Grateful for Protection

Thanksgiving travel has already begun. Planes, trains and automobiles are carrying loved ones from place to place.

Thank God for His protection.

“I look up to the mountains—
    does my help come from there?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
    who made heaven and earth!

He will not let you stumble;
    the one who watches over you will not slumber.
Indeed, he who watches over Israel
    never slumbers or sleeps.

The Lord himself watches over you!
    The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.

The sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon at night.

The Lord keeps you from all harm
    and watches over your life.
The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go,
    both now and forever.” Psalm 121 NLT

When we lived in the Northwest winter travel could be treacherous. No matter what direction we traveled, we needed to cross mountain passes. The roads were always if-y at best. Dave is a skilled driver and I am a confident prayer warrior so we made a good combination.

God was and is faithful!

“Aren’t two sparrows sold for only a penny? But your Father knows when any one of them falls to the ground. 30 Even the hairs on your head are counted. 31 So don’t be afraid! You are worth much more than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:29-31 CEV

I’ve never been in a lion’s den or a fiery furnace. I’ve never faced shipwreck at sea or been thrown in prison but I have the firsthand testimony of those who have and they all tell me “There’s nothing to fear because God is with us”.

Oh, yes, He is!

“You can go to God Most High to hide. You can go to God All-Powerful for protection.
I say to the Lord, “You are my place of safety, my fortress. My God, I trust in you.”
3 God will save you from hidden dangers and from deadly diseases. You can go to him for protection. He will cover you like a bird spreading its wings over its babiesYou can trust him to surround and protect you like a shield. You will have nothing to fear at night” Psalm 91:1-5a ERV

As you wait for your family and friends to arrive this Thanksgiving, pray over them. Pray for their safe travels. As you send them away at the end of their visit pray for their protection.

There is no safer place to be than under the watchful eye of our loving heavenly Father. I am so grateful for His protection!

It Will Last Forever

Our world is filled with so many disposable things. I’m not just talking about paper plates, plastic tableware and cups. Those are very prominent this time of the year. We don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen preparing our Thanksgiving meal only to spend more hours in the kitchen cleaning up and washing dishes after it’s over. So, disposable pans and paper plates come to the rescue.

This got me to thinking about all the other things in our homes that we replace after 1, 5, or 10 years.

I appreciate those things that have stood the passing of time. The butter churn, cookie jar, my silverplate tableware and my wooden handled knife, spoon and meat fork are favorites in my kitchen. Yes. So many memories.

As Thanksgiving and Christmas approaches, I get a bit melancholy. Remembering my favorite holiday traditions from childhood and also the ones we tried to create for our children and grandchildren.

But nothing lasts forever – or does it?

“Shout praises to the Lord, everyone on this earth. Be joyful and sing as you come in
 to worship the Lord! You know the Lord is God! He created us, and we belong to him;
we are his people, the sheep in his pasture. 4 Be thankful and praise the Lord as you enter his temple. The Lord is good! His love and faithfulness will last forever.” Psalm 100

His love and His faithfulness last forever!

Does that thrill your heart like it does mine? God’s not going to “fall” out of love with us and He will continue to be faithful to His word and to us forever. (Stop and think about that for a minute)

“Our Lord, I will sing of your love forever. Everyone yet to be born will hear me praise your faithfulness. I will tell them, “God’s love can always be trusted, and his faithfulness lasts as long as the heavens.” Psalm 89:1-2 CEV

This may be silly, but I’ve been known to be unconventional at times so bear with me. Wouldn’t it be great to have a sign over our trash cans that reads “His love and faithfulness will last forever”? Every time we dispose of things from this daily life, we would be reminded of what truly is important and what lasts forever.

“Things that are seen don’t last forever, but things that are not seen are eternal. This is why we keep our minds on the things that cannot be seen.” II Corinthians 4:18 CEV

Enjoy your day. Don’t be bothered or distracted by the temporary things of this life. Let’s keep our focus on things that will last forever.

Time to Celebrate

I remember years ago when our oldest daughter was just a toddler we had bands of sheep across the road in the fields. I would walk her across the road and she would watch the sheep.

My husband grew up with sheep herders and had the opportunity to watch their ways. Interesting people. One man with several working dogs could control a large band of sheep – protecting them and moving them from one field to another.

Shepherds care for their sheep. They live with them in the field. They don’t abandon them. They protect them personally and then leave the dogs with them to keep them safe from predators in the night.

