Write Your Story

Today I’m going to offer you a physical challenge. It may take you outside your comfort zone. I want you to write down how you came to faith in Jesus. Someday when you are no longer here you’re family and loved ones will want to know how your relationship with the Lord began.

Jesus asked this of his disciples: “Jesus went to the area of Caesarea Philippi. He said to his followers, ‘Who do people say I am?’ 14 They answered, ‘Some people say you are John the Baptizer. Others say you are Elijah. And some say you are Jeremiah or one of the prophets.’ 15 Then Jesus said to his followers, ‘And who do you say I am?’” Matthew 16:13-15 CEV

Who do you say that I am?

If that were the topic of your High School English class essay, how many words, how many pages would it take to answer the question? Sitting here this morning my heart runs to so many places; each time reminding me of God’s love and faithfulness revealed through Jesus.

Peter’s answer to Jesus was this: “Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:16 ERV

Peter’s answer was God given. These men who had lived with Jesus day in and day out, had experienced life, God directed life, up close and personal. Yet earlier in this chapter they once again doubted, thinking in mere human terms and not in God’s terms.

Jesus reminded them that they should be founded on the rock – in Matthew we have the story of the man who built his house on a rock and when the storms of life came, he was not shaken; when we know that our foundation is Christ, the storms of life won’t shake us.

I’m sure, if asked, the shepherds would have said He was a babe, born to be our Savior. The wisemen called Him a king. John the Baptizer said he’s my cousin but He’s also the Lamb of God who comes to take away the sins of the world. The woman with the bleeding condition called Him healer and the Samaritan woman at the well called Him the man who told me all I ever have done. Saul on the road to Damascus called Him Lord. John, while on the Isle of Patmos, called Him Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Mary called Him master.

So let me ask you again – Who do you say that I am?

 Your heart should be holy and set apart for the Lord God. Always be ready to tell everyone who asks you why you believe as you do. Be gentle as you speak and show respect.” I Peter 3:15 NLV

I say His name is Jesus. He is my Savior, my dearest friend, my healer and the One who gives me peace in any storm, my constant companion. My Lord and My God.

Give voice to your testimony. The world needs to hear your story!

Love Letters

Each day I am thankful that God has allowed me to share His word with you. I don’t know where I would be without the Father’s love or His wonderful love letter, His Word! In fact, I don’t even want to think about what my life would be like without Him.

God’s Word has brought me forgiveness of sins, health to my body, peace to my soul, healing for my children, enrichment in my marriage. It has provided wisdom when my human intellect was lacking, protection in physical and emotional storms and safety in the face of danger. God’s promises have let me know that He would always supply, and He always has.

I do have to tell you; it hasn’t always been this way. I lived a defeated life for a long time until I saw in God’s word that He has made provision for more than just eternal life and that He wanted me to live victoriously while I was here on earth.

God’s promises are the same today as when He made them. His Word is for everyone. We must appropriate what God has given us; simply put, we must believe it regardless of how we feel or what circumstances tell us we should believe. There have been days that I wake up and don’t feel very saved; but my salvation isn’t founded on my feelings, it’s based on God’s love and Jesus’ sacrifice. There are days that I wake up and may not feel healed, but I am because it’s based on God’s promise and Jesus’ sacrifice.

Circumstances said there wasn’t enough lunch to feed 5000 men with five loaves and 2 fishes, but the blessing of God flowed and there was more than enough. The circumstances said the apostles should lock themselves away and hide at the crucifixion, but the power of God was released through His Word and resurrection came!

The medical world said nothing could be done for the woman with the issue of blood but just one touch brought healing to her body. Yes, the word of God changes our circumstances when we believe; it’s called faith! Not faith in ourselves, but faith in God’s unchanging, unfailing love and the power of His word.

“With all my heart I praise the Lord, and with all that I am I praise his holy name! With all my heart I praise the Lord! I will never forget how kind he has been. The Lord forgives our sins, heals us when we are sick, and protects us from death. His kindness and love are a crown on our heads. Each day that we live  he provides for our needs and gives us the strength of a young eagle.” Psalm 103:1-5 CEV

These verses have a heading of “The Lord’s Wonderful Love”.

His love is everlasting – it never comes to an end. All of His goodness can be found in His love letter to us, it’s called His Word!

Long Life & Honor

The more I thought about how to title this morning’s blog the more it sounded like something from Star Trek, “Live long and prosper”.

