Think Big!

Have you ever heard of “grasshoppers syndrome”? Grasshopper Syndrome was first diagnosed in Numbers 13.

Moses had led the Israelites out of Egypt . God said He would give them the Promised Land. All they had to do was go in and possess it. Moses chose twelve men to spy out the land and bring back a report. Ten men came back with Grasshopper Syndrome and two men, Joshua and Caleb, came back only seeing the good that God had revealed to them.

“Caleb told the people near Moses to be quiet. Then Caleb said, “We should go up and take that land for ourselves. We can easily take that land.” Numbers 13:30 ERV

“We saw the giant Nephilim people there! (The descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim.) We felt like little grasshoppers. Yes, we were like grasshoppers to them!” Numbers 13:33 ERV

The problem wasn’t the giants. It’s that they saw themselves as grasshoppers, small and insignificant. Joshua and Caleb chose to focus on God and not themselves. However, the majority were affected by grasshopper thinking and didn’t move forward.

Years later there was another outbreak of grasshopper syndrome. Recently, we discussed the army of Israel’s fear of Goliath. Only David saw past the fear and focused on the greatness of God.

“Today the Lord will let me defeat you. I will kill you. I will cut off your head and feed your body to the birds and wild animals. And we will do the same thing to all the other Philistines too. Then all the world will know there is a God in Israel. 47 All the people gathered here will know that the Lord doesn’t need swords or spears to save people. The battle belongs to the Lord, and he will help us defeat all of you.”” I Samuel 17:45-47 ERV

What giants are you facing today – unemployment, illness, personal relationships, financial hardship, high gas prices, inflation? Don’t fall prey to grasshopper syndrome.

“Children, you belong to God, and you have defeated these enemies. God’s Spirit is in you and is more powerful than the one that is in the world.” I John 4:4 CEV

“A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.” John 10:10 CEV

Take God’s word and destroy Grasshopper Syndrome. Let God’s word have final authority in your life. You are and will be victorious in this life.

Big Smile

Can you believe it? January is over and tomorrow is February. The first month of the year is in the books!

Good, bad or indifferent those days are gone. I hope they were successful and you accomplished what you had planned. My goal was to have everything in place in our new home. I’ve fallen short but 90% complete is better than 50%, so I am satisfied. I know it will only be a few more days and things will be the way I want them.

The thing we haven’t done is stress out over what’s undone; we are enjoying each day in our new home. The perfectionist in me is slowly taking a back seat to the practical me. Dave too. We are allowing ourselves to rest in between projects and not be so driven that we don’t enjoy the process.

That’s why verses like the ones I’m going to share with you today ring so loudly in my heart.

“I will praise the Lord at all times.
    I will never stop singing his praises.
Humble people, listen and be happy,
    while I brag about the Lord.
Praise the Lord with me.
    Let us honor his name.
I went to the Lord for help, and he listened.
    He saved me from all that I fear.
If you look to him for help,
    he will put a smile on your face.
    You will have no need to be ashamed.
As a poor, helpless man I prayed to the Lord,
    and he heard me.
    He saved me from all my troubles.
The Lord’s angel builds a camp around his followers,
    and he protects them.
Give the Lord a chance to show you how good he is.
    Great blessings belong to those who depend on him!” Psalm 34:1-8 ERV

He will put a smile on your face! I like that, and this too – give the Lord a chance to show you how good he is. Just give Him a chance…

We don’t often think about it but we can limit God. We can! When Jesus went from town to town healing the sick and taking care of people’s needs the Bible tells us that when He came to his own hometown He couldn’t do any mighty works because of their unbelief.

“Don’t his sisters still live here in our town? How can he do all this?” 57 So the people were very unhappy because of what he was doing. But Jesus said, “Prophets are honored by everyone, except the people of their hometown and their own family.” 58 And because the people did not have any faith, Jesus did not work many miracles there.” Matthew 13:56-58 CEV

We need to be willing to give God a chance; let’s let Him be God and do what God does. Things get all confused when we try to set ourselves up in His place of authority! Letting God be God brings a peace and contentment.

