Green Stamp Redemption

A while back there were a number of “Do you Remember” items on FB posts. One of them was “green stamps”.

Do you remember green stamps or maybe it was gold stamps that you saved? Each time we went to the gas station or the grocery store, the attendant would give my folks green stamps and they would bring them home and we put them in a savings book.

We had a green stamp catalog and we would save our books until we had enough to go to the redemption center and get what we had been saving for. That was so much fun, we walked out with something we really wanted and then we would start collecting for the  new item that we wanted. 

Do you know that we have been “redeemed”? The word redeemed means to rescue or to ransom. Our lives have been redeemed; not by collecting our good works and sticking them in a book for all to see but by the precious blood of Jesus.

“You were rescued (redeemed) from the useless way of life that you learned from your ancestors. But you know that you were not rescued by such things as silver or gold that don’t last forever. 19 You were rescued by the precious blood of Christ, that spotless and innocent lamb.” I Peter 1:18-19

All our good deeds cannot begin to measure up to the price Jesus paid for our redemption. Can’t you see it now, Jesus walking into the redemption center and God the Father asking “what would you like to take home today”?

Jesus says, “I would like Kristi for my own”.

And the Father says, “Well, are you sure you wouldn’t like something better? She has done some pretty foolish things.”

“No,” Jesus says, “I would like her.”

And what will you give for her redemption? It has to be something very valuable.” says the Father. And he shows Jesus all the charges of my shortcomings and sins.

Jesus stretches forth His hands revealing the nail prints and says, “I think this should cover it.”

“Having cancelled and blotted out and wiped away the handwriting of the note (bond) with its legal decrees and demands which was in force and stood against us (hostile to us). This [note with its regulations, decrees, and demands] He set aside and cleared completely out of our way by nailing it to [His] cross.” Colossians 2:14 Amplified Version

Hallelujah! I have been redeemed. I have been bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus. All my sins have been blotted out, covered by the blood of Jesus!

He’s done the same for you. He’s paid the price for your redemption.


Advice From My Professor

I had a professor in college that would say, “If I say it’s significant, if I repeat it once it’s important, if I say it a third time write it down, it will be on the test”.

He was true to his word. We learned quickly.

You will notice that these morning writings follow a theme. Generally they will deal with our relationship with God the Father, his character (love, kindness, protection) and I always try to bring a message of encouragement and hope which dispel worry and fear.

When it’s important I will be repeating it time and time again.

When we lived in Montana we lived about 15 miles from town. Kaci would call to tell us she was off work and headed home. She would ask if we needed anything before she left town. Her dad would always tell her “remember to slow down through the willows, you never know if a deer is going to jump out onto the road”. This wasn’t an occasional reminder, it was daily.

She asked me once if he thought she wasn’t being careful. I told her no, but  as her dad he felt it was his responsibility to keep her safe and so as long as she drove that road he would be reminding her to slow down and be alert. The reminder was the expression of a loving father.

You know God, our heavenly Father, does the same with us. In the Old Testament He gave his message through prophets. In the New Testament the message came through Jesus and the apostles. The messengers were different but the message was the same.

“I love you and I want relationship with you. Listen to and obey my words. Life will go better when you use My wisdom.” Now that’s the Kristi paraphrase but Scripture says it like this:

Be faithful in obeying the Lord your God. Be careful to keep all His Laws which I tell you today. And the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. All these good things will come upon you if you will obey the Lord your God. Good will come to you in the city, and good will come to you in the country. ” Deuteronomy 28:1-3 NLV


Listen to and obey all the Laws I am telling you today. Love the Lord your God. Work for Him with all your heart and soul. If you do, 14 He will give the rain for your land at the right times, the early and late rain. So you may gather in your grain, your new wine and your oil.” Deuteronomy 11:13-14 NLV

Listening to the Lord and obeying always came with blessings.

Only be strong and have much strength of heart. Be careful to obey all the Law which My servant Moses told you. Do not turn from it to the right or to the left. Then all will go well with you everywhere you go. This book of the Law must not leave your mouth. Think about it day and night, so you may be careful to do all that is written in it. Then all will go well with you. You will receive many good things. Have I not told you? Be strong and have strength of heart! Do not be afraid or lose faith. For the Lord your God is with you anywhere you go.” Joshua 1:7-9 NLV

We’re his children and His Word is his loving reminder of what’s important.

