A Few Days Away

Dave and I are on a short vacation. It seems a little silly to be retired and take a vacation but we do like going on adventures. We spent a day with dear friends, enjoying their fellowship and talking about the many things we have seen the Lord do in both of our marriages and families.

Yesterday afternoon we arrived in one of our favorite Arizona towns, Prescott. As kids, Dave and I both came here nearly every summer for Bible Camp.

It’s one of the most historic places in Arizona since it was the first territorial capitol. Today we’ll spend the day going to museums, sitting in the courthouse square and maybe even do a little shopping.

Doesn’t sound very spiritual does it? Maybe not, but it is completely Scriptural.

“He restores my strength. He leads me on right paths to show that he is good.” Psalm 23:3 ERV

A time of restoring – a time of refreshing.

It’s so great to be able to sit or walk or ride with Dave, making life plans and just laughing together. Our hearts are so filled with gratitude for all the Lord has done for us and in us. We know how blessed we are to have had over 50 years together and still be each other’s best friends and biggest cheerleaders.

Thank you for not grumbling because this morning’s time of sharing is a little late. I slept in.

“When I go to bed, I sleep in peace, because, Lord, you keep me safe.” Psalm 4:8 ERV

Be grateful for each day that the Lord gives you and if He has given you someone to enjoy it with, be doubly grateful.

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be happy today! Psalm 118:24 ERV

Too Much Hurry

Did you experience any divine interruptions yesterday? Were you able to experience them with a heart of gratitude?

Often times those interruptions leave us feeling that we now need to work longer and harder. That is not God’s intention at all. He is showing us a better way, a way to trust and rest in Him. He wants us to surrender our load and cares over to Him.

There was a time that I felt there just weren’t enough hours in the day. I honestly prayed, “Lord, I would really like to have a couple extra hours in each day”. His answer was loud and clear, “No, if I gave you more hours you would just fill them with more work, you need to rest and trust Me”.

Even good things can be done with the wrong motive. We think that we have to be “doing” things for God so that He will be pleased with us. And that mindset is more destructive to us than the physical labor that we put in.

“Christ died for us when we were unable to help ourselves. We were living against God, but at just the right time Christ died for us…8 But Christ died for us while we were still sinners, and by this God showed how much he loves us.” Romans 5:6-8 ERV

Before we could do or even had a desire to do anything for God, Christ died for us. His unconditional love made provision for us when we were unable to do anything to save ourselves. And His love is still unconditional toward us once we accept Him as our Saviour.

If we are living a life of “doing” things for God to earn His favor, we don’t understand grace. There is nothing we can do to get God to love us more and there is nothing we can do that would cause God to love us less. His love comes to us by GRACE! Does that mean we just go out and do whatever we want because we know that God will always love us? To coin a phrase from the Apostle Paul, God forbid!

Our lives should reflect the gratitude and love we feel for the great sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf, but it shouldn’t be done trying to earn it. There is nothing that we can do to earn God’s love.

“But God is rich in mercy, and he loved us very much. 5 We were spiritually dead because of all we had done against him. But he gave us new life together with Christ. (You have been saved by God’s grace.) 6 Yes, it is because we are a part of Christ Jesus that God raised us from death and seated us together with him in the heavenly places. 7 God did this so that his kindness to us who belong to Christ Jesus would clearly show for all time to come the amazing richness of his grace.” Ephesians 2:4-7 ERV

Take a break today…stop hurrying through life, stop working to be good enough for God. Our efforts will never accomplish that. Instead take time to rest and enjoy God’s grace and let love flow from your heart to His!

Say Thank You

This morning, I was reflecting on God’s goodness and loving faithfulness.

You see eleven years ago this month I was hospitalized with some very serious health issues. God was so good, and I left the hospital seven days later – weak but with a clean bill of health. Lately, I had been experiencing a few of the early symptoms that I had back then. Yesterday, I went for an in-office procedure and was told that everything was clear and healthy.

Thank you, Lord!

We have so much to be thankful for – large and small.

Was it last night’s sunset? Maybe this morning’s sunrise; was it the smile on a child’s face or the tiny delicate fingers of your sleeping baby’s hands?

Maybe it was the blue gentle ripples on the lakes surface; the green of the forest trees; a hawk soaring on the breeze or a prairie flower in all its beauty?

Perhaps you saw love in the eyes of your spouse or child; did you hear joy in the words “you can go home tomorrow” or “it’s benign, nothing to worry about”?