Start February with a big smile instead of a frown. God’s got this!

Stay Put

This morning I have spent a lot of time praying…so many people and things that came to mind and so I brought them to the Father.

Situations beyond my control; things I would like to see changed, things that concern me and those I love. And as I prayed, I did get the Lord’s peace and I also received His instruction.

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” Isaiah 26:3 NLT

“You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3 NKJV

Same verse – two different translations. Look at those two words that I put in bold type. Fixed. Stayed.

Last week we hung some pictures on the wall of our new RV. They were affixed to the wall with both nails and museum putty. We want to make sure they stay in place when we travel down the road. Some people say that RV’s go through the equivalent of an earthquake every time they are towed. Things have a tendency to move around and we didn’t want that happening with the pictures.

But this morning, that was the image the Lord gave me about my thoughts. If I’m going to be at peace my thoughts need to be fixed and stayed on my trust in the Lord and His word. Held tight in the earthquake of life’s circumstances.

And if that weren’t enough, the Lord reminded me of my teaching just a few days back about hope being our anchor. Again, an anchor is something that holds us in a “fixed” position, so we don’t drift off course. But here’s one more thought the Lord brought to mind. It’s regarding our confidence in His love.

“and that Christ will live in your hearts because of your faith. Stand firm and be deeply rooted in his love.” Ephesians 3:17 CEV

A tree that is deeply rooted in the soil won’t blow over in the wind; it stays in place.

All through God’s word we have examples, word pictures, of the stability and strength that our lives have when we trust, have faith in, stay fixed upon, God’s love for us and the promises of His word!

If you’re having trouble holding on to your peace, then do what Dave and I did with those pictures. Nail them down and stick them in place.

Keep your heart fixed upon the Lord. Make it stay put!

A Kid At Christmas

The last two days, Dave and I have spent with family. Such a joy!

Oh, to be a little kid at Christmas! Parties and presents, candies and cookies, hugs and kisses. What a wonderful time.

On Christmas Eve, as Dave read the Christmas story from the Bible our almost two-year-old great granddaughter stood in front of him wide-eyed, watching his face and soaking in the sound of his voice. All other voices were quiet and he was reading her the best story ever.

Yesterday there was no quiet – only giggles and belly laughs. Each child wanting to show us their presents. I sat on the floor in the dark bathroom as our six-year-old and 4-year-old wanted me to see their solar system projection lights. Life at Christmas is wonderful.

Listening is key – each child wanting to be heard. They all have their own stories to tell. One granddaughter wanted my attention. She told me we could come again in a few days and bring donuts and that she and her brother would eat them in their jammies. Donuts are an important of our “love language” with our grandkids.

Then as we were getting ready to leave and had already given hugs, kisses and said our good-byes our grandson wrapped his arms around me and said “I just had to hug you one more time. I love you so much”. My heart melted! If I hadn’t been listening, I would have missed a wonderful moment.

The Bible records the interaction between Jesus and some little children.

 Some people brought their small children to Jesus so that he could lay his hands on them to bless them. But when the followers saw this, they told the people not to do this. 16 But Jesus called the little children to him and said to his followers, “Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because God’s kingdom belongs to people who are like these little children. 17 The truth is, you must accept God’s kingdom like a little child accepts things, or you will never enter it.” Luke 18:15-17 ERV

Jesus, as great a teacher as he was and as busy as he was, was never too busy to bless the children. Their innocence and their loving acceptance, their childlike faith is an example to all of us. Children don’t need grandiose gestures, they recognize and respond to genuine love.

“Everything and everyone that the Father has given me will come to me, and I won’t turn any of them away. 38 I didn’t come from heaven to do what I want! I came to do what the Father wants me to do. He sent me, 39 and he wants to make certain that none of the ones he has given me will be lost. Instead, he wants me to raise them to life on the last day.” John 6:37-39 CEV

Children come with sticky hands and dirty faces. They come with scraped knees and hurt fingers. They come hungry or tired, excited or upset – they experience a full gambit of emotions and they come to find love and acceptance.

The Father accepts us, as His little children, in the same way. It’s His goal to see that not one of us is lost. He is always ready to welcome us to His presence. He is never too busy and we are never too messy to be turned away.