It made me wonder, how many seasoned saints heard Leonard Nimoy make that statement in the 1960’s and said “that sure sounds like Scripture”?

I am not a Trekkie. In fact, I’ve probably only seen a half dozen episodes of the original series and none of the movies or subsequent spinoffs. However, that theme is worth pondering.

I actually found it twice this morning in the book of Proverbs.

“By humility and the fear of the Lord Are riches and honor and life.” Proverbs 22:4 NKJV

“He who follows righteousness and mercy Finds life, righteousness, and honor.” Proverbs 21:21 NKJV

These two verses, repeated as close together as they are, give us instruction for daily life. Life goals, as it were. Most of us want to prosper in this life but prosperity can mean different things to different people. To some it means great wealth and to others it means a life filled with joy and peace.

Jesus repeated Solomon’s teaching when He said to His disciples:

“The robber comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I came so they might have life, a great full life.” John 10:10 NLV

Early in our marriage I had my own definition of prosperity. I told David I would know we were prosperous when I could go to the grocery store without a calculator and be able to pay for the items in my cart. That may seem very simplistic, and it is but going from not having enough to having a full cart and the money to pay for it was prosperity. It still is!

“The Lord is my Shepherd. I will have everything I need.” Psalm 23:1 NLV

 And my God will give you everything you need because of His great riches in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 NLV

Getting to know the Father and His character, understanding the example that Jesus set for us and following the leading of the Holy Spirit bring us to a place of confidence in the promises of God.

“The Helper (Holy Spirit) will tell about Me when He comes. I will send Him to you from the Father. He is the Spirit of Truth and comes from the Father. ” John 15:26 NLV

So, the question comes. How do we live long and prosper? We humble ourselves, trusting God’s wisdom more than we do our own, and let Him direct our steps.

How Soon We Forget

It’s good to reminisce. It brings special memories to the forefront of our minds. Some things we should never forget. God’s faithfulness comes to the top of my list.

The wonderful things the Lord has done for us in the past sometimes get lost in our memory when we focus on the problems of the present. It’s a form of spiritual amnesia.

The Israelites had lived in slavery to the Egyptians for four hundred years. The Lord sent Moses to lead them from captivity. The power of God was seen in the ten plagues that fell on the land of Egypt. Finally, Pharoah let God’s people go.

But it didn’t take long for him to reconsider his decision.

“When the Israelites saw the king coming with his army, they were frightened and begged the Lord for help. 11 They also complained to Moses, ‘Wasn’t there enough room in Egypt to bury us? Is that why you brought us out here to die in the desert? Why did you bring us out of Egypt anyway? 12 While we were there, didn’t we tell you to leave us alone? We’d rather be slaves in Egypt than die in this desert!’

13 But Moses answered, ‘Don’t be afraid! Be brave, and you will see the Lord save you today. These Egyptians will never bother you again. 14 The Lord will fight for you, and you won’t have to do a thing.’” Exodus 14:10-14 CEV

They forgot that God was defending and protecting them but thank God, He didn’t. He told Moses to keep moving forward. Then Moses was to stretch out his rod and the Red Sea would part so they could walk across on dry ground. And the rest is history. This miracle was something Moses would remind them of for the next forty years.

For a number of years, I worked in an animal hospital. Each year we would see the same dogs for porcupine quill removal. The first year I assisted with the quill removal I was amazed at how the dog’s chest, mouth, and muzzle was filled with quills. Some cases were so severe that we would have to sedate the dog to get them all. Then Doc said an interesting thing, “we’ll see this dog back again next year for the same thing”, and sure enough we did. You see there was a partial memory loss, amnesia. The dogs remembered the porcupine but forgot the horrible experience of the quills.

Pharaoh quickly forgot the pain of the plagues and only saw that his work force of slaves was fleeing. The Israelites forgot their 400 years of slavery and God’s deliverance and could only see the trouble of the pursuing Egyptians.

But, Moses remembered GOD! Today I encourage you to remember God.

“God gave his Law to Jacob’s descendants, the people of Israel. And he told our ancestors to teach their children, so that each new generation would know his Law and tell it to the next. Then they would trust God and obey his teachings, without forgetting anything God had done.” Psalm 78:5-7 CEV

Let’s not forget those big and small things God has done for us in the past. They are the foundation of faith we stand on for our present and our future.

Great Joy

This was a weekend of great joy!

Our children blessed us with a 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration and it was wonderful! Our oldest daughter is quite the party planner and she saw to every little detail. It was the first time in years that all our family had been together. Kids, grandkids and great – my mother’s heart was full and running over.