The shepherd makes sure they have plenty of grass in the pasture and when it is eaten down they move the sheep on to the next field. Shepherds also make sure their flocks have plenty of water. They pay close attention to the weak and injured; nursing their wounds and seeing that they aren’t picked on by the stronger rams.

I have a good shepherd. He loves me, He cares for me, He feeds and protects me and He searches for me if I get lost and He brings me back to His fold!

Jesus said: I tell you for certain that only thieves and robbers climb over the fence instead of going in through the gate to the sheep pen. 2-3 But the gatekeeper opens the gate for the shepherd, and he goes in through it. The sheep know their shepherd’s voice. He calls each of them by name and leads them out.

4 When he has led out all of his sheep, he walks in front of them, and they follow, because they know his voice. 5 The sheep will not follow strangers. They don’t recognize a stranger’s voice, and they run away…

7 Jesus said: I tell you for certain that I am the gate for the sheep. 8 Everyone who came before me was a thief or a robber, and the sheep did not listen to any of them. 9 I am the gate. All who come in through me will be saved. Through me they will come and go and find pasture.

10 A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest. 11 I am the good shepherd, and the good shepherd gives up his life for his sheep. 12 Hired workers are not like the shepherd…

14 I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep, and they know me. 15 Just as the Father knows me, I know the Father, and I give up my life for my sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not in this sheep pen. I must bring them together too, when they hear my voice. Then there will be one flock of sheep and one shepherd.” John 10:1-16 CEV

“Then Jesus told them this story: 4 If any of you has a hundred sheep, and one of them gets lost, what will you do? Won’t you leave the ninety-nine in the field and go look for the lost sheep until you find it? 5 And when you find it, you will be so glad that you will put it on your shoulder 6 and carry it home. Then you will call in your friends and neighbors and say, ‘Let’s celebrate! I’ve found my lost sheep.’” Luke 15:3-6 CEV

I am a loved sheep -> lost but now I’m found. It’s time to celebrate the Shepherd’s great love!!

Thankful for the Father’s Love

Today is our son’s birthday. Nothing like your children’s birthdays to cause you to reminisce!

Spent a good portion of the morning thinking about our lives with our son. We are blessed!

But then my thoughts wandered, and I began to think about what my heavenly Father thinks about me and so many verses came to mind.

” I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering. 12 You will turn back to me and ask for help, and I will answer your prayers.” Jeremiah 29:11-12 CEV

My Father has a plan for my future – hopeful and successful.

He has known my days from the very beginning.

“You are the one who put me together inside my mother’s body, 14 and I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me. Everything you do is marvelous! Of this I have no doubt. 15 Nothing about me is hidden from you! I was secretly woven together deep in the earth below, 16 but with your own eyes you saw my body being formed. Even before I was born, you had written in your book everything I would do. 17 Your thoughts are far beyond my understanding, much more than I could ever imagine.” Psalm 139:13-17 CEV

Because of the Father’s unconditional love for us He has never said anything bad about us, never given up on us, never thought anything but the best of us. In spite of our shortcomings and failings we’ve always had His love.

“Love endures with patience and serenity, love is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; love does not brag and is not proud or arrogant. 5 It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; it does not take into account a wrong endured. 6 It does not rejoice at injustice, but rejoices with the truth [when right and truth prevail]. 7 Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening]. 8 Love never fails [it never fades nor ends].” I Corinthians 13:4-8 AMP

Since God is love – this is a description of how He is toward us!

These are the Father’s thoughts toward me, and He will never abandon or desert me – He’s always there with all I need. He’s there to forgiven me when I fail.

“But if we confess our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away.” I John 1:9 CEV

As a parent of adult children and as a grandparent, I hope that my life will always be an example of the Father’s love!

I am so glad that my Father loves me!

Focused On God’s Goodness

Today, and every day, there is really only one place to focus our attention. It’s on God’s goodness.

When we do, we can love like Jesus, forgive like Jesus and be an example of Jesus in the world around us.

 Command and teach these things12 You are young, but don’t let anyone treat you as if you are not important. Be an example to show the believers how they should live. Show them by what you say, by the way you live, by your love, by your faith, and by your pure life. 13 Continue to read the Scriptures to the people, encourage them, and teach them. Do this until I come.” I Timothy 4:11-13 ERV

Encourage, teach, love, live in the goodness of God.