Whatever it was or whatever it is, do you hear and see the love that the Lord has placed all around you? He did this just for you! He wanted you to be aware that He cares about you and His love is measureless, unconditional and free to all.

“Shout praises to the Lord! Shout the Lord’s praises in the highest heavens. 2 All of you angels, and all who serve him above, come and offer praise.

3 Sun and moon, and all of you bright stars, come and offer praise. 4 Highest heavens, and the water above the highest heavens, come and offer praise. 5 Let all things praise the name of the Lord, because they were created at his command. 6 He made them to last forever, and nothing can change what he has done. 7 All creatures on earth, you obey his commands, so come praise the Lord! 8 Sea monsters and the deep sea, fire and hail, snow and frost, and every stormy wind, come praise the Lord! 9 All mountains and hills, fruit trees and cedars, 10 every wild and tame animal, all reptiles and birds, come praise the Lord!

11 Every king and every ruler, all nations on earth, 12 every man and every woman, young people and old, come praise the Lord!

13 All creation, come praise the name of the Lord. Praise his name alone. The glory of God is greater than heaven and earth. 14 Like a bull with mighty horns, the Lord protects his faithful nation Israel, because they belong to him.

Shout praises to the Lord!” Psalm 148 CEV

Enjoy what the Lord has done for you today and tell Him thank you!

Don’t Be Shy

I knew the moment I opened my eyes this was going to be a day of praise! You may ask, how did you know?

The lyrics of a song we were singing Sunday were energizing my soul!

“I’ve got one response
I’ve got just one move
With my arms stretched wide
I will worship You

So I throw up my hands
And praise You again and again
‘Cause all that I have is a
Hallelujah, hallelujah
And I know it’s not much
But I’ve nothing else fit for a King
Except for a heart singing
Hallelujah, hallelujah

So come on my soul, oh, don’t you get shy on me
Lift up your song, ’cause you’ve got a lion
Inside of those lungs
Get up and praise the Lord
Oh, come on my soul, oh, don’t you get shy on me
Lift up your song, ’cause you’ve got a lion
Inside of those lungs
Get up and praise the Lord
Come on my soul, oh, don’t you get shy on me
Lift up your song, ’cause you’ve got a lion
Inside of those lungs
Get up and praise the Lord
” Gratitude by Brandon Lake

I can remember one of the first times I was in a worship service when people around me were lifting their hands in worship. I was so uncomfortable; we didn’t do things like that in the church I was raised in. If the message was exceptional, you might hear one or two Amens but that was it.

But then one day when I was home with our toddlers, I started singing an old hymn and our oldest came in and lifted up her hands to me. She wanted to be picked up. As I lifted her up, with tears in my eyes, I realized why those people were lifting their hands in praise.

They weren’t shy about their gratitude and their lifted hands was a way of being picked up by the Father and embracing His presence!

With the song above on my heart, I raised my hands all by myself in my quiet living room and praised God for his faithfulness and love. “I’ll praise You again and again with a hallelujah”.

“Let us lift up our hearts and our hands to the God of heaven.” Lamentations 3:41 ERV

Don’t be shy! When we lift up our hands to the Father, He bends down and lifts us up to where we are close to His heart.

“Lord, I praise you with all my heart. I sing songs of praise to you before the gods. I bow down toward your holy Temple, and I praise your name for your love and loyalty. You are famous, and doing what you promised will make you even more famous! When I called to you for help, you answered me and gave me strength.” Psalm 138:1-3 CEV

“Everyone who serves the Lord, come and offer praises. Everyone who has gathered in his temple tonight, 2 lift your hands in prayer toward his holy place and praise the Lord.” Psalm 134:1-2 CEV

It might seem a bit strange at first but don’t be shy; lift up your hands and praise the Lord!

Building A House

Counting the Cost of building a house is something all of us should consider. Not just a physical house of wood, brick and mortar but the house we call life.

“If it is not the Lord who builds a house, the builders are wasting their time. If it is not the Lord who watches over the city, the guards are wasting their time.” Psalm 127:1 ERV

The last few days Dave and I have been busier than usual. On Friday, Kim & Austin came out to help us build furniture, put things up, paint and move boxes in. Saturday, Kaci & Stephen came and there were still boxes to move in and unpacked. Much to be shuttled from the RV to the new place. It was busy; we were tired and sore but very grateful to have had this time with them.