Let me ask you, when your kids were little how many times did you tell them to brush their teeth before they went to bed? Or how many times did you instruct them to say please and thank you; yes sir and no sir? How often did you instruct them to wash their hands, eat with their mouth closed, look both ways before crossing the street? Over and over again we repeated parental instruction.

Jesus used words like “verily, verily” which meant I’m telling you a truth, listen up. He also repeated the concepts of God’s kingdom by telling parables. A parable was a practical story with a godly principle as its basis. Remember the one of the prodigal son?

The son wanted to go off on his own. He made mistakes. He squandered his money and when he hit rock bottom he went home. The Father was waiting, waiting with open arms. Waiting to embrace his son and make his life good again.

The Apostle Paul wrote most of the books in the New Testament. The books were letters to churches in different areas where he had preached. In each letter he was reminding the believers of the things he had taught them while he had been with them personally. One of the major themes of Paul’s writings was joy and peace.

Be full of joy always because you belong to the Lord. Again I say, be full of joy! Let all people see how gentle you are. The Lord is coming again soon. Do not worry. Learn to pray about everything. Give thanks to God as you ask Him for what you need. The peace of God is much greater than the human mind can understand. This peace will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:4-7 NLV

How appropriate it is for us today. Be full of joy, pray, don’t worry, be guarded by peace. Yes, that’s worth repeating!  I can guarantee life will test us daily to see if we come up with an answer to be joyful, pray, don’t worry and have peace.

Let me close with these words of repetition from the book of Psalms. I will encourage you to read chapter 118. The repetition in these 29 verses is overwhelming. This whole chapter has one purpose and that is to remind us that God’s loving kindness lasts forever. When we are mindful of that fact, it makes it easier for us to be full of joy, free from worry and bathed in peace.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His loving-kindness lasts forever. Let Israel say, “His loving-kindness lasts forever.” Let the house of Aaron say, “His loving-kindness lasts forever.” Let those who fear the Lord say, “His loving-kindness lasts forever.” Psalm 118:1-4 NLV

I hope you learn to love the repetition of Scripture. God is making a point!

His loving-kindness will last forever! Amen.



Stop and Smell the Flowers – Carefully

Yesterday I was out in the yard, the prickly pear are filled with blooms and I stopped to take a picture for a friend.

If you look closely in the top bloom you will see a honey bee bathing himself in pollen. It was fascinating to watch. He would dive in and roll around covering himself in yellow pollen. I tried to get a video of it but he flew away.

Who taught him to do that? Who gives the hummingbirds their command to fly south for the winter and to return in the Spring? Who tells the horses and cattle in the fields to grow thick heavy coats in the winter as protection from the cold? How do sea turtles know to come to the sandy beaches to lay their eggs? And who instructs the salmon to return to their spawning grounds?

These are not creatures with great intelligence. However, they were created with the instinct for preservation of life. Who gave them that instinct? The Creator of all things!

“God said, “I command the ocean to be full of living creatures, and I command birds to fly above the earth.” 21 So God made the giant sea monsters and all the living creatures that swim in the ocean. He also made every kind of bird. God looked at what he had done, and it was good.” Genesis 1:20-21 CEV

Since God created it all and gave such great forethought to every detail of His creation isn’t it safe to assume that He is equally as concerned with the details of our lives?

““But ask the wild animals, and they will teach you. Ask the birds of the heavens, and let them tell you. 8 Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you. Let the fish of the sea make it known to you. 9 Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? 10 In His hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all men.” Job 12:7-10 NLV

Jesus told us that we should be free from worry about our daily necessities by comparing the way God provides for the flowers and birds to us. I know I use that analogy frequently but it’s because I am still so amazed by His love and provision.

