Start Your Day with a Song

Here I am all the way across the country from my Arizona home. We flew from Arizona to Florida yesterday – Kim, Austin, Dave and me. A bit jet lagged but filled with joy and praise.

We’ll be here for a week taking in all the sights and sounds of the Daytona 500 races. This trip was a 50th birthday bucket list adventure for Kim and she invited us to come along since she knew this is one of her dad’s Top 10 too.

Last night as we were driving to our B-n-B we were greeted by the full moon over the ocean. I plan to be on that beach this evening to take in the full beauty of it. And this morning, there is a chorus of unidentified birds singing their melodies outside my window. It seems that all of creation has joined in welcoming us here and giving glory to God.

Each morning let me learn more about your love because I trust you. I come to you in prayer, asking for your guidance.” Psalm 143:8 CEV

Maybe that’s why the birds start their songs before the crack of dawn – they want us to join in their praise to the Father.

Oh, there have been days when I woke up dreading what the day had in store – those were dark days. It’s so much better to be filled with joy from the moment my eyes open and my feet touch the floor. I’ve learned to take my cue from my feathered friends.

 I tell you not to worry about your life. Don’t worry about having something to eat, drink, or wear. Isn’t life more than food or clothing? 26 Look at the birds in the sky! They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Aren’t you worth much more than birds?” Matthew 6:25-26 CEV

These sentinels of song aren’t worried about how many bugs, worms, or seeds they are going to find today. No – they just know they will be provided for like they were the day before. They don’t worry about how high they will fly – they just fly. Why? because our Father in heaven takes care of them.

Maybe we should be a little more “bird-brained”!

Don’t worry – we are much more valuable to the Lord than the birds.

Each morning let me learn more about your love because I trust you.” Each morning as we learn more about His love for us, we trust Him more.

Then we can start your day with a song!


“You prepared a meal for me in front of my enemies. You welcomed me as an honored guest. My cup is full and spilling over.” Psalm 23:5 ERV

Our invitation to join the Lord at His table isn’t a one and done. It’s a daily – hourly – moment-by-moment opportunity. He is always with us; He lives in us, so we are never left alone or abandoned.

But what about that “enemy” part, you may ask.

Before I answer that, I have to take you once again to my favorite verse in the Bible. A prophet, Baalam, had been commanded by a king, Balak, to curse the Israelites. (Balak was their enemy)

“God is not a man; he will not lie. God is not a human being; his decisions will not change. If he says he will do something, then he will do it. If he makes a promise, then he will do what he promised. 20 He told me to bless them. He blessed them, so I cannot change that… The Lord is their God, and he is with them. The Great King is with them!” Numbers 23:19-21 ERV

We are His sheep. He is our Shepherd. He said He would lead us to green pastures and beside still waters. He said He would restore us, protect us, walk with us through the darkest times and prepare us a meal in the presence of our enemies and so He WILL! He doesn’t lie.

Now, two stories and I will try to keep them brief, but you will need to read them for yourselves and let God minister the truth of His faithfulness and power to you. II Chronicles 20 tells the story of Jehosaphat, king of Judah.

Three separate armies came against him. They were going to destroy the army of Judah and take the citizens captive. Jehosaphat called the people together to pray.

“Our God, punish those people. We don’t have the strength to stop this large army that is coming against us. We don’t know what to do! We are looking to you for help. ” II Chronicles 20:12 ERV

“Jahaziel said, ‘Listen to me King Jehoshaphat and everyone living in Judah and Jerusalem! The Lord says this to you: ‘Don’t be afraid or worry about this large army, because the battle is not your battle. It is God’s battle!” 20:15 ERV

“They marched in front of the army and sang, ‘Give thanks to the Lord! His faithful love will last forever.’ 22 As they began to sing and to praise God, the Lord set an ambush for the army from Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir who had come to attack Judah. The enemy was defeated!” 20:21-22 ERV

Now let’s quickly look at Elisha, a prophet of God, who had been telling his king the enemies’ battle plan. The enemy swore to take Elisha out. (II Kings 6:14-20)

14 Then the king of Aram sent horses, chariots, and a large army to Dothan. They arrived at night and surrounded the city15 Elisha’s servant got up early that morning. When he went outside, he saw an army with horses and chariots all around the city.

The servant said to Elisha, “Oh, my master, what can we do?” 16 Elisha said, “Don’t be afraid. The army that fights for us is larger than the army that fights for Aram.”

17 Then Elisha prayed and said, ‘Lord, I ask you, open my servant’s eyes so that he can see.’ The Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and the servant saw the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire. They were all around Elisha.