Memories were recounted, tears were shed, and laughter seasoned the hard work.

“Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord. Having a lot of children to take care of you in your old age is like a warrior with a lot of arrows.” Psalm 127:3-4 CEV

Just like building a home, building a life is hard work and we need people to help us along the way. It all starts with a good foundation.

“If you wanted to build a building, you would first sit down and decide how much it would cost. You must see if you have enough money to finish the job. 29 If you don’t do that, you might begin the work, but you would not be able to finish. And if you could not finish it, everyone would laugh at you. 30 They would say, ‘This man began to build, but he was not able to finish.’…

33 “It is the same for each of you. You must leave everything you have to follow me. If not, you cannot be my follower.” Luke 14:28-30, 33 ERV

Jesus was talking to men who had physically left all to follow Him. We are called to follow Christ with our whole hearts. Making a commitment to Him, being obedient to His word and giving up our desires to take on His.

“The people who come to me, who listen to my teachings and obey them—I will show you what they are like: 48 They are like a man building a house. He digs deep and builds his house on rock. The floods come, and the water crashes against the house. But the flood cannot move the house, because it was built well.

49 “But the people who hear my words and do not obey are like a man who builds a house without preparing a foundation. When the floods come, the house falls down easily and is completely destroyed.” Luke 6:47-49 ERV

Building a house, whether physical or spiritual, is not without its rewards. One for this life and the other for life everlasting.

Yesterday it was just Dave and I. Still much to do – boxes to unpack, things to move in – we are building a home, creating memories and making a place where friends, family, and acquaintances can come to rest.

“We must not get tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time. We must not give up.” Galatians 6:9 ERV

Let me encourage you. Don’t get weary, don’t give up, don’t quit! Building a house is worth the effort.

Stop & Smell the Roses

or in my case, the cactus flowers.

The other day I stopped throughout the park to admire the beauty of the cacti in bloom. Everything from the smallest wildflowers to the mighty Saguaro are bursting with color. This is just one of the many things I love about living in the desert.

There are so many bees working the mesquite trees, you can hear them hum as they work. It’s at times like this that my thoughts go to Romans 1 where the Apostle Paul said that all men would have a witness of God through His creation.

“God’s eternal power and character cannot be seen. But from the beginning of creation, God has shown what these are like by all he has made. That’s why those people don’t have any excuse.” Romans 1:20 CEV

Looking at these resilient cacti, their brilliant blossoms and the magnificent hills that surround me, I wonder; what is it that you see each day that reminds you of God’s eternal power? Is it the way a mare cares for her newborn colt or a cow nursing a baby calf, the rush of the waves on the seashore, the majesty of the mountains, the course of travel of the clouds in the sky or the way the air smells clean after a rain? All are evidence, in nature, of the glory and power of God!

“The heavens tell about the glory of God. The skies announce what his hands have made.
Each new day tells more of the story, and each night reveals more and more about God’s power. You cannot hear them say anything. They don’t make any sound we can hear.
But their message goes throughout the world. Their teaching reaches the ends of the earth. The sun’s tent is set up in the heavens. It comes out like a happy bridegroom from his bedroom. It begins its path across the sky like an athlete eager to run a race. 6 It starts at one end of the sky and runs all the way to the other end Nothing can hide from its heat.” Psalm 19:1-6 ERV

Jesus was criticized by the religious leaders for letting the crowds line the pathways and praise Him. He gave this answer:

“Some of the Pharisees said to Jesus, ‘Teacher, tell your followers not to say these things.’ 40 But Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, if my followers didn’t say them, these stones would shout them.’” Luke 19:39-40 ERV

Today I choose to sing praise to the Father – all nature gives evidence of His glory and majesty, but I want it to be my voice the Father hears giving Him praise and honor.

Father, to You belongs all honor, glory, power and praise. I love you!

The Earth Is the Lord’s

Here in the desert the warm weather has awaken the cactus and the wild flowers. The whole earth seems to be blooming with beauty.

“The heavens and the earth belong to you. And so does the world with all its people because you created them 12 and everything else.” Psalm 89:11-12 CEV

All of creation points to the power of God.

“Sing a new song to the Lord!
Everyone on this earth,
    sing praises to the Lord,
    sing and praise his name.