Dave and I aren’t the same young couple that said I do 50 years ago but the meaning of those words has never been stronger. I do promise to love you, I do promise to be your support and strength, I do promise not to leave, I do promise to keep you in the center of my heart and my prayers.

Like all older married couples life has given us up’s and down’s. A few we wondered how we would ever get through but God’s grace and time saw things change. Never give up on God’s abundant, amazing, flood of grace! There are promises from His word that have strengthened us and given us hope when we our hearts were broken.

So let me ask you this, are there things in your life that appear to be impossible or nearly impossible to change? Maybe not impossible but highly unlikely? Give them to the Lord – place them under His control.

God has a way of changing the impossible!

“Nothing is impossible for God!” Luke 1:37 CEV

I’ve learned over the years that part of that changing process begins in me. I have to begin to see things differently and have to get past being offended or intimidated. I have to be willing to change. The Father wants my heart to conform to His.

A boy was brought to Jesus who needed to be healed. The father had some doubt. He knew Jesus could do it but he wasn’t sure Jesus would.

“Jesus said to the father, ‘Why did you say ‘if you can’? All things are possible for the one who believes.” 24 Immediately the father shouted, ‘I do believe. Help me to believe more!’” Mark 9:23-24 ERV

Sometimes we just need to be honest with God, recognize our own weakness and limitation and then say “Help me believe more”.

Jesus’ own disciples doubted on many occasions. There were storms to overcome. Jesus calmed the storms and brought peace. He wants to do the same in our lives. Whether you’re married 50 years or 5; unmarried and facing a new career or move – God is faithful!

With God all things are possible!

What’s Important?

In yesterday’s blog we met Hannah who had experienced great sorrow because of the natural circumstances of infertility. Today we will see the sorrow of a man who has everything.

The rich young ruler came to Jesus and asked what he needed to do to be saved. Jesus replied that he should sell all that he had and give it to the poor. Now don’t take this as a condemnation of wealth, it’s not. Jesus just knew that the man’s riches meant more to him than a relationship with Christ. Scripture says this man left Jesus and he was filled with sorrow.

“Then Jesus told him, ‘If you want to be perfect, go now and sell your property and give the money away to the poor—you will have riches in Heaven. Then come and follow me!’

22 When the young man heard that he turned away crestfallen, for he was very wealthy.

23-24 Then Jesus remarked to his disciples, ‘Believe me, a rich man will find it very difficult to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Yes, I repeat, a camel could more easily squeeze through the eye of a needle than a rich man get into the kingdom of God!’

25 The disciples were simply amazed to hear this, and said, ‘Then who can possibly be saved?’

26 Jesus looked steadily at them and replied, ‘Humanly speaking it is impossible; but with God anything is possible!’

27 At this Peter exclaimed, ‘Look, we have left everything and followed you. What is that going to be worth to us?’

28-30 ‘Believe me,’ said Jesus, ‘when I tell you that in the next world, when the Son of Man shall sit down on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones and become judges of the twelve tribes of Israel. Every man who has left houses or brothers or sisters or fathers or mother or children or land for my sake will receive it all back many times over, and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first now will be last then—and the last first!’” Matthew 19:21-30 Phillips

Peter and the other disciples had given up everything to follow Jesus; they had left their businesses to follow Christ, so this comment concerned them. Jesus reassured them that since they had left all to follow Him, they had a proper perspective of their possessions. Their commitment to Christ was their top priority. If the rich young ruler had trusted Jesus’ call to leave all and follow Him, he too would have had a place among the disciples.

Hannah brought her sorrow to the Lord and left with a sense of purpose and joy. The young ruler came to Jesus with his accomplishments and success and went away in sorrow. The difference between these two was trust. One trusted personal accomplishments and one trusted God.

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33 NLT

God isn’t out to ruin our lives, He wants to complete it!

Is God Real?

Are you honest – really honest? I’ve had people tell me they aren’t sure if God really exists and if He does He sure hasn’t done anything to prove to them that He is real.

My response isn’t one to condemn them but to ask them to be honest with themselves and with God. I ask them to tell God they aren’t sure He exists, but they are willing to let Him show them that He truly is there and that He cares. Then I ask them to be honest enough to admit it when He does.

You see God is big enough to handle any question or situation. If someone really isn’t sure that He exists, God is certainly faithful and loving enough to prove that He does!