“Praise the Lord! He is good. God’s love never fails. Praise the God of all gods. God’s love never fails. Praise the Lord of lords. God’s love never fails.” Psalm 136:1-3 CEV

“You are my God. I worship you. In my heart, I long for you, as I would long for a stream in a scorching desert. I have seen your power and your glory in the place of worship. Your love means more than life to me, and I praise you. As long as I live, I will pray to you. I will sing joyful praises and be filled with excitement like a guest at a banquet. I think about you, God, before I go to sleep, and my thoughts turn to you during the night. 7 You have helped me, and I sing happy songs in the shadow of your wings. I stay close to you, and your powerful arm supports me.” Psalm 63:1-8 CEV

Reading this Psalm reminded me of one of my favorites.

“You prepared a meal for me in front of my enemies. You welcomed me as an honored guest. My cup is full and spilling over. Your goodness and mercy will be with me all my life, and I will live in the Lord’s house a long, long time.” Psalm 23:5-6 ERV

Because of God’s goodness we are invited to be His guests. He protects us with goodness and mercy. Our enemies watch as the Lord provides for us. His powerful arm supports us.

“Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. 14 Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14 NLT

Each day we are presented with opportunities of doubt and fear but when we wait on the Lord, we see His goodness and we can be brave and courageous. Focus on His goodness!

Praying, Lots of Praying

Lots of prayer this morning. So many loved ones and situations to talk with the Lord about. I am so thankful that He always has a listening ear.

 Always be full of joy17 Never stop praying18 Whatever happens, always be thankful. This is how God wants you to live in Christ Jesus.” I Thessalonians 5:16-18 ERV

There is such a connection between prayer and joy.

Prayer is expressing our need; joy is an expression of God’s provision and faithfulness. Thankfulness is trusting God for the right answer.

Seasons change and so do situations, but God never changes. He is always faithful, always good, always loving, always just, always gracious and merciful. Always true to His word.

 My brothers and sisters, you will have many kinds of trouble. But this gives you a reason to be very happyYou know that when your faith is tested, you learn to be patient in suffering. If you let that patience work in you, the end result will be good. You will be mature and complete. You will be all that God wants you to be.

Do any of you need wisdom? Ask God for it. He is generous and enjoys giving to everyone. So he will give you wisdom. But when you ask God, you must believe. Don’t doubt him. Whoever doubts is like a wave in the sea that is blown up and down by the wind. ” James 1:2-6 ERV

When we come to the Lord with heavy hearts He promises to give us rest. We lay our burdens down and He takes them up. He carries them and He works all things out for our good.

“Give all your worries to him, because he cares for you.” I Peter 5:7 ERV

I know I’ve used this example before, but this verse reminds me of a little child coming to their parent with a broken toy. “Fix it daddy, fix it”, they say. When the Father reaches to take it, they cry. “No, let me hold it”. To which our Father gently replies “You must give it to me if I’m to fix it. Let go. I’ll handle it from here.”

The hard part is in letting go but we can trust our Father, He only wants what is for our good.

I’m going to close this morning and go back to my time of prayer. A time to “be still and know that I am God”.

“Thank you for Father for perfecting those things that concern me. Thank you for working all things out for my good. Thank you for listening, loving and leading me. In Jesus name, I proclaim, Amen!”

Getting Prepared

“Jesus said to his disciples, “Don’t be worried! Have faith in God and have faith in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s house. I wouldn’t tell you this, unless it was true. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you. After I have done this, I will come back and take you with me. Then we will be together.” John 14:1-3 CEV

May 1st our park model home was delivered. We bought it without ever walking into a finished representation of this model. We had picked out the colors of the floors, cabinets, and exterior. The first time we saw it was when it was delivered but it wasn’t ready.

It had to be leveled, anchored, electric and plumbing had to be connected. Skirting and awning needed to be added. Air conditioning definitely needed to be installed. Still not ready to move it. We needed to buy furniture, our clothes needed to be hung in the closet, dishes in the cupboards and food in the fridge.

You get the idea. There was much to do to be ready for occupancy.

The last couple of weeks we (Dave and our friends) have been building a storage shed and the landscapers were here to put down a paver patio. Last week we painted three sides of the shed and today we’ll finish that project. Then it needs the final plumbing installed and finished out on the inside. The bar-b-q area needs to be completed, the washer/dryer, freezer and shelves moved in.