18 These horses and chariots of fire came down to Elisha. He prayed to the Lord and said, ‘I pray that you will cause these people to become blind.’ So God did what Elisha asked. He caused the Aramean army to become blind.” II Kings 6:14-18 ERV

Elisha then led the entire army to the king of Samaria where they were captured.

One small nation against three mighty nations; two men against an army. When we are in God’s presence, and we are, we always have the greater advantage.

A table in the presence of our enemies is a place of safety when we’re seated at that table with the Lord. God does not lie. The battle belongs to the Lord, He is greater than any of our enemies.

Don’t let fear take you away from the table. Stay and enjoy fellowship with your Shepherd!

A Message for the Ages

For years I have shared messages from Psalm 23 but recently I was told about a book, “Don’t Give the Enemy A Seat At Your Table”, by Louie Giglio and it has reinforced all that I have understood about the message of that Psalm.

This morning I’m going to share a few excerpts with you.

“A Table in the Conflict – Verse 5 of Psalm 23 is one of the most powerful verses in all of Scripture, and we’re going to dwell on this verse in expanding circle for much of the rest of this book, so I wanted you to see some of the truths that led to this point in the psalm first. A beautiful twist is found in this verse. Remember how it says that God prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies?

God has prepared a table right in the middle of the battle. That table is laden with the richest of fare — and it’s all good food for us to eat — yet that table is set right in the midst of the chemo ward. God has set out the silverware, and He’s invited us to come and dine with Him — yet that table is right in the middle of our family being pulled apart. That table is right in the middle of job stress. It’s smack-dab in the middle of relational tension. It’s directly at the center of the hardships and arguments, the misunderstandings and persecutions, the depression and the death. Whatever we are battling, internally or externally, the table is right there in the middle of the trouble, at the epicenter of conflict.”

There we are in the midst of life crises and the Lord, our Good Shepherd invites us to sit down and eat. He wants us to dine with Him, focus on Him, even though we are in the presence of our enemies.

There is not one enemy or a combination of their forces that is greater than the presence of our Lord. His power and His presence bring peace in the midst of the storm; He brings joy; He brings salvation. He brings His love to the table!

You treat me to a feast, while my enemies watch. You honor me as your guest, and you fill my cup until it overflows. Your kindness and love will always be with me each day of my life, and I will live forever in your house, Lord.” Psalm 23:5-6 CEV

I was asked recently, “how do you keep from worrying when things are so bad?”. The only way I know to do that is by keeping my focus on the Shepherd and not on the enemies.

“The Lord gives perfect peace to those whose faith is firm.” Isaiah 26:3 CEV

 You will show me the way of life. Being with You is to be full of joy. In Your right hand there is happiness forever.” Psalm 16:11 NLV

Living a focused life is not denying the enemies that surround us or the hardships that come our way. No. Jesus said to his disciples:

 I have told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have troubles. But be brave! I have defeated the world!” John 16:33 ERV

This is a message for the ages. Be brave, I have defeated the world. Now, come and sit down at the table with Me. Let’s eat and have fellowship together!

Simple Prayer

Welcome to February!

This morning, I want to share with you about prayer. Sometimes, we can be intimidated when it comes to praying but really praying is just talking. Talking to your heavenly Father, the One who knows your every thought and loves you unconditionally.

I heard a cute story once. A little boy was about to go to bed and his mom said “Don’t forget to say your prayers”. The little boy bowed his head and began reciting the alphabet and ended with Amen. When his mother asked why he did that he said “God knows all the words, I was just giving him the letters”.

If we can talk, we can pray. God isn’t judging our sentence structure or the grammar in our prayers, He looks at the sincerity of our hearts.

“Always be filled with joy in the Lord. I will say it again. Be filled with joy. 5 Let everyone see that you are gentle and kind. The Lord is coming soon. 6 Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have. 7 And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God’s peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds.” Philippians 4:4-7 ERV

Prayer is not a last resort, the “I’ve done everything else, I’d better pray” type of thinking puts God on the back burner so to speak. No, we come to Him first thing with everything.

“Do any of you have a son? If he asked for bread, would you give him a rock? 10 Or if he asked for a fish, would you give him a snake? Of course not! 11 You people are so bad, but you still know how to give good things to your children. So surely your heavenly Father will give good things to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:9-11 ERV

Start by thanking and praising the Father for being who He is – loving, caring, forgiving and the One who invites us to come and find help. Be specific about our needs and requests, don’t worry or fret. Then thank Him for hearing and giving us the answers that line up with His word. You notice that’s the instruction Paul gives us in those verses from Philippians.