He’s waiting for us to come to Him – like a kid at Chistmas!

God’s Good Will

It’s important when we read the Bible that we let what we are reading really penetrate our thoughts. Some of the stories we have heard for years and sad to say but after a while they fail to impact us – just one more time to hear it, one more time out of habit but without meaning.

As I told you yesterday, this year I took a new look at the story of Jesus’ birth from Luke 2. I prayed that the impact I received from Luke’s recording of the events would take on new life and meaning. I have not been disappointed.

“Mary was engaged to Joseph and traveled with him to Bethlehem. She was soon going to have a baby, and while they were there, she gave birth to her first-born son. She dressed him in baby clothes and laid him on a bed of hay, because there was no room for them in the inn. That night in the fields near Bethlehem some shepherds were guarding their sheep.” Luke 2:5-8 CEV

Many Christmas cards, movies and books show Mary & Joseph arriving at night. Knocking on the innkeeper’s door and being turned away because there was no room. That may be the way it happened but when I read the verses above, I get a different perspective.

The shepherds had the angels appear to them at night that is true, but by that time Mary had already given birth to Jesus. So, they must have arrived in Bethlehem earlier in the day or even the night before. They had time to “settle in” when the pains of labor started. Joseph had to help Mary and they prepared the stable as best they could for the inevitable.

The birth of God’s Son.

Since Bethlehem was crowded and the inn was full, those staying there would have needed to tend to their animals. Did they come to the stable, hear the commotion, feed their animals and quickly leave? Did anyone ask if they needed help? Although there were no birthing facilities, I’m sure it was not common to give birth in a stable.

Did Joseph have anyone to help him care for Mary following the birth? Did the Father send an angel, disguised as a midwife, to assist them? And then how much time did Mary have to rest and suckle her newborn before the shepherds arrived?

Yesterday, I asked Everyone, Who’s Everyone. This morning I got a little more insight into that as well. The angels didn’t give the shepherds a street location – they had to search for Him, and they found Him, laying in a manger. The everyone could have been the people the shepherds spoke to, asking if anyone knew where there was a new baby who had been born in a stable. Yes, possibly that was who the everyone was.

Life’s events were not turning out as Mary had planned but in all of it, she trusted the Lord.

“Nothing is impossible for God!” 38 Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant! Let it happen as you have said.” And the angel left her.” Luke 1:37-38 CEV

What is it that isn’t going according to your plans this year? Let me assure you that whatever detours life has been taking you on, trusting God with the circumstances will bring a course correction.

He is faithful and His plans are always for our ultimate good!


Many of you know that we spent the summer in the mountains. For two weeks we were in an “evacuation ready” status. The grass and the trees were dry, we’d had no rain and the conditions were right for lightning strikes.

One thing we were told to watch for were smoke plumes. If we saw smoke in an area where we hadn’t seen it before we were to notify our managers who would in turn relay the information to the Forest Service.

We were always on alert.

Oftentimes we experience the same conditions in our everyday life. We are emotionally dry, adverse circumstances come and we begin to smolder. The smoke plume is evidence that we may begin to burn. This isn’t a good sign but it’s something the Father knows how to correct. We alert Him to the danger we are experiencing.

“God, get up and scatter your enemies! May all your enemies run from you. May your enemies be scattered like smoke blown away by the wind. May your enemies be destroyed
like wax melting in a fire. But let good people be happy. Let them gather before God and enjoy themselves together.” Psalm 68:1-3 ERV

God scatters His enemies like smoke blown by the wind, scattered like the seeds of a dandelion, scattered like dust across the prairie. The Lord scatters our enemies, putting out the fire of contention and destruction and brings us to a place of joy.

One of the names the prophet Isaiah used when foretelling the coming of Christ was “Powerful God”, Mighty God.

“This will happen when the special child is born. God will give us a son who will be responsible for leading the people. His name will be “Wonderful Counselor, Powerful God, Father Who Lives Forever, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 ERV

Our powerful and mighty God is victorious in battle, able to defeat His enemies and also those who seek to do us harm. He has given us victory, He has scattered our enemies.

