. 28 God does not see you as a Jew or as a Greek. He does not see you as a servant or as a person free to work. He does not see you as a man or as a woman. You are all one in Christ. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you have become the true children of Abraham. What God promised to him is now yours.” Galatians 3:26-29 NLV

One in Christ!

Wherever we are, whatever we do, God wants us to be focused on who we are in Christ and to experience unity with like-minded followers of Christ. One of our plans is to attend a Greek Orthodox service and join in their worship of the Lord.

“For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for well-being and not for trouble, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:11-2 NLV

We will be gone most of September. I plan on sharing the adventure with you, but I don’t know if that will be every day. We ask for your prayers as we travel, this will be our first international flight.

We know we will enjoy the people, the food, the beauty and we are thankful to be going on such a wonderful journey. Ten years ago, I would have never thought we would experience anything like this but here we are ready to pack our suitcases and be on our way.

This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us be full of joy and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 NLV

One thing I’ve come to know is that each day is an adventure with the Father just waiting to unfold!

Is Your Name Barnabas?

Yesterday morning I was reading about Barnabas in Acts 4. The Bible tells us his name was Joseph, but he was all called Barnabas which means son of encouragement.

Every time I read that description of this man I pause. What a legacy! Encourager.

When I think of an encourager it’s someone who is supportive, someone who builds others up, someone who offers helpful correction and instruction. Then the English wordsmith in me comes out and I look at the root word – courage. An encourager is someone who builds or places courage in another.

We could certainly all use more of that. So many struggles, frightening situations, obstacles to overcome and reasons to run and hide; this world needs more people who emulate Barnabas.

Maybe you know someone who has been going through a really tough time or maybe you see a stranger and sense that they just need a smile or a kind word. It might be your child or spouse; it could be a waitress or checker at the grocery store. I once encountered a lady at the pharmacy one day. I knew the Lord wanted me to speak to her so I asked if I could pray for her, she fell into my open arms and wept as I prayed. That was a God moment!

Keep your eyes open and your heart ready – ask the Lord to use you to bring hope, strength and joy to someone today.

But maybe you’re thinking, I wish someone would do that for me today. I need encouragement – I need a kind word. Take heart. I have good news for you!

“And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” I Samuel 30:6 KJV

David’s wife and children had been stolen along with the wives and children of his men. His men were so distraught they were considering killing David because they felt it was “all his fault”. David needed someone to encourage him but there was no one so he encouraged himself…one version says he strengthened himself.

“…the men were talking about killing David with stones. This upset David very much, but he found strength in the Lord his God.” ERV

Maybe that’s how you feel today. If you need to encourage yourself today start with this verse. Look in the mirror and read it to yourself.

“You formed the way I think and feel.

You put me together in my mother’s womb.

14 I praise you because you made me in such a wonderful way. I know how amazing that was! 15 You could see my bones grow as my body took shape, hidden in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13-16 ERV

If no one else is there to offer words of encouragement this should put a smile on your face and hope in your heart! God formed you and He saw to it that nothing was missing in your development. He is still with you promising to never leave you or abandon you. You’re not alone!

Now take what the Lord has done for you and give hope to others. Let’s all change our name to Barnabas.

Don’t Wake Up Grumpy

There are those days, very few and far between, when I wake up grumpy. I have gone to bed the night before praying about something that was really bothering me, an injustice of some sort or I’ve had a dream that has left me unsettled and I am out-of-sorts.

I know that never happens to any of you, but you might have friends or family members that this morning’s blog might help when they do.

“I look to the hills! Where will I find help? It will come from the Lord, who created heaven and earth. The Lord is your protector, and he won’t go to sleep or let you stumble. The protector of Israel doesn’t doze or ever get drowsy. The Lord is your protector, there at your right side to shade you from the sun. You won’t be harmed by the sun during the day or by the moon at night. The Lord will protect you and keep you safe from all dangers.
The Lord will protect you now and always wherever you go.” Psalm 92 CEV

The perfect way to implement an attitude adjust is first to recognize our own limitations and secondly to realize that God isn’t limited by anything!

When we look to the Lord for help, we find Him there, always! No circumstance or obstacle prevents Him from being at our side. The thief hanging on the cross is our best example of that.

In his dying hour, the thief looked over to see Jesus on the cross next to his. Many would have thought he was too far gone; his life wasn’t worth saving but the Lord was there to bring this man, this thief, forgiveness and salvation.

It’s impossible to be grumpy and grateful at the same time. Like oil and water the two don’t mix.