“I tell you this: Do not worry about your life. Do not worry about what you are going to eat and drink. Do not worry about what you are going to wear. Is not life more important than food? Is not the body more important than clothes? 26 Look at the birds in the sky. They do not plant seeds. They do not gather grain. They do not put grain into a building to keep. Yet your Father in heaven feeds them! Are you not more important than the birds? 27 Which of you can make himself a little taller by worrying? 28 Why should you worry about clothes? Think how the flowers grow. They do not work or make cloth. 29 But I tell you that Solomon in all his greatness was not dressed as well as one of these flowers. 30 God clothes the grass of the field. It lives today and is burned in the stove tomorrow. How much more will He give you clothes? You have so little faith! 31 Do not worry. Do not keep saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or, ‘What will we drink?’ or, ‘What will we wear?’ 32 The people who do not know God are looking for all these things. Your Father in heaven knows you need all these things.” Matthew 6:25-32 NLV

Each time I see an example of God’s goodness in nature like the honey bee yesterday or the hummingbirds that come daily to my feeders it makes me stop and say thank you. God didn’t have to provide for us. He didn’t have to shower us with love and affection but He chose to. Independent of me efforts or lack thereof, He chose to love me! Amazing!!

“When I look up and think about Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in their place, 4 what is man, that You think of him, the son of man that You care for him? 5 You made him a little less than the angels and gave him a crown of greatness and honor. 6 You made him to rule over the works of Your hands. You put all things under his feet: 7 All sheep and cattle, all the wild animals, 8 the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, and all that pass through the sea. 9 O Lord, our Lord, how great is Your name in all the earth!” Psalm 8:3-9 NLV

If you’re feeling down today, thinking that no one notices or really cares about the struggles you’re facing, go find a flower. Look at its intricacies and remind yourself that God who created these flowers is your loving heavenly Father and He cares, He deeply cares about you.

Elvis Presley sang a song years ago and the lyrics go like this:

Who made the mountains, who made the trees
Who made the rivers flow to the sea
And who sends the rain when the earth is dry
Somebody bigger than you and I

Who made the flowers to bloom in the spring
Who made the song for the robins to sing
And who hung the moon in the starry sky
Somebody bigger than you and I

He lights the way when the road is long
He keeps you company
And with His love to guide you
He walks beside you
Just like He walks with me

When I am weary, filled with despair
Who gives me courage to go on from there
And who gives me faith that will never die
Somebody bigger than you and I
Bigger than you and I

Let your heart be filled with song as you stop and smell the flowers!

Big Love

Woke up this morning with the old song, “Oh, how I love Jesus. Oh, how I love Jesus. Oh, how I love Jesus because He first loved me” running through my mind.

I accepted Christ as my Saviour when I was very young. I remember realizing my need for forgiveness, walking the aisle Sunday night at church and the sweet Christian lady who talked with me to make sure I understood salvation and then prayed with me. At that tender young age, I really didn’t have much sin to be forgiven but I did know that Christ had died for me and had forgiven me.

Now that I’m older, I’m amazed by God’s goodness, mercy and grace. His unconditional love paid the price of sin for everyone through Jesus’ sacrifice. Every sin ever committed from the beginning of time until this earth passes away were forgiven in that one act of sacrifice! God had not only forgiven the sins I had committed up to the day I asked Jesus to be my Saviour but He has forgiven every one of them since. Even if I had become some horrible, terrible sinner His forgiveness would have still been there for me.

“My children, I am writing this so that you won’t sin. But if you do sin, Jesus Christ always does the right thing, and he will speak to the Father for us. 2 Christ is the sacrifice that takes away our sins and the sins of all the world’s people.” I John 2:1-2

And whether my sins were great or small, it doesn’t matter – I still needed a Saviour. The Apostle James writes that “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” James 2:10

It’s a like a picture window; if you throw a rock through it, it’s broken; if you put a bee bee through it, it’s still broken. The size of the hole doesn’t matter, the glass is broken. So whether you’re Hitler or a small girl in Yuma, Az, sin is sin and it requires a Saviour. The same sacrifice was necessary for both of us.

God’s love is unconditional. It doesn’t matter if we are the most base sinner who ever lived or the most self-righteous. His love is the same. Each day I realize where I could have been without Jesus and I am so grateful and thankful that I am not without Him and that He chose me, He adopted me and made me a new creation.

I will close this glorious Sunday morning with an example from Jesus himself.

“A Pharisee invited Jesus to have dinner with him. So Jesus went to the Pharisee’s home and got ready to eat. 37 When a sinful woman in that town found out that Jesus was there, she bought an expensive bottle of perfume. 38 Then she came and stood behind Jesus. She cried and started washing his feet with her tears and drying them with her hair. The woman kissed his feet and poured the perfume on them.