I will tell you that He has proven himself to be my loving, gracious, heavenly Father!

“I will tell of your greatness, my God and King. I will praise your name forever and ever.2 I will praise you every day. I will praise your name forever and ever. 3 The Lord is great and deserves all our praise! No one can fully understand his greatness!

4 Each generation will praise you and tell the next generation about the great things you do. 5 Your majesty and glory are wonderful. I will tell about your miracles. 6 People will tell about the amazing things you do, and I will tell everyone how great you are. 7 They will talk about your goodness and sing about your justice. 8 The Lord is kind and merciful, patient and full of love. 9 The Lord is good to everyone. He shows his mercy to everything he made.

10 Lord, all you have made will give thanks to you. Your loyal followers will praise you. 11 They will tell how great your kingdom is. They will tell how great you are. 12 So others will learn about the mighty things you do, about the glory of your kingdom—how marvelous it is!

13 Your kingdom will never end, and you will rule forever. The Lord can be trusted in all that he says. He is loyal in all that he does. 14 The Lord lifts up people who have fallen. He helps those who are in trouble. 15 All living things look to you for their food, and you give them their food at the right time.

16 You open your hands and give every living thing all that it needs. 17 Everything the Lord does is good. Everything he does shows how loyal he is. 18 The Lord is near to everyone who sincerely calls to him for help. 19 He listens to his followers and does what they want. He answers their prayers and saves them.

20 The Lord protects everyone who loves him, but he destroys all who do evil. 21 I will praise the Lord! Let everyone praise his holy name forever and ever!” Psalm 145 ERV

Today is a day to declare the goodness and the glory of God. His kindness is overwhelming, His ways are just and His judgments are true. He is love! I give Him my heart and my praise.

If you know someone who is wondering if God is real tell them to ask Him to show them His love. He will.

Begging or Believing

This morning I was reminded of a time, not so very long ago, when I was talking with the Lord about a situation that needed to be changed. Yes, I was complaining and even started to beg. It didn’t take me long to realize that the Lord was not impressed by either.

I had this thought come up – are you a beggar or a believer? What! A beggar or a believer? Show me how to stop begging because I really thought I was believing.

Jesus is the perfect example of a “believer”. He never doubted God’s word or His power. We need to follow his instruction. Jesus’ disciples asked for examples on how to increase their faith, their ability to believe, and this is what happened.

“The apostles said to the Lord, ‘Show us how to increase our faith.'” Luke 17:5 NLT

Jesus went on to tell the disciples about a man that had a slave who worked for him. He said that the master doesn’t compliment the slave for doing what he’s supposed to do. No, he expects the task to be done.

The way I read this is Jesus was telling them that they didn’t need to beg for faith, they simply needed to put it to work. And then Jesus gave them an example.

“As he entered a village there, ten men with leprosy stood at a distance, 13 crying out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” 14 He looked at them and said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed of their leprosy.” Luke 17:12-14 NLT

The lepers “begged” Jesus for healing. Jesus put his faith to work and “believed” God and it was accomplished. Faith was working to bring about the will of God.

Another example is the lame man at the Gate Beautiful who had been there begging alms all his adult life. He saw Peter and John coming to the temple and began begging from them. Peter said “We don’t have any silver or gold to give you today but what we do have we’ll give to you. In the name of Jesus, rise up and walk”. (Acts 4) Immediately he jumped up and began walking.

“You see this man, and you know him. He put his faith in the name of Jesus and was made strong. Faith in Jesus made this man completely well while everyone was watching.” Acts 4:16

Begging indicates a lack of faith, an uncertainty that what we are asking will get done. But faith is confident belief.

 We can come to God with no doubts. This means that when we ask God for things (and those things agree with what God wants for us), God cares about what we say. 15 He listens to us every time we ask him. So we know that he gives us whatever we ask from him.” I John 5:14-15 ERV

That’s the way it is with our heavenly Father, we simply tell Him about the need and believe in faith that it will be taken care of. There’s no need to be a beggar, we are called to be believers.

Have faith in God!

The Seed and The Soil

I’d like to end the teachings on the seed and the soil this morning with a couple more thoughts.

All of Scripture and the teachings of Jesus can be summed up as seed. Every one’s reaction to God’s word is soil and the seed being planted comes from hearing and what we do with what we hear.

“So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.” Romans 10:17 NLT

Not being affected by what we hear is seed falling on hard ground; quick growth with no long-lasting results is seed falling on rocky ground; getting offended by the Word that is heard and distracted by riches and worries is a result of seed falling on thorny ground but seed that brings a harvest comes when we embrace the Word of God and put it into practice.