 Loving God means obeying his commands. And God’s commands are not too hard for us, because everyone who is a child of God has the power to win against the world. It is our faith that has won the victory against the world. So who wins against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.” I John 1:3-5 ERV

Our faith in Jesus and who He is and what He has done for us is what brings us to a place of victory. Our Mighty God, our loving Father stands with us against our enemies, (physical, emotional and spiritual). As we stand with Him, we can boldly proclaim “Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!

A Teenager, A Carpenter & A Shepherd

Sometimes I think we forget that the people we encounter through the pages of the Bible were real people just like you and me. They were subject to the same emotions that we experience. I find that very comforting.

This morning I was thinking about the angels that were used to deliver God’s messages to those who had the starring roles in the Christmas story – a teenager, a carpenter and some shepherds.

First let’s look at the message that Mary received.

“The angel came to her and said, “Greetings! The Lord is with you; you are very special to him.” 29 But Mary was very confused about what the angel said. She wondered, “What does this mean?” 30 The angel said to her, “Don’t be afraid, Mary, because God is very pleased with you. 31 Listen! You will become pregnant and have a baby boy. You will name him Jesus.” Luke 1:28-31 ERV

Don’t be afraid.

Then look at Joseph, the carpenter’s, encounter.

 But after Joseph thought about this, an angel from the Lord came to him in a dream. The angel said, “Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to accept Mary to be your wife. The baby inside her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a son. You will name him Jesus. Give him that name because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:20-22 ERV

Don’t be afraid.

And finally, let’s see the message the shepherds received.

 That night, some shepherds were out in the fields near Bethlehem watching their sheep. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord was shining around them. The shepherds were very afraid. 10 The angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid. I have some very good news for you—news that will make everyone happy. 11 Today your Savior was born in David’s town. He is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This is how you will know him: You will find a baby wrapped in pieces of cloth and lying in a feeding box.” Luke 2:8-12 ERV

Don’t be afraid. The message is clear – God never wants our lives ruled by fear. When we are fearful, we react without thinking, often irrationally. God wants us to think clearly, to listen well and to follow His leading in peace.

If any of these three had been moved by fear the outcome of the angels’ announcements could have been very different. Mary may have told the angel to find someone else to mother the Messiah. Joseph, fearing for his reputation, may have decided to follow through with his plan to separate himself from Mary and end their relationship. If the shepherds had been led by fear they may have stayed on the hillside and missed out on seeing the newborn King.

I’ve had to ask myself; how many times have I missed out on God’s leading in my life because I let fear lead and not God’s peace. When the Father reveals His leading in our lives, He will also fill us with His peace.

“I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace as you trust in him. Then you will have more and more hope, and it will flow out of you by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 ERV

Of the three, the teenager, the carpenter and the shepherd, who do you identify with most; the young woman whose life would be publicly and dramatically changed, the businessman whose reputation and livelihood could have been ruined or the shepherd who could have not gotten involved but missed out on the meet-up of a lifetime?

To all of us, who are being led by the Father, the message is the same “Don’t be afraid, I am with you”!

Peace in the Storm

This morning I sat here staring at the Scriptures on the page before me for a very long time before I began to write. I knew I wanted to write about joy but the words weren’t coming. When that happens I know to sit quietly and wait.

So I did.

“Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.

Finally, my friends, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. Don’t ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise. You know the teachings I gave you, and you know what you heard me say and saw me do. So follow my example. And God, who gives peace, will be with you.” Philippians 4:7-9 CEV

” Don’t ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise “

Those words are not a suggestion – they are an imperative!

Here is the Apostle Paul’s instruction: don’t ever stop thinking about what is worthwhile and worthy of praise. There is nothing more worthwhile and praise worthy, there is nothing that will bring us more joy, than thinking about the Father’s love and care.

Paul had been beaten, shipwrecked, stoned, left for dead and imprisoned on numerous occasions and this was his instruction on how to stay focused and at peace. Peace that no one can completely understand, peace that will control the way we think and feel.