Day after day announce,
    ‘The Lord has saved us!’
Tell every nation on earth,
‘The Lord is wonderful
    and does marvelous things!
The Lord is great and deserves
    our greatest praise!
He is the only God
    worthy of our worship.
Other nations worship idols,
but the Lord created
    the heavens.
Give honor and praise
    to the Lord,
whose power and beauty
    fill his holy temple.’

Tell everyone of every nation,
‘Praise the glorious power
    of the Lord.
He is wonderful! Praise him
and bring an offering
    into his temple.
Everyone on earth, now tremble
and worship the Lord,
    majestic and holy.’

10 Announce to the nations,
    ‘The Lord is King!
The world stands firm,
    never to be shaken,
and he will judge its people
    with fairness.’

11 Tell the heavens and the earth
    to be glad and celebrate!
Command the ocean to roar
    with all its creatures
12 and the fields to rejoice
    with all their crops.
Then every tree in the forest
will sing joyful songs
13     to the Lord.
He is coming to judge
all people on earth
    with fairness and truth.” Psalm 96 CEV

Yesterday coming home from work I was mindful of the beauty that the Lord has created. The ocotillo with the bright red blossoms, the prickly pear with their fuchsia blooms and hills with their greenery and spray of orange and yellow wild flowers. All of this declares the power and glory of God.

When I see these things, I am also reminded that God in all His majesty is watching over me and protecting me with His love.

“The earth and everything on it, including its people, belong to the Lord. The world and its people belong to him.” Psalm 24:1 CEV

I alluded to these verses yesterday but let me share them with you again today.

 Look at the birds in the sky! They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Aren’t you worth much more than birds?

27 Can worry make you live longer? 28 Why worry about clothes? Look how the wild flowers grow. They don’t work hard to make their clothes. 29  But I tell you that Solomon with all his wealth wasn’t as well clothed as one of them. 30 God gives such beauty to everything that grows in the fields, even though it is here today and thrown into a fire tomorrow. God will surely do even more for you! Why do you have such little faith?” Matthew 6:26-30 CEV

Look around at all the beauty that God has made and then look in the mirror. See that God cares for you more than all of the other things that have been created. God loves you!

Weather Report

This morning we are in California. Had a safe, short flight yesterday from Arizona. All of our family will be at our oldest granddaughter’s home for Christmas. What a joy! I hope you will be understanding if I miss posting a couple of blogs over the next few days.

One of the things we did when packing for the trip was check the weather report. Long sleeve/short sleeve, polar fleece, rain wear, long pants, shorts, hikers or tennis shoes. All these were considerations for our wardrobe.

When we lived in Montana, we always had to look at the weather report, consider any possible storms and plan accordingly. Most anywhere we went we would have 3 passes to go over and winter travelling could be treacherous.

I’ve often wondered what the weather must have been like travelling to Bethlehem all those years ago.

I know it wouldn’t have been subzero but it can get cold in the desert regions or was there rain? Ladies, imagine this, 9 months pregnant, riding a donkey, sleeping under the stars. Regardless of the weather, it may have been perfect, but that’s not the time you want to try out the new tent and sleeping bags you just got from BassPro, right?

What was Mary thinking, this was certainly a “memory maker”? Did the trip affect her disposition? What questions did this young woman have, after all, it was her first pregnancy?

” So they went running and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the feeding box. 17 When they saw the baby, they told what the angels said about this child. 18 Everyone was surprised when they heard what the shepherds told them. 19 Mary continued to think about these things, trying to understand them.” Luke 2:16-19 ERV

As a mother, I sit here this morning remembering different Christmas mornings with my children and grandchildren. I pray that the significance of that first Christmas morning stays as the focal point in their lives long after I am gone.

Your Christmas celebration may not be perfect, Mary’s wasn’t. Don’t be sidetracked if things don’t go as planned. Keep your focus on the “reason for the season” and even if the weather is cold and gray, keep your heart merry and filled with love.

There are no words of gratitude that can possibly express my heart’s joy over the events of that first Christmas morning and how it’s changed my life.

Thank you, Father for loving me enough to give me the gift of Your Son and relationship of eternal life with You that first Christmas day.

My Gratitude List

Here we are just a few days before Thanksgiving. Maybe you’ve just put the finishing touches on your “on last trip to the store” list or maybe you’ve been checking the listings for the times of the parades and the football games. We all have a habit of making lists. Let me add one more list to your list of things to do.

A Gratitude List.