At one time or another my heart has been like every kind of soil. Ample seed and good soil result in a bumper crop.

I want to go back to two of our examples of good soil from yesterday. They are found in Luke 8, the woman with the bleeding condition and the father with the sick daughter. The woman had been weakened by her condition for 12 years. She had spent all she had and gotten no better, hope was all but gone and then she heard of Jesus, a man who did miracles.

She heard and she planted those seeds of the message of healing deep in her heart. She heard and she ventured out to find and touch Jesus. She knew if she could just get to Him, if she could just touch Him, she would be healed. The seed planted, grew and produced a harvest.

“…The whole crowd heard her explain why she had touched him and that she had been immediately healed.” Luke 8:47b NLT

Jairus, the father, was in the same crowd as the woman. In fact, Jesus was on the way to his house when the woman stopped them. Now, as Jairus waited for Jesus to minister to the woman servants came from his house to say his daughter had died. Jesus was quick to counter their report.

“But when Jesus heard what had happened, he said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith, and she will be healed.” Luke 8:50 NLT

Jesus pulled out the thorns of worry that were ready to choke the seed of faith and stop the harvest of healing that Jairus needed for his daughter. Thorns were removed and harvest came.

“…’Stop the weeping! She isn’t dead; she’s only asleep.’ 53 But the crowd laughed at him because they all knew she had died. 54 Then Jesus took her by the hand and said in a loud voice, ‘My child, get up!’ 55 And at that moment her life returned,” Luke 8:52-55 NLT

Daily I plant the seeds of God’s word in my heart and daily I’m confronted with opportunities to let it lay dormant, make a momentary impact, be stolen by worry and life’s busyness or to allow it to grow.

God’s word never fails but my application of it can. I ask you to join me in making a renewed commitment to let the seed of God’s word grow in the soil of our hearts and produce a great harvest.

Bumper Crop

I hope you will bear with me as we continue with the teaching on good soil. You see that’s something that Dave and I know a lot about.

In the early 1980’s we farmed 900+ acres of alfalfa on the Gila River west of Phoenix. The ranch had perfect conditions for growing a bumper crop. Rich river loam soil, plenty of water and the warm AZ sunshine. That plus hard work, long hours all covered with prayer produced a crop that was hard to believe.

That’s when I learned first-hand the practicality of the principle Jesus was teaching His disciples on planting God’s word in good soil.

God’s word is called an incorruptible seed, our hearts are the soil and Jesus provides the “Son-shine” and rivers of living water to make the seed grow.

“And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest.” Luke 8:15 NLT

“You have been given a new birth. It was from a seed that cannot die. This new life is from the Word of God which lives forever.” I Peter 1:23 NLV

“The Holy Writings say that rivers of living water will flow from the heart of the one who puts his trust in Me.” John 7:38 NLV

Jesus worked continually to bring seed to the hearts of the people who followed Him. He would teach for hours and days to see that the seed of the Good News of the Gospel was planted in soil (hearts) that had been prepared to receive.

He encountered hard, stony and even thorny ground among his closest disciples but the longer he tended the soil of their hearts the more productive it became. The harvest in the life of the disciples was so productive that the seed sown is being used to produce a crop of faith in our lives.

Let’s look at what happened after Jesus preached this message. Luke 8:22-25 the thorny hearts of the disciples thought they were going to drown at sea. Luke 8:26-38 the good soil of the demoniac received his deliverance, but the hard heart of the pig farmers told Jesus to leave their area.

Luke 8:40-56 the seed of hope and healing was sown into the hearts of a woman who had a bleeding condition for 12 years and also in a father whose daughter was so sick she died. Both hearts reaped a harvest of healing and restoration.

Luke 9:1-6 the disciples’ hearts received the seed of God’s power and they went to the neighboring towns and cities preaching and healing.

Luke 9:10-17 Jesus was sowing seed in the lives of 5000 men and their families. Their hearts were prepared however, the hearts of the disciples were thorny and they let the size of the crowd steal the word, the seed, that Jesus gave them. But there was one boy whose heart was open and he shared his lunch with Jesus. Jesus prayed, the disciples served and a miraculous harvest took place.

Jesus was, and still is, the sower who sows the seeds of faith into the fields of our hearts. As we prepared our hearts, His seed will produce a bumper crop!