39 The Pharisee who had invited Jesus saw this and said to himself, “If this man really were a prophet, he would know what kind of woman is touching him! He would know that she is a sinner.”

40 Jesus said to the Pharisee, “Simon, I have something to say to you.”

“Teacher, what is it?” Simon replied.

41 Jesus told him, “Two people were in debt to a moneylender. One of them owed him five hundred silver coins, and the other owed him fifty. 42 Since neither of them could pay him back, the moneylender said that they didn’t have to pay him anything. Which one of them will like him more?”

43 Simon answered, “I suppose it would be the one who had owed more and didn’t have to pay it back.”

“You are right,” Jesus said.

44 He turned toward the woman and said to Simon, “Have you noticed this woman? When I came into your home, you didn’t give me any water so I could wash my feet. But she has washed my feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. 45 You didn’t greet me with a kiss, but from the time I came in, she has not stopped kissing my feet. 46 You didn’t even pour olive oil on my head, but she has poured expensive perfume on my feet. 47 So I tell you that all her sins are forgiven, and that is why she has shown great love. But anyone who has been forgiven for only a little will show only a little love.”

48 Then Jesus said to the woman, “Your sins are forgiven.”

49 Some other guests started saying to one another, “Who is this who dares to forgive sins?”

50 But Jesus told the woman, “Because of your faith, you are now saved.May God give you peace!” Luke 7:36-50

Oh how I love Jesus!

What Do You Desire Most?

What’s the one thing you desire most? Think about that one.

Some would say a forever home. To others it may be restored health. Still others would like to go on a long leisurely vacation, all expenses paid. Finding the perfect mate. The job at the top of the corporate ladder. I told you a few days back that I would like a Cinderella evening and I’d also like to catch a blue marlin. Wish list items.

But what do you desire the most? What is the one thing you really, really want?

I would have to say that my one thing, is to honor and serve the Lord. I’m not saying this to be pious or religious. It is my true heart’s desire. I have learned through the years that when I am serving the Lord all the other things, the wants and the wishes, pale in comparison.

However, many times my days are so wrapped up in my own pursuits that the Lord is put somewhere further down the line. Just bein honest folks – if we aren’t honest with ourselves we can’t and won’t serve the Lord the way we know we should.

“LORD, teach me your laws, and I will always follow them. 34 Help me understand your teachings, and I will follow them. Obeying them will be my greatest desire. 35 Help me follow your commands, because that makes me happy. 36 Give me the desire to follow your rules, not the desire to get rich. 37 Don’t let me look at worthless things. Help me live your way. 38 Do what you promised me, your servant, so that people will respect you. 39 Take away the shame I fear. Your laws are good. 40 See how much I want to obey your instructions! Be good to me, and let me live.” Psalm 119:33-40 ERV

King David had a “one thing” mentality. The Bible says that David was a man after God’s heart. He wanted to serve God will all his natural ability but that wasn’t enough, he wanted more. He knew he needed God’s help if he was truly going to follow God’s word.

David didn’t just sit by each day and have harps playing in the background, eating grapes and contemplating the greatest and vastness of God. His life was full – he had a kingdom to run, he had wives and children, there were enemies to defeat and battles to be won. Yet his priority was God’s word – he wasn’t seeking wealth or power – but those things came to him. He was “seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things were added to him.”

David was living the very life that Jesus taught about. He was living example hundreds of years before Jesus delivered the message.

I’ve heard people say, “I don’t really study the Old Testament, there isn’t much in there for me.” Well, that’s all that David had! In fact, he had the first five books of the Bible and then the book of Job; the rest of it was being written as he lived it and after his death. He took God’s command to Joshua seriously – meditate in the book of the Law day and night and then you shall be prosperous and have good success.

Jesus said “For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.” John 6:38

Have you ever sat and looked at a single day in the life of Jesus? Talk about a full schedule? From the time He got up until late at night he was busy. His daily life was filled with walking, sailing, healing, teaching, facing his critics and then raising the dead. When he took time to pray and be alone, people would seek him out and interrupt his prayer time. He had learned the Scriptures from his youth and was living them out each and every day.