Maybe even make a few to share with the people you are having Thanksgiving with. Since today is the 18th try to come up with 18 items and then add one more each day until the end of the month.

At month’s end take that list and put it in your purse, wallet, Bible, locker, glove compartment – keep it handy and then on those days when you feel overrun by life take it out and read it – remind yourself of the good things God has done for you.

An old hymn came to mind today as I sat here thinking of my thanksgiving list. See if you remember it:

“When morning gilds the skies,

My heart awaking cries:

May Jesus Christ be praised!

Alike at work and prayer,

To Jesus I repair;

May Jesus Christ be praised!

Does sadness fill my mind?

A solace here I find,

May Jesus Christ be praised!

Or fades my earthly bliss?

My comfort still is this,

May Jesus Christ be praised!” anonymous author 1744

Amazing – this author lived over 200 years ago but the things he writes about could be what we face today and the one thing remains the same – in times of trouble and unrest we still need to Praise the name of Jesus!

We serve a wonderful Savior. Look at Jesus’ final prayer to the Father in John 17.

“After Jesus said these things, he looked toward heaven and prayed, ‘Father, the time has come. Give glory to your Son so that the Son can give glory to you. 2 You gave the Son power over all people so that he could give eternal life to all those you have given to him. 3 And this is eternal life: that people can know you, the only true God, and that they can know Jesus Christ, the one you sent. 4 I finished the work you gave me to do. I brought you glory on earth. 5 And now, Father, give me glory with you. Give me the glory I had with you before the world was made…I am not praying for the people in the world. But I am praying for these people you gave me, because they are yours. 10 All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And my glory is seen in them.'” John 17:1-10 ERV

Jesus prayed for us. He was about to go to the cross and His prayer was for us. He came to give us eternal life and that meant that we can know (become intimately acquainted with) the Father and we can know Jesus. He prayed for us who know Him because He loves us. He loves us enough to die for us.

Now say with the writer of the hymn May Jesus Christ be praised!!

I know what the first thing on my gratitude list is – it’s eternal life. How about you?

No Expiration

Maintaining a grateful and thankful heart is proof that the Holy Spirit is working in us. Knowing that God has blessed us with our talents and natural abilities, our strengths, our health, our relationships and our finances keeps gratitude fresh.

Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father and as we thank Him for these things we are kept from self-centeredness and the idea that we have things because we are so darn special.

The Apostle Paul warns us of the attitudes that will surface as we come to the “last days” – it certainly sounds like it could come from any newspaper or police blotter across the nation.

“Remember this: There are some terrible times coming in the last days. People will love only themselves and money. They will be proud and boast about themselves. They will abuse others with insults. They will not obey their parents. They will be ungrateful and against all that is pleasing to God. They will have no love for others and will refuse to forgive anyone. They will talk about others to hurt them and will have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good.” II Timothy 3:1-3 ERV

Has gratitude expired? Has thankfulness become like a jug of milk that has sat in the refrigerator for too long?

There are expiration dates on warranties, coupons, credit cards, canned goods. However, there are some things that never expire. There is no expiration date on God’s mercy!


I know that I don’t mess up as much as I once did but still there are screw ups, failures, and downright disobedience. It is so comforting to know that His mercy endures forever.

“The Lord is our God, and he has given us light! Start the celebration! March with palm branches all the way to the altar. 28 The Lord is my God! I will praise him and tell him how thankful I am. 29 Tell the Lord how thankful you are, because he is kind and always merciful.” Psalm 118:27-29 CEV

In this chapter we find the phrase “because he is kind and always merciful” five times or as it says in the King James version “his mercy endureth forever”.

No expiration dates. Mercy is the act of forgiving or restoring when we’ve done nothing to deserve it. God has every right to judge us harshly for the things we’ve done, and He doesn’t! Now that’s a lot to be thankful for.

I hope you will read the rest of this chapter in its’ entirety. It’s a wonderful chapter of praise but before I close this morning I will add these few verses from the beginning of the chapter.

“Let every true worshiper of the Lord shout, ‘God is always merciful!’ 5 When I was really hurting, I prayed to the Lord. He answered my prayer, and took my worries away. 6 The Lord is on my side, and I am not afraid of what others can do to me. 7 With the Lord on my side, I will defeat all of my hateful enemies. 8 It is better to trust the Lord for protection than to trust anyone else, 9 including strong leaders.” Psalms 118:4-9 CEV

God is always merciful. Don’t let your gratitude expired.