“We are certain God will hear our prayers when we ask for what pleases him15 And if we know God listens when we pray, we are sure our prayers have already been answered.” I John 5:14-15 CEV

I hope that you make prayer the first part of your day. When we start mindful of Him, our entire outlook will be brighter. Afterall, He has promised He will never leave us and that He is always there to help us.

I AM I Said

Today is a day of victory!

There’s a verse in the psalms that really touches me. It says that God has honored His word above His name. Do you see why we need to be reading His word, meditating on it and making it the final authority in our lives? His word contains the greatness of His name!

We have the written word, and we have been given the living word, Jesus, to change our lives. The name of the Lord represents all of God, who is the I AM, and this verse says He considers His word of greater than His reputation.

“I give you thanks with all my heart. Not to idols, but to you I sing praise. 2 I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your grace and truth; for you have made your word [even] greater than the whole of your reputation.3 When I called, you answered me, you made me bold and strong.” Psalm 138 CJB (Complete Jewish Bible)

When God spoke to Moses from the burning bush and told him to lead His people out of Egypt Moses asked who he should tell the people he was called by. This is what the Lord God said.

” Moses answered, ‘I will tell the people of Israel that the God their ancestors worshiped has sent me to them. But what should I say, if they ask me your name?’

14-15  God said to Moses: I am the eternal God. So tell them that the Lord, whose name is “I Am,” has sent you. This is my name forever, and it is the name that people must use from now on.” Exodus 3:13-15 CEV

I AM, period. Nothing more needs to be said.

I AM God.

Whoever you think you need – I AM. Wherever you go – I AM the Way. If you are hungry – I AM the bread of life. Are you distressed? I AM peace. If you are sick – I AM the healer and the great physician. If you need answers – I AM truth. Need to know what happens after death – I AM the resurrection and the life.

For whatever situation or challenge that the Israelites were going to face God said, “I AM!” He excluded nothing – I AM.

Now, do you see the importance of Jesus making all those proclamations to the disciples and the multitudes who followed Him? I am the way, the truth, the life; I am the bread of life and the living water; I am the Good Shepherd and the door. I am the resurrection and the life; I am the light of the world.

God has not changed. God’s word has not changed.

In and through His name we have all that we need, we need nothing more because we belong to I AM.

These are some of the final words that Jesus’ disciples heard from Him before He was taken to be crucified.

 And I will do [I Myself will grant] whatever you ask in My Name [as presenting all that I Am], so that the Father may be glorified and extolled in (through) the Son. 14 [Yes] I will grant [I Myself will do for you] whatever you shall ask in My Name [as presenting all that I Am].” John 14:13-14 AMP

Jesus told them to pray using His name because it represented all that I AM. They had seen the miracles, witnessed the healings, personally experienced deliverance from the storms. Jesus said ask, using my name and all that I AM.

Our God and heavenly Father is the same. His word is the same. Jesus is the same. This is His name forever and He has given us the right to ask in His name also.

I AM, He said!

Needed Support

There’s an interesting story about Moses that has been going through my mind for the past several days. It’s the story of a battle, persistence and helpful companions.

“When the Israelites were at Rephidim, they were attacked by the Amalekites. So Moses told Joshua, “Have some men ready to attack the Amalekites tomorrow. I will stand on a hilltop, holding this walking stick that has the power of God.

10 Joshua led the attack as Moses had commanded, while Moses, Aaron, and Hur stood on the hilltop. 11 The Israelites out-fought the Amalekites as long as Moses held up his arms, but they started losing whenever he lowered them. 12 After a while, his arms were so tired that Aaron and Hur got a rock for him to sit on. Then they stood beside him and supported his arms in the same position until sunset. 13 That’s how Joshua defeated the Amalekites” Exodus 17:8-13 CEV

As the Israelites were going through the wilderness on their way to the land of promise they faced enemies and had battles to fight. From the beginning of this journey God promised to lead them and fight for them. Moses had a shepherd’s rod or walking stick when God first spoke to him. He was to be God’s voice to the pharaoh and His deliverer for the people.

“Moses asked the Lord, ‘Suppose everyone refuses to listen to my message, and no one believes that you really appeared to me?’ The Lord answered, ‘What’s that in your hand?’

‘A walking stick,’ Moses replied… the Lord said, “and the Israelites will believe that you have seen me, the God who was worshiped by their ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” Exodus 4:1-5 CEV

Moses’ walking stick became a sign of God’s power and that’s what he took to the battle against the Amalekites that day. As long as Moses held the rod in the air, Joshua was victorious in battle. But when his arms grew tired and he lowered the rod circumstances changed.

Moses’ two companions, Aaron and Hur, got Moses a rock to sit on. The battle worn on, Moses’ arms got tired, so Aaron and Hur held up his arms and the battle was won.