I’m not saying that all we do is study God’s word all day long. What’s important is that we live what we read. Reading one verse and living it all day will have more of an impact on our lives and the lives of others than reading chapters and walking away and not having it change us.

“Don’t let me look at worthless things. Help me live your way.” vs 37

There was a time that David looked at worthless things and it got him into a lot of trouble. He was up on his roof top and looking down he saw Bathsheba – he committed adultery and murdered her husband all because he was looking at the wrong things. He knew firsthand how destructive it can be to take your eyes off the Lord. It begs the question “what worthless things am I looking at”?

Lord, my heart’s prayer is this – don’t let me look at worthless things but let me focus on You.

Like David, our goal should be to live in a way that people know we are depending on the Lord, trusting Him and making God’s way known to the people around him. He was God-minded and his “one desire” was to know God more.

Let me make David’s words my own – one thing have I desired. I desire you, Lord.

Don’t just read the Word today – live it!

Like Pieces of A Puzzle

I am one of those people who love to do jigsaw puzzles.

You start out with a thousand pieces and you have an image on a box, let the fun begin. I do think it’s fun. I remember when I was little  my mom and dad would have friends over to visit for pie and coffee and there would always be a card table set up with a puzzle.

They would talk and put the puzzle together. It was a time of building relationship. As I became older and had a family of my own I enjoyed, and still do, putting together puzzles with family and friends. My daughters and I usually start a puzzle when they arrive for the weekend and hopefully finish it before they leave. It’s a great time to talk and share our lives.

I have a friend that shares my love of puzzles and she and I look forward to the time we spend around the table hunting for pieces, working together, and catching up.

The thing you have to remember about a jigsaw puzzle is the image was created first. Then, originally, a jigsaw was used to cut pieces in such a way that they would fit together and recreate the Master Design.

Some people I know think of the Bible as a puzzle. There are thousands of pieces and they think they know what it should look like but often times are surprised by the image that they find. Some think they will find an angry God while others believe they will see a God who is absent and unresponsive. However, quite the opposite is true!

When the pieces come together we find a loving God who is intimately involved in the smallest of details. He works everything out so that the final picture reveals His love and grace.

This morning I was reading in the book of Job. It’s not a book I spend a lot of time in but this morning I was caught up in the intricate way that the Lord described creation. The Lord asks Job:

How did I lay the foundation for the earth? Were you there?Doubtless you know who decided its length and width.What supports the foundation? Who placed the cornerstone, 7 while morning stars sang, and angels rejoiced?

When the ocean was born,  I set its boundariesand wrapped it in blankets of thickest fog. 10 Then I built a wall around it, locked the gates, 11 and said, “Your powerful waves stop here! They can go no farther.” 12 Did you ever tell the sun to rise? And did it obey?… 19 Where is the home of light, and where does darkness live? 20 Can you lead them home?…24 From where does lightning leap, or the east wind blow? 25 Who carves out a path for thunderstorms? 31 Can you arrange stars in groups such as Orion and the Pleiades? 32 Do you control the stars or set in place the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper? 33 Do you know the laws that govern the heavens, and can you make them rule the earth?” Job 38 CEV

You really need to read through Job 38 and 39. The Lord’s planning and thoughtfulness in the act of creation is absolutely amazing! And then my reading took me to Proverbs 3. Watch how the puzzle pieces go together.

God blesses everyone who has wisdom and common sense. 14 Wisdom is worth more than silver; it makes you much richer than gold. 15 Wisdom is more valuable than precious jewels; nothing you want compares with her…19 By his wisdom and knowledge the Lord created heaven and earth. 20 By his understanding he let the ocean break loose and clouds release the rain. 21 My child, use common sense and sound judgment! Always keep them in mind. 22 They will help you to live a long and beautiful life. 23 You will walk safely and never stumble; 24 you will rest without a worry and sleep soundly. 25 So don’t be afraid of sudden disasters or storms that strike those who are evil. 26 You can be sure that the Lord will protect you from harm.” Proverbs 3:13-24 CEV

God used his wisdom in creation. He set boundaries for the oceans and the seas. He set rules for rain and snow. He set the course of the stars. And now He is blessing us with wisdom so that we can  have a long and beautiful life.