Then it will be complete. Let’s be realistic. From May 1st to November 1st, we have been and will be in a state of preparation. And when it’s done, I will be ecstatic.

Friends and family will come, and we will have a wonderful time of fellowship. In it’s unfinished state we’ve been havin’ folks over, and it’s been great but I’m looking forward to not being in a state of construction.

For the last almost two thousand years, heaven has been in a state of preparedness. Mansions are being built. Streets of gold are in place, pearl gates have been hung, the perfect environment has been created. God’s throne is in the center and there’s a place for each of us.

I know it’s almost ready – just a little more trim to paint, maybe a curtain or two to be hung. I feel Jesus is getting excited and asking the Father, “is it time to go get them and bring them home?”

Anticipation on earth is increasing as well. We’ve seen the description of heaven in the Bible. We’ve even heard stories from people who have had a sneak peak into what it’s like.

Now is the time to have our hearts prepared for His return.

“After Jesus had said this and while they were watching, he was taken up into a cloud. They could not see him, 10 but as he went up, they kept looking up into the sky.

Suddenly two men dressed in white clothes were standing there beside them. 11 They said, “Why are you men from Galilee standing here and looking up into the sky? Jesus has been taken to heaven. But he will come back in the same way you have seen him go.” Acts 1:9-11 CEV

Keep looking up. He’ll be back very soon!!

Followers, Friends, Family

I wish you could sit with me in the mornings and hear the words that the Lord drops into my heart. Although they can’t be heard audibly, they thunder in my soul.

“‘Wash yourselves clean! I hate your filthy deeds. Stop doing wrong 17 and learn to live right.
See that justice is done. Defend widows and orphans and help the oppressed.’

An Invitation from the Lord

18 I, the Lord, invite you to come and talk it over. Your sins are scarlet red, but they will be whiter than snow or wool. 19 If you willingly obey me, the best crops in the land will be yours.” Isaiah 1:16-19 CEV

When the Israelites were delivered from Egypt they had God’s promise, “I will be your God and you will be my people”. (Exodus 6:7, Leviticus 26:12)

But they forgot to serve God and went their own way and served other gods and also their own selfish ambitions. However, God did not forget them. He invited them to come, sit with Him, talk things over and He would forgive their sins and make them clean again. They were followers.

Jesus also had a group of people who were faithful followers and before He died Jesus elevated their relationship to one of friendship.

14 And you are my friends, if you obey me. 15 Servants don’t know what their master is doing, and so I don’t speak to you as my servants. I speak to you as my friends, and I have told you everything my Father has told me.

16 You did not choose me. I chose you and sent you out to produce fruit, the kind of fruit that will last. Then my Father will give you whatever you ask for in my name. 17 So I command you to love each other.” John 15:14-17 CEV

For three years they had followed Jesus. They had their up’s and down’s; Jesus taught them how to honor the Father. They had seen many miracles. Their time on earth together was coming to an end. Jesus reminded them that they had been chosen, we too have been chosen. He also reminded them that the Father would be attentive to their prayers.

Followers become friends. Friends become family.

“Only those people who are led by God’s Spirit are his children15  God’s Spirit doesn’t make us slaves who are afraid of him. Instead, we become his children and call him our Father16 God’s Spirit makes us sure that we are his children. 17 His Spirit lets us know that together with Christ we will be given what God has promised. We will also share in the glory of Christ, because we have suffered with him.” Romans 8:14-17 CEV


We have been invited to become family. Our heavenly Father is just, kind, and good. He is faithful, all-knowing, all-powerful, unconditionally loving. Nothing can separate us from His love. (Romans 8:35)

Christ suffered persecution and rejection. His words were misunderstood, and He was ridiculed for saying that God was His Father. We will experience some of the same because we are His family.

Since we will share some of the same challenges and hardships, we have His promise of help.

 Jesus understands every weakness of ours, because he was tempted in every way that we are. But he did not sin! 16 So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved grace, and we will find help.” Hebrews 4:15-16 CEV

We are family and God, our Father, is always there for us.

Followers, friends, family. I was a follower who became a friend but then I was adopted and now I’m family. Family is the best!

When Things Go Wrong

I was reading some of my favorite verses this morning and the thought came to me, what do we do when things go wrong?