“Shout praises to the Lord! With all that I am, I will shout his praises. I will sing and praise
the Lord God as long as I live. You can’t depend on anyone, not even a great leader. Once they die and are buried, that will be the end of all their plans. The Lord God of Jacob blesses everyone who trusts him and depends on him. God made heaven and earth; he created the sea and everything else. God always keeps his word. He gives justice to the poor and food to the hungry. The Lord sets prisoners free  and heals blind eyes. He gives a helping hand to everyone who falls. The Lord loves good people  and looks after strangers. He defends the rights of orphans and widows, but destroys the wicked. 10 The Lord God of Zion will rule forever! Shout praises to the Lord!” Psalm 146 CEV

Every morning, I mean every single day even the grumpy ones, I rise and give thanks for who God is and how He covers me with His love. I encourage you to find some verses that are particularly relevant to you and start each day with praise.

“It is wonderful to be grateful and to sing your praises, Lord Most High! It is wonderful each morning  to tell about your love and at night to announce how faithful you are.” Psalm 92:1-2 CEV (all of Psalm 92 is a good read)

If you do wake up grumpy, start your day with praise and gratitude. You’ll have a better outcome.

How Much?

Yesterday I was scrolling through the notes on my phone when I came across this reminder, My Redeemer Lives.

I spent the next several minutes allowing that statement to sink in, again! In fact, I’m doing it again now. Don’t rush forward in reading this, just meditate on that truth for a few more minutes.

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 NLT

Redeem: “Redeem means to buy back, regain possession of, or exchange something for money or goods. It also means to free or rescue someone or something from distress, harm, captivity, or obligation by paying a price, sacrifice, or performance. Additionally, it means to make something better or more acceptable by improving or correcting it.”

To buy back. At what cost, how much?

“The Law does not use faith. It says, ‘You must obey all the Law or you will die.’13 Christ bought us with His blood and made us free from the Law. In that way, the Law could not punish us. Christ did this by carrying the load and by being punished instead of us. It is written, ‘Anyone who hangs on a cross is hated and punished.’ 14 Because of the price Christ Jesus paid, the good things that came to Abraham might come to the people who are not Jews. And by putting our trust in Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit He has promised.” Galatians 3:12-14 NLV

How much??

Jesus secured our redemption with His life!

Never, ever underestimate the value that the heavenly Father has placed on us. He paid the highest price possible for our redemption, the life of His Son.

“You know you were not bought and made free from sin by paying gold or silver which comes to an end. And you know you were not saved from the punishment of sin by the way of life that you were given from your early fathers. That way of life was worth nothing. 19 The blood of Christ saved you. This blood is of great worth and no amount of money can buy it. Christ was given as a lamb without sin and without spot.” I Peter 1:18-19 NLV

Let’s go back to my opening thought and change just one word. OUR Redeemer lives.

Christ gave His life as a ransom for many. We are that many. He paid the price of our redemption and now He lives to see that the blessings His Father promised come to pass in our lives.

“What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? 32 Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?” Romans 8:31-32 NLT

How much? Jesus paid it all. There is no further payment for our redemption. It is a gift from God through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Good Morning

The sun hasn’t come up yet but when it does this is probably what I’ll see. The desert is beautiful, the cacti are in bloom and the morning air is crisp.

It was a short night. I’ve been sitting here for the last several hours thanking the Lord for filling my life with so many wonderful blessings.

Last night we celebrated Dave’s birthday with new friends. These are folks we have known less than a year and already they seem like family. It amazes me how the Lord can knit our hearts to so many wonderful people.

Wonderful people like all of you.

“May you have loving-favor and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God for you whenever I think of you. I always have joy as I pray for all of you.” Philippians 1:2-4 NLV

I am so grateful that you join me each day and I never take your readership for granted. You are a blessing.

“It is good to give thanks to the Lord, and sing praises to Your name, O Most High. It is good to tell of Your loving-kindness in the morning, and of how faithful You are at night, with harps, and with music of praise. For You have made me glad by what You have done, O Lord. I will sing for joy at the works of Your hands.” Psalm 92:1-4 NLV

To be honest, I haven’t always greeted the day with gratitude. No, there was a time when I grumbled at the start of the day. I didn’t want to get out of bed; I didn’t want to go to work; I focused on the things I didn’t want to do.

However, the quiet time – just me and the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is now the richest time of the day. No grumbling or complaining here. I welcome the opportunity to spend time in His presence.

“The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. 23 Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.” Lamentations 3:22-23 NLT

“But as for me, I will sing of Your strength. Yes, I will sing with joy of Your loving-kindness in the morning. For You have been a strong and safe place for me in times of trouble.” Psalm 59:16 NLV

 Fill us in the morning with Your loving-kindness. Let us sing for joy and be glad all our days” Psalm 90:14 NLV

There was a song we used to sing at church and it often invades my morning quiet times. I goes something like this:

“In the morning when I rise,
in the morning when I rise,
in the morning when I rise,
give me Jesus.

Give me Jesus, give me Jesus.
You may have all this world, give me Jesus.”

My prayer is that as you start your day, your heart is filled with gratitude and praise!