Are you beginning to see the picture? God gave us everything that we need for living on this planet at creation. He thought of every detail and He is blessing us with wisdom which is far more valuable than gold.

Now before I finish up this morning I want you to know that I am far from having all the pieces put together in the puzzle of God’s word but I do know that the more I read it, the more I look at it and study the shape of the pieces I am finding how they all fit together.

The last piece that I want to add to the puzzle this morning comes from Luke. This is a piece of protection that fits nicely with the verses in Proverbs.

 Five sparrows are sold for just two pennies, but God doesn’t forget a one of them. Even the hairs on your head are counted. So don’t be afraid! You are worth much more than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6-7 

Do you see it? God designed the whole course of creation. It was His wisdom and knowledge that made it all work together. He didn’t create the animals before He made land, they would have drown. He didn’t create plants before light; they would have froze. He created every detail that gives the sparrows their flight. He cares for them no matter how insignificant they seem but He cares for us so much more. It all fits!

From creation until the end of the world God is showing His love and protection for us. Now that’s the big picture.

Our God is an Awesome God!



Vocabulary of Silence

Have you ever said something and wished you hadn’t?  I’m sure we all have.

When our kids were little we used to practice the vocabulary of silence. The meaning of this was don’t say something that is unkind, cruel, sarcastic or untrue.  And it wasn’t just a rule for the kids, Dave and I were subject to it as well. Sometimes we would have a very quiet home.

All of us do many wrong things. But if you can control your tongue, you are mature and able to control your whole body… My dear friends, with our tongues we speak both praises and curses. We praise our Lord and Father, and we curse people who were created to be like God, and this isn’t right...Are any of you wise or sensible? Then show it by living right and by being humble and wise in everything you do. 14 But if your heart is full of bitter jealousy and selfishness, don’t brag or lie to cover up the truth. 15 That kind of wisdom doesn’t come from above. It is earthly and selfish and comes from the devil himself. 16 Whenever people are jealous or selfish, they cause trouble and do all sorts of cruel things. 17 But the wisdom that comes from above leads us to be pure, friendly, gentle, sensible, kind, helpful, genuine, and sincere. 18 When peacemakers plant seeds of peace, they will harvest justice.” James 3:2, 9, 10, 13-18

Learning to control what we say is a godly principle. In the book of Proverbs we are told that the tongue has the power to bring life or death. God created the universe and everything in it by His words. Yes, words are powerful.

God’s Son has all the brightness of God’s own glory and is like him in every way. By his own mighty word, he holds the universe together. After the Son had washed away our sins, he sat down at the right side of the glorious God in heaven.” Hebrews 1:3 CEV

Do you remember the little saying we learned as kids? Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me.  Oh but they do! Words leave a lasting hurt that sometimes take years to heal.

Sharp words cut like a sword, but words of wisdom heal. 19 Truth will last forever; lies are soon found out.” Proverbs 12:18-19 CEV

If God, who is perfect, can forgive and love, not just us but, everyone who is living and has ever lived with all of our sins, our failures, screw ups and out and out vulgar living then we should be able to love and forgive those who live in our home, work on our job and are acquainted with on a daily basis.

God is not just asking us to do this but He is telling us we need to do this to be an example of Him. He’s never tells us to do anything that we aren’t able to do because it’s His strength and His character that are living in us.

He has forgiven us of everything! I know that all of my sins have been forgiven and even, according to Hebrews, forgotten, never to be remembered again – this is so overwhelming. Think about that for a moment.

” God loves you and has chosen you as his own special people. So be gentle, kind, humble, meek, and patient. 13 Put up with each other, and forgive anyone who does you wrong, just as Christ has forgiven you. 14 Love is more important than anything else. It is what ties everything completely together. Each one of you is part of the body of Christ, and you were chosen to live together in peace. So let the peace that comes from Christ control your thoughts. And be grateful. 16 Let the message about Christ completely fill your lives, while you use all your wisdom to teach and instruct each other. With thankful hearts, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. 17 Whatever you say or do should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks to God the Father because of him.” Colossians 3:12-17

Because we are a part of the body of Christ, we should work together to be a display of His love to the world around us. Did you notice that this peace we are told to live in comes from Christ when we let him control our thoughts?