I prayed “Lord, make me a friend that will hold up weary arms in a battle”.

This morning the Lord put together a few more Scriptures for me.

“Our Lord, you keep your word and do everything you say. 14 When someone stumbles or falls, you give a helping hand.” Psalm 145:13-14 CEV

“Make the weak arms strong again. Strengthen the weak kneesPeople are afraid and confused. Say to them, “Be strong! Don’t be afraid!” Look, your God will come and punish your enemies. He will come and give you your reward. He will save you.” Isaiah 35:3-4 ERV

 But thanks be to God, who always leads us in victory through Christ. God uses us to spread his knowledge everywhere like a sweet-smelling perfume.” II Corinthians 2:14 ERV

The rock that Moses sat on was a physical boulder but the rock we stand upon is God’s indestructible word.

“Whoever hears these teachings of mine and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on rock25 It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house. But it did not fall because it was built on rock.” Matthew 7:24-25 ERV

If you are in a battle and you feel weary, I pray that you have friends who have you sit on God’s word and help lift your arms to heaven. Don’t be too proud to ask for help. Lift your hands to Him.

 So put away all pride from yourselves. You are standing under the powerful hand of God. At the right time He will lift you upGive all your worries to Him because He cares for you.” I Peter 5:6-7 NLV

Just know that each morning when I complete this blog, I pray for each and every one who will read it. I pray that God will make His word, this word, real in your lives.

Lift up your hands. Let God’s word be your firm foundation and find your victory in Him.

I Will Live

Last night as I was drifting off to sleep, I felt the Lord encouraging me to share part of my story with all of you.

About thirteen years ago I nearly died from acute pancreatitis. It came on suddenly, very suddenly. I was home alone one afternoon doing my ironing. I had such severe abdominal pain that I had to keep sitting down to avoid passing out.

I got up to use the bathroom and when I stood, I fell to the floor in excruciating pain. These were the next words to come from mouth. “I will live and not die and declare the glory of the Lord”. I knew I was in trouble.

I lay there only a few minutes when there was a knock at the door. I called out to come in and it was a dear neighbor, sent by God, who came to return an empty dish. Yes, God sent her. She got my phone and called Dave and he and another friend took me to the local ER.

It was there they discovered that my liver enzymes were off the charts. The ER doctor told me he had never seen numbers that high. We were working out of state and unfamiliar with any medical facilities and they needed to transfer me by ambulance to a larger city hospital. We had to make a choice not knowing anything about any of the hospitals. The Lord directed that too.

“I will live and not die, and I will tell what the Lord has done.” Psalm 118:17 ERV

With each wave of pain, I kept standing on God’s word; telling myself and the enemy, Satan, that I will live and not die and declare the glory of the Lord. I knew I was not only in a physical battle but a spiritual one. God is not a liar; He doesn’t break His word.

“A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came to give life—life that is full and good.” John 10:10 ERV

For the next seven days I was hooked to IV’s. Fluids, pain meds and nutrients. Doctors, nurses, specialists and a dear sweet chaplain.

“But I really believe that I will see the Lord’s goodness before I die. 14 Wait for the Lord’s help. Be strong and brave, and wait for the Lord’s help.” Psalm 27:13-14 ERV

“He forgives all our sins and heals all our sicknesses. Psalm 103:3 ERV

These were the verses that gave me strength.

Dave brought me my Bible and the chaplain gave me a cassette player with praise tapes. Other than a few friends visiting and answering nurses’ and doctors’ questions that was my total communication.

Seven days later Dave took me home and I was still saying I will live and not die and declare the glory of the Lord.

This is why I start my day with prayer and reading God’s word. This is why I share with you each morning.

“Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble. And He saved them from their suffering. 20 He sent His Word and healed them. And He saved them from the grave. 21 Let them give thanks to the Lord for His loving-kindness and His great works to the children of men!” Psalm 107:19-21 NLV

I declare to you God’s goodness, God is faithful, God’s word never fails. He is worthy to receive all the glory for His marvelous work.

In Case You Wondered

I had a rough time sleeping last night. Leg cramps kept me awake so early this morning I came out to the living room. Walking off the last round of charley horses and waiting for the coffee to finish brewing.

I fell back to sleep and didn’t wake up until 6 a.m. It was good sleep. Thank you Jesus but it means I am late in posting. I decided to share a post with you from about 10 years ago. I hope it encourages your heart.

God is good!

“My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand – All other ground is sinking sand.”

What are you trusting in today? Your job, your family, your financial portfolio… When things get shaky you want to make sure you’re standing on a solid foundation.