The storms we face in this life can be devastating without a proper anchor and that anchor for us is found in the Father.

“God cannot tell lies! And so his promises and vows are two things that can never be changed. We have run to God for safety. Now his promises should greatly encourage us to take hold of the hope that is right in front of us. 19 This hope is like a firm and steady anchor for our souls. In fact, hope reaches behind the curtain and into the most holy place.” Hebrews 6:18-19 CEV

The hope that we have in the Father’s promises, His unfailing, unchanging promises, steadies our souls (our mind, will and emotions) because it reaches to the very throne room of heaven. We have God’s promise that when we come to the throne room we will find help there in our times of trouble.

May I encourage you this morning to look beyond the storm – look through the dark clouds – and find the peace that only God can give. We aren’t promised a storm free life but we do have the Father’s promise of peace, even in the midst of it.

” Don’t ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise ”

Shield of Kindness

I’ve never thought of kindness as a shield until I read this morning’s Scriptures.

All through the Bible we are told that the Lord is loving, gracious and kind. In fact, the words loving-kindness are linked together to more accurately described the Father’s character. The psalmist said “Thy loving-kindness is better than life – thus will I praise thee, thus will I bless Thee”.

But when I read the words “you shield them with kindness” I had to stop and ponder that image.

I don’t know how many movies I have seen of medieval times but in each one the knight’s are always geared for battle and one of those pieces of armor is a shield. A shield is an instrument of war and a vital piece of a warrior’s protection. Think about that for a moment before you read the following verses.

“Listen, Lord, as I pray! Pay attention when I groan. You are my King and my God. Answer my cry for help because I pray to you. Each morning you listen to my prayer, as I bring my requests to you and wait for your reply…Let all who run to you for protection always sing joyful songs. Provide shelter for those who truly love you and let them rejoice. 12 Our Lord, you bless those who live right,  and you shield them with your kindness.” Psalm 5:1,2,11,12 CEV

Here, King David is praying for help, waiting on the Lord to answer his prayer. He ends this Psalm singing praise to God for his protection and deliverance. He, a soldier, of many battles, makes the statement that the Lord’s kindness is placed as a shield in front of those who live right. This shield of kindness protects us from the arrows and swords of our enemies.

If you have been in a battle, or maybe are going through one now, let the Lord place His shield of kindness between you and those circumstances. Sing your songs of praise because the Father provides shelter for those who love Him.

Let your faith in the kindness of the Lord be a shield of protection from all that seeks to harm.

I Will Sustain You!

This morning those were the opening words in my Bible reading, “I will sustain thee”!

Those words have a particular importance to me today. I had been sitting here praying for my dear friend from high school. She and I have shared many experiences, heart aches and joys, over the years. Miles have separated us but the love we share has never waned.

I silence my phone during the night and so when I woke up this morning I had a text from her. She was diagnosed with cancer a week a go. Today she will have exploratory surgery. As I sat here I prayed for her strength and healing, for the medical teams skill and wisdom, peace for her and her family and death to every cancer cell in her body.

A fighting spirit emerged from my heart. I went to my Bible looking for answers and the Lord brought me this verse.

“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” Isaiah 46:4 NIV

God’s word has our answers, there is nothing that comes our way that He cannot change. “I will sustain you and I will rescue you” are great words of promise and hope.

We are never on the sidelines when it comes to our family and loved ones. The Apostle Paul tells us that we are all members of one body in Christ and when one members hurts we should all come to their aide. Our prayers, our encouragement, our faith are needed on their behalf.

And, when we’ve done all we know to do we stand, stand firmly on God’s word.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you are able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the worldly forces of this darkness, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist when the times are evil, and after you have done everything to stand firm. Stand firm then!” Ephesians 6:10-14 TLV

This morning I need some gray-haired prayer warriors to send prayers of encouragement, of healing and strength to my friend. We have a Father who will carry us, sustain us and rescue us.

I believe that with all my heart.

“God is not a man who lies, or a son of man who changes His mind! Does He speak and then not do it, or promise and not fulfill it? Numbers 23:19 TLV

Join me in my battle cry – “He will sustain and rescue”!