I love verse 17 – WHATEVER you say or do, do it in the name of the Lord. If we are going to say or do something that wouldn’t represent the Lord, then we shouldn’t!  I know some days my world is really quiet because I’m holding my tongue until I can say something that would be representative of what Jesus would say if He were speaking through me. Yes, very quiet indeed!  And some days are filled with repentance for saying things before they were filtered with love.

Stop and think where you would be without God’s amazing love. Now let that love and forgiveness flow through you to those around you as His representative.

But I am giving you a new command. You must love each other, just as I have loved you. 35 If you love each other, everyone will know that you are my disciples.” John 13:34-35 CEV

To Be Like A Child

Do you remember what it was like to be a kid?

Jesus Loves the Little Children

Last night we had the opportunity to be at the dedication service of our two youngest grandchildren, Sam and Kristine.

There were a number of families there with little ones. The pastor asked that we family members keep these children and their parents in our prayers as they grow.

The parents were making public their desire to raise their children to love the Lord and to have them learn to live their lives based on God’s word.

“People brought their small children to Jesus so that he could lay his hands on them to bless them. But the followers told the people to stop bringing their children to him. 14 Jesus saw what happened. He did not like his followers telling the children not to come. So he said to them, “Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because God’s kingdom belongs to people who are like these little children. 15 The truth is, you must accept God’s kingdom like a little child accepts things, or you will never enter it.” 16 Then Jesus held the children in his arms. He laid his hands on them and blessed them.” Mark 10:13-16 ERV

I love thinking about these verses. I can just see Jesus playing with the children; peek-a-boo, tag, hide n seek. He wasn’t too big or too important to be bothered. No, He made time to impact their lives.

He also took time to teach the adults about their relationship with His Father. “You must accept God’s kingdom like a little child accepts things”.

A small child knows nothing of how electricity is conducted but they accept that if you touch the switch the lights come on. They accept that the remote will make pictures appear on the tv. They accept if you open the refrigerator there will be something good to eat. They accept many things they don’t completely understand.

So with the same child like faith I accept that God loves me. I accept that Jesus died so my sins are forgiven. I accept that the Holy Spirit is with me each day to guide my thoughts and actions and to give me strength and wisdom. I accept that God the Father wants me to be with Him in heaven someday.

Do I completely understand all the ways of God? No! But what I do accept is that He loves me unconditionally and that will never change.

We have the opportunity to be examples of God’s love and forgiveness each day to the littles in our lives. Do we really think that God’s love for us is any less than the love we have for them?

“Do any of you have a son? If he asked for bread, would you give him a rock? 10 Or if he asked for a fish, would you give him a snake? Of course not! 11 You people are so bad, but you still know how to give good things to your children. So surely your heavenly Father will give good things to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:9-11 ERV

Father, my desire is to relate to you as my loving, gracious, kind and benevolent Father. Thank you for loving me. I want my life to be a reflection of your love. I want to bring honor to you.

I will close with this little incident from last evening. After the dedication, most of the parents took their children to the nursery area. I noticed one little with their parents who stayed in for the pastor’s teaching. At one point the parent got up, holding their child’s hand, they walked down the aisle to the exit. Then I heard the child proudly proclaim, “I go potty”. Some of us who heard it smiled and chuckled. I’m sure the parent was embarrassed but not the child.

We will often say and do things that could be embarrassing to our Father but they will never stop His love for us!


Made Special

I know we all want to feel special. There is something about us that “entitles” us to the little extras. A bigger piece of pie, an extra scoop of ice cream, more money per hour at work, the bigger bouquet, the nicer car, the corner office and the list goes on.

However, I’ve never been the one to win the trophy buckle, to graduate valedictorian, be promoted to executive team or even win the state championship. But there is one thing I’ve done that puts me in the top group every time!

“Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone (whosoever) who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life. ” John 3:15 ERV

Yes, I’m a member of the world – I’m an everyone! That makes me a recipient of the Father’s love and a participant in life eternal. I’m one of millions/billions of people who lived but I am one in a million in God’s eyes! He knows the number of hairs on my head, He knows when I fall and He knows my name.