“Whoever hears these teachings of mine and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. 25 It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house. But it did not fall because it was built on rock. 26 “Whoever hears these teachings of mine and does not obey them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house. And it fell with a loud crash.” 28 When Jesus finished speaking, the people were amazed at his teaching. 29 He did not teach like their teachers of the law. He taught like someone who has authority.” Matthew 7:24-28

God’s Word is tried and true – It has not failed and it never will. Advisors come and go; new technology is always in flux; markets rise and fall but Jesus Christ is always the same.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” Matthew 24:35

My hope, my faith, my trust is in God alone – I will stand on the Rock!!

In Times of Trouble

I want to take you back to the words that Jesus, our Good Shepherd, spoke in the book of John.

 The robber comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I came so they might have life, a great full life.” John 10:10 NLV

We see destruction and death on a daily basis. What do we do, how do we replace fear with trust in times of trouble?

 God is our safe place and our strength. He is always our help when we are in trouble. So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken and the mountains fall into the center of the sea, and even if its waters go wild with storm and the mountains shake with its action.” Psalm 46:1-3 NLV

I think of the Israelites when they were escaping Egypt. They were so excited to be leaving a land of bondage and heading toward the land God had promised them. But in short order, fear set in. There was the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptian army was closing in from behind.

10 When Pharaoh came near, the people of Israel looked and saw the Egyptians coming after them. And they were filled with fear and cried out to the Lord…13 But Moses said to the people, ‘Do not be afraid! Be strong, and see how the Lord will save you today. For the Egyptians you have seen today, you will never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you. All you have to do is keep still.’” Exodus 14:10-14 NLV

The recurring theme throughout all the Bible is fear not, be not afraid. Why? How? The Lord will save you! In times of trouble we are never alone; God’s presence is always with us.

“I will give You thanks with all my heart. I will sing praises to You in front of the gods. I will bow down toward Your holy house. And I will give thanks to Your name for Your loving-kindness and Your truth. For You have honored Your Word because of what Your name is. You answered me on the day I called. You gave me strength in my soul.

O Lord, all the kings of the earth will give thanks to You when they have heard the words of Your mouth. And they will sing of the ways of the Lord. For the shining beauty of the Lord is greatFor even if the Lord is honored, He thinks about those who have no pride. But He knows the proud from far away. Even if I walk into trouble, You will keep my life safe. You will put out Your hand against the anger of those who hate me. And Your right hand will save meThe Lord will finish the work He started for me. O Lord, Your loving-kindness lasts forever. Do not turn away from the works of Your hands.” Psalm 138 NLV

Focusing on God’s goodness, giving thanks, trusting His word builds trust and quiets fear.

The words in verse 7 are very similar to the words in Psalm 23 verse 4.

“Yes, even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not be afraid of anything, because You are with me. You have a walking stick with which to guide and one with which to help. These comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 NLV

 I would have been without hope if I had not believed that I would see the loving-kindness of the Lord in the land of the living. 14 Wait for the Lord. Be strong. Let your heart be strong. Yes, wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14 NLV

Keeping our hearts strong and free from fear comes when we have hope and know that the Lord is with us, even in the valley of the shadow of death.

In times of trouble, we put our hope and trust in the Lord.

Keep Going

The year is almost over and maybe you are feeling disappointed or discouraged that you didn’t get more done.

You had goals and hopes that have not yet been accomplished, keep going!

Just because the calendar date is about to change it doesn’t mean that you have failed. As long as you are making progress you are succeeding. There are baby steps and giant leaps, both are forward progress.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” Galatians 6:9-10

God has a plan for each of us, something that is designed for our personality and is for our benefit. Don’t give up.

If you are weary stop and rest but don’t quit.

“Come to me all of you who are tired from the heavy burden you have been forced to carry. I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 ERV

“The Lord is my shepherd. I will always have everything I need. He gives me green pastures to lie in. He leads me by calm pools of water. He restores my strength. He leads me on right paths to show that he is good.” Psalm 23:1-3 ERV

Let the Lord restore you. His strength is sufficient in every situation. He knew how to rest in the midst of a storm.

A number of years ago we were hosts at a campground in the mountains. One day I saw an eagle across the valley, it was circling in the sky. There was a stiff wind. As the eagle circled it was soaring, without effort, on the air’s current. I must have watched for almost 30 minutes. The eagle continued to soar higher and higher until it was covered by the clouds.

“Even young people get tired, then stumble and fall. 31 But those who trust the Lord will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.” Isaiah 40:30-31 CEV

Someone needs to be reminded to keep going. I just got reminded by the Holy Spirit and these verses.

It’s time to soar!