And they do, you know…

A flat tire, a broken washing machine, an explosion in the kitchen – these are the simple things but what about the bigger messes? Cutbacks at work, downsizing, illness, divorce, fire, hurricanes, political upheaval, what do we do then.

 Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.

Finally, my friends, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. Don’t ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praiseYou know the teachings I gave you, and you know what you heard me say and saw me do. So follow my example. And God, who gives peace, will be with you.

10 The Lord has made me very grateful that at last you have thought about me once again. Actually, you were thinking about me all along, but you didn’t have any chance to show it. 11 I am not complaining about having too little. I have learned to be satisfied with whatever I have. 12 I know what it is to be poor or to have plenty, and I have lived under all kinds of conditions. I know what it means to be full or to be hungry, to have too much or too little. 13 Christ gives me the strength to face anything.” Philippians 4:6-13 CEV

Paul was a man who knew what it was to have things go wrong.

He was thrown into prison more than once, run out of towns for preaching. Once he was stoned and left for dead. He was shipwrecked, snake bit, hungry, left afloat in the sea and he spent his final days under house arrest, not being able to travel to visit the saints he loved.

Yet, his letters were filled with encouragement for them and for us. He showed us how to live a life of faithfulness, trusting God in every situation!

I love verse 9. “Follow my example and God will give you peace”.

Peace? Peace!

And how do we achieve this? By praying about everything, worrying about nothing, and thinking on the goodness of God. Whatever is true, honest, pure, right, kind and holy. In others words having our minds stayed or anchored to God.

“God, you give true peace to people who depend on you, to those who trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3 ERV

In the middle of the mess, we can trust. When the waves are ready to swamp our boats, we can trust. When we’re in the lions’ den or facing the giants, we can trust!

Christ gives me the strength to face anything.” Philippians 4:13 CEV

No matter where, no matter what, no matter how big the mess, Christ promises us the strength we need to go through it in victory.

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in victory through Christ. God uses us to spread his knowledge everywhere like a sweet-smelling perfume.” II Corinthians 2:14 CEV

And we will be a sweet-smelling testimony to God’s goodness and faithfulness!

Montana Mountain Moments

With our unseasonably high temperatures I’ve been thinking about what the weather is like in other areas where we have lived.

I always knew that by the end of October we would have snow on the ground when we lived in the panhandle of Idaho. But snow came even sooner when we lived in Montana. Always, always, we had snowfall on Columbus Day. I found this picture and it was dated October 6, 2013, a week before Columbus Day so the snow came early that year.

What a gorgeous day, I remember it well. It was a Sunday. Dave and I assisted a large animal vet, and we were called out to preg check and vaccinate a small herd at a remote ranch. There had been fresh snow fall for a couple of days; the pastures and the mountains were covered; the air was crisp and it was a beautiful day.

“He renews our hopes and heals our bodies. He decided how many stars there would be in the sky and gave each one a name. Our Lord is great and powerful! He understands everything…8He fills the sky with clouds and sends rain to the earth, so that the hills will be green with grass. He provides food for cattle and for the young ravens, when they cry out…14God lets you live in peace, and he gives you the very best wheat. 15 As soon as God speaks, the earth obeys. 16 He covers the ground with snow like a blanket of wool, and he scatters frost like ashes on the ground.” Psalm 147 CEV

The Lord who put the stars in the sky, gives field grass to the cattle and covers the ground with snow, loves and cares for us. He has provided us with His word and every promise He gives will come to pass.

“Turn to the Lord! He can still be found.  Call out to God! He is near.Give up your evil ways
 and your evil thoughts. Return to the Lord our God. He will be merciful and forgive your sins. The Lord says: ‘My thoughts and my ways are not like yours. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, my thoughts and my ways are higher than yours.

10 “Rain and snow fall from the sky. But they don’t return without watering the earth that produces seeds to plant and grain to eat. 11 That’s how it is with my words. They don’t return to me without doing everything I send them to do.” Isaiah 55:6-11 CEV

If you live in a place where you can see the stars, are blessed with rain, and can see snow covered mountains, then know this. These are signs of God’s promises. They are examples of His faithfulness.

His ways far exceed ours; His love is unconditional and everlasting. His mercy never ends. His faithfulness is to a thousand generations and He cannot lie, His word is true. Heaven and earth may pass away but God’s word will never fail.

I pray that you will have a Montana Mountain Moment and will be able to look around at all God has made and say “Thank you Father for loving me and always being faithful to Your word”.