“Training your body helps you in some ways. But devotion to God helps you in every way. It brings you blessings in this life and in the future life too. 9 Here is a true statement that should be accepted without question: 10 We hope in the living God, the Savior of all people. In particular, he is the Savior of all those who believe in him. This is why we work and struggle. 11 Command and teach these things.” I Timothy 4:8-11 CEV

Father God is the Savior of ALL but we have a part to play and that is we must BELIEVE in Him.

If I came to your house with a big box, wrapped in beautiful paper, tied up with a gorgeous ribbon and I had put your name on the box, would that present be yours? Well of course it would!

If you took that present and set it on the dining room table and looked at it, each day, admiring how pretty it was and how nice it was of me to bring it, would it benefit you? No, not really. It’s not until you open the gift, fully accept it, that it truly becomes yours and is a benefit to you.

Many people have seen the gift the Father brought them; the gift of forgiveness and restoration but for whatever reason have failed to open it and appropriate it for themselves.

“My dear children, I write this letter to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone sins, we have Jesus Christ to help us. He always did what was right, so he is able to defend us before God the Father. 2 Jesus is the way our sins are taken away. And he is the way all people can have their sins taken away too.” I John 2:1-2 CEV

“no matter if that person is a Jew or a Gentile. There is only one Lord, and he is generous to everyone who asks for his help. 13 All who call out to the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:12-13 CEV

So you see if you are a whosoever, an everyone, an “all people”, the gift is yours! Accept it and take advantage of what is being given – it definitely makes you a winner!

A Cinderella Story

Every year about this time we begin to see pictures of Prom.

Beautiful daughters and granddaughters. Handsome and princely sons and grandsons.

My senior year in high school I opted not to go to Prom. I didn’t have a boyfriend at the time and to be honest I guess I wondered if anyone would ask me. So instead of being hurt or embarrassed by not having a date, I asked a friend of mine who lived out of town to come visit for the weekend and we went fishing on prom night.

I don’t have a bucket list but Dave knows that if I did, one of the things on it would be to have a Cinderella night; one where I get to dress in a beautiful dress, go out to a fine restaurant and then dance with my prince (him) before the night is over. Yep, that would be just about perfect!

I believe that whether you are male or female we all have a desire to be presented in the best and most elegant way possible, even if it’s just for one night. God knows that about us – in fact, He is the one who put that desire in us – the desire to be regal, to have a moment of elegance and royalty.

“May kindness and peace be yours from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness. Jesus was the first to conquer death, and he is the ruler
of all earthly kings. Christ loves us, and by his blood he set us free
from our sins. 6 He lets us rule as kings and serve God his Father
as priests. To him be glory and power forever and ever! Amen.” Revelation 1:5-6CEV

Through Christ we are able to reign as kings and priests not just for a night but for all eternity. We will share with Him in His kingdom.

Jesus found us when we were scrubbing the floors and cleaning the ashes out of the fireplace in life and by His love has elevated us to a place of royalty in God’s kingdom.

Because He died for us and took our sin we are no longer dirty, unworthy or inadequate for life with Him. This is the great exchange! He took our sin and the penalty of death attached to it so that we could take His life of righteousness and the gift of life and right standing with God!

“Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new. 18 God has done it all! He sent Christ to make peace between himself and us, and he has given us the work of making peace between himself and others.

19 What we mean is that God was in Christ, offering peace and forgiveness to the people of this world. And he has given us the work of sharing his message about peace. 20 We were sent to speak for Christ, and God is begging you to listen to our message. We speak for Christ and sincerely ask you to make peace with God. 21 Christ never sinned! But God treated him as a sinner, so that Christ could make us acceptable to God.” II Corinthians 5:17-21 CEV

Jesus, the Prince of Peace, came looking for us when we were lost and forgotten.

“The Son of Man came to find lost people and save them.” Luke 19:10 ERV

We have been given a new life, not just for a “bucket list” night but forever. We give up our old life and let Him live His life through us!

“But you are God’s chosen and special people. You are a group of royal priests and a holy nation. God has brought you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Now you must tell all the wonderful things that he has done. The Scriptures say, 10 “Once you were nobody. Now you are God’s people. At one time no one had pity on you. Now God has treated you with kindness” I Peter 2:9-10 CEV

The Father has planned our future and it